Marian High School
April 2012
7400 Military Avenue Omaha, NE 68134 402-571-2618 Volume 56 - Issue 6
he Network
unior Edition
field day etiquette page 6 killer crunches page 9
Invisible Children
creative prom asking stories page 13 powder puff football page 15
printed on 100% recycled paper GO GREEN!
Alexa Gross ‘13
news.................................................... pp. 2 & 3 opinion...................................................pp. 4 -7 features .............................................. pp. 8 & 9 invisible children indepth.............pp. 10 & 11 features ..........................................pp. 12 & 13 sports.............................................. pp. 14 & 15 entertainment....................................pp. 16-19 prom photo essay...................................... p. 20 cover and photo illustration by alliesmith
The Marian Community Comes Together for Easter Mass Little Drummer Boys Members of the Winnebago drum group play for Easter Mass. Members of the Marian community look forward to the drummers coming each year. Reaching New Hearts A Marian girl reaches in the basket to grab a heart after Mass. Inside each heart was the name of a fellow Marian student. Everyone is encouraged to continue to pray for the girl in their heart throughout the Easter season.
News Briefs
Marian Collects 700 Pairs of Pants for Teens for Jeans
n February, Marian’s Dance Team sponsored an fundraiser for Teens for Jeans, an organization that collects used jeans to give to teens in need. Sophomores Monica Spence and Kristen Koley helped get Marian involved in this nationwide fundraiser. The fundraiser was held from Jan. 16-Feb. 12. The jeans were collected in homeroom each day. The winning homeroom was Mrs. Janet Tuttle’s sophomore homeroom with 101 pairs and they received doughnuts as their prize. All in all, Marian collected more than 700 pairs of jeans and received 90th place in the nation. Spence said, “We really had an awesome experience raising jeans and we hope to do it again next year!“
Speech Team Takes Fifth at State sydneyrhoades
arian finished fifth out of 24 teams at state speech on Thursday, March 22 in Kearney. After two rounds of intense speaking, Marian was left with four girls in the finals. When the final results came, Marian had an excellent finish, with freshman Julia Tatten taking sixth place in Informative Speaking, sophomore Sarah Brashear with a third place in Humorous Interpretation, senior Abby Johnson taking fourth in Dramatic Interpretation, and senior Tyesha O’ Neal with a third place finish in Poetry.
Oh Happy Day Keenan Ashley, a senior at Creighton Prep, and sophomore Samantha Mayfield sing “O Happy Day” at Marian’s Easter mass. Cheers filled the gym as they sang their solos.
Sophomores Successful at National History Day jessicamizaur
Choirs Collaborate Marian’s worship choir teams up with Creighton Prep’s worship choir to sing for Easter Mass. They sang many Marian favorites including “Lord I Lift Your Name on High.”
Going for a Jog Religion teacher, Mr. Kory Delkamiller, and Fr. Dave Korth run through Mass on April 11. Fr. Korth invited Delkamiller to reenact the journey to Emmaus, as read in the gospel, during the homily. Both are in good shape as neither were winded at the end of the homily.
photos by erinmcquillan & bizzyboulay
Applying Physics to Make a Difference: Sustainable Brick Recipes Take Marian Students to College Lab sarahreynolds & emilyjohanek
he physics world can be a confusing whirlwind of numbers, drawings, and problems that seem to only be applicable in class or homework. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Physics Department, however, is hoping to prove just the opposite. They have teamed up with the Marian physics students to apply sustainable physics to a real-world situation and to help make a change. UNL has also collaborated with Marian in hopes of recruiting more female students to enter the engineering field. According to Dr. Ece Ergdomus, a Professor at the Architectural Engineering University of Nebraska–Lincoln (located on University of Nebraska at Omaha’s campus), Marian is the only high school invited into the project because Marian girls are known to be intelligent, hard working and well-educated. Juniors and seniors currently in Physics I and II have divided into four teams, each consisting of five girls. “I decided to sign up for the project because I saw it as a good opportunity to become familiar with the UNO Department of Physics (PKI) and the engineering field since I will be there next year studying architectural engineering,” senior Ashlynn Efferding said. Each team created different recipes, varying the amount of PVA fiber reinforcements, cement, soil, and water in their mixture. The purpose of this project is to find a recipe that will create a mixture that will produce inexpensive, durable, and easy-to-transport bricks. If they succeed in creating the perfect brick, the current idea is to plan a trip to Winnebago this upcoming summer to work on a service project. The team would construct houses for the residents living on the reservation, using
2 News
these bricks. On March 27, the teams visited the Peter Kiewit Institute on UNO’s campus to test their recipes. Upon arriving at the campus, physics teacher, Mrs. Sharon Genoways, Technology Coordinator, Mr. Seth Bryant and the 21 Marian students received a quick tour of the building and then settled into a lab. Their job for the day was to put their recipes into action. One team at a time carefully weighed and measured each material and combined them. When they were satisfied with their mixture, they created four bricks, using a special compression machine. Once the bricks dry completely, which takes about 35 days, the teams will again return to UNO near the end of April. For their second visit, the girls will crush two of the bricks using tension and the other two using compression. The results will show how truly durable and realistic the recipes tested were; if none of the bricks pass this test, the girls will possibly be invited back to test new recipes. All the students involved have had an opportunity to apply what they learned in the classroom to a project that can potentially influence others and provide real-world experience.
1. Junior
Sydney Quinlan weighs the soil to her team’s exact measurement. The project required exact measurements to guarantee a cheap and durable brick.
Junior Jessica McCarthy and senior Ashlynn Efferding work together to pour the tub of their mixed recipe onto the mat. Once each team finished measuring and mixing their ingredients, they poured it on the floor and added water.
