M A R I A N W E L C O M E S V P / P R I N C I PA L S R . K A T H L E E N The arrival on July 1, 2004 of Vice-President for Instructional and Student Activities, Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait, O.P., “brings energy and expertise to the Principal’s Office,” notes President Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P. “Having Sr. Kathleen at Marian Catholic is a strong sign of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield support of the mission of MCHS.” Sr. M. Paul and Sr. Kathleen worked together with Sr. Paul as Principal and Sr. Kathleen as Assistant Principal at Sacred Heart-Griffin High School in Springfield. Sr. Kathleen assumed the role of Principal when Sr. Paul left to come to Marian Catholic. After a successful tenure at Sacred Heart-Griffin, Sr. Kathleen served in the Archdiocese of Chicago Offices as Assistant Superintendent for High Schools. Sr. Kathleen also has had her own MCHS experience as a teacher and Student Council Moderator from 1984 to 1987. “I have long been impressed with the spirit and excellence that is Marian Catholic,” Sr. Kathleen said. “It’s an honor to return as principal and be a part of Marian’s rich
history and bright future.” In July, Sr. Paul and Sr. Kathleen attended a national seminar that focused on the high school president / principal model. Understanding that this model is a priority for both (see MCHS Organizational Chart, p. 3), “The president/principal model offers many advantages to a school community,” Sr. Kathleen explained. “The administrative structure provides the resources for institutional advancement necessary for Catholic Education today, while still maintaining the personnel and focus on the students and educational program.”
Vice-President, Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait, O.P.
The model is off to a smooth start since July 1. “Knowing Sr. Kathleen’s secondary acumen, strong boundaries, and love for staff and students makes it easier for me to leave the day-to-day operations in her hands, especially with the demands of Advancement’s focus on our current LongRange Plan,” Sr. Paul noted. “I intend to be fully present and active in the operations of MCHS, just with a different focus. With the Long-Range Plan (soon to be outlined in the MCHS Annual Report) having to be
made specific with a series of action plans, there will be enough work for everyone.” Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait’s priorities will be focused on the educational and co-curricular programs of the school. “I look forward to re-acquainting myself with the Marian community and working with the teachers and staff for the educational well-being of our students,” continued on page 3
A L U M N I ' R A C E ' TO O H I O G AT H E R I N G “Ohio,” the Marian Catholic High School grads who assembled outside Dayton told the MCHS Advancement Team, “is an undiscovered gem.” Watching the first race at Thistledown Race Track east of Cleveland the next day, Director of Development Carol (Burke) Swanson ’81, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Pete Ruhl, and President Sr. M. Paul McCaughey ’67, cheered that thought. Taking “the show on the road” to Ohio was the brainchild of Sue Procanyn Perram ’89 and it served to reconnect MCHS with an enthusiastic group of grads.
Peter Ruhl, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement visits with David Emig ’98 and Bob Seymour ’86 at the MCHS Ohio Gathering in Fairborn.
“I was really looking forward to meeting everyone from Marian, especially Sr. M. Paul,” explained Bill Murphy ’68, who owns Thistledown and served as Marian’s host. “I’m sorry I had to go away and miss the opportunity, but I certainly invite everyone back next year. continued on page 4
MARIAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION 2004-2005 Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P. ’67 President Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait, O.P. Vice-President for Instructional and Student Activities William Hogan Chief Financial Officer Peter Ruhl Vice-President for Institutional Advancement John F. Heneghan Assistant Principal, Operations John F. Kozojed Assistant Principal, Student Activities Dr. Shirley Morris Assistant Principal, Academics Sr. Katherine O’Connor, O.P. Dominican Sisters’ Liaison
ADVISORY BOARD 2003-2004 Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P. ’67 President William Hogan Chief Financial Officer Peter Ruhl Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Sr. Katherine O’Connor, O.P. Dominican Sisters’ Liaison Peg Massucci Recording Secretary Robert Jones, III ’79 Chairperson Patrick Dolan ’72 Vice-Chairperson Joann Lindholm Past Chairperson Ramzi Bahu Genevieve Boesen Michael Caruso Jeanne DeRaimo Charles Gallagher ’77 Sr. M. Janice Greenwood, O.P. Joseph Hamann ’79 Sharon Kiehl
Peter Kroner Vincent Krydynski Kevin Larson Michelle Feldner Landcaster ’77 Michael Murphy ’70 Stanley Pagorek Sharon Pope Nicholas Zagotta
OFFICE FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Peter Ruhl Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Carol (Burke) Swanson ’81 Director of Development Michael McQuade ’76 Cindy Dupczak Database Coordinators Kevin Kelly ’80 Public Relations Coordinator Janet Noth Office Manager Peg Massucci Assistant to the President Sr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P. Diana McDonnell Recruitment Erin DeBruin ’99 Alumni Relations Coordinator Mary Moffatt Consultant
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Colleen (O’Neill) Ranieri ’83 Chairperson Nancy (Lynch) Virene ’81 Vice-Chairperson
C L A S S O F ’ 0 4 M OV E S O N WITH HONORS, MEMORIES Marian Catholic sent its 43rd graduating class off into the world with commencement ceremonies on May 24 at the Tinley Park Convention Center. However, it bid farewell to a group already filled with solid experience. The Class of 2004 was one that faced and overcame adversity, experienced brilliant achievements and gained a tremendous appreciation for others. And that’s only the beginning of the alphabet for the distinguished group of 380. Adversity? This class encountered the tragedy of September 11, peer pressure at its height and “traumatic” shifts in dress code. “Think of all our class has gone through together, both good and bad,” recalled valedictorian Emily Verkruyse ’04. “Freshman orientation, football games, September 11, school dances, club meetings, sports practices, Kairos, AP tests, and the list goes on. Valedictorian Emily Verkruyse ’04 “Through all these things we have overcome any accepts her diploma from Sr. M. Paul. obstacles we’ve encountered and succeeded with flying colors. Our lives from here are like open books which we will each fill in with our unique stories. Achievement? Like so many of its predecessors, the Class of 2004 displayed excellence in athletics, arts and academics. From two National Merit Semifinalists, to 61 AP Scholars, to the equivalent (Indiana qualifiers included) of 71 Illinois State Scholars, this graduating class earned the label Scholars with a Soul. Appreciation? The Class of 2004 is a reflection of great guidance from home through parents, excellence in education through a dedicated Chris Schlosberg ’04 addresses the staff, and a group built on resiliency through graduation crowd. outstanding mentoring by peers. “Parents, you are the reason my fellow classmates, my friends, have lived so beautifully, and you should be overwhelmed with joy to witness the culmination of their accomplishments,” Senior Class President Chris Schlosberg said. “Teachers, you have been our mentors to teach us truth and faith we will need to face the darkness and the light of our future.” The most recent addition to the alumni association of more than 13,000 has also displayed appreciation through action. While food and mission drives, Appalachia trips and other Service Club functions serve as great fun, the nearly 100 percent of Marian students who participate also provide so much gracious help for others. A full house in Tinley Park also enjoyed the last performance of Marian senior choir members and a stirring rendition of Pomp and Circumstance from the Marian Catholic Band. While this only touches on the beginning, the Class of 2004 could be described by an entire alphabet of words that make it special. Yes, this group has the zeal to become tomorrow’s leaders and teachers. While the graduates are characterized by great accomplishments already, they are just getting started on the impact they will have on the future, as it’s no accident the Class of 2004 earned more than $6 million in college scholarships. These Scholars with a Soul are now prepared for the future, prepared to be tomorrow’s leaders. “With so much in our nation and our world needing the touch of truth, we ask these young people to live the Veritas printed on their diplomas,” Marian President Sr. M. Paul, O.P. ’67 said. “We wish for them meaningful work, loving families, and a willingness to live justly in transforming our world.” 2
S E RV I C E S C L U B D I S C OV E R S F U N , P RO G R E S S I N A P PA L A C H I A Through food drives, hunger walks, feeding the homeless, tending to injured and abandoned animals and several other activities, Marian Catholic High School and its Service Club have always provided much for others in the South Suburbs. Yet, this group also stretches well beyond an impact locally. Along with a very successful Mission Drive each February, the Service Club made two trips this summer to Kentucky for volunteer work in rehab communities. Led by Service Club moderator Sr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P., a group of nearly 40 students and chaperones visited the Christian Outreach to Appalachia People to help with various fix-up and building projects. In 2003, the interest at Marian grew enough to supplement both a June and July trip.
