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Mariana Torres Salom達o Resume

Mariana Torres Salomao

Nationalities: México / Brasil e.mail: 5107089749

Education Aug/2015 - to date

Aug/2008 - Sep/2013 Aug/2011 - Jul/2012


Masters in Urban Design University of California at Berkeley MUD Thesis: Sustainability as a strategy for cities with a declining oil economy. The case of Ébano, México On going Bachelor in Architecture, First in class Facultad del Hábitat Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México Thesis : The formation of architectonic thinking Honorary Mention Exchange Program (Architecture) Facultade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Universidade de Brasília, Brazil


Native language


Native language


Advanced level- 100 points on the TOEFL iBT


Intermediate level- Six semesters at the Languages Department of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


Basic level- One semester at the Languages Department of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Professional and research experience Nov/2013 - Jul/2015

KVR- Arquitectura de Paisaje Landscape project manager Mexico city, Mexico Developed a database for quick work quotation process Created a database for vegetation used in the office projects In charge of several projects that included design, architectonic layout, constructive detail layouts, 3D modeling, vegetation photoshoping, quotations and construction supervision

Fev/2013 - Aug/2013

SUMA - Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente Social Service Morelia, Mexico Developed a mapping system to illustrate territorial growth of several cities in the Michoacan state In charge of an exhibition to showcase the created maps

Jun/2011 - Jul/2011

Mar/2011 - Jun/2011

AMC - Academia Mexicana de Ciencias Summer scientific research program Morelia, Mexico Worked in an infraestructure study of the main plaza of Aranza and Cocucho, Purépecha culture towns in the Michoacan state Cadena arquitectos Project designer San Luis Potosi, Mexico Collaboration with architectonic layout and 3D modeling of diverse projects

Awards and acknowledgments Sep/2015

CONACYT - SENER Sustentabilidad Energética 2015-2016 scholarship for masters degree


Award for obtainig the highest score in the last semester of the bachelor degree at Facultad del Hábitat of the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí

Jul/2013 Aug/2011 - Dec/2011

TOP Brasil - México, scholarship given by Santander y CuMex Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto Cultural exchange program CuMex scholarship for international exchange

Jan/2010 - Dec/2011

San Luis Potosi’s state coordinator of CONEA (National Architecture Students Council)


Award for obtainig the highest score in the 5th semester at Facultad del Hábitat of the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí


Award “Premio Hábitat 2009” for the best project in the category of level I and II projects of Architecture Bachelor

Published works Sep/2013

Publication of project presented at the “Architecture, habitat, art and design workshop, Enhancement of Aké ruins, Tixkokob, Yucatán”, with the social participation of public and private agencies involved in the preservation of the cultural edified heritage. UADY - p. 300

Courses and workshops Dec/2015

“Guangzhou Island wrokshop”. International joint Urban Design workshop of Guangzhou International Biotech Island withs SCUT and UC-Berkeley


“Landscape analysis, representation and managment”, imparted by PhD. Luis Felipe Cabrales Barajas. Geography institute, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Architecture, habitat, art and design workshop, Enhancement of Aké ruins, Tixkokob, Yucatán”, 8th International heritage preservation seminar. Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mexico


“Iconology course” imparted by PhD Pablo Chico Ponce de León. Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Morelia, Mexico


“8th latinamerican social workshop”, main theme: S.O.S. Social workshop organized by CLEA (Latin-American Architecture Students Council), Quito, Ecuador.


“Researhc seminar: Spain and Mexico’s world heritage cities: comparative experiences of sustainable planning and mangment”, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.


“2nd International workshop: Contemporary architecture insertion in a vernacular context” VI International Seminar of Heritage preservation. Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico


“Mesoamerican architecture and urbanism” course, Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico

Jul/2010 - Aug/2010

“Interpretation of architecture documents seminar” Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico

Jun - Jul of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010

Intensive music summer course at the Conservatorio de las Rosas, A. C., Morelia, Mexico Instruments: Piano and Afro-Latin percussions

Skills and aptitudes Photoshop Illustrator InDesign

Lightroom Autocad Archicad

Sketchup Artlantis ArcGis

Photography Furniture design

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