3. The team of Katie Johnson, Sydney Quin-
lan, Ellen Juracek, Morgan Tooley, and Lacy Thompson work their muscles with the block making machine called a Cinva Ram. Each group took a turn at creating their bricks with the help of the UNL undergraduate students.
ophomores Rosie Gensichen, Annie Gensichen, Megan McClanahan, Anna Krettek, Alisha Baginski, Maddie Grace, Hannah Lajba, Monica Spence, Allie Spongberg, Sarah Sullivan, Janae Heaney, Megan Stuva, Jamie Aspen, Nikki Ohlinger, Laura Burnett, Helen Burns, Emily Hobza, and Alisa Bedhun attended districts for National History Day on March 15 at the Durham museum and qualified for the State competition. “Overall, it went really well. We had some good projects this year and I think every year we’re just getting a little bit better, just because of having the experience of competing,” American history teacher Mr. David Anderson said. At the state competition on Saturday, April 21 the group of Megan McClanahan, Annie and Rosie Gensichen took first in the group documentary category. Anna Krettek and Alisha Baginski received second place in the website category and Janae Heaney got second in the single exhibit category. These students qualify to compete in the National Competition in Washington D.C. this June.
‘Saints of Our Giving Circle Wall’ is Dedicated
he Advancement Department is pleased to announce the installation of the ‘Saints of Our Giving Circles’ recognition wall. The Saints wall is located to the right of Marian’s chapel. This project began a few years ago with the desire to cultivate and recognize gifts from our supporters in a meaningful way. After much research, it was decided to establish giving circles. Naming the circles after female saints seemed appropriate for our school, so female saints with a connection to our Marian mission were selected. Sr. Juliana Falconieri, a Servite, serves as a model and resides at the top level of giving. The Giving Circles continue to play an important role for recognition and stewardship for Marian’s annual giving program, The Marian Fund. You can read more about each Saint on the Marian website; Advancement/Marian Fund/Giving Circles. Maureen Pope Beat ’80 painted a portrait of each Saint, and Barb Gehringer ’82 completed the framing. Blessing the Wall On Thursday, March 22, Marian staff gathered around the “Saints of Our Giving Wall”, the newly installed wall recognizing the supporters of Marian. Fr. Kevin Schneider, S.J., blessed the wall with holy water.
photo by katherinenelsen
Saving the Environment Starts At Marian megandennis
billion. According to, that is the number of single-use water bottles that are purchased each year. Sixty billion is more than eight times the population of the entire world. This website also goes on to say that ten percent of the plastic produced every year worldwide winds up in the ocean, and 70 percent of that number will end up on the ocean floor where it will likely never degrade. Although these plastic bottles may be convenient to grab on the way out the door, in the long run, they hurt more than they help. Digging out a reusable bottle may seem like a hassle. It is just one more responsibility; another item that can’t be lost or misplaced without getting an earful from your parents. Refilling bottles at school is another annoyance that nobody wants to deal with.
photo by gabbymaenner
Student Voices Opinion to Promote Change: How to get the Administration’s Attention sarahtownsend
om, practice is cancelled 2nite. Can u pick me up at 3:10?” Everyone has probably texted this message to their mom or dad at one point during a school day. The problem with this is that it must be done in secrecy.“Hey, will you look around and make sure the teacher isn’t looking? I can’t afford the points right now!” The question of whether or not students should be allowed to have their phones out during lunch has been brought to the attention of the administration by junior Jessica McCarthy. McCarthy took the initiative to face Marian’s administration about something she, and most of the student body, felt strongly about: having your phone out during lunch. “I think we should be allowed to have our cell phones out because we need to communicate with people outside of school for various reasons. We all can’t use the office phone,” McCarthy said. McCarthy took the appropriate steps in bringing an issue she felt strongly about to the administration. “First, I set up a meeting with Mrs. Toohey through Mrs. Delisi. Then, I wrote up my outline of why we need it and made a petition,” McCarthy said. As head of school, Mrs. Susan Toohey’s calendar appointments are scheduled through Mrs. Delisi, who serves as the principal’s assistant. More than half of the student body, roughly
millard north
who allow texting
millard south
millard west Gross
omaha north
slide to unlock
graphic by bremiller
400 girls, signed the petition that McCarthy proposed. She talked to girls in her classes as well as gathered signatures during lunch. “I met with Mrs. Toohey again. She brought it to the Principal’s Advisory Committee and it finally went to the whole staff,” McCarthy said. Head of School, Susan Toohey is not opposed to texting during lunch. “I know that other schools do allow students to text during lunch, and I talked to them. I was open to McCarthy’s suggestion, but I wanted to take it to the faculty to get their input.” Toohey doesn’t make the decision on her own, she has the help of the faculty and the Principal’s Advisory Committee to make the final decision. Toohey had some suggestions about bringing an issue to the administration. “What I don’t care for so much is petitions. I would rather have a confident, independent woman come in and plead her case with documentation,” Toohey said. Toohey was not against McCarthy’s petition. “The petition wasn’t in a negative format. It’s just that nine out of ten times the petition doesn’t make the change, it’s the people doing the argument that make the change.” Toohey suggested that survey results be brought to her versus bringing in a petition. The proposal itself has not been approved yet. Some of the teachers are against having cell phones out during lunch. “I am going to talk to the teachers who said no and see what revisions need to be made,” McCarthy said. One of the biggest concerns of some teachers is that girls would be texting through lunch and not socializing or talking to the girls at their table. Overall, Toohey is open to McCarthy’s suggestion. “It won’t happen this year, but I think we might see more flexibility during some time of the day allowing students to send and receive text messages,” Toohey said. “My door is open and I do want to respond to student requests. Sometimes the answer is no, but you never know what the answer will be until you present your ideas in a thoughtful and respectful way. The faculty and myself are much more open to suggestions when they are presented in a very well-prepared way,” Toohey said. As of now, texting during lunch is not allowed. However, that doesn’t mean it will always be that way. Other policies are in place that exist to help students communicate with their parents throughout the day. Students can email their parents with updates, and parents can call the office and messages can be delivered to students. The administration is open to new ideas and is willing to make compromises. McCarthy is staying positive and hoping that texting during lunch will be allowed in the near future. “I think we can get it passed if everyone tries,” McCarthy said.
Technically speaking, it can never be completely full because it has to be tilted so that it can catch any water coming out of the wimpy spout. There is an easier way. The parents of Samantha Mayfield, a sophomore here at Marian, recently donated a totally new and eco-friendly water fountain to put in the quad. “It was my dad’s idea. He decided to donate it when he saw the new system come into his business. I think he had thought it would be a good idea to donate it because I had constantly complained about how irritating it was to wait for someone to fill up their water bottle in the hall,” Mayfield said. “It takes a really long time and I need to get to class. He thought it would be a good idea to give us one because he really likes Marian. He wanted to give back to it,” she said.