Interest continues to grow for the annual Service Club trips to Appalachia,
where Marian students assist in the building and renovation of homes. “Students participating in the Appalachian project at Marian respond (Samantha Gulick ’04, Alaina Lynch ’04, and Rocky Linder ’04) with both their hearts and minds to the needs of the people,” Sr. Dorothy Marie explained. “They listen to their stories, learn about their culture and find that they receive so much more than they give as they help people who have less than they do.
“The time goes all too quickly and they often want to stay longer or come again. Giving to others can be very habit forming (or addictive) and it is certainly a habit that we want our students to have the courage to develop.” In 2003, COAP built 22 new homes and began construction on an 11-unit apartment project that will be used as a transition house for mental health patients. Since 1983, they have built 153 new homes, 361 major rehab projects, 372 roofs of which Marian has helped with 11 of these and helped with one new home. They have hosted 11,626 volunteers. With Sr. Patricia Burke, O.P. initiating Marian’s involvement and Sr. Dorothy Marie traveling to Appalachia for the last six years, Marian’s service to the outreach program has stretched more than 15 years. This year’s student participants included: Joe Boesen, Kyle Chapman, Dre Collier, Kevin Marvinac, Kevin Moffatt, James Murphy, Tom O’Brien, David Ostrowski, Kevin Rippey, Vanessa Armand, Liz Galazkiewicz, Kristin Hamb, Margaret Hammerschmidt and Jackie Holl. Also, Tiffany Hoyne, Kelly Kapshandy, Megan Madden, Lisa Mazur, Annie Meehan, Maggie McKay, Nina Ortega, Bianca Palloto, Katie Payne, Sarah Jo Ritchie, Nicole Robinette, Alexis Winter and Tina Zerante. Eight seniors asked to repeat the trip after enjoying it so much their junior year. The following seniors made their second trip to Appalacia this past July: Katie Bijak, Nicole Furlan, Katie Furman, Samantha Gulick, David Korzeniewski, Courtney Morrison, Katie Rada and Cheryl Sokol.
M A R I A N W E L C O M E S V P / P R I N C I PA L S R . K AT H L E E N
continued from page 1
MARIAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Springfield Dominican Corporate Council President
Vice-President for Institutional Advancement
Vice-President for Instructional and Student Activities (Principal)
Accounts Receivable Investments Salary & Benefits
Director of Development
Vice-President/Principal Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait and Sr. M. Paul McCaughey '67 lead Marian with a strong Dominican influence.
Sr. Kathleen explained. “Marian has continually strived to provide the best educational opportunities for the students. I’m excited about teaming up with Sr. Paul again for the sake of the Marian community.”
Donor Relations
Public Relations
Alumni Relations
Assistant Principal of Operations
Sr. Paul concluded, “Our students and faculty are in for a treat. Sr. Kathleen Anne is the genuine article and I am truly looking forward to working with her.” 3 5
Chief Financial Officer
Assistant Principal of Academics
Assistant Principal of Student Activities
A L U M N I ' R A C E ' TO O H I O G AT H E R I N G
continued from page 1
Alums and families gather at Thistledown Racetrack for Ohio Gathering in Cleveland. From left: Jim Greer ’77, Kerianne (Detloff) Hearns ’90 with daughter Kelsey, Jamie Luisi, Sr. M. Paul McCaughey ’67, Peter Chengelis, winning jockey Huber Villa-Gomez, Carol (Burke) Swanson ’81, Maryanne (Fiacco) Chengelis ’71, Sue (Procanyn) Perram ’89, Mickey Erickson ’77, Francis Matese ’72 and Jeff LaPorte ’76.
“I know everyone had a wonderful time. It’s great to meet people from other classes. I still have a great Marian Catholic connection with friends that have gone to the Kentucky Derby together since the late 1960s. We still go every year and really look forward to it.” Murphy’s love for horses and racing actually began in his teenage years at Marian, sometimes to the dismay of Marian teachers. “Sr. M. Antonette was our principal then, and I probably wouldn’t have graduated without her,” Murphy said with a chuckle. “My problem was reading the racing form in religion class. She just pointed me in the right direction my senior year and I thank her for it. I was too interested in other things, and she helped me set my priorities. “The experience is a great thing now, because so many of my Marian friendships remain.” According to Murphy, his education and career path may have led him to the perfect job. “I’m doing what I love,” Murphy said. “I fell in love with horses in Homewood at Washington Park Race Track at age 13 and I still love to watch the beauty and grace of what they do on the race track. I don’t know what I would do with a real job!” Where next? Wherever there is interest and invitation. Grads are invited to sponsor their alumni-outreach—or to “come home” for a school visit and tour any time.
David Emig ’98 and friend Anne Vincent Holzhall ’83 Rachel Holzhall Bob & Trish (Purcell) Seymour ’86 ’86 Kristin (Skol) Sugar ’85 David Sugar T HISTLEDOWN ATTENDEES Maryanne (Fiacco) Chengelis ’71 Peter Chengelis Mickey Erickson ’77 Jim Greer ’77 Jamie Luisi Kerianne (Detloff ) Hearns ’90 Graham Hearns Kelsey Hearns Jeff LaPorte ’76 Francis Matese ’72 Susanne (Procanyn) Perram ’89 Maggie (Schulze) Stefanek ’73 Christopher Stefanek
Martha DeHaven '69, Rita (Stanfa) Rohn '69, and Janice (Bonea) Springsteen '69 caught sharing memories at the Class of 1969 Reunion held at Marian Catholic on July 31.
Spring musical “Guys and Dolls” highlighted a successful fine arts school year, including Alex Kuehr ’05 and Ryan Kolczynski ’05.
Z I D E K , M C D O N N E L L B O R N TO L E A D As a setter for the women’s volleyball teams at Marian Catholic and Northern Illinois University, Marie Zidek ’02 finds herself in a position of natural leadership. She’s the quarterback for the Marie Zidek ’02 (Northern Illinois volleyball) Huskies’ squad and attended the NCAA plays the position Leadership Conference. on which all of her other teammates rely. However, Zidek has never been satisfied with a minor role in leadership. At Marian, she pulled a juggling act of playing volleyball, taking an extremely active role in service and student activities, and serving as sports editor for the Megaphone. She even served as the Spartan mascot on a few occasions.
to make a substantial difference, it is imperative that a group of people work together to get the most well-rounded strategy of accomplishing a task.” Individuals were selected for the conference based on their ability and desire to be a leader not only during times of competition, but off the court/field as well. A committee of CHAMPS/Life Skills coordinators and form her student-athletes also considered the athlete’s potential to benefit from a leadership development exercise. “In my small group alone I had five international athletes, one athlete who served in her Israeli army, five national champs from 2004 in all different sports, and one athlete who ran for his country of New Zealand at the World Championships,” Zidek raved.
