Taste magasin

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Autumn is here The fall is here, with its warm colors and cold wind, autumn is a perfect time to try new recipes in the kitchen. In this issue we will look into what the autumn harvest has to offer of both ingredients and possibilities. Text: Maria Midthjell Photo: Pexels



Con t en t Fresh Bruchetta on toast

Chocolate fudge cake

Bruchetta on toast is the perfect starter or a light snack in autumn season. warm bread with sweet tomatoas.

What´s better than a soft chocolate fudge cake with raspberries? nothing! the perfect autumn cake.



33 Trine Lohne, and her success story Cheese and its health benefits

Trine Lohne, the founder and owner of Trine på gården tells us about the way to her success as the entrepenour of the brand, and why she chose to focus on home made food with no preservaties.

Cheese, the perfect food for those who have health issues. Life is good but cheese makes it much, much better for you.

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Thight Budget Healthy cheap food might seem like a challenge, but fear not! as tempting as junk food might sound, it reallu can be cheaper to eat healthy food prepared at home.

Seafood and its benefits for your health Seafood is any food which consists of marine life. The food has a rich source of proteins, mineralt and vitamins and is good for your health in many different ways.




Text: Maria Midthjell Photo: Unsplash

Bruchetta Bruchetta on toast is the perfect starter, or a light snack in autumn season. The warm bread with sweet tomatoes and cheese makes it a wonderful dish.

1 baguette, cut in half length 2 teaspoons minced garlic 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese 2 1/2 cups minced roma tomatoes

1/3 cup thinly sliced fresh basil leaf 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

In a medium mixing bowl, add the tomatoes, garlic, basil, vinegar, olive oil, cheese, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and let sit for at least 15 minutes at room temperature to let the flavors marinate. Slice the bread into individual pieces, and toast it. Spoon the mixture on top of the bread.

1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper




Cheese is both healthy and delicious making it a perfect food for those who have health issues. Cheese gifts are also popular nowadays because it is good to share healthy and delicious food to our loved ones. Indeed, as Avery Aames said, life is good but cheese makes it better.

Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Pexels



is well-known that cheese is a delcious treat all around the world. For old ones, cheese is the perfect pair for various beverages like wine, beer, coffee and champagne. For younger ones, cheese is the best pair for their bread and milk. What some of us hardly know is that cheese is one of the healthiest and most nutritious food there is. We listed some of the health benefits of cheese based on research and hopefully this might help change the way you see cheese. Cheese is so abundant in protein, vitamins, minerals, and calcium. All of the three things mentioned above can help cure Osteoporosis. Lack of calcium is mostly the cause of osteoporosis, and since cheese helps a lot in improving bones density and is high in calcium, the perfect type of food to include in your diet. If you are also one of those persons who want to gain weight and become fatter, cheese is also what you are looking for. Weight gaincan be obtained if you eat food that has lot of natural fats and cheese has tons of it. It is very helpful in gaining weight because it is very rich in calcium, fats, proteins, vitamins and different minerals. Cheese is excellent for helping you if you have a better metabolism and stronger bones. Fats and calcium will help you become heavier and proteins for your muscles. The calcium content of food determine whether it is helpful or healthy for the teeth or not. The higher the calcium content, the healthier it is. Hence, cheese is perfect for obtaining stronger teeth because of its richness in calcium. The lactose content of a cheese also lowers as it ages. It is beneficial because there are many stuffs in food that harm the teeth like the forms of sugar such as lactose, maltose and glucose.

Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Unsplash


Beef Taco Beef taco is a inspired twist on the traditional taco dish. The sweet meat combined with fresh cucumber and lime gives the dish a perfect spring feeling.