Now the problem has been solved! This new device is simple to use, fills the water bottles all the way to the top. And helps reduce plastic waste. The best part? Even the most unimpressed person could find a little joy in using this new fountain. When asked if she thinks this new hydration station trend will be picked up in other schools. “I know that it will, but I just don’t know when. It saves water and cuts use time in half every time you use it,” said Mayfield. Whether it becomes a huge hit or not, the main fact is that the hydration station has helped the environment by reducing plastic waste one bottle at a time in the Marian community. Nobody can argue with that, so keep filling those bottles!
Spring Heat Wave Brings Summer Temps gabbymaenner
aying out in March seemed like a distant dream under the bleak winter skies. However, looking back a month ago, Omahans can say that many were able to do just that. The unusual change in climates this spring has left many wondering what’s to come of summer weather. According to Chief Meteorologist of WOWT, Jim Flowers, “It’s a combination of La Niña (a cooling of the Pacific) and something called the North Atlantic Oscillation (the dominant form of winter climate.) These two features have combined to keep the jet stream to our north, and has given us very warm weather.” Looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of the summer the unusual climate change
may have a bigger effect than many truly know. “I think we will see colder weather in April and possible freeze conditions. The current weather may become a hindrance with everything blooming,” Flowers said in an email interview. The rest of the summer might be a little different than what we are used to. “Cooler weather is likely in April, June and July. Rainfall in June and July should be above normal with hot weather in August and September,” Flowers said. Since there’s nothing the average person can do to change the weather, folks might as well enjoy it while we can. Flowers also warned to expect tornadoes to be more common this spring and summer.
Legacy Lunch
photo by laurentussey
Crafting a Legacy Sophomore Maggie Witzenberg helps her younger cousin Mary Kate Kramper make a ribbon hair band at the Legacy Lunch on April 1. All Marian alums were invited to bring their daughters to the event for a mac ‘n’ cheese and chicken strip lunch. The girls could also make hair bands and enter a Marian gear raffle.
News 3
It’s a Rocky Road! I
remember the first time I drove all by myJust because you are done changing lanes, sydneyrhoades self. It was the morning of my 16th does not mean your speed needs to debirthday and I took off in my gold crease. I was going the perfect speed. And Ford Focus, Dex. now, you’ve ruined it. : We live in Nebraska. It is slushy The pure excitement and freedom and slippery from November until I felt cannot even be described in March. It will snow at least once every words. year. I know it has been 8 months since Driving is an experience like nothyou have seen it, but does that really ing else. You are in control of where mean you forgot how to drive? you go and what you do. It is the : I know one of the scariest things ultimate milestone in teenage years. ever is driving next to a huge However, for most people, this truck. Nothing helps the situation, when privilege should be revoked. the truck decides to slip over into your In my year of driving, I can’t tell lane a little. you the number of times I have been absolutely You sit there, your hands turning white from terrified for my life, not because of my driving, gripping the steering wheel, praying that this semi but the people around me. I have composed a won’t be the last thing you ever see. short list of several scenarios I am often preTo all you truck drivers out there: Please, please respect sented with when sitting behind the wheel. : I am just cruising along, no more than a few the little cars. We know you may take up the most space... miles over the limit and bam! A crazy driver who but you don’t rule the road. : Lik omg, tht prsn ovr thr is txtng n drvng. Lol! wants me to go 50 mph over the speed limit and comes Not. Plz dnt txt & drve. i LML & wnt 2 keep it. Thx. this close to crushing my car. : Parking. It’s something we all have to do. So leave By the way, I can see you. No, I will not go any faster. some space for the rest of us. So pass me. See if I care. : Hello, grandma. I understand you may not be Not to hate on big cars, but once again, since you have able to see your speedometer, but can’t you at least a lot of space you think you can take up three spaces feel that your car is not going fast? instead of one. Not cool. : The worst is hills. People just don’t know how So now, I am subjected to park in the back of the lot to drive up or down hills. Either accelerate all the and walk the extra mile because you didn’t learn how to way, or just don’t accelerate at all. Oh, and braking all the park your car. : Awkward eye contact. Now, most times this way down the hill. Really? Really. All right. can’t be avoided. But, instead of thinking I am I’ll pretty much come to a complete stop while you psycho for singing along to my radio/iPod, just smile. It brake down your hill. : While we’re on the subject of braking, those who will make me feel better. decide that slowing to 5 mph in order to complete These are my top 10 driving scenarios that are irritatyour turn doesn’t affect anyone, it does. ing. No, the three people who are stopped behind you It is a varied list and it doesn’t cover everything, but I don’t mind. think it covers the basics. Alright, just to clarify, I am in no way saying you I hope you gained something from this. Maybe you should never brake. Love your brakes. Use your brakes. read it and agreed or thought “Oh, I’ve done that before.” Just use them wisely, please. Whatever the case, I hope that the next time you get : Oh, hello! Welcome to the right lane! Thanks for behind the wheel, you will think of me. informing everyone of your immediate change of Buckle up, it’s a rocky road out there! lanes.
Speak Out!