“To be selected as one of only 321 individuals to attend the conference is a pretty honorable accomplishment,” Zidek said. “I definitely appreciate the opportunity to participate and build some nationwide contacts. This is a great opportunity to connect all the different institutions that make up the NCAA for one common goal. “Overall, the conference taught me leadership skills that I will take with me the rest of my life. Most importantly, I learned that in order
START OF TERM: 1999 FAMILY: Wife, Christine ’70; Daughter, Jennifer ’00 OCCUPATION: International Business Development, IBM Corporation
HOBBIES: Golf, fishing, reading, cooking
Zidek recently represented NIU as one of 321 student-athletes who participated in the NCAA Leadership Conference on May 30June 3 at Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Fla. She was joined at the conference by Chris McDonnell ’01, who will be a senior at Drake University.
Zidek also appreciated the opportunity.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Primarily support of MCHS - Alumni Association, Endowment Classic, Advisory Board
Involvement and commitment to service are still Zidek’s trademarks at NIU, though this summer she got the opportunity to take her leadership skills to a national level.
“Being selected from Drake alone and then the NCAA is quite an honor,” McDonnell said. “In the past I’ve been recognized and selected for things of this nature, but this was something much greater. Of all the accomplished student-athletes and leaders at my school and across the nation, I was selected to represent Drake University and its character—a job that I do not take lightly.
Chris McDonnell ’01 (Drake football) attended the NCAA Leadership Conference.
McDonnell will enter his third season as a starting guard on the Bulldog football team. He earned honorable mention allPioneer Football League honors in 2002 and was a co-captain on the 2003 squad. “Of all the things I learned at this conference, the one gift I treasure the most is that of listening,” McDonnell said. “All my life, I’ve been the first person to speak up and thus naturally thrown into leadership positions. Now at the collegiate level, I’ve grown to develop my leadership by listening to especially my 100 teammates before I listen to myself. That is the hardest and most recognizable thing about being a great leader, not just an average one.”continued on page 6 5
VISION FOR MCHS FUTURE: To continue providing a Christian environment that will challenge young adults to develop their intellectual, spiritual, and social capabilities, learn to accept responsibility, and treat others with respect. I believe that the most important aspect to realizing this vision is the active involvement of the extended Marian community - not only the students, faculty, and staff, but also current and past parents, alumni, and friends of Marian. We need to continue to encourage involvement and make it as easy as possible.
LONG RANGE PLAN With thanks to all who participated, and to the participants to come: Watch for the summary statements for the Long-Range Plan, The Courage to Lead, in MCHS’ 2003-2004 Annual Report.
SUMMER CAMPS ADD 'ENRICHMENT' FLAVOR The Marian Catholic students in the “get ahead” summer school program lifted their eyes from history, keyboarding and astronomy to find an invasion of “little people.” In addition to the traditional summer athletic camps, MCHS inaugurated summer enrichment opportunities for junior high students. Summer Enrichment Camp Coordinator Diana McDonnell invited the teachers and students to experience programs. The more than 600 students playing “get ahead” in summer school under Mr. Jack Heneghan’s direction, were joined by nearly 1,000 more achievers in summer camps. While the older students had intensive study, the campers had extensive fun. The fifth through seventh grade students came from all over the area, from Palos and Tinley, to Schererville, Beecher and Frankfort. In addition to the traditional athletic camps (men’s and women’s volleyball, cross-country, softball, baseball, soccer and tennis), summer enrichment camps in the arts and sciences took off with: MIXED MEDIA ART students enjoying class with instructor Mrs. Ginny Raftery inviting
“dabbling” in a host of media.
Junior high students, Royce Hebbard, Michael Gergel and Alex Evans prepare their water rockets for launch at this summer’s Water Rocketry enrichment camp.
THEATRE CAMP with instructor Mr. Bernie Jablonski introducing acting, improv, vocal interpretation, and play production.
MARCHING FUNDAMENTALS with Mr. Greg Bimm, Mr. Bobby Lambert and MCHS peer leaders working with middle school musicians. WEIRD CHEMISTRY inspired young scientists under the guidance of teacher Mr. Ron Guagenti and Barb Murzyn, while Mrs. Peggy Holzhauser helped campers start summer with a bang with student designers and launchers in Water Rocketry. EQUESTRIAN CAMP instructor Mrs. Ellen Longawa enjoyed a delightful group as students learned basic horse care and riding. FIELD BIOLOGY meant exploring the environment and labs with instructor Mr. Jim Culloton.
On the academic side, Mrs. Shannon Allen and Mrs. Jenny Klopp provided “hands on” fun with mathematics and Mr. Bill Feimer assisted students in design of their own web page. Ginny Raftery shows off art work with a student in her Mixed Media Art Class that took place this summer as part of the Summer Enrichment Camp program for Junior High Students.
“We’re very excited about offering hands-on, fun learning experiences for the kids, along with having the opportunity for junior high students to join us at Marian,” noted McDonnell. “With the response we have had this year, we hope the summer enrichment camps will find a permanent place on Marian Catholic’s calendar.”
Z I D E K , M C D O N N E L L B O R N TO L E A D Along with participation in the Leadership Conference, Zidek has served on various honors committees for the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, while also working as a trip coordinator for a backcountry excursion to the Canyonlands in Utah. During spring break, Zidek traveled to Florida for the annual Habitat for Humanity project that assists in building houses.
100 th Celebration F RIDAY, S EPTEMBER 3 RD AT 7:00 PM
“Marian Catholic was and still is my foundation of why I am so successful and involved,” Zidek said. “The atmosphere around Marian, its teachers, students, faculty, facilities and programs foster such a great, well-rounded atmosphere. I truly feel I was given beyond what was needed to excel at a college level. 6
continued from page 5
“The thing that always impresses me about Marian is how well the school could push a student and be their friend at the same time. So many times teachers stayed late and went outside of their own boundaries just to give the students beneficial help. Everybody at that school would bend over backward if it meant helping just one student.” Zidek also serves as one of two students on the selection committee for the new NIU Athletics Director. Ironically, Marian Catholic currently has quite a strong impact on NIU women’s athletics. Along with Zidek, Kelly Redican ’00 was a leader for the Huskie softball team this spring and Mary Basic ’03 gained significant playing time as a freshman on the NIU women’s basketball squad.
FA C U LT Y E A R N S A C C O L A D E S , M E N TO R S OT H E R S of inspiration and career achievements,” made Rodey an obvious choice according to Illinois State Board of Education State Coordinator Richard Carlson.
It’s no secret how Marian Catholic annually provides an education among the best in Chicagoland. AP Scholars, National Merit Recognition and brilliant standardized tests scores are the result of great students, parents and families. And, some of the best educators in the land. Marian’s faculty continues to excel in its own right, whether it’s continued education, awards for excellence or leadership in education. Just to name a few examples...
Three Marian faculty members Ron Centanni, Karen Olson and Linda Savick - traveled to Lithuania in July to lead and participate in an International Snowball retreat. Much like the Marian Snowball, miniworkshops with Lithuanian students ages 13-16 focused on improving English skills and learning about prevention and self-esteem.
Marian Catholic Science Department Chair Vince Zerante ’70 was recognized by the National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) as part of National Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2-8). Zerante encouraged eight students to participate in pre-professional leadership programs last summer. He is part of an elite group (top one percent) recognized by all educators who nominate for NYLF programs. As part of the recognition, Zerante will receive a book of inspirational quotes and student recollections, a NYLF Certificate of Appreciation and induction into the NYLF “Mentor Hall of Fame.”
