Mariana Torres SalomĂŁo
Retirement house
Engineering school intervention
Student apartments
Commercial tower
Family residence
Arquine competition No. 15
Photographer house
O’Donnell project Explanada house
Paranoa’s urban expansion
Morelia’s territorial growth
Charapan intervention workshop
VII Latin-American social workshop (S.O.S. Ecuador 2011)
Bosque 6060
Arquitectura, Hábitat, Arte y diseño workshop (Aké ruins)
Bicentenary pavilion Mobile tourist information center
Furniture design
Sketches and drawings
Catholic church Early stimulation center
(KVR - project) Mexico city, Mexico
KVR – Arquitectura de Paisaje is in charge of incorporating landscape design into the open green areas of the 5 towers, the vegetation around the roads that lead to the towers entrance and to improve the vegetation on the castle and the forest.
Today the property is projected to be an apartment complex of 5 apartment towers with the previous castle as the common area. Leaving almost half of the property as the forest it is today.
Section 1
Fase 1 tower
General layout Section 2
Section 3
Ground level - Acces
Fase 1 tower
The conceptualization of the project is property of Kees Van Rooij, owner of the office and main designer of all the landscape projects of its office. The project is still being analyzed and it’s now on the second stage of design. The construction of the first tower is intended to start at the end of 2015. My participation in the project was the continuation of the design made by Kees in order to make it feasible for the client needs. At the office, we divide the project into 3 stages of design: conceptualization, preliminary project and executive project for construction, which are my responsibility. In addition, I realize the project budget and the quotation for the construction. When the construction begins, I will be in charge of the supervision.
The Project Bosque 6060 is located in the Desierto de los Leones’ street near National park Desierto de los Leones. The plot of land of approximately 567.467,00 sq m. with a construction imitating a castle from the 10th century that was the country house of the previous owner.
Section 4 5
4 2
Section 5
3 1
Level 1
Fase 1 tower Section 6
Date: Jan 2013 - to date
Project property of KVR - Arquitectura de Paisaje Designer: Kees Van Rooij Project leader: Mariana Torres Salomao
Principal view
Fase 1 tower
General section
(KVR - project) Puebla, Mexico Under construction
O’Donnell project in Puebla is a complex of industrial warehouses for the company Audi. O’Donnell is the architect’s office in charge of 2 of the industrial warehouses of the complex, and we are working together to introduce landscape into the project. The main idea of the project is to create a tree-lined way for the workers, generating sunlight effects of shadows and lights that interact with the user. It also focuses on the entrance of the complex, a roundabout that is expected to be an important milestone of the industrial complex. The construction of the industrial warehouses has already started and the landscape will initiate on February 2015. The conceptualization of the project is property of Kees Van Rooij, owner of the office and main designer of all the landscape projects of its office. My participation in the project was the continuation of the design made by Kees in order to make it feasible for the client needs. At the office, we divide the project into 3 stages of design: conceptualization, preliminary project and executive project for construction, which are my responsibility. In addition, I realized the project budget and the quotation for the construction. When the construction begins, I will be in charge of the supervision.
Vehicular entrance
Planta General de Paisaje
San José Chiapa, Estado de Puebla, México
David O' Donnell
General layout O' DONNELL - PUEBLA KVR - PSJ Clave:
Euler 152 - 305 Polanco Reforma México D.F. 11560 Tel. (55) www.kvr-arq-paisaje.com
1:1000 Escala
Green areas
Section 2
Section 3
Pedestrian entrance Norte
Section 1
Date: Nov 2014 - to date
Project property of KVR - Arquitectura de Paisaje Designer: Kees Van Rooij Project leader: Mariana Torres Salomao
Croquis del Proyecto
(KVR - project) Mexico city, Mexico Under construction
This project was made for a client that restored his house and wanted to improve the green areas. The house has 11 trees that already existed and were preserved; we introduced 4 more in the public areas and 7 more inside the house with low vegetation to create volume into the green areas. The idea was to recreate a little forest inside de house. Explanda House is a small project that was conceptualized in 1 week and started its construction right away. Today, the construction is almost done with a positive result. The conceptualization of the project is property of Kees Van Rooij, owner of the office and main designer of all the landscape projects of its office.
