Hansel and Gretel Authors: Malena Gutman Carolina Juana Martina Closs New Version: Hansel and Gretel The story of Hansel and Gretel that you have read many times is not the real story of Hansel and Gretel. The real story of Hansel and Gretel is the one we are going to tell you now. Once upon a time, there lived a poor woodcutter with his lovely wife and two kids, Hansel and Gretel. They loved each other very much, but their father had to work very hard to keep the family together because they were very poor. For this reason he could not spend too much time with his wife and children. It happened that there were no more trees left in the area where they lived and as you know this good man was a woodcutter. He and his wife decided to travel for a week to a different place to find out if there were trees to cut down. Hansel and Gretel would have to stay with their aunt, Atropos. Atropos was Hansel and Gretel´s mother´s sister. The kids were very excited because they hadn’t seen their aunt for six years since she had moved to another country far away. They couldn´t wait to spend time with her. When she finally arrived the two sisters hugged. “Hello dear sister, “said Atropos happily.