Linda Savick
Watch for Librarian Sue (Sasala) Silander’s summer garden in coming issues of Better Homes & Gardens History teacher Allen Marazas ’64 was selected to participate in the National Endowment for the Humanities seminar designed by NEH and Lewis University to trace the route and impact of the IllinoisMichigan Canal. Lisa Kownyia ’87, selected by the Gilder Lehrman Institute, spent a week exploring the life of Thomas Jefferson and historical sites connected to him. Senior theology teacher Jane Ebner attended the week-long national conference on family life, and was recognized for her development of Christian lifestyle materials on the secondary level. MCHS guidance counselor Ron Centanni could be found on local television explaining the history of Tinley Park as one of its Trustees.
Marian Catholic’s Forensics Coach Tom Sweeney earned a second NFL “diamond.”
Marian Catholic Fine Arts teacher and Forensics Coach Tom Sweeney earned a second “diamond” from the National Forensics League. Coaches earn 1/10th of their students’ points in competition, and Sweeney has attained a total of 3,575 points. Coaches may wear a diamond-set NFL key or pin when they attain 1,500 points. Sweeney qualified for his second diamond in March and will have the opportunity to accrue additional diamonds at 6,000, 10,000 and each 3,000 points thereafter. Sweeney received special recognition at the Lincoln Financial Group/NFL National Tournament in Salt Lake City, Utah on June 13-18.
C H I L D R E N ’ S C A R N I VA L
Marian Catholic President, Sr. M. Paul McCaughey ’67 will receive the 2004 Gratiam Dei Award from the American Catholic Press on Sept. 11 at Flossmoor Country Club. If interested in attending, please call Fr. Gilligan at 708-331-5485. (Proceeds from this event support the American Catholic Press.) Marian Catholic Social Studies teacher Bob Rodey was named District Coordinator for the Center for Civic Education’s program: “We the People… The Citizen and the Constitution.” The program will include videotapes, guidebooks and textbooks to help enhance classroom teaching from the elementary through high school levels. Rodey was also selected as the first Preserve America History Teacher of the Year. “The use of primary documents in the classroom, the level
Dozens of area youngsters enjoyed themselves at the annual Student Council Children’s Carnival with assistance of Chris Schlosberg ’04 and Valerie Ruiz ’05.
S O F T B A L L , S TAT E C H A M P TAY L O R H I G H L I G H T S P R I N G S P O RT S Excellence in the classroom clearly translated to success in the athletic arena for spring sports, the final phase of the 2003-2004 athletic campaign at Marian Catholic. Accomplishments ranged from state qualifiers in individual sports to a softball campaign that completed a banner school year for women’s sports. Casey Taylor ’05, who helped lead Marian to a state trophy (fourth place) in women’s basketball, became the first Spartan athlete to win two state championships when she jumped 39 feet, 91/4 inches to win the IHSA State Triple Jump. Taylor also captured seventh place in the long jump. Marian coach/teacher Jody Haaker looks on during the Memorial Day ceremony that dedicated the softball complex flag pole to her late husband and former Marian coach Bob Haaker.
In all, 18 Marian Catholic athletes qualified for state competition in individual sports during the 2003-2004 school year.
The Spartan softball team honored longtime assistant coach Bob Haaker when Marian dedicated the new softball complex flag pole to him on Memorial Day. Haaker died suddenly in the Summer of 2003. The team dedicated its season to Haaker, and behind its “Angel in the Outfield,” put together a brilliant season. Marian softball set the school record for victories for the third straight season with a 34-6 mark and only eventual state champion Lockport could derail the Spartans after they advanced to the school’s fourth Sweet 16. “This past softball season was exceptional because these girls set some pretty high standards for themselves, and in most cases, met or exceeded these goals,” Marian Coach Kerri Evans ’96 explained. “Guided by the tremendous leadership of our seven seniors, this team bonded early and became great teammates on and off the field. This team began conditioning in October and their hard work paid off with the many accomplishments we had this season. “The girls’ enthusiasm, work ethic and desire led them to have a season they will always remember. Our graduates - Nicole Bartels, Rachel Carlson, Nicole Robinson, Ryan Thomas, Jill Hope, Meaghan Good and Megan Cleary - all will be greatly missed.” Spartan softball continued to rule in the East Suburban Catholic Conference, as Marian posted an 18-0 mark to win its fourth consecutive ESCC title and run its current league winning streak to 40 games. Repeat state champ Taylor was not the only individual to excel with state qualifying efforts in the spring. She was joined by junior Becca Gustafson, who recorded top 15 state finishes in both the 110 and 300 hurdles. Sophomore Melissa Gergel notched a 17th-place state finish in the pole vault, while the 800-meter relay team of Taylor, Gustafson, Jenn Borowczak, Gergel and Lauren Woods was 19th in the state. On the men’s side, sophomore Cameron Williams also excelled in the triple jump with a ninth-place state finish and sophomore John Walter was a qualifier in the 3,200-meter run. In men’s tennis, Evan Hickey ’04 earned a state tourney visit after winning a sectional championship. Marian athletics continued to grow as well, as the spring featured the pioneer seasons for both men’s lacrosse and women’s water polo, which posted successful season for novice teams.
O K TO B E R F E S T S AV E T H E DAT E SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 11:00 am - 5:00pm B A N D PA R E N T S ’ O K T O B E R F E S T 8
A L U M N I G I V E B A C K O N C A R E E R DAY ALUMNI While Marian Catholic’s annual Career Day is intended to educate and enlighten underclassmen about potential career paths, it’s turned into quite the multifunctional event.
Mary Lockton ’98 addresses students during 2004 Career Day.
With the involvement of so many Marian Catholic alumni in Career Day, the event serves as a strong reconnection day for products of the high school. Additionally, it has created some real-life job and internship opportunities for current Marian students.
C A R E E R D AY 2 0 0 4
Gene Backlin ’73 T.J. Billinski ’98 Erica Boreczky Barraca ’97 Julia Borst Brazas ’80 Lisa Gasperec ’91 Michelle Glackin ’96 Matt Hayes ’97 Shaun Healy ’98
“The annual Career Day was again a success,” assessed Erin DeBruin ’99, who coordinated the event along with guidance counselors Danielle DeGraaf and Ron Unavitch. “I think it’s such a tribute to our school that so many alumni, alumni parents and friends of Marian willingly come back to give of their time and talent. I think that the alumni who come back enjoy it just as much as the kids.
Dr. Heidi Hoogeweg-Mirusky ’76
“This is a wonderful opportunity for alumni and those who haven't been back to the school in awhile to reconnect and see the improvements that have been made, as well as serve as a resource for our students. Both the Career Mentor and Career Day programs help to link our two most important assets, our students and our alumni.”
Chasitie Levesque ’96
Fifty volunteers shared their expertise in May this year, including more than 30 alumni. Speakers are energetic and filled with valuable information. In turn, students generate some outstanding and creative questions.
James McAteer ’89
Kevin Kelly ’80 Michael Kusner ’82 Dr. Michelle Lancaster ’77 Mary Lockton ’98 Nancy Lynch Virene ’81 Mary Monteleone Weise ’76 Ron Newquist ’83 Phylis Marconi ’78 Dr. Marly Pierre-Jerome Bradley ’87
Career Mentor contacts are often generated on Career Day. In Marian’s Career Mentor Program, current students actually spend a day on the job with a Marian alum. While a fantastic learning experience in itself, the Career Mentor relationships often lead to work opportunities.
Wendy Reid ’83 Meghan Reidy Arnold ’94 Brian Riordan ’89 Nick Rohn ’92
Ron Newquist ’83 discusses his profession “We have had several successful Career Mentor during 2004 Career Day. outings,” DeBruin explained. “This year student Sarah Bender ’05, was offered a summer job with her alumni Career Mentor veterinarian, Dr. Mary Beth Wajda ’87.