What’s on Your Playlist? Susie Baca, ‘15 Easy-Rascal Flatts Breathe-Taylor Swift Wonderful-Everclear How to Love-Lil Wayne Boston-Augustana
Syd’s Style
#2 #3 #4
#8 #9
Cienna Salerno, ‘14 Stand tall-The Dirty Heads Island Girl-Tribal Seeds Sorry-Soja Father of Mine-Everclear Lazy Days-Shwayze Kellyjo Steier, ‘13 Wish You Were Here-Pink Floyd I Dream of the Ocean-Mars Water All of Us-Painted Palms Green Eyes-Wavves Going to California-Led Zeppelin Erin Fitzsimmons, ‘12 A Prophecy-Asking Alexandria Diamonds Aren’t Forever-Bring Me to the Horizon Hallelujah-Paramore Zombie-The Pretty Reckless Singing with the King-Go Radio photos by jessicamizaur graphic by jessicamizaur & savannahfarrens
Bedtime Routines Put Away the Nightlight, No Shame in Nightly Comforts It’s Time To Grow Up A W people feel the same way. e’ve all had one at some point: When people sleep with their favorite a favorite teddy bear, a bright teddy bear, it comforts them because night light, or a soft blankie. Every girl needs her own rachelrensch it’s what comforted them when they were children. It brings back those comfort item. good memories and it makes them But when do we sacrifice that feel safe. item because we are “too old?” Many For example, my 22-year-old cousin, people, including girls at Marian, still Ashley, started sleeping with a use these nightly comforts. stuffed dog I bought her while she And it’s okay! No one should was in the hospital. Every night be ashamed. The world today she was there, she slept with that ridicules and looks down on teendog. agers, and even adults, who have Now, after being home for these securities. more than six months, she still My question: what is so wrong sleeps with it because it’s what with it? gave her comfort while she was There are many pros to sleeping sick. with a teddy bear, night light, etc. I also love sleeping with my For instance, sleeping with a night hippo pillow pet. He’s soft, fluffy, and light means you can see where cuddly! He makes me feel safe, and you’re going if you get up in the I believe he helps me sleep. There is night. It keeps away all those no steadfast rule telling us how old is scary monsters lurking in the too old. shadows too! I confess, I sleep So, remember not to be judgemental with a night light. when you see someone snuggling up to Yeah, I said it. I sleep with a their favorite teddy bear. night light! It’s LED too! I keep If you’re a person that doesn’t have it in the outlet right by my door. these objects at night, respect those Then, no monsters can come in around you who do. and get me! And just remember, nightlights do And anyone who says that’s wrong tend to keep away the things that go or immature can say it all they want. I “bump” in the night. like having my night light. I’m sure many
he Network
unior Edition
The Network is a monthly publication of the journalism students at Marian High School, Nebraska’s only Class A, Catholic, North Central Accredited college preparatory school for girls. As tradition, the seniors in Journalism II allow the junior Journalism I students the opportunity to display what they have learned in a showcase issue, the April Issue. The Network is a member of the N.H.S.P.A., N.S.P.A., and the C.S.P.A. It is our goal to provide an accurate and informative news source for the student community. Opinions expressed on the opinions page do not necessarily represent those of the entire community. Students, faculty, and friends are invited to voice their opinion in Letters to the Editors. All letters must be typed, signed, and sent to: The Network, Marian High School 7400 Military Ave. Omaha, NE 68134 Or emailed to us at: An electronic version of this paper can be found at: Follow
4 Opinion
us @MHSBeat
s a child, it was my duty to close the closet door at night. Although this seems like a strange job, it was very important for the sole reason that my younger sister would not sleep due to the imminent threat of a monster attack. She also had to have about alexisvinton 50 stuffed animals and a night light in order to fall asleep. I would wait for her to fall asleep and then I would unplug the night light. Why did I do this? Because— news flash— MONSTERS DON’T EXIST. This is a problem that needs to be addressed. It sickens me. The problem? Teenagers acting like they are ten years younger than they really are. More specifically, this problem is the dependence on a blankie, a night light, or a teddy bear. It is okay if you are a 5-year-old hugging teddy for protection from a thunderstorm. It is also alright if you had to sleep in your parents’ bed once or twice because of a bad dream. But sleeping with a night light as a teenager? Not okay. The only reasonable explanation I can think of for anyone, especially someone nearing adulthood, to sleep with a blankie would be because you are freezing to death in the arctic
tundra of your bed. Trust me, I know how cold beds can get at night. Which is why I use a real blanket. Most of the time these ‘blankies’ you sleep with are threadbare rag pieces for which you couldn’t even think of an original name. Maybe I am just bitter about my childhood, but let me just put this problem into perspective for you. In about a year, most of us will be coming to a landmark occasion in our lives. Whether it’s getting a driver’s license, being able to see R-rated movies, or graduating, I think it is time for all of us to grow up. It saddens me to know that people are so dependent on the same stuff they loved as children. Do you still use baby bottles? How about diapers? A binky? Does your mommy still tuck you in a night? This baby blanket dependence is an excuse for me to make fun of you. And trust me, I don’t need too much of a reason to ridicule. You are just asking for it. Next time you’re falling asleep, I hope you picture my face yelling at you, taunting you about your teddy and night light. And maybe this will finally prompt you to get rid of these baby objects and act your age for once.
Managing Editors: laurentussey & meganwoodruff Copy Editors: kathrynblaser, sydneypelster, poornaramasubramanian & sydneyrhoades Photo Editors: bizzyboulay, abbypeters & sarahreynolds Graphics Editors: lauraatherton & jessicamizaur Front Page Editor: alliesmith News Editors: bremiller Opinion Editors: beccaadlergarcia, elliehupp, gabbymaenner & annapope Features Editors: kaylahasenjager, katielang, annamandel, nicolamccutcheon InDepth Editors: eileenbaca & michelletsatsos Sports Editors: anniecoder & emilyjohanek Entertainment Editors: savannahfarrens, emilyfisher, theresakennelly & sarahtownsend Photo Essay Editor: danimorrell Columnists: lauraatherton, emilyfisher, sydneyrhoades, marieroubidoux, laurentussey & alexisvinton Reporters/Photographers: carriecable, mariacorpuz, megandennis, whitneyhayes, maggieheim, hayleyhiggins, tarahuber, kyriekillen, erinmcquillan, katherinenelsen, alipaasch, rachelrensch, sammiesandhoefner, haleysnyder & jackietvrdrik Adviser: marshakalkowski
Hey Smarty-Pants Girls:
Teachers’ Pets Don’t Get A’s
o you call your mom anything for attention. Being the Señora Maenner?” “teacher’s pet” was their ultimate Ah, the ridiculous goal, and that drove me crazy. question that one of my fellow I don’t understand why someone Marian girls still asks me to this would try so hard to be a teacher’s day. favorite. You don’t get perfect ACT “No, I call her mom.” I respond scores or Prom dates lining up at in a variety of ways. your front door as a reward for all Having had my mom as my your efforts. Spanish teacher for six years in It would make us all feel much grade school was a unique experimore comfortable if you just sat ence that also taught me a lot about and participated with the rest of us how teachers see things. average joe’s instead of All of us, having to always be whether we number one. like to admit I have personit or not, have ally experienced a favorite and when teachers show least favorfavoritism towards ite teacher. a certain student. Therefore, it’s When a classmate only natural to gabbymaenner shares a same opinion believe that our as a teacher in a class teachers have a favorite and least discussion, the attitude immediately favorite student as well, right? shifts from debate to alliance. While most of us sharpened When my mom taught me, I’m our 2 pencils and passed notes sure I was, of course, her favorite around the room, there was always on the basis that I was her daughter. that one student who would do However, she still did her best to
include everyone else more than me so that the other kids wouldn’t think she was showing favoritism towards me. In fact, she held me to a higher standard than the other kids because she expected the most from me since I was her daughter, just like every other mom in America. The bottom line is grading scales and levels of respect should be the same for all students. If you know the teacher outside of school, which happens whether some admit it or not, you can still maintain that relationship you have already built so long as you get treated as equally as everyone else in your class. That’s all we can really ask for from teachers. I’m sure every teacher has their own personal favorite students and also some not-so-favorites, but for the class to be able to function in an appropriate manner, it’s in the best interest of everyone to just leave biases at the classroom door.
