User stories workshop report

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Using personas to create content for onboarding customer’s stakeholders

Introducción Activities Stories and content pieces Workshop conclusion Action plan Ideas parking lot María Angelica S. Service Designer April 2017

Introduction To make the ideas for all the new content actionable, prioritised & relevant with the user at the heart of the process, we need to take a few steps back. We need an overview of our user journeys: We need an overview of how we currently turn the different types of users into promoters. And we need to add how and where in that process our new content will play its part. Objectives • To focus our efforts on the most important content that delivers the biggest impact. • To have a general overview of how we can help the different users become a promoter of Airtame. Expected results • Have a clear base to start developing the most important content for the different user segments • Three stories that describe possible user scenarios with specific content that leads the customer from being on boarded to become a promoter

Why was it important to do?

Activities Date: 20.04.2017 Participants: Volunteers from the revenue team and the developers team (in total 9 people) All US team Activities • Introduction to the tasks and an example on how to do user stories.5 minutes • First story: Getting familiar with the challenge.5 minutes • Second story: Including the content in the right place.5 minutes • Third story: Expand the content . 15 minutes Workshop • Each team had a pin board to hang their stories. • Each team had a group of cards summarizing the personas present in the segment. There were two types, ones with a yellow spot and others without it, this meant that the personas with the spot should be the ones to bring from onboarding to promoter. • Finally each team had templates to fill out with the specific content that they thought was the msot suitable for the specific story.

What have we done?

Stories and content pieces

Enterprise segment Copenhagen team

Story In this case the guest will have a meeting with the CEO and normally has to take a lot of adpaters and cables in his case so he can manage to present. Onboarding: As a solution for the guest the CEO will send him an invitaton to his calendar with a link to download the app and with a basic guide on how to stream when he arrives to the meeting room. This by using an email template. Onboarded: Due to the instructions were clear and appeared again in the meeting room as a confirmation of what he received he had a great experience with the product and asked the CEO about it. The CEO had also a USB with the protable app, in case the guest didnt’ managed to dowload it. Promoter: He leaves the Company wth the desire of pruchasing the product for his own Company and finds abending machine at the exit from the meeting place and buys one device.

Stories and content pieces Most important content

The email template that will be sent to the guest as an schedule invitation was the most relevant piece for this story. It will mark a first contact point for the guest with the product and the company. It will contain a link to download, the address and time of the meeting and the 3-step guide.*

Subject: Meeting onMay 17th Main idea: This meeting is wireless: Meeting tools: Airtame <URL> Come prepeared: Download app adn learn how to use it. (Link to a landing page with a presentation that explains it in a simple and concrete way*)

The * means that the ideas are repeated between teams

Enterprise segment Copenhagen team

Extra content Printable guide*: Concise printable 3 step guide to hhelp new users start streaming, plus instructions to download, install and one-click stream. The three steps could be: • Screenshots with the instructions to start streaming • Who to contact if there are issues • Localised troubleshoot USB Portable app: Giving companies already a distinctive USB stick where they can store the portable app for sharing it directly with their guests facilitating the access to the device features. Promotional flyer: The flyer at the end will be a way to close the experience for the guest, who will be able to connect with the company and have a reference for contacting him. Airtame vending machine: This proposal will be explained in the “Idea parking lot“.

Stories and content pieces

SME segment

Copenhagen team

Story Onboarding: Once the Company purchased the product management needed to present to the employees. To do this they used slack for sharing a notification with a 3-step guide to download and stream and a video explaining what the product does. This guide also gives them troubleshooting and where to go for help. Onboarded: On monday morning the employee wants to do a presentation and she will find in the meeting room a vinile in the wall guiding her how to stream. Once she turns on the tv she will see the instructions in the splash screens, and since the other instructions are the same she will focus on what the Tv says. Later she will open the app and follow the instructions Promoter: After having several streams she will have to give a rating of her experience through the app and according to her answer she will receive an specific notification.

Stories and content pieces Most important content

Message in the Inmediat message platform the Company uses, presenting a 3-step guide for getting to know Airtame, understand how to stream and where to go if there are problems. This guide is the most important for this story, becuase is the one making clear what is Airtame from the begining.

Extra content Printable guide (meeting room guide)*: Concise printable 3-5 step guide standing int he meeting room. The only difference between this guide besides the TV and the slack guide is that this one will include the step of turning on the tv. Application and rewarding system*: The applicaton will be more welcoming from the first moment and will later ask for rating: “how is it going“. In the same style as the Mac screenshot feature: “This is your screenshot 100, how is it going?“ The * means that the ideas are repeated between teams

SME segment

Copenhagen team

The way of doing this is using 5 stars taht will give an answer to the user, if they give two stars there wil be a support link, if they rate it from 4 to 5 then they will have a notification of having graduated from Airtame school. The next step will be like giving the “task” of teaching others about how to use Airtame. Website*: Giving the same information as the guide that was delivered by I.M. but with the chance of sending directly to someones email the inforamtion: • The video of what is Airtame • The 3-step guide on how to stream • Possible troubleshooting

Stories and content pieces

Education segment Copenhagen team

Story Onboarding: The secretary eill receive and email form the IT manager introducing Airtame through an email. She will be able to see how to use and who to ask for help. She will also receive training from the IT Manger through presentations. Onboarded: If she has problems, or needs to find a guide she will be able to access to the enciclopedia that will let her choose the content she needs and download it as well. Promoter: After using the device she will become a super user and will be rewarded by a point system that will make her feel able to help others.