Ground level
My participation in the project was the continuation of the design made by Kees in order to make it feasible for the client needs. At the office, we divide the project into 3 stages of design: conceptualization, preliminaryproject andexecutiveproject for construction, which are my responsibility. In addition, I realized the project budget, the quotation for the construction, and the construction supervision. Level 1
Date: Nov 2014 - to date
Property: KVR - Arquitectura de Paisaje Designer: Kees Van Rooij Project leader: Mariana Torres Salomao
Level 2
URBAN PARANOA’S EXPANSION (Team project) Brasilia, Brazil
Created in 1957, Paranoá was at the beginning
the place where workers of the construction of the new Federal District of Brazil lived. Today the city presents a high rate of self-sufficiency, with a huge amount of inhabitants working at Brasilia, making it a commuting city. It has enviable infrastructure, with almost 100% occupation, diversified commerce and a good urban life. In spite of these great qualities, it also has the typical problems of a nonplanned city that has grown spontaneously, resulting in a low rent population and technological deficiency.
Linear park section
Local street section
Linear park avenue Commercial avenues Main streets
DESIGN PREMISES To guarantee the ocupation with the same social class as the existing city. To keep the strong density of the existing city. To include vertical residential buildings so there are more free areas (without harming the density). To create more green public spaces. To integrate the urban street design with the existing one. To integrate bikeways in all the main avenues for the expansion and the existing city. To guarantee the pedestrian permeability in both the projected and the existing city. To integrate Jane Jacob’s concept of “eyes on the street”. To integrate the project with the existing in social and economic terms, unifying them. To promote Paranoa’s integration with the rest of Brasilia’s population. Date: aug - dec 2011
Team: Mariana Torres Salomão, Melissa Aragón, Gabriela Advincula
Local streets Green public areas Wasate and rain water treatment plants
URBAN PARANOA’S EXPANSION (Team project) Brasilia, Brazil
Commercial avenue section
Local street section
Cities’territorial growth in Michoacan state Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente
The entire project of the territorial growth of the cities belonging to Michoacan state arises in respond to register the exponential growth of the cities in the past years in order to create awareness of the necessity of urban planning in the state. This project was done as part of the social service given at the Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente and it was presented in the forum: Foro sobre la Problemática Urbana. Hábitat y territorio, perspectivas sobre políticas urbanas hacia el siglo XXI. The aim of the project was to show to the community today’s problems of rapid growth of the territorial occupation of the main cities of Michoacan state. Also to show the increase of vehicles in the past 20 years, the deficiency of the roads, the low occupation of the territory and the rapid population growth.
In this project I was in charge of the digitalization of the maps, the translation of the information gathered into graphic tables and the organization and instalation of the exhibition.
SYMBOLOGY 1950 1960 1970 1980
Delimitation of the actual urban area City fabric Roads Contour lines
Vacant land
Date: jan to may 2013 Project property of SUMA - Sectretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Ambiete of Michoacan, Mexico. Collaboration during university social service to the country.
(Team project) Michoacan, Mexico
Charapan is a small town located in the
Purépecha sierra of Michoacán state in Mexico. Its traditional house is called troje, and the troje has specific aspects that differentiate it with other types of construction. It is made of wood, with gable roof and is inserted in the middle of a big property dedicated to cultivation of different types of plants and food, particularly corn. The target of the workshop was to insert contemporary architecture into this vernacular context. To do so, we first proceeded to perform a complete reading of the space and the town. Then we reinterpreted the traditional elements that grant the cultural identity value. We decided to retake the element of big open spaces, leaving a central patio that works as the main organizing element, unifying the public area. We retook the machi-hembrado technique that allows trojes to disassemble and reassemble in another place, giving the project a major flexibility and dynamism, which is an important aspect to the contemporary society that is changing constantly.
Module 1
Date: jul 2010
Team: Mariana Torres Salomão, Arturo Martin Tuz, Jasmín Ríos Alcántara, Abraham Vega Cuenca, Ramsés Fernández Silva
Module 2
Contemporary integration to the existing construction
The volume is projected toward the different historical periods of Aké
(Team project) Yucatan, Mexico
Aké is located in Tixkokob, Yucatan, it is known by this name because of the mayan ruins and the old farm constructed over them. The workshop idea was to explore the different stages of Aké, and how they could be integrated with contemporary architecture or interventions in order to boost Aké’s low economy. The project was a result of a full study of the town and it’s community. The local people know and apreciate the value of their past, nevertheless the patrimony of Aké has been deteriorated in the past few years because of the lack of information and resources. The economic activities have been fragmented, resulting on the migration of the local people to other towns in search of employment.