Ridiculous or Meticulous:
Fine Line Between What is Necessary and Not
how ridiculous it seemed to be that rom may be one of the most exciting nights in a high our dates had to give their parents and employers personal contact school girl’s life. Now, it just information to the school. It was too does not seem fair that a girl can’t much information for just one night. ask her dream date without the Yes, it makes sense to make sure hassle of obtaining his personal work and contact information. our school is not letting in just any young man, but we are all confident, The required prom administrative independent thinking leaders. The form must be completely filled out administration should be able to top to bottom or no prom for you, trust our judgement. We our friend. will not show up with The upsetting part of this an unemployed middle aged man to dance process the night away with at is how prom. important Although the prom these rules actually are. form did not sound so superb, once we sat From down with Ms. Rhonda the start, allipaasch & jackietvrdik Motykowski, Dean of it seemed Discipline, we had a slight change completely unnecessary to have of heart. She said, “It is important so many guidelines for one simple prom form. When initially information to have in case emergencies come up.” looking at the form, we thought
With this being said, numerous scenarios ran through our minds of car accidents, restaurant hold-ups, and possibly even wardrobe malfunctions, as scary as it may seem. Motykowski, who implemented the prom form policy, said the form was based on some other Omaha Catholic high school dance forms. It is always our parents stating just because your best friend is going doesn’t mean you get to. In this case, just because other Catholic schools require the form, why do we require it too. If Marian did not require all students to provide certain information regarding personal contacts, our school administrators would look as if they seemed unconcerned for our safety. We can be grateful that we have an administration who truly cares for our safety on our fun night out.
High Notes of Being High Maintenance marieroubidoux
ave you ever noticed that when you look your best you also feel your best? Maybe it’s the fact your hair is perfectly straightened or your skin looks flawless thanks to your new Makeup Forever HD foundation or maybe even because you’re wearing your Coach satchel that happens to be your favorite and perfectly offsets your eyes. Well, okay, that last one is kind of stretching it, but you get my point. You know the feeling I’m talking about, the one that screams “HEY! I LOOK GREAT SO I’M GOING TO STAND UP STRAIGHT AND TALL AND STRUT MY STUFF.” Yeah girl, you strut your stuff. Messy bun, no makeup, and glasses? Oh my! But jokes aside, that’s not really my style. Don’t get me wrong, I am not by any means a morning person and having to get up at 6:50 every morning puts me in the “I’m Way Too Tired To Even Be Functioning Right Now So I’m Going To Look As Grungy As Possible” group, too...But on the rare occasions I have the energy to move my feet, why not put a little foundation on or a swipe of mascara? To go with my flawless face, why not complete the ensemble? It may seem weird that I bring my Coach wallet to school, but really, it’s the only decent wallet I have. I’m not trying to flaunt my material possessions in everyone’s face, it just holds everything I could possibly need: Gum, my license, my camera, my phone, a keychain,
money, some earrings, a pen, a mini comb...Well, now I probably just seem like a hoarder, but you get the idea. If you can find a wallet that will last me 3 years, holds everything, and is still cute and goes with every outfit you own, please let me know. But I also just like designer stuff. I’m a big spender and I’m not afraid to say so. I love the feeling of getting a brand new item that I’ve diligently saved my money up for and knowing that I’ve earned it. It puts me on Cloud $99.99. And you can tell me that I can get the exact same bag from Target or Walmart, but it’s NOT the exact same. If Fendi or Prada made the exact same bag as Target, there wouldn’t be any need for Fendi or Prada. All in all, I’d take airbrushed skin and perfectly unfrizzed hair any day of the week over looking like I haven’t showered in a month or two. It’s not about status or trying to impress anyone, it’s about feeling your best. I may have an emptier wallet compared to the girl who shops at Walmart, but if that’s what it takes to make me feel like a 10, then I’ll take it. So call me high maintenance if you wish, but I’ll just toss my shiny hair and bat my voluminous eyelashes and say “Thanks. (;”
Don’t get your Skirts in a Bunch
bleak Wednesday morning. Here at Marian, academics are Approximately 8:35 a.m. one of the more important competiBlock C. Room 206. tions we face, and most Marian girls The room of Ms. Connie Cavel. strive for the glory of an excellent Honors British Literature. report card. Jane Eyre test. However, when the smarty-pants Gulp. girls freak out about any kind of test, I plop down in my seat and nerproject, or pop quiz, it sets me off. vously watch my fellow classmates Those girls have an extraordinary frantically going through notes, gift of intelligence. They’re a tad bit scattering piles of flash cards, and brighter than the average light bulb. hollering out last-minute questions It irks me when they worry about to each other. things that everyone knows they can “What time of day was it when do easily. Jane arrived at Mr. Rochester’s Exhibit A: Boo-hoo, you have house?!” an honors Physics quiz In my head, I next block. You claim silently count how you “haven’t studied” many girls in this and you’re “not ready” room shouldn’t be because it will be “imfreaking out over possible”. an exam like this. No. She’s smart; she’s Wrong. a genius; she has an You’ll be FINE. A++ in this class; So quit your sobbing, laurentussey she’s an Eyre expert. build a bridge, and After this counting ritual, I often please, calculate the initial velocity dwell on the same question time and needed to get over it. time again: Why can’t I have a brain The real people who need to stress as smart as hers? over these things are the rest of us Silly me. Average Joe’s. Obviously my brain was born this We’re the CP (College Preparaway (thank you, Lady G) and I can’t tory) kids. change it. We work our fingers to the bone But the biggest shock for me on trying to ace our Schmidt worksheets an awful testing day like this is why and get anything above a 70 percent in the world are my Einstein Marian on our Genoways Quest homework. sisters worried about one Lit test? We don’t enjoy the moaning and They’re clearly excelling young groaning of those with the superior women. brainpower in our school. They’ve been through the hardest They experience an entirely diftests known to all Marian girls and ferent school day than we do. It’s alums alike. Most of them bravely hard for them to not know certain take on almost every honors class in things such as the difference between existence. the Spanish preterite and imperfect This Cavel test is just another tiny tenses. bug on their windshield of wisdom. It’s not that I want those intellecSo what does a stressed, frazzled, tually-gifted Marian girls prancing average student like myself say to around and bragging about how cool these worried academic goddesses? their brains are. I just want a little bit RELAX, BRO. of their grumbling to end. Here’s the deal: I am no Stephen I am proud of all my brainiac Hawking. Trust me. sisters here at Marian, and I love that But I work hard for my grades you are sharing your talents with the and I am constantly aware of any world. improvements needed to boost my All I wanna tell you is to take a GPA. chill pill and face the fact that you School comes first for me. Those are indeed one of the sharper tools in A’s and B’s are my top priority in life. the shed.