“Both the Career Mentor and Career Day Programs are excellent resources for our students,” DeBruin said. “These programs help students determine their college major and future career by letting them ‘try out’ or see what a certain career would entail. The Alumni Office and Guidance Department also work in conjunction to bring the students College Day, which brings back Marian alums currently in college, to come talk about their schools.”
Co-Editors-in Chief, Joe DiMaggio ’06, Elizabeth Berger ’05 and Senior Editor, Meghan Grober ’05 take time out for a photo during the June Yearbook Workshop in Itasca, where Marian competed against other schools and won the top prize, a new digital camera.
Joe Stanfa ’75 Vida Talandis ’69 Nanette Triplett Stokes ’86 Kevin Welsh ’77 Amanda West ’99 Dr. Michael Wilczynski ’77 Joe Zampillo ’89 Ed Ziltz ’80
S H A D OW DAY For information about Shadow Days and upcoming grade school events please contact Sr. Dorothy Marie at 708-756-9762
Chriss (Coons) Ingle ’64 became a first time Grandma on February 18, 2004. Her son and daughter-in-law, James and Jennifer, welcomed the birth of their son, Jacob. Karen (Hoedl) Alletto ’66 and husband Jim purchased a retail store, Seasons Remembered, located on Main Street in Galena, IL. You can also locate them at Mary Kelly-Durkin ’66 was married in the summer of 2003 and has retired from teaching journalism at Eastern Illinois University to take a job with University Professionals of Illinois, Local 4100. Ellen (Kosciolek) Schroeder ’66, a speech language pathologist and mother of three is living in East Peoria. Other places Ellen has called home include Philadelphia, PA and Singapore. Gail (Calderone) Amos ’68, passed away on June 29, 2004 after a long battle with cancer. Blase Zapchenk ’74 was recently appointed Chief Financial Officer of The Hume Center, a nationally recognized non-profit mental health organization headquartered in the San Franciso Bay area. He resides in Northern California with his wife, who is President and CEO of Castle Glen Daycare & Preschool. Vern Fischer ’75 and his wife Melanie welcomed new daughter Karlie McKinzie on April 10, 2004 at 3:18 p.m., 7 lbs 5 oz and 19.75 in. Karlie was also welcomed by siblings Kristen ’02, Kyle ’03, Kaitlin ’06 and Kimberlee.
Robert Kane ’75 with wife Laura Donkel Kane ’76 and their children, Annie and Matthew.
Laura Donkel Kane ’76 would like friends and classmates to know that her husband Robert Kane ’75 passed away of ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease) on April 17, 2003. Rob was 45 years old when he died. He is survived by Laura; two children, Annie (14 yrs.) and Matthew (11 yrs.); his brothers Tom (class of '70) and Kevin (class of '71); along with many loving family members and friends. Robert was a devoted father and husband, an avid runner, and a successful independent software analyst. As he bravely fought this devastating disease with dignity
and grace, he never once gave up hope. If you have any stories or memories of Robert that you would like to share with Laura and their children, please email them to An educational fund has been set up for Robert and Laura’s children; contributions can be sent to Annie and Matthew Kane at 3742 N. Kildare Avenue, Chicago, IL 60641. Laura is currently wishing to establish an Endowed Scholarship in memory of Rob. If you would like more details, please call the Marian Catholic Advancement Office at 708-755-6579. Keeping in mind the motto: “Life is too short to wait for retirement,” Susan (Masquelier) Lorts ’76 and husband Jeff have decided to live the good life and reside in their lakefront home in Dowagiac, MI. With plenty of space, they welcome visits from family and friends.
Chicago Childrens Hospital and Little Company of Mary Hospital. Bill is a recording engineer and was nominated for a Grammy award this past November for Best Engineered Classical Album. Kerry (Pabst) Cameron ’85, Old Greenwich, CT, is busy at home with daughters Nell 4 and Jane 2, husband Kevin, and she stays active in her community volunteering. Kim (Nair) Gibbons ’85 and husband Mike celebrated the birth of their first child, Abigail Rose, born on March 28, 2003. Michael and Gia (Gasbarro) Jemilo ’92 ’85, welcomed the birth of their son, Jacob Richard, on April 5, 2004 who weighed 8 lbs 13 oz and was 20 1/2 in. long. Michael Riordan ’85 has been named principal of Oak Lawn Community High School. Erin (Elenteny) Riordan ’87 stays home with their five children, Pat, 8; Mike, 8; Joe, 7; Maeve, 4; and Rosie, 2. Life at the Riordan house is very busy!
John & Deborah (Okon) Eberhardt ’86, ’86 live in Sammamish, WA, where John is an
Phylis Renee Marconi ’78
Phylis Renee Marconi ’78 is an elementary school teacher with a master’s degree in education. She teaches first grade at Garfield School in Chicago Heights where she’s been for the last 19 years. Phylis is also an accomplished singer-songwriter. Starting out early in her career with just her guitar, she has since woven through a long thread of bands. She reaches many different audiences due to her church singing as well as her pop/rock singing. Her first love is singing rock music mixed up with a little pop and a lot of soul! Phylis is co-producer and co-host of Singer Spotlight Unplugged, an acoustic showcase featuring four artists held the first Thursday of every month at Uncommon Ground. In October 2003, Phylis performed an original song at Teacherpalooza that was held at Grant Park in Chicago. She was competing for and walked away with a $15,000 grant for her school. She continues to write, play out and record her own music. If you want more information on Phylis you can go to Eileen (Murray) Maylone ’84 and husband Bill live in Tinley Park where they are very active in St. Stephen’s Parish. They have two daughters Clare Frances 6 and Julia Rose 3. Eileen is a staff nurse at both University of
Executive Producer of video games for PS2, Xbox, and PC. Deb is a Girl Scout troop leader for daughter Sarah 10 and busy with John, Jr. (Jack) 4 and Max 1. Tony Battaglia ’87 and wife Gina, along with 2 year old daughter, Dominica, are on their way to Champaign, IL. Tony has taken a position with the Architectural Department at the University of Illinois.
Karlie McKinzie Fischer, daughter of Vern Fischer ’75
Ellie (Delaney) Kruk ’87 and her husband Randy welcomed the birth of their daughter, Caroline on July 1, 2004. Caroline weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and joins big brother Jonathon, who is 1 year old. Suzanne (Minnick) Bruce ’88, a first grade teacher at Hermansen Elementary School, has completed the masters degree program in curriculum & interdisciplinary studies in education from National-Louis University. Jennifer Zajac Carlsen ’88 and husband Tony welcomed their first child Tiffani Amber on May 8, 2004 who weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and
was 22.5 in. long. Big sister Christina (Tony’s daughter), received an early 12th birthday present for her May 11th birthday. Tom and Jane (Carlson) Dempsey ’88 ’88 welcomed son Ryan in February 2004. He joins big sisters, Elizabeth 6, Kate 4 and Allie 2. Tom works for Evelon Corp in the IT department and Jane is a counselor at Oak Forest High School.