Current state of Aké The structure is flexible, made of stell with a fabric made of heniquen threads Steel
Heniquen threads
Existing construction to be ristored
Conceptualization process
As a result we propose a series of general, regional and local strategies to preserve Akés heritage, in addition we integrated architechtonic elemtes that will help the new valuation of the town.
Local intervention propopsal
Date: Nov 2012
Team: Mariana Torres Salomão, Erica Poot, Pedro Tzuc
Specific intervention project
The target of the workshop was to generate a prototipe of house or protection in case of sudden emergency like natural dissasters that are common in Ecuador. During the prbolematic acalysis, we dived the problem in several stages: prevention, natural dissaster,asimilation,reconstruction, re-ubication and consolidation. Our project is focused in the asimilation stage of the victimes. Our artefact is a temporary response to the problem, taking advantage of the prevention stage, in which the shelters will be created to give protection and food to the afected people. The idea of the artefact, is to generate a practical object that could answer to the basic needs of the user at the asimilation stage. The object is a rapid solution to the problem during and after the emergency. The artefact has an elemental system that is modular, folding and it can be easily manufactured in large-scale. The concept of the artefact was taken from the children game “Tablitas mágicas”, and was translated by the study of the human body.
Date: apr 2011
Team: Mariana Torres Salomão, Vanessa Guillén, Andre Parra, Oliver Merino, Diego Cervantes
Longitudinal section
The project was intended to create an area that improves the quality of the engineering students life in the Engineering School of the university.
Frontal view
The concept was to intervene the existing building with additional spaced that gives a particular identity based on the topologic relationships between the existing construction and the new one creating a new space of social interaction for the students. As a result, the new element was a bridge that unifies the existing building with the new plaza, creating an entrance to the first level that only could be accessed from a very long location.
Right view General layout
The space produced by the bridge functions as a roofed area where students can reunite to chat or study. In the fist level, equipment for photocopies, internet and work stations was introduced.
Ground level
Date: feb to jun 2010
Level 1
(Team project) Brasilia, Brazil
The north commercial sector is located at northeast of Brasilia’s central region where tall buildings are inserted into the city, and its delimited by the Monumental Axis and the main bus station, the south road axis, the Aytron Senna sport center and the radio and television sector. The expectation of the project was to create a building with a mixed use of soil. As a result, an orthogonal tower was created. It responded to the design lines of the existing buildings in context. In addition, we integrated an irregular platform that brings movement to the architectural complex. Aesthetically the tower is protected with a translucent membrane that functions as a solar protection for the facades of the tower and the platform. Combined with the membrane, we introduced long aluminum sections of different sizes and in different directions in order to create the open spaces that will form the windows of the inner spaces. These also help with the overall beauty of the building and helps to protect it from solar radiation. The irregular platform is the main attraction of the complex, allowing dynamic public spaces inside and outside the edification. The project is intended as a solution to today’s urban needs as to urban mobility, high population density; public spaces that generate coexistence, in summary it is intended to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the city.
Library Layout General layout
Platform layout
Free system layout
Date: jan to jul 2012
Team: Mariana Torres Salomão, Jesica Leyva, Teresa Gómez Commercial layout
Free system layout
(Team project) Brasilia, Brazil
Right view
Front view
Transverse section
Back view
Longitudinal section
ARQUINE COMPETITION NO.15 Mexico city, Mexico
Architecture design is integrated into an urban context assuming the existing reality based on the language and conditions of contemporary architecture. In any architectural intervention, it is necessary to find balance between its components. As a result, in this project we propose an integral vision of architecture, where both the built-up and natural and cultural sides are important, because identity is found in the search of differentiation. The complex “Habita Miguel Alemán Valdés” seeks to generate a sense of membership into the community, where the individual is joined to the collective, always answering to the actual social circumstances.It generates a series of public spaces to form interior and exterior green areas that propitiate life in community. The formality and functionality of the complex is developed by the individual – modules – that transform into the collective, looking forward to solve the mass construction of social housing in Mexico. Striking this issue, the project tries to reduce the costs by constructing the modules with prefabricated materials that are a lot easier to assemble and construct, without leaving aside aesthetics and security. It also focuses on achieving a better quality of live, and context adaptability.