Low Down on Being Low Maintenance sammiesandhoefner
y alarm is blaring. As I slowly force myself to roll out of my cozy bed, I realize I only have five minutes before I need to be at school. I quickly skim through my options of what I can do: throw my hair in a bun, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, or attempt to find my math notebook which has somehow gone MIA. Deciding against breakfast, I quickly toss my hair up, brush away my morning breath, and search for the missing math notebook. Sprinting through the double doors of Marian, I can finally slow my pace. Yes, I made it with ten minutes to spare. As I begin heading up to the third floor, I notice something. Is I try not to stare as the freshman coming towards me adjusts her curled locks and Coach satchel. Wait, make-up, curled hair, and a designer bag? Did I miss the memo about looking presentable today? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against looking decent and showering (which I know from experience many Marian girls tend to skip out on). But I don’t understand the point of getting all done up for school. Waking up several hours before school starts just doesn’t make sense to me The ritual of getting ready is usually reserved strictly for the weekends-the nights when we are “graced” with the presence
of boys, which we are so eagerly deprived of. There’s really no one to impress. So why not make it easy on yourself and set that alarm forward an hour? Another thing that strikes me as weird is when girls bring all their designer items to school. “Oh this pencil bag? Yeah, it’s Vera Bradley.” “My parents just bought me this Coach purse last night, isn’t it cute?!” This may come across as jealousy, but I can assure you it’s far from that. When I see girls carrying around their coveted things, I can’t help but wonder how much they paid just for the brand name. A similar lunch bag at Target is $9.99, while a Vera Bradley lunch box will set you back at $25. Why should it matter what brand it is? Essentially, it’s for status. I’m not saying all of you Vera Bradley carrying and Coach wearing girls are self-absorbed, so just hear me out. Sometimes just throwing your hair in a bun and wearing a sweatshirt from the Goodwill is okay. Make life easier on yourself! Hit that snooze button two extra times. Throw on those sweats and glasses. Being low maintenance takes the burden off your shoulder that being high maintenance puts on. Ah, the benefits of being low maintenance. See, if I actually cared about my hair being perfectly straight or my eyeliner being evenly drawn on, I wouldn’t have had time to find my homework.
Opinion 5
Field Day Reflections staffeditorial
he smell of tempera paint mixed with hot glue hits you just as the distant screams of a well-rehearsed demo song meet your ears. Field Day season has returned. Each year, Field Day brings unmatched experiences of class bonding, hard work and, dare we say it, spirit. It is an opportunity for each Marian student to find her niche. The songwriter. The artist. The actor. The motivator. The creator. Each student starts to understand how she can use her talents to better her class. Being Marian girls, we are driven to succeed. And in this case, not just to succeed, but also to win. Something is indescribably satisfying about emerging victorious in any class competition, but Field Day is of its own breed. In so many ways, the competition that drives Field Day is the very reason for its appeal. How would winning feel if the other classes didn’t try? It drives everyone to work
healthy competition, as long as it’s on field itself
harder and for individual classes to bond more closely over a common goal. However, this same competitive spirit can also lead to negative sentiments between classes and ultimately harmful results. For example, sabotaging another class or vandalizing their belongings on Field Night, clearly not in the spirit of Field Day, has sadly become a part of the tradition. Each year, the Head of School sends a letter to all Marian families as a reminder of proper conduct on Field Night. The fact that behavior in the past has made this necessary is a sad reflection on Marian students. Yet conduct on Field Night is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to animosity between classes. Too often, we let our determination to win drive our actions. This can result in negative and hurtful comments about other classes and their work. It’s needless to say that many students at Marian spend days, if not weeks,
Confessions of a
Coffeeholic D
ear cup of coffee, Our relationship began approximately three years ago in a Scooter’s Coffeehouse on a bright summer day in Kansas City. Let me tell you, it was love at emilyfisher first sip. I did not know at the time that you would alter the way I look at breakfast beverages, but you did. One drink of the delicious hot cinnamon roll latte, blended, no whip, and I was hooked. There was no turning back. Being a naive coffee drinker at the time, I was under the impression that almost any coffee shop could produce a drink as monumentally delicious as my hot cinnamon roll latte from Scooter’s. How quickly I discovered that this was not the case. I searched high and low, traveling from coffee shop to coffee shop, but to no avail. The drinks I discovered at these shops were merely average, not as spectacular as the hot cinnamon roll latte. I thought for sure the very-popular and well-known Starbucks would meet my
expectations, but unfortunately, I was disappointed yet again. Starbucks coffee...ugh. Where do I start? The first thing I noticed was a bitterness masked behind sickeningly sweet, sugary syrup. To this day I still associate this burnt and bitter taste with a cup of coffee from Starbucks. While Starbucks does offer a similar drink known as the cinnamon dolce latte, it does not compare to my hot cinnamon roll latte. Another difference between Starbuck’s and Scooter’s is the price of a small drink. I will admit the amount of money I spend on Scooter’s coffee may seem a tad ridiculous to some. I find myself handing over $4.55 for the small size of my beloved blended drink. Even though my wallet may be considerably lighter, I feel that it is money well spent, because it is spent on what I think is a delicious cup of coffee. At Starbucks, it costs $2.75 for a small cup of iced coffee. Let me rephrase that. It costs $2.75 for a small cup of ice with a mere splash of bitter tasting coffee. In the long run, I feel that Starbucks is not worth the money. I think it’s safe to say that I am a Scooter’s girl through and through. No offense to all you Starbucks fans out there. I have nothing against you. It’s just that Starbucks isn’t my cup of joe. Yours Truly, A Coffeeholic
I Dream Of Coffee cartoon by emilyfisher
planning and executing different components of Field Day. Their hard work should not be discredited. A rule of thumb: focus on your class. Do what you can to help and to try to be successful. It’s a guarantee that nothing positive will result from the bashing of another class, so why bother? The classes with the best attitudes are always the most admirable. These are the ones you see cheering when the other classes (not just for their little or big sisters) perform their demonstration, recognizing the true accomplishments of others, and putting a positive spin on Field Day ups and downs. Although it seems clear that winning Field Day gives any class certain bragging rights, much is to be said for a class that knows how to win graciously. The members know that they worked hard and they congratulate themselves for their victory, but they don’t take the time to rub the results in everyone else’s faces.