1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 yellow onion, diced 2 pounds ground beef 1/2 teaspoon paprika powder 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper

1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper 1/2 green lime 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 whole cucumber, diced 20 fajitas -size flour tortillas 1/2 scallions, diced

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C In a skillet over medium-high heat, add the olive oil and onions. Cook until starting to soften, then add the ground beef. Cook the meat until it’s browned, then drain the fat. Add the scallions, red pepper, paprika, salt, black pepper and stir to combine. Add 1/2 cup hot water and stir. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, wrap the flour tortillas in foil and warm in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Cut the cucumber into small pieces and mix with the lime. Serve with the cucumber and lime mix, and other vegetables at choice.


Text: Maria Midthjell Photo: Pexels


The benefits of Seafood




different festivities, seafood is a classic to serve. Sea food is any food which consists of marine life. It includes fish, shrimps, lobsters, seas cucumbers and sea urchins. Sea food is especially famous in coastal region because of its easy availability. Sea food is a rich source of proteins, minerals as well as vitamins. It is known for its weight reducing properties and for being very good for skin and hair. Sea food is so low in sodium content and also it is low in cholesterol. Since the sea food mainly consists of the poly saturated fats which are preferred over the saturated fats, it has become the obvious choice for the health conscious people. Sea food is rich in vitamin ‘B’, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12. Also omega – 3 fatty acids are found in fish which is essential for good health. Since seafood is the house of so many essential nutrients, its therefore very good for our brain and heart. Enjoying edible fish during any season will have your taste buds very excited and wanting to try new and exciting recipes for seafood cooking. Seafood meals will become so easy that you will enjoy creating many seafood, cooking delicacies that you never even tried before. Not only will you enjoy preparing these wonderful seafood meals but your dinner guests will be asking for your secrets for seafood cooking. Edible fishHealth Fitness Articles, shrimp or any seafood cooking is not as hard as you think. You just have to learn the secrets on preparing seafood meals. Many of these recipes are quick and easy and you will be enjoying your seafood meals in no time. Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Pexels







Over the past 30 years, obesity rates have been increasing steadily. During this same time, there has been a significant rise in the amount of calories we consume in the form junk food. Finding healthy foods to eat may seem like a challenge, but it really can be cheaper to eat healthy food prepared at home.

Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Unsplash



you are on a tight budget, finding healthy foods to eat may seem like a challenge. As tempting as all that junk food out there may sound, it really can be cheaper, to eat healthy food prepared at home. And with a little imagination and experimenting with herbs and spices it will taste better as well. The key to healthier eating is to have more healthy foods available to eat at home. Stop going to the drive-thru and get the prepackaged, over processed foods out of your kitchen. Get yourself over to your local grocery store and start buying whole, healthy foods that you can prepare at home with whatever kitchen resources you have there. Increasing your consumption of whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, will actually make your food selections in general much simpler. If the foods you are buying contains more than 5 ingredients and includes a lot of unfamiliar, unpronounceable items, you may want to reconsider buying them. Counting calories, carbs, or fat grams won’t be as necessary when you select foods that are more a product of nature than a product of industry. Finding healthy foods to eat at the grocery store is pretty simple. They are more often found in the “fresh food” sections like the produce and refrigerated meat and fish departments. The frozen and dry aisles also contain good healthy foods, but there are many unhealthy distractions there as well. Making the switch to eating healthy food requires a change in mindset, along with some imagination and preparation. It helps to make a weekly meal plan, and from that a good, organized grocery list to take to the store with you. This will help keep you focused and cut down on the number of trips you make to the grocery store. Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Pexels




Text: Maria Midthjell Photo: Unsplash

Roasted Corn What is better than a freshly grilled corn on the cob on a cold Autumn day? You can choose to make it inside in the warmth, or throw the whole corn in the husk on the embers of a campfire, each choice will taste amazing.

4 big corn on the cob 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese 1/3 cup grated cheddar cheese 1/3 cup thinly sliced fresh basil leaf 2 tablespoons softened butter 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper 1 teaspoon garlic powder

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C or take the corn in a heated pan on the campfire. Remove the husks and silk from the corn and place them on a frying pan. Butter the corn and wrap then in foil. Roas for 20 to 25 minutes. While the corn are in the oven, cut the basil leafs to thin slices. tear the parmesan cheese into pieces, and set the salt and pepper on the table. Serve with salt, pepper, basil, garlic powder and som parmesan and cheddar cheese while they are still very hot.