Front view
General view
Modular construction Type 1
Duplex level 1
Date: may 2013
Team: Mariana Torres Salomão, Jesica Leyva, Orlando Lupercio, Perla Sierra
Modular construction
Modular construction Type 2
Duplex level 2
Modular construction Type 3
A pavilion is a lightweight construction that has a lot of open spaces where collective activities are carried out such as: art exhibitions, outdoor markets or temporary events.
Transverse section
The objective of the project was to create a pavilion that hosts the commemoration of the bicentenary anniversary of Mexico’s independence. The characteristics of the field where the pavilion will be constructed had some specific issues: it is the Santiago’s river mouth, so the project has to be elevated.
Longitudinal section 1
Longitudinal section 2
Because of the terrain conditions, the project resulted in a complex of 4 diamonds (octahedrons), divided into 8 pyramids, 4 of them inverted to function as the structural support of the platform. The pyramid was chosen because of its historical importance in the Mexican culture, besides it is the most stable regular polyhedron because of its geometry. The concept was to retake the Mexican landscape as principal element: the mountains and the Mexican pyramids. The center of the pavilion works as a big platform that function as a public open space where people reunite and socialize, an architectonic distribution that is considered as part of the Mexican identity since the prehispanic time.
Date: aug to dec 2010
Parking lot Auditorium Road to the dam
Food area
Open area Gallery
Access plaza
Playground Gallery Food area
Parking lot Gallery
General layout
Exhibition pavilion layout
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
A tourist information center offers a conjunct of services with the objective of inform, orient, attend and facilitate a good stay during its journey. A mobile tourist information center is a respond to a specific necessity: to be easily detachable and movable to be located in various pints of the historic center of San Luis Potosi. To create this mobile center we translate a basic geometric figure: the hexagon. Based on the study of this figure, it was decomposed into 6 equilateral triangles, which constituted the 6 parts of the module. The flexibility of the module consists in the relationship of the triangles, they can be accommodated in several ways according to the place where the module is located. Some parts of the mode can be omitted in case of reduced space and the module can be completed with another one if the space is extensive. The project is very versatile; it can be accommodated perfectly to the user needs in a specific time and place.
Date: jan to jul 2010
Longitudinal section
Flexibility of the module
Tansverse section
Hinge Hinge
Module 1 Metal sheet
Information area
Telescopic column
Hinge Hinge
Self service information area
Recreational area
Recreational area
Platform of the module
Self service information area
Traslucid tarp to close the modules if necessary It is stored in the columns
Skid metal sheets
High ressistance RHS support
Little wheels for easy transportation
Walls of the module
Detachable shelves
Layout sample 1
Layout sample 2
Information desk
Self service information area
Recreational area Self service information area
Folding desk top
Module 2
Information area Recreational area
Module 3
Modular sofas
Detachable chairs
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
This project was very interesting in the sense of using the magical sense that religion has: faith. The concept was based in the function of the church, to be a tool of transition between earthly and spiritual. The church has the task of being the guide for the path to the man towards heaven. As a result, the altar represents the higher part of the church: heaven; the priest is the guide of the path; the assembly is the body of the church, where the religious sit to be guided; and the entrance is the frame that defines that step to be taken between the earthly and spiritual.
Frontal view
General layout
Besides this analogy, the project tries to integrate into the city context and at the same time tends to isolate in search of peace and meditation away from the city noise. This was accomplished by the use of vegetation, leaving the view to the Tangamanga park..