Perhaps we need to take a step back every once in awhile and remind ourselves that there is so much more to Field Day than winning. It’s about learning new skills, working with new people, loving your class and making memories that last a lifetime. We’d like to think that being a part of Marian is being a part of a family. As a part of this family, it’s okay to have differences, as long as we remember where our real loyalties lie. Here, they are with our school. If you wouldn’t do something to your family members, you shouldn’t do it to fellow students. So advice to you, students of Marian High School: keep things classy, but don’t let the competition die. There is plenty of room for ambition and class unity, but try to keep things in perspective. We wouldn’t want more than 50 years of Field Day spirit to die out now. And most importantly, have fun. After all, you only get four chances to make your Field Day memories count.
Senioritis: The Disease That Affects Us All
versa and START YOUR HOMEWORK. ore than 45 problems in math, two Once you’ve gotten to the opening your pages of Spanish, and a lit quiz backpack stage before 9 p.m., I’d say you’re tomorrow. in great shape! Take out your books and start The chances of any of it getting done? with one of your simpler assignments. Like Very slim. if you have one chapter to read in lit or three Let’s be honest, we’ve all gotten to school, questions left in math. Then, once you get the walked in, and asked the question, easy ones out of the way, all your homework “Did you study for the test?” and gotten seems like less work. the response, “HAHA, no.” Let’s also be honNow you just need to est and say that you have put away all distractions-probably been the person phones, iPhones with responding NO. Twitter and Instagram, Senioritis happens to iPods, and remotes to the the best of us. Except it’s TV-- and get down to busijunioritis, sophomoritis, ness. These distractions can and even freshmanitis. include humans! Spreading At times, senioritis can your stuff out across the be very difficult to handle. kitchen table while your “I just sit down and stare at erinmcquillan little brother plays video things...” said an experigames and your mom cooks dinner enced senior when asked how is probably not a good idea. Find a quiet and she copes. I can speak from experience that secluded space to do your work. Also, try getting to school and having yet to finish a to avoid your bed at all costs. We all know certain math assignment before Block E can that “just shutting my eyes for two minutes” be a little stressful. It affects the whole school excuse never works out in our favor. Most of and no one knows exactly what to do! Well, us find ourselves realizing that at 7 a.m. the have no fears! I am here to save the day and next morning when your alarm goes off and give you tips on how to cope with this disease you find your math book on top of your face that is becoming a sort of epidemic. and the light still on from last night. So, find a First, you must accept the fact that you quiet spot, stay away from humans, electronhave a problem. If you are not sure if you ics, and any other distractions and focus on have it, look for these symptoms: sleeping in that homework! class, cramming for tests at lunch, increasing Get through all of your difficult homeyour TV/Twitter intake, and constantly askwork, written homework first, then studying. ing friends if they did the homework to feel Then when you get through it all, you’re done better about yourself. Then, once you have reand have plenty of time to tweet, text, and alized this, figure out which issues have been watch TV! the causes leading up to your senioritis. Now that I have laid out a road to success For example, I tend to watch my favorite (or even just finals) you can all breathe a little CSI show (because all the episodes are so bit easier knowing how to handle senioritis. unpredictable) then maybe check Twitter Final grades and GPAs do matter! Colleges do and Facebook, then watch the new episode care about the final semester of high school of “Modern Family”, then check Twitter and and have been known to revoke scholarFacebook AGAIN, then decide to open my ships. We can all conquer this if we just stick backpack. I could have skipped all of that together! Just keep pushing through until May and just opened my backpack right when I 24, or May 11, for all you lucky seniors. All got home, but we know that’s not realistic. you need to do is follow these easy steps and So sure, indulge in ONE show, check twitter, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. but save facebook for after homework or vice
Mindless Mispronunciation Ends Here
cruel, but bear with me for a bit. Human speech ’m walking down junior hall, and suddenly is normally pretty nice. It’s enjoyable even. But I hear it. It’s absolutely Perplexing with Lex only when you pronounce words correctly. Beware- by the time repulsive. you are done reading this, you It sounds worse may want to cut your ears off. than a squeaky white “I’m going to the punkin board marker. It’s more patch!” Excuse me. Do my ears annoying than our deceive me? Did I just hear you school’s uniform policy. pronounce pumpkin as ‘punkin’? It is more disgusting Correct me if I’m wrong, but I than those nasty little believe pumpkin is spelled with strings on banana peels. alexisvinton ‘mp’ not an ‘n’. Unfortunately, What could be this pumpkin is not the only offender. Innocent disgusting? One thing: human speech. words such as ‘draw’ are violated by people who Now you may think I’m being unbelievably pronounce it as ‘drawl’. And let’s not forget one
6 Opinion
of the worst mispronunciations- ‘wash’ is said as ‘warsh’. George Warshington. Not okay. You are not going to a ‘wrasling’ meet, you’re going to a wrestling meet. And if you pronounce it wrasle, I will wrasle you. Now I realize some of the speech problems may be directly correlated with where you live, but if you live in Nebraska you need to learn to speak correctly. At this point, I am practically throwing up. I am repulsed by the sloppiness of our everyday language. If you are going to use a word, use it correctly. I beg of you! You know what? Right now- let’s all take a pact to never mispronounce words again. This
epidemic must be stopped! I vote we all repeat this mantra once a night. Now look at yourself in the mirror and repeat after me- I, (insert your name here), vow to never again put an r in the word wash. I promise to never attempt to mesh a boy’s name and a tasty lunch to create the word ‘samwich’. And I will never, ever say ‘pitcher’ when I’m really trying to say picture. By taking this pact, we will be able to relieve most of this anguish and confusion. We must stand together to fight this terrible monster. By the power of our joined selves, we can protect the livelihood of today’s society. Thank you- and speak on correct pronouncers. Speak on.
