Teleliban brand story

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Télé Liban Brand Story

Our visual identity is the personality we present to our community. It is as important as the service we offer. The guidelines in this manual are created to ensure a consistent and strong representation of the brand. They are not intended to limit creativity but to encourage it in a way that reflects us.


Our story Learn our Past 04 Our mission and soul Follow our Lead 06 Understand our spirit

05 07

Our logo Learn how we got here Nice to meet you 11

Our identity Measure us 16 Play by the rules 18 Preserve our look 20 Speak with our voice


Our applications Use our system 26 Promote us properly



01. OUR STORY Our History Mission Spirit Keywords

04. Our story | Learn our past

LEARN OUR PAST TĂŠlĂŠ Liban has been broadcasting for 58 years. In a country that has witnessed several wars and political tensions, our past has been loaded with events and challenges. Despite all the difficulties, we were able to play a major role in shaping the popular culture in Lebanon. Our strength stems from our spirit of unity and perseverance.

1959 The first TV station in the Middle East. It aired its first programs in May 1959.

1985 The Christian Militia opened an illegal TV station gaining 60% of the market share. Due to the war between East and West Beirut, TL split operations into 2 channels: TL1 & TL2.

1990 40 illegal channels opened as a way for political parties to claim territoriality. TL audience became more dispersed.

2001 TL occupied the last place in the national network ranking. It was closed by the government for a year due to the huge financial loss it was causing it.

2017 TL is broadcasting in Lebanon, Arab World, EU, Australia, Canada, the US with the lowest viewership. Its archive is considered to be a unique cultural heritage of 50 thousand hours of recordings.

1976 TL became a symbol of national reconciliation after the first war. It introduced colors for the first time in the Arab world. It started broadcasting in Arabic & French.

1989 The 2 stations (TL1 & TL2) were bombarded. The militia tried to intervene and stop its broadcasting.

1996 TL invested a huge amount of money to restructure. However, people did not recognize it as a public network anymore. Its role was reduced to delivering the news.

2012 TL scored less than 1% viewership. 50% of its programs were news related which limited the broadcasting of education and cultural content.

05. Our story | Understand our mission and our soul

OUR MISSION AND SOUL Our mission guides us in every decision we make and every service we offer. It works for the benefit of the Lebanese community, in and outside of Lebanon. We similarly remain true to our soul at all times.


Télé Liban creates entertaining experiences that inform and celebrate a unified Lebanese identity.


Reflecting and informing Lebanese identity.

06. Our story | Follow our lead

FOLLOW OUR LEAD Our keywords are reflected in all our communication. They have been chosen to represent our image and to give direction to our communicators.


We are unified and remain true to the role we play in keeping a unified society.


We are colourful because we celebrate the richness of a culture.


We are sleek because we put our content forward in an accessible and studied manner.

07. Our story | Grasp our spirit

UNDERSTAND OUR SPIRIT By developing and shifting our mission, we are also shifting our look and feel. We were guided by our keywords, by our audience and by our mission in the way we have identified our new spirit. While working on the new identity, we stay away from the old feel and reinforce the new.


02. OUR LOGO How we got here Nice to meet you

10. Our logo | Learn how we got here

LEARN HOW WE GOT HERE We went through a very thorough process to get to the final logo. Below are some sketches that lead the way to the selected option.

11. Our logo | Nice to meet you

NICE TO MEET YOU Below is the final logo that is to be respected at all times.

12. Our logo | Nice to meet you

Our logo is made of 2 distinctive parts placed together in a very specific manner.

LETTERFORM MARKS The letterform mark represents the T and L formed by one continuous line. This symbol represents the unity, which is the foundation of our mission. It also shows through the continuity, a forward-thinking with the whole movement pointing upward.

THE DOT The dot represents the broadcasting of a unified Lebanese culture around the world.

TYPE The chosen typeface reflects stability and strength through its steady vertical stems. It has yet a friendly feel due to the slightly rounded edges.

13. Our logo | Nice to meet you

The logo can be used with the symbol on its own.

The logo can be used in a monochromatic version in black or green on a blue background only.

The logo can be used reversed out

03. OUR IDENTITY Measure us Play by the rules Preserve our look Speak with our voice Explore our potential

16. Our identity | Measure us

MEASURE US Below are the structure and the measurements of the logo in its standard format. x= to the cap height of the wordmark

17. Our identity | Measure us

CLEAR SPACE The logo should always be protected from all sides when placed next to other elements. The clear space is equal to the height of the letter T in the logo.

MINIMUM SIZE The logo should not be used in a smaller size than the dimensions mentioned below.

PRINT 3.5 cm

2 cm

DIGITAL 113 px

57 px

18. Our identity | Play by the rules


1. Do not change the placement of any of the elements

2. Do not change the color of the logo

3. Do not use the type logo on its own

4. Do not use one color except black, green or white with outline

5. Do not change the proportions of the elements

6. Do not invert the colors of the logo

19. Our identity | Play by the rules

7. Do not use any effect on the logo

8. Do not use the logo in low opacity

9. Do not outline the logo

10. Do not use the logo on a dark background in its initial colors

11. Do not distort the logo

12. Do not use the logo on a busy background in its initial colors

20. Our identity | Preserve our look


PRIMARY COLORS Both our colors have been chosen with a strong bond to the country. We have added a layer of sophistication to the colors by using a different tint of blue and green. OUR BLUE The blue represents the sea, which is a main symbol of the country. We are indeed proud of our environment and of our water. It also represents stability, strength, and depth. OUR GREEN The emblem of Lebanon is the cedar. The green is embedded in our culture. When we refer to the country, we use the expression the Green Lebanon. The chosen green also stands for nature and serenity.

PANTONE 280C C 100 M 94 Y 28 K 23 R 38 G 43 B 98 #262a62

PANTONE 7465C C 67 M0 Y 41 K0 R 73 G 191 B 172 #48beab

21. Our identity | Preserve our look

SECONDARY COLORS Our secondary colors are based on 4 different categories. Each category represents a type of program we broadcast. These colors can be used in any communication. Green Nature / Adventure Yellow Gastronomy / Culinary Experience Pink Entertainment Purple Heritage



C 50 M0 Y 80 K0

C0 M 20 Y 90 K0

R 140 G 220 B 110

R 250 G 200 B 75









C0 M 100 Y 65 K0

C 45 M 100 Y 45 K 35

R 230 G 10 B 80







R 110 G 25 B 70

22. Our identity | Speak our voice


PRimARy TYpefAce Merriweather Sans Extra Bold Extra Bold Italic Bold Bold Italic Regular Regular Italic Light Light Italic

23. Our identity | Speak our voice

SecOnDAry TYpefAce Frank Ruhl Libre Black Bold Medium Regular Light

04. OUR APPLICATIONS Use our system Promote us properly

26. Our identity | Use our system


Tallet El Khayat, Corniche Channel P.O.Box 4848, Beirut Lebanon

27. Our identity | Use our system

Tallet El Khayat, Corniche channel P.O.Box 4848, Beirut Lebanon

Dear Pierre, But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure? On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee. But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, but expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.

Best Regards, Imad Jean Hachem

Tallet El Khayat Corniche Channel P.O.Box 4848 Beirut Lebanon T +961 1 788 800 M +961 3 387 745

Imad Hachem Journalist

28. Our identity | Promote us properly


29. Our identity | Promote us properly

30. Our identity | Promote us properly

31. Our identity | Promote us properly

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