Benjamin James Bradley, son of Dr. Marly (Pierre-Jerome) Bradley ’87
Anthony Frego ’88 married Vickie Jo Mennemeyer in January 2003 on Isla Morada in the Florida Keys and had a beach reception at Morada Bay. Heather Genck-Frank ’89 and husband Steve are proud to announce the birth of their first child Gabriella Marie who came into this world on January 5, 2004, weighing 6 lbs, 5 oz and measuring 19.5 in. long. Kerianne Detloff Hearns ’90 and her husband Graham are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Kelsey Anann. She was born on February 24, 2004 and weighed 6lbs. 7 oz. Felice (Singleton) Hybert ’89 and husband Larry welcomed the birth of their second child, Joshua Peter, born on September 19, 2002. Joshua joins big brother Jacob now 4. Pamela (Lees) Lacey ’89 and husband Jeff welcomed their first child, Gwendolyn Paige, September 24, 2003 who weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and measured 19 in. long. Pam is employed as Director of Education for Sylvan Learning Center and Jeff works as a project engineer for Walgreens Corporation. Aimee Vessell ’90 is returning to school after nine years as an environmental engineering consultant with Camp Dresseeer & McKee. She will be pursuing dual-degrees at MIT in Cambridge, MA in Civil/Environmental Engineering and Sloan MBA through the Leaders for Manufacturing program. The lFM program combines engineering and business with a focus on the future of manufacturing. Victoria Carnavacciolo ’91 is engaged to marry Matt Phillips in September 2004 in Chicago. Victoria is a consultant for SBI Group; her
fiancé Matt heads the product innovation firm Phillips Co. Lisa Ramirez ’91 married Steve Gasperec ’93 on June 21, 2003 at Infant Jesus of Prague in Flossmoor. Their bridal party included Colleen Ryan ’91, Abigail Sutkus ’91, Eric Ramirez ’93 and Michael Gasperec ’98. Michele (Bartolini) Jones ’91 and husband Dave welcomed their second child, Gavin Martin on December 25, 2003. He joins big brother Griffin, born on June 21, 2002. The couple currently lives in Frankfort, where Michele is a stay at home mom. Tom Kazmierczak ’91 and his wife, Leigh, welcomed the birth of their first child, Hunter Thomas, on May 15, 2003. Tom is currently Chief Resident in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Midwestern University. Kathleen O’Connor ’91 married Patrick O’Toole on May 29, 2004 at Out Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Chicago. Bridesmaids included Tricia Boguslawski ’91, Gina (Belluomini) McGuire ’91, Alison (Taylor) Sipe ’91, and Kristin (Harold) Troutman ’91. Bryan Ward ’91 and wife Elyse welcomed the birth of their second child, Aimee Heather, on May 17, 2004 who joins big brother Brandon 31/2 who cannot wait to share all of his toys with his new sister. Kevin and Angela (Mamrak) Patrick ’92 ’93 welcomed the Jacob and Joshua Hybert, birth of their sons of Felice (Singleton) first child, Ethan Hybert ’89 R. Patrick, on March 20, 2004. Ethan was 22 in. long and weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz. Megan (McMaster) Anderson ’93 was married to Eric Anderson in 1998. In August 2001, Megan and Eric welcomed the birth of their daughter Madison Mary Anderson. Megan is currently a Senior Sales Consultant with Paychex, Inc. and is ranked in the top 5% in her field. With all of her business commitments and her young daughter missing her, Megan found it difficult to attend her 10 year reunion but hopes to hear from some of her fellow grads! Carolyn (McCarthy) Chesta ’93 and husband John welcomed the birth of their second daughter, Delaney Ann, on December 26, 2003 who joins big sister Sydney Lauren who turned 2 in January.
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Harry Howisen ’93 completed his MBA at the University of Notre Dame. Anne St. Aubin Thies ’93 and husband Lance welcomed their first baby Sydney Ryan Thies on March 23, 2004 who was 7lbs 11 oz and 21 in. long. Anne is currently a 4th grade teacher in Lockport, IL.
Caroline Kruk, daughter of Ellie (Delaney) Kruk ’87
Brian Baader ’94 and wife Vivian live in Chicago with their three year old daughter Christina who is nearly smart enough for college (according to Grandpa Baader). Brian graduated from Campbell University in S.C., and was a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. Brian still serves and protects as a Chicago Police Officer. Rich Hussey ’94 and his wife Nikki welcomed the birth of their beautiful baby daughter, Madisyn Nikole born in December 2003. Maddie weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. Paula (Becker) Marfia ’94 received her bachelors degree from Bradley University, her masters degree from University of Illinois and is now in her last year at Loyola Medical School. Husband Sean found a strong student! Dean Perozzi ’94 (deceased) Dean was killed in an accident at the Tweeter Center in 2002. A memorial scholarship has been set-up in Dean’s name to provide financial assistance to a Marian student. It is restricted to a young person interested in a career in the arts. Dana (Mrozowski) Brothers ’95 and husband Richard welcomed the birth of their first child, Tyler Richard, on June 20, 2003. Tom Estock ’95 and Patrick Gengo ’01 from the Flossmoor Fire Department, Erik Hajkowicz ’02 from the Glenwood F.D. and Michael Nicola ’03 from the Thornton F.D. all graduated from the Firefighter II Training Academy on March 10, 2004. Scott Gustafson ’95 and wife Lindsay welcomed the birth of their second child, Ella Claire, on December 7, 2003 who joins big brother, Judah Reuben now 21/2 years old. The Gustafson’s will be moving to the Middle East in March to learn Arabic as Scott’s work as an
RN for a non-profit medical relief group requires the relocation. After months of conversation, prayer and discernment, Erika (Fuehrmeyer) Myette ’95 and husband Michael-John have accepted an opportunity to volunteer with the Farm of Child, an orphanage in Trujillo, Honduras. They and their son Michael will be moving first to Guatemala for three months of language school and then to the Farm on October 1 to begin 27 months of service. Erika and Michael-John both feel they are living out their call and their vocation to serve those in need wherever they may be. For more information on the Myette’s incredible adventure
Paul Moffatt ’97 has been promoted to Commercial Banking Loan Officer at LaSalle Bank, managing middle market commercial accounts throughout Chicago. Ofam Onyema ’97 graduated cum laude from Harvard in 2001 and will attend Stanford or Harvard law school in the fall. Dawn Rucinski ’97 graduated in 2003 from Barry University in Miami Shores, FL with a Masters in Clinical Medical Science. She is working as a physician assistant for Midwest Sinus Center. T.J. Bilinski ’98 is currently a chef for Harrah’s Entertainment Corporation. T.J. graduated cum laude in 2001 from the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago. Amy Calhoun ’98 earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in May from Creighton University and begins her residency in Orthopedic Manual Therapy at Kaiser Permanente Hayward in San Francisco this fall. Amy is currently working for METT Physical Therapy in Chicago Heights.
Ethan R. Patrick, son of Kevin and Angela (Mamrak) Patrick ’92 ’93
check out the Farm of Child website at Gerald Verde ’95 married Eileen Stachovic on June 18, 2004 at Infant Jesus of Prague Church in Flossmoor, IL. Tara (Farley) Vosniak ’95 and husband, Ken, work for GE Healthcare (formally GE Medical Systems) in Milwaukee, WI. Both graduated with degrees in biomedical engineering. Ryan Boehl ’97 of the United States Marine Corps received a second meritorious promotion in March 2004 and received a second meritorious mast for leadership in May 2004. Ryan will be deployed to Japan for one year. His current specialty is aviation ordnance and explosive ordnance disposal (bomb squad). Kenneth Czechanski ’97 married Elizabeth McIlvain ’96 on May 30, 2004 at Glenwood School Chapel. The couple resides in Los Angeles. Fire controlman 2nd Class Petty Officer Edward Lorts ’97 has returned home safely after being deployed on 9-11 after the attacks on our country. Ed has proudly served our country in two historical missions: Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He currently resides in Watseka, IL with his wife, Maryann and daughter Gabriella while serving a second term with the U.S. Navy. Ed is a Naval Recruiter for the Kankakee District.