Left view
Right view
Longitudina section
Ground level Trnasverse section
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Early stimulation centers are one of the alternatives that help child’s development. It is basically a preventive and enrichment work that has as a goal the development of top child potential. The concept of the project presented as an early stimulation center was that nature becomes part of the kids’ interest. Generation of big open free spaces where children of different ages can interact and socialize with each other. The central patio is the reunion point of the entire complex; it is the focus of the proposal. The formal result is an analogy of a reguilete, a Mexican toy that is manufactured in a way that it moves with the wind and integrates itself to the movement of the trees. The project is a reflection of the toy’s liberty of movement and expression in all ways possible: spatial distribution, shape, color, smell and existential expression. This center is a place where all children have liberty of movement by playing, running, interacting, enjoying, etc., with others and with the environment. The main idea is to help children to coexist with the city and the society they live in. To become a member of the public world they cannot escape as social human beings.
Date: jan to jul 2010
Frontal view
Back view
Left view
Right view
General layout
Longitudinal section
Tansverse section 1
Tansverse section 2
Tansverse section 3
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
One of the bigger problems that society deals with is when citizens reach senior age. Often older people find themselves alone, and even if they have family, most of the time they are occupied in the constant hustle of day-to-day life and don’t have time to visit them as they wish. “G Major” is a project that is comprised of an apartment complex for older people in which they can fend for themselves without the necessity of family care. This place is thought of as a complex formed by a series of buildings that connect and provide primary services after studying older people necessities. The community includes several spaces that encourage the coexistence with other human beings, communication with our spiritual beings and contact with nature; integrating the constructed areas with the open spaces. This introduces a circuit in which the user can walk, think, remember, enjoy and live. The concept is inspired by the phrase “Architecture is frozen music” by Shopenhauer, that is where the name “G Major” was born. The project is looks forward to create a symphony between the elements that compose it, creating open, closed, public, private, active, passive, noisy, silent, religious and atheist spaces.
Date: aug to dec 2012
Front view
General layout
Back view
Longitudinal section
Transverse section Apartment distribution layout
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
The advantages of creating apartments is the better use of space, they are built vertically and not horizontally. Because of the same reason they tend to be smaller than houses, but also cheaper. This specific project was intended for university students of middle class. The project is an apartments complex with public spaces that encourage coexistence between the tenants. This public areas are thought not just for entertainment they are also projected to encourage the academic life of the students.
1 Longitudinal section 1
2 Longitudinal section 2 Ground level
The concept is to drive away the student of its common life at the university, trying to create a home for those away from their hometowns. Home integrates all human necessities, from pragmatic ones to the existential ones. The objective of the project is to create a place where the student is allowed to exist and habit in all the ways possible the place where he or she lives.
1 Right view
2 Left view Patter plant for levels 1, 2 and 3
Date: feb to jun 2010
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
This house project was a proposal for solving the needs of a Mexican medium income family in San Luis PotosĂ. The house is thought to adequate to the physical-geographical conditions of its location, maintaining the existing language of the neighborhood and the exiting trees of the property.
Front view
Back view
The concept is structured from the reinterpretation of the Mexican central patios of the colonial houses. Because of the importance of understanding the way of living of the Mexican and specific family, I concluded that wide spaces with a central patio as the central axis of distribution of such spaces was the best way for the house to function as well as providing the emotional and sensorial aspect of architecture that is implied in the fact of living.
Longitudinal section
The central patio is not only the central axis that integrates the complex; it is also the green area, the garden of the house, where the common activities will take place.
Date: jan to jul 2011
Transverse section
Ground layout
First level layout
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
This house is projected to a specific person, a photographer, and so it intends to satisfy the necessities of not just a house but also a studio for a professional dedicated to photography.
Longitudinal section
The importance of the project goes beyond creating a home for the user, it looks forward to create a home and a place for work and exposition of its work, integrating with the context and following the topography of the terrain where it is inserted.
Transverse section
In order to do that, the project is a series of platforms that accompanying the slope variation of the terrain. Each of the platforms with a specific purpose according to the necessities of the user. The public areas where separated from the private, generating a dialog between the platforms. The idea of the platforms was generated in a brainstorm with my teammate, then were to locate the platforms was my idea. The distribution of the areas was created by the idea of going from public to private, which was also my idea. The work production of architectonic layouts and 3D modeling was mine, while the photoshoping and structural concept was made by my teammate.
General layout
Ground level
Level -1
Date: aug to dec 2011
Team: Mariana Torres SalomĂŁo,, Teresa GĂłmez Level -2
Level -3
Rooftops layout
FURNITURE DESIGN Personal interest
PHOTOGRAPHY Personal interest