Landing page

Stories and content pieces Most important content Landing page*

Customizable guide platform that let the users modify the content and download the guide created. It will contain all the resources that users may find useful depending on their device use case. (Also makes part of the “Idea parking lot“)

Extra content Email from IT Manager*: Telling: “We are now using Airtame” • How to stream to the Airtame (specific features they are going to use) • 3-step guide • Who to contact if there are issues Presentation: This presentation from the IT Manager will create “super users“, that will help others inside the company, so there will be more people with expertise offering help if needed. The * means that the ideas are repeated between teams

Education segment Copenhagen team

Point system*: Points by using social media that will give them a reward highlighting their learning process with the usage of the product. It could be announced or something they could share in social media. Social media sharing: IT Managers are currently using social media a lot for contacting Airtame, so letting them share something about the ease of use of the product could promote better the product.

Stories and content pieces

Education segment USA team

Story Onboarding: The IT Manager will give a presentation and a video to the schoool director to understand better how the product works. It will point out the benefits in productivity, learning interaction (BOYD) and security (control over the devices). It is important it is not so technical since the most important for the director is the added value the product is bringing to the School. Onboarded: After finding out the benefits of the product she will decide what is the most important information that should be passed to students and teachers, for expressing the value of the product and making it easy for them to use. Promoter: Together with the IT Manager they will place a printed guide in the classrooms that will help the students and teachers showing how to stream. They will also send an emial template for the teachers presenting the product and attaching avideo of use cases from others schools, making clear the benefits and the practical uses of the device. There will be also a blog post that explains how to get started in the educational segment with the device.

Stories and content pieces Most important content

Video that explains “HOW YOU USE AIRTAME”, 2 Min max. concise. It could be animated and give a simple explanation: Highlighting the ease of use and the possible use cases for the specific segment and its stakeholders (Education: Teachers and students in classrooms with BYOD).

Extra content Printable guide*: Concise printable 3-5 step guide to have in the classrooms showing: • How to stream to the Airtame • Who to contact if there are issues • Localised troubleshoot Presentation: Slightly more detail than the video, explaining for example what can they show on a dashboard , what devices can they stream from and what can they show on the screens. Also

Education segment USA team

showing: • How to start your first stream and how to stop the stream • Can students hijack streams? Pin code and inability to connect to Airtame when a stream is action. (Concerns slide) Email: An email that contains concise information and images of: • An easy and simple 3-step guide • An image with a 3-step guide • Link to a FAQ that has more information • FAQ including concerns that teachers would have, because the school of director has the same concerns so she would be settling those concerns • Could also be a link to Airtame/education • Top 5 anticipations (worries) and how Airtame solves those 5 concerns Specific cases blogpost: Blog post that describes how the specific segment is using the Airtame, more than the reviews about the product. It is to deeply understand how they are addressing their specific needs, so other customers can use their example and explore the product’s possibilities. Showing concrete benefits of real life usage of the product, more than intangible descriptions,

Workshop conclusion • The website should serve as a central “got to“ point: Center of information connected to all the segments and their specific needs. • Mapping out the website interaction to have a global overview of the digital offer. This to connect the physical and digital pieces of content the Company is offering aorund the product. • The guide and the email tempalte were the most relevant to connect other stakeholders directly to the the product. • This guide and email template have to work for the different segments and the different stakeholders: By being clear, simple and directed to the use cases. • Define what are the concrete usage cases of the product: In this way we can address better the needs of content, also the levels of knowledge around the usage. • Find customers that are using it in common ways are unconventional ways to show examples: Attracting professionals

Most important learnings

that want to be part of what we do. • Emphasis on empowering the users: Giving them confidence on their knowledge and abilities with the product, by rewarding their milestones while using the product. • Guiding the customers with the content pieces should make clear how easy and smooth is it to use the product, from the first interaction with it. • There is an existing blog that is not visible internally about how a company can promote airtame through slack, email or other platforms. Is clear it should be more evident.

Action plan

What was the result?

•Using this cross helped to prioritize the content designed by each one of the teams. •This applied only for the content created by the Copenhagen team. The US team proposals are included in the list of content for future development, but their feedback is included in the process.

• 3-Step guide printable and aligned for digital version • Email tempalte to be sent internally in Companies

Action plan

What is the plan now?

WEEK 17 - 18 Design of the guide and user testing • Draft from the guide (image in the side) • Digital proposal of the guide • Feedback from the Company • Testing with customers that have requested it Testing • Send email to customers with the guide and questions that can give us more feedback on how do they onboard their stakeholders internally: Email: Hi <name> I am Maria, and I know you were interested on a guide that could explain in a fast and simple way how to use Airtame in your organization. You can find the guide attached to this email, and we would like you to help us answering the following questions: How to teach new users of the product? What do you use and who is in charge of it? How do guests use airtame in your organization? How people use the product if the tv is off? How does the space looks like? (send us picture if possible) Let us know if the guide was what you expected, any feedback you can provide us with is very important for us. Wireless regards,

Guide’s first draft

Ideas parking lot

Extra content ideas to evaluate later

Ideas parking lot

Landing page

Extra content ideas to evaluate later

Airtame bending machine: This machine will sit at the exit of the Companies that have a high flow of customers coming in to present. In this way they will be able to purchase the product automaticly after having a good experience with it.

Reward system: It intends to empower users with their knowledge of usage of the product. This could be done by a system of points, spcefic rewards after using the app for a certain period of time or fulfilling tasks. And this progress can be shared in social media, giving an specific status to customers and possible encouraging others to follow the learning process.

Landing page: A platform that will make customizable the printable guides for each customer. This page will have all the inforamtion a customer may need depeding on their use case and could be placed on our current “/setup” page.

Quiz for super users: An interactive page where customers will be able to test their knowledge about the product. This will be connected to the reward system. So everytime they advance or have correct answers they will receive a “Certificate“.

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