Thornton Cherry ’98 has graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelors of Science in both Sociology and Psychology, and is currently working in Kansas in real estate. Thornton plans to return to the Chicago area to continue his education at the University of Illinois Chicago to earn his Masters in Sociology & Psychology. Amy Krupa ’98 graduated from Illinois Wesleyan in May 2003 with a B.S. In Nursing and a B.A. In Biology. She received her service fraternity’s (Alpha Phi Omega-APO) Distinguished Service Award and in her spare time managed to earn the Boy Scout (coed) Venture program’s top award; Ranger/Silver Eagle Award. Amy was inducted into the Order of the Arrow-Scouting Honor Society. The last two summers Amy worked as the waterfront director at Boy Scout Camp Bunn near Springfield.
Abby Prospero ’98 graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with the degree of Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology. She was a recipient of a pediatric traumatic brain injury fellowship from the University of Illinois and trained at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. She will be starting her career as a Speech-Language Pathologist at the Sertoma Speech & Hearing Center in the fall and is currently completing her internship at the University of Illinois Hospital. Timothy Reimer ’98 graduated from Southern Illinois University on May 8, 2004 with a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Technologies.
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Martha Ruhl ’98 graduated from Purdue University on May 16, 2004 with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Martha is now in a clinical pharmacy residency at Gunderson Lutheran Hospital in LaCrosse, WI. Natalie Brothers ’99 graduated May 8, 2004 from Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY with a B.A. in Anthropology and a minor in Criminology. Sarah DeMarco ’99 is living in Providence, RI and is currently Graduate Support Director at San Miguel School. Sara Fuehrmeyer ’99 is engaged to be married in September 2005. Grant Krawczyk ’99 graduated from Northern Illinois University with a B.A. In Psychology. Rebecca Kujawa ’99 received her Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology on May 15, 2004 from the University of Illinois.
Griffin and Gavin Jones, sons of Michele (Bartolini) Jones ’91
Rebecca Lorts ’99 graduated from Western Michigan University on April 24, 2004 with a B.S. degree majoring in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice. Becky’s future plans include attending law school with a focus on health law. On Sunday, May 2, 2004, T. Ryan Mendenhall ’99 was honored by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois. Ryan was presented with The Goethe Institute Certificate and Book Prize and the James Scholar Award. Ryan’s field of study is Germanic Languages and Literatures. During his collegiate career, Ryan spent one year studying at the University of Humboldt in Berlin, Germany. In the audience for the convocation were Ryan’s proud parents, Mr. Jim and Dr. Marcia Mendenhall.
Erick Rosier ’99 graduated from University of Missouri with B.A in Economics and a minor in Business. Sarah Clough ’00 who is a physical therapist and working on her Master’s Degree at Bradley University became a South Suburban Special Recreation Association (SSSRA)
Eric ’05, Sarah ’00 and Kevin ’ 02 Clough
counselor a few years ago. SSSRA is a therapeutic recreation program that is an extension of seven park districts and three recreation and parks departments. It is organized to provide individuals with disabilities or special needs the opportunity to be involved in year-round recreation programs. Its mission is to promote the power of choice and to enhance the quality of life of individuals of all abilities, by providing accessible recreation in an environment that promotes dignity, success, and fun. She passed on her enthusiasm to her brother Kevin ‘02, a junior at Illinois Benedictine College who is a special education major and who joined her as a SSSRA counselor. Kevin and Sarah then inspired their little brother Eric ’05 to work with them. According to Kevin and Eric, it looks like their little sister Kaitlyn (an 8th grade student at St. Damian’s) may be getting the bug as well. Lyle Dandridge ’00 graduated from University of Illinois on May 16, 2004 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Kevin Dolan ’00 graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Notre Dame in May 2004 with a BBA in Accounting and a certificate in International Business. This summer, Kevin will intern with KPMG LLP, an Accounting firm in Chicago and in the fall will attend University of Washington in Seattle where he will study for his Masters in Accounting. Cassie Gray ’00 graduated from Purdue University on May 15, 2004 having earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Environmental Engineering and a minor in Political Science. Cassie has accepted a position with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly Engineering at their Chicago office. Monica Griffin ’00 residing in Iowa City graduated from the University of Iowa in the Fall of 2003 with a BA in Political Science and Sociology, where she was Fundraising Chair of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority and Vice
President of the U of I Democrats. Monica, currently a Program Assistant/Victim Advocate at DV Shelter, is planning an October 2005 wedding to Steven Russell Madura of Park Ridge, Il. Julie Krygeris ’00 graduated from Augustana College in May 2004 receiving her Bachelors of Science degree in Biology with a minor in Psychology. Julie will go on to graduate school. Adrienne Pope ’00 received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Mount Holyoke College. Adrienne majored in English and was awarded a Weed Summer Research Scholarship, was on the National Dean’s List, served as a representative in the Student Government Association and as a hall president, and volunteered with Girls, Inc. After graduation Adrienne will work in Houston, Texas for Teach for America, teaching English as a second language. Mitchell Brookins ’01 is a member of the Illinois Wesleyan Collegiate Choir and will participate in the Choir 2004 spring concert tour with performances in Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Tennessee. The 63-voice choir is composed of student musicians representing the School of Music
Madisyn Nikole Hussey, daughter of Rich Hussey ’94
and is dedicated to the performance of the finest sacred and secular choral music of the past five centuries. Jacquelyn Clifford ’01, a student at Northern Illinois University, won the George Scully General Assembly Scholarship entitling her to one year full tuition. Douglas Krupa ’01 is in the academic honor society at University of Iowa and received his fraternity’s (Alpha Phi Omege-APO) Distinguished Service Award. Douglas is also in Phi Mu Alpha Music Fraternity and the Hawkeye Marching Band and has been lucky enough to play at two bowl games, the Orange Bowl and the Alamo Bowl. Douglas
has been accepted into the academic program of Actuarial Science and worked his first actuarial internship at Buck Consultants in Chicago last summer. Doug was able to caddy at Olympia Fields Country Club on weekends.
Ella Claire Gustafson, daughter of Scott Gustafson ’95
Megan Magdziak ’01 graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science May 15, 2004. Megan is continuing to pursue her Master of Physical Therapy degree at St. Louis University. Sharon Pagorek ’02 received the ScholarAthlete Award in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishments while competing in intercollegiate athletics during her first year at Purdue University and was honored to be named Women’s Soccer All-Freshman Team. Kari Wisowaty ’02 is a Student Orientation Leader at Northern Illinois University. Melissa Fleming ’03 earned the "Most Improved Player Award" for Women’s Basketball at Dominican University for the 2003-2004 season. The National Society of Collegiate Scholars has inducted Andrew O’Brien-Penney ’03. Andrew will be honored during a campus ceremony this fall at Georgetown University. Mark Umstattd ’03 was chosen as lead character in the spring play for first year students at Juilliard Drama Division. Proud alumni parent Raymond Becker sends an update on his three children: Anita Becker ’90 has been teaching for nine years in Allen School District in the Streeter area and has taught a range of ages math and the sciences. Anita now loves her little kindergartners and is currently working on her Masters from Governors State in Computer Science—all this with two kids and a husband to spoil! Paula Becker Marfia ’94, married to Sean, received her Bachelors Degree from Bradley University, her Masters from University of Illinois and is now in her last year at Loyola Medical School. James Becker ’97 graduated from SIU in Electrical Engineering in 2001 and worked for Boeing and now attends Purdue Calumet in Computer Engineering while wife Heather finishes her nursing degree.