Fairytale without ending. Trine på gården opened in 2012. It has been an adventure since day one. Trine på gården quickly became a brand far beyond its own boundaries. Perhaps because I was early embarking on good people who worked with marketing and profiling. Retrieving and playing teams of people who are skilled at the things I’m not so good at, have clearly contributed greatly to my success, Trine says. Obviously, there have also been hard times, as it often is for entrepreneurs in the early stages. Horses, cows and sheep are just as abrupt, so erratic. I have been born and raised with farms around me on all bows and edges, but these four-legged animals I will never be familiar with. I’d prefer to have them in front of me on the kitchen counter, finished flattered. In this way, I’m probably more of a town farmer to count. She is the entrepreneur of Trine på gården; a production company in Søgne with a focus on genuine and honest food based on old recipes, and the very best raw materials that home-grown people have to offer. Everything is home-made obviously, without preservatives, artificial dyes or other shreds. Trine is also creative and active co-owner of Bønder I Byen in the city of Kristiansand in Norway, a relatively newly opened restaurant serving urban farm food in a popular and casual atmosphere. Everyday heroes are important, and here we are going to lift everyday heroes, and of course I mean the farmers, and offers eplemost made on the aromas of Per Try in Søgne. Inside the kitchen, Sandra’s daughter is preparing organic oatmeal for today’s first lunch guests. It is toppled with blueberries from Fjælestad, picked by Trine. Text: Trine På Gården Photo: Trine På Gården



i can gather ingredients myself, i gladly do. I gathered 60 litres a weekend last autumn, together with a friend. The sun was shining and we were the only ones wandering around the forest with each of our berry pickers. It was absolutely magical, says Trine.It is in such settlements that she really relaxes, out in the open, with a bucket in hand. Then it will be picked both mushrooms, berries, herbs, peasants and other wilds that most of us have never heard of before. The Interest in genuine and honest food came in a very early age. Grandmother certainly made everything from scratch. She baked, pickled, and tinned according to all the rules of art. My dad also worked as a cook and made a lot of food at home. She thought all the families had it like that until she discovered that there are actually fish sticks that are rectangular! I gradually realized how lucky I was to live like this, growing up with people around me with passion and love for food and a sense of local food traditions. Most People do not have time for that anymore, or they lack the knowledge about our ancestors’ distribution methods. We must take care of and watch over this knowledge for future generations so that they are not lost. Trine has written the cookbook Matminner and dedicated the book to her two children, Sandra (21) and Fredrik (18), just to engage and inspire the interest. Text: Trine På Gården Photo: Trine På Gården





Culinary Skills

There is no such thing as not being a natural cook; everyone can improve their culinary skills. A new wave of culinary workshops is providing fun and relaxed cooking classes which don’t only improve these skills but help you to rediscover your passion for cooking.

Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Pexels



Majority of people want to improve their culinary skills. Whether you are a real foodie who dreams of perfecting your macaroon baking technique and opening your own business, or if you simply want to be able to cook a quick, healthy and delicious meal for the family after work, the main principle for improving culinary skills is the same. Cooking should not be a chore but an enjoyable experience. Nowadays cooking schools are offering cooking workshops which provide a fun, sociable experience where you can learn new culinary skills and recipes from top chefs. Affordable cooking classes are a unique experience, giving you the opportunity to attend with a group of friends on a Saturday afternoon, a couple of colleagues for a short class in your lunch break or on your own for a lengthy cooking masterclass. You will join a group of cooks and create delicious dishes with step-by-step guidance from a friendly and experienced professional chef. After cooking workshops you are given the opportunity to enjoy your food in a dining room with your fellow classmates, for further socialising over a glass of wine. diagrams of an onion and where to slice it, and gone are the days of baking that cake numerous times while tweaking the recipe to prevent it sinking in the middle. Improve your culinary skills and learn how to cook delicious new recipes in a cooking school, complete with handy tips and advice from professional chefs, to really rediscover your passion for cooking.

Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Pexels



Fudge Cake What’s better than a soft chocolate fudge cake with seasonal raspberries. The combination of their sour taste with the intense flavour of chocolate will make this the perfect autumn cake.

2 cup dark chocolate chips 1 stick butter 1/3 cup heavy cream 2 large eggs 2 cups powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 cups all purpose flour 3/4 cup hot water 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 cup buttermilk 2 boxes raspberries

Butter a deep cake pan and preheat the oven to 350 C Melt the chocolate in a pan. Whisk butter together with sugar until you’ve obtained a frothy cream. Add the eggs and stir the mixture after each addition. After that, add both vanilla and melted chocolate.Add buttermilk, flour, baking soda and salt to the mixture. Add water to the blend and use a mixer to obtain a smooth batter. Pour it into the cake pan and bake it in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Prepare the cream in a small pan using chocolate, fresh cream, vanilla, butter and salt. Blend the ingredients over low heat. Gradually add sifted powdered sugar. Spread a layer of frosting on the top of the cake, garnish with raspberries and sprinkle some icing sugar.


Text: Maria Midthjell Photo: Pexels




Over the past 30 years, obesity rates have been increasing steadily. During this same time, there has been a significant rise in the amount of calories we consume in the form junk food. Finding healthy foods to eat may seem like a challenge, but it really can be cheaper to eat healthy food prepared at home.

Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Unsplash




pretty dinig table can help setting the mood in many occasions. How to arrange your dining table in a professional way? There are many ways to arrange your dining table, depending on the occasion, time, place, atmosphere, etc. You can set a dining table on the beach, which ever setting techniques for your dining table is setting an attractive table, as it often is as important as serving good food. Weather casual or elegant, general or formal, table setting should be able to influence the diner’s appetites. Dining table is a centre for many lifestyle activities, for example, family, anniversaries, ceremony, Birthday party, Christmas and so on. This article will guide you on how to arrange dining table in basic format for general use in daily life. The first thing you should consider is the table. When considering a dining table, its shape and size is the most important since it affects the space in your dining room. The common types of dining table are generally made from wood. For all dining table occasions, generally, cutleries and glasses should be placed in the order in which they will be used. Also, napkin, place the napkin on top of the main plate. Otherwise, place it on the side plate or underneath the knife and spoon.Try to create more of an atmosphere for your dining table. This should be created in which every occasion. It’s usually helps in creating of a more colourful dining experience. Setting out a special centrepiece, such as a bouquet of flowers , candles and soft music would be a great idea for all you dining occasion. Text: Articlesfactory Photo: Pexels



Text: Maria Midthjell Photo: Unsplash

Carrot Soup This luxurious carrot soup are the perfect starter for thanksgiving dinner. The smoothness and velvet feeling of the soup mixed with spices makes this a healthy autumn classic.

1 kg carrots, halved 3 cm piece ginger 100 ml extra-virgin olive oil 1 1/2 tsp raisins 1 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 2 onions, skin on and whole 1 tsp coriander seeds

1 L chicken or vegetable stock 1 large bulb garlic minced 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper 1 teaspoon salt coriander to serve (optional)

Preheat oven to 200ยบC Place the carrots and ginger in a casserole, then add 2 tbs oil, 1 tsp cumin seeds, coriander seeds,1 tsp salt and 1 tsp cracked pepper. Add the onions, speck and garlic bulb and drizzle each with a little oil. Roast, uncovered for 40 minutes until the carrots are almost tender. Add the stock and 1 cup (250ml) water to the pan and cook for a further 10 minutes or until hot. Remove from oven. Squeeze garlic from the bulb and peel the onion. Use a blender to process the contents of the casserole until smooth. Heat oil in a frypan over medium heat. Add 1/2 tsp cumin seeds. Cook, for 3-4 minutes until crisp. Drain, then season with salt. Top soup with raisins and coriander.



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