Business & Economy: Spring/Summer 2022

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PRINT and ONLINE operate (BTO); build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT); operations and maintenance (OM); or any other form adopted by the Prime Minister, upon the proposal of the relevant minister. The Government or other administration may, on its own initiative or at the suggestion of the private sector, identify a project for its implementation through partnership.

Investment and Trade

Choosing A Business Structure To conduct business in Qatar on a regular basis, foreign investors are required to establish or register a legal presence from the following options: • Incorporating as a company under the Commercial Companies Law which allows full access to Qatar's market and to work on an unlimited number of projects. A Qatari partner is required to own 51% of the capital of the company, except in the circumstances mentioned above. Various exemptions are available to attract foreign capital. • Obtaining a licence for a branch office or trade representation office which does not require a Qatari partner. The licence for a branch is granted in respect of a specific project for a government client. The existence of the branch office is dependent on the duration of a particular project: once the project is completed, the branch office must close unless it has secured additional qualifying projects. Branch offices are only permitted to perform a specific contract and may not engage in general commercial activities with the larger local market. The branch will be fully taxable unless granted a special exemption. Trade representation offices are only permitted to market goods and services; they are not permitted to engage in commercial activities. • Under Law No 7 of 2017 companies in GCC states can now establish companies in Qatar, subject to having had a commercial registration in one of the GCC states for at least three years, and be fully owned and managed by a GCC citizen. Refer to the preceding caveat in Investment Regulations regarding the blockade. • Appointing a commercial agent means a nonQatari company does not establish a presence in Qatar; instead a 100% owned Qatari entity or Qatari national is appointed as an agent to market the relevant goods and services. Commercial agencies must be exclusive and registered in order to be afforded the protections provided under the Commercial Agents Law No 8 of 2002; non-registered distributorships are subject to the Commercial Law No 27 of 2006. • There is a separate regime for establishing an entity in the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC). QATAR BUSINESS AND ECONOMY E-GUIDE ©

This allows 100% foreign ownership and aims to attract international financial services companies and some professional support companies to invest in Qatar. The number of permitted activities in which a QFC firm may engage has been increased to include a broader spectrum of investment options. • The Qatar Science and Technology Park, a free zone in Education City, allows companies to engage in research and development, again with full foreign ownership. • At least one new free zone has started accepting applications and international investors. Qatar Free Zones include: ° Um Alhoul, a 30 sq km site adjoining Hamad Port, south of Al Wakra – offers easy access to the water for maritime and logistics companies, and is a gateway for imports and exports. A port and marine cluster, 'Marsa', is able to support a wide range of marine businesses. ° Ras Bufontas, a 4 sq km site adjacent to Hamad International Airport – a technology and manufacturing hub for businesses requiring international connectivity. • The Cabinet has added some areas to the Free Zones Law, including Msheireb Downtown Doha. • Under Ministerial Decision No 242 of 2016, the MOCI will grant licences for small businesses at home conducting certain commercial activities including sewing, events services, electronic services, business services, cosmetic activities and food activities. A single license is issued per activity, with an annual fee, and cannot involve direct sales to the public from the residence. Decision No 163 of 2018 cancelled the requirement for signage at the house entrance.

Company Structures According to the Commercial Companies Law No 11 of 2015, the following structures are permitted: • Limited liability companies (LLCs) – subject to the Foreign Investment Law can now be established by a single person owning the entire share capital (previously the minimum number of shareholders was two). This replaces the single person company under the old companies law. Shareholders can determine the share capital of an LLC (previously the minimum share capital was QAR200,000 divided into equal shares). • Article 207 company – a shareholding company where the Qatari government, a government owned entity or a public corporation must own 51% of the shares, unless the Council of Ministers consents otherwise. Certain provisions of the Commercial Companies Law are excluded from the company’s Articles of Association.



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