MEMORIALS February 20, 2004 to June 30, 2004 Shirley Accadia Eleanor Agins Kevin Aleck Anthony Amadio Gail (Calderone) Amos ’68 Mary Amundson Al Anderson Nicholas Andrews Jennie Anzelmo William Armstrong Gregory Babiarz Tony "Ante" Balich John Baltz Jean Barachman Natalie Dolly Bartusiewicz Jeanne Baskin Bart Battaglia ’76 James Beinar John Bergeron Kevin Beukema ’97 Irene Block Stella Blunt Irene Bogust John Bricks Ann Brunetti Robert A. Bryzagalski Michael Buccinna Harlan Burgess Anthony Burica George Carter Livio Caruso John Casey Charles W. Compton Joseph Condron Robert Cook Emily Corey Mary Corrigan Amelia C. Corte John Cosgrove Guido D'Amico Florence D'Andrea Dale Daley Dr. Wesley Daley Sandra Daley Howard Davian Aldo DeAngelis Emily Dederson Madeline DeFabis Guy Delcorio James DeLucia Philip Distler Atoinette M. Divicino Richard Dixon Marie Doffing Ann Droege Walter Dupczak Stella Dyrek
Elaine Eberhardt Forrest Etheredge Tony Falvo The Schultz Family Albert "Dan" Faron Susan Scott Ferrari ’69 Viola Fick Angie Filter William Franklin Elizabeth Frego Orletta Fuehrmeyer Geri Fugger Dan Fuss Philip Gaddini William Galati Nicholas Garofalo Donald Gausselin Alexander George Carrie Gerardi Thomas Gordon Germany, Jr. John Giallombardo Antoinette Giordano Andy Gliottoni George Gluc Agnes Golden Clare Eileen Golden Marjorie Gore Robert Michael Griffin Robert Haaker Christopher Hardy Thelma Harris James Hart Fred Hartman Amy Healy Elmertta Heckenast Eileen Heinz John Herzog Michael S. Hickey Bruce Hildebrand Lillian Hoffarth Leo T. Hogan Orlando 'Duke' Iafollo Harry Jacobs Michael Jacobucci Rosemary "Roe" Jaworski Teresa Johnson Minnie Jones Joanne Jurich Greta Kamenjarin Elizabeth F. Kaminski Rebecca Kaminski Leatrice Kane Robert Kane ’75 Nancy Kavanaugh Harriett Kiehn Angel Megan Klitz Grace Anne Klitz
Donna Klyczek Mary Konicki Edward M. Kozlowski, Jr. Genevieve Kristovic Casimer A. Kudra Ed Kurzeja Helen LaCiea Edith LaCorte Sally Lagger Thomas Lahey Andrew T. Lane Joy Lang Mary Ann Laurencell Anthony Lazzard Fred Lindquist Raymond Long Tomas Lozano Lucy Luciano William Lustig Anna Maliskas Wesley Manley Grace Marco Don Marschner Mildred Marshall Michael J. McCaughey, Jr. Edward R. McDillon George McDonough Margaret McDowell Arthur McGonigal Kelly McGrath Katherine McNichols Leonard Miller Tim Miller Mary Dolle Molle Marie Mollo John Moriarity Catherine M. Mulvihill Patrick Murphy ’81 Michael Narantic Patricia Nardi Brian Nasy Fred Newell, Sr. Maria Nichols Elizabeth 'Betty' Noworyta Patrick O'Donnell Dolores O'Donovan Frank Overtur Mr. Partipillo Richard Paul Jeannette Paulsen James Pavelka Eileen Pennick Dean Perozzi, Jr. ’94 Elizabeth Pfeiffer Theodore 'Ted' Piaskowy Jerome Piechocki Connie Poerio 14
Jennie L. Polcari Pauline C. Potocny Giaconda Principe Julia Prosser Marvin Qunell Connie D. Rabyak Rev. Thomas Raftery Eileen Reidy Evelyn Reilfuss Stanley Reindl ’82 John Reith Robert Richard Laura Rosolowski Marcella J. Savant Anthony Scariano Sheila (Petrarca) Schau ’69 Corinne Schillings Richard Schouten Henry Schumacher Karen Schupp Lena Schwab Edward A. Scott, Jr. Joan C. Scott Pearl Seida Marie Skummer Duncan Smith Loretta Smith William H. Smith, Sr. Shirley Socci Philomena Stella Elizabeth J. Stephenson Mrs. Robert Strahlman Neelamegam Subramanian Jim Sutara Esther Szlains Paul Szyarkowski Ed Taylor Dr. Ed Tilka Lois Toepfer Peggy Toms Marion Tripeny John Villella Lynn Wail Camille Wallace Patricia Walsh Verlena Washington Jane Wass Paul Wilczynski ’80 Ida Mae Williams Hubert Wilson Marguerite Wilson Marie Wisowaty Albert Yothment Ida Zarlengo Jim Zerante Rose Zerante Michael Zienty Edmund Zumbahlen
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Alumna/Alumnus of the Year Award* This award honors an alumna/alumnus who has contributed outstanding and distinguished service in his/her chosen profession and who reflects honorably on Marian Catholic High School. Spirit of Marian Award*+ This award honors an alumna/alumnus or staff member who best exemplifies the Dominican traditions of unselfish service to others and outstanding contribution to Marian, his/her community, or church. Athlete of the Year Award*+ This award honors the accomplishments of an alumna/alumnus or staff member who has participated in the Marian Catholic High School athletic program and has achieved a high level of recognition in athletics, either professionally, collegiately, or at Marian. Fine Arts Distinguished Achievement Award*+ This award honors the achievement of an alumna/alumnus or staff member in the Fine Arts – drama, art, music, broadcasting, and choral. A nominee should have achieved a high level of recognition in his/her particular field. *Marian alumna/alumnus must be at least five years from graduation +Staff members must have served a minimum of three years. All award winners must be able to attend the Awards Dinner.
Please write a paragraph explaining why each nominee is eligible, and enclose with this form Nomination forms must be received by Sept. 10 to be considered for the 2005 Hall of Fame.
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UPCOMING EVENTS REUNIONS C LASS OF 1999 – 5 Y EAR R EUNION Saturday, October 9, 2004 at Chicago Gaelic Park, 7:00 p.m. C LASS OF 1994 – 10 Y EAR R EUNION Saturday, October 9, 2004 at Mystic Celt in Chicago, 7:00 p.m. C LASS OF 1984 – 20 Y EAR R EUNION Saturday, October 2, 2004 at the Leg Room in Chicago, 6:00 p.m. C LASS OF 1979 – 25 Y EAR R EUNION Saturday, August 28, 2004 golfing at Chicago Heights West Golf Course with a reception following at 7:30 p.m. at Marian in the West Gym Lobby C LASS OF 1974 – 30 Y EAR R EUNION Saturday, September 11, 2004 at Angelino’s in Mokena, 7:00 p.m. C LASS OF 1964 – 40 Y EAR R EUNION Friday, October 8, 2004 Pre-Football Game Gathering, 6:30 p.m. in Dominican Way; Saturday, October 9, 2004 Reunion Dinner at Mr. Benny’s in Matteson, 6:30 p.m.
DECADE OF CHAMPIONS If you played football or you were a cheerleader in 1964, 1974, 1984, or 1994, you are welcome to come to our annual Decade of Champions celebration. Relive your football season memories with your teammates by coming to the 7:30 p.m. home football game against Nazareth Academy on Friday, September 17, 2004 and join us for a gathering in the West Gym Lobby immediately following the game.
HOMECOMING GATHERING This year’s annual Alumni Gathering will take place on Friday, October 8, 2004 in the East Gymnasium following the 7:30 p.m. football game against Marist. Come and join fellow alumni for some pizza, drinks, music, and memories. If you have questions about the above events, please e-mail the Alumni Office at or call 708-755-6579.
O U R M I S S I O N AT M A R I A N C AT H O L I C Marian Catholic, under the sponsorship of the Springfield Dominicans, is a coeducational, college preparatory high school where students seek truth, exhibit personal responsibility, cultivate their individual talents, and demonstrate Christian service and leadership.