The Breakdown of Female Rappers Santa & Easter Bunny Play Favorites marieroubidoux
Do You Agree With Marie?
illustration by emilyfisher
s I’m driving along in my silver Slugbug, I pop in a CD a friend made for me and Kanye West starts blaring through my speakers. I skip through and notice that all the rappers on this CD are male. “Hmm,” I think to myself, “why are almost all successful rappers male?” As I’m doing my best to keep up with Lil Wayne’s motormouth, I can’t help but question all the female rappers that have become successful. Through the course of my drive and my horrible attempt at rapping, I came up with about three: Lil’ Kim, Nicki Minaj, and Missy Elliot. Three female rappers that are somewhat known and maybe get a couple of plays on the radio. If you ask me, that’s a little sad. I mean, women have worked their way to the top to becoming doctors, lawyers, politicians, so why not take over the world of hip hop too? Think about it: we could have Tech N9neteenth Amendment, Slim Lady, and even Miz Khalifa! Brilliant? I think yes. How does one become a famous female rapper, you ask? Well, first off, you’re asking the
entirely wrong person, but that aside, I can give you a couple pointers I’ve gathered. Here’s my list of : How To Succeed in Becoming a Famous Female Rapper. 1. Blame it on the me-me-me-me-memedia. Ever notice how almost all female rappers are featured in a male’s song before they make their break? Lovely, another example of our male dominated world. However, this isn’t the females’ fault... the media sees women as accessories to male rappers’ songs. With a little more backbone and a little less of their backs shown, women can turn the statistics around to make men the “accessories” featured in the videos. Who run the world? Oh yeah, girls. 2. Be able to talk really fast. This one I have down. People are always telling me to slow down when I’m talking. Little do they know, I’m actually rapping all the time. It just doesn’t rhyme. Sostoptellingmetosl owdownbecauseI’mjustworkingonmyfuturejob. 3. Think of a really creative stage name that grabs peoples’ attention. Maybe something with “Lil” or a word that is spelled entirely different than it usually is, such as “Kreayshawn.” Well okay. There’s not much you can do with Marie, but Roubidoux has endless possibilities. Roubi-deluxe. Roubi-DOUGH (gettin’ money). Rubbah-dux. So maybe I’m not exactly the next Nicki Minaj, but it’s a start. To wrap up the list (no pun intended), don’t stop until you get to the top. I know that female rappers are the minority today, but with a little push of girl power, we’ll be blowing up the radio stations with our hit songs.
got hot pink Ugg As for the Easter bunny, lauraatherton boots, new Gap jeans, there is no pressure to an iPod nano... oh, behave ourselves for him and we’re going on a ski trip (phew!), but in a way, that’s next month! How about you?” even worse. Being a kid “I got a helmet...” who knows that there’s Believe it or not, this nothing you can do to get awkward exchange is not better Easter gifts, you feel uncommon to me. In fact, somewhat hopeless. When it happens twice every year, I was little, I used to have around Christmas and Easter hope that each new year time. I can still recall one could be the year that I get particular instance with my a real Easter gift. But every friend in about fifth grade. year, it’s just the same jelly In the course of the beans and pennies in plastics conversation, Maddie and I took eggs. turns saying what Santa got for each of us. At The reality is, some children truly do feel some point in the exchange, probably while she that these characters, especially Santa, don’t was reciting what seemed to be an endless list love them as much as others. There were many of riches, an idea was planted in my brain and aspects of Santa Claus that confused me as a hasn’t left my mind since. child, but one I could never wrap my mind Santa likes her better. around was why Santa seemed to play favorites. When we were all little ones, we were raised Why DID it seem like Santa loved Maddie to believe that there was a fat, jolly, old man more than he loved me? I always followed all who resides at the North Pole and goes around the rules, was nice to the nerdier kids and ate on one night of each year and leaves presents my vegetables. I felt that I really deserved the for all the good girls and boys. Oh, and don’t same, if not more, than all my friends who got forget, he has a naughty and nice list and he such cool gifts. watches every single thing you do! I can remember bringing up this argument Is it just me, or is this not quite the greatest to my mother and she simply told me that message to give kids? Don’t get me wrong, Santa and the Easter bunny weren’t always Santa’s awesome. I love that guy. I’m not the same for different families. As you can trying to ruin the fun idea that is Santa Claus, imagine, this is around the time when I began but I think there are some Santa details that to question their existence, but that’s beside the could be tweaked. For example, saying that point. he watches every single child at all times. I I’m now at a time in my life where I can mean, seriously? Even when I’m just doing my accept that Santa Claus and the Easter bunny homework? Doesn’t he get bored? And what aren’t real (sorry to those who didn’t know). about when I’m going to the bathroom?? I can now stop feeling betrayed and bitter by Alright, yes, I realize that the message is for their obvious favoritism because I know it’s kids to always behave themselves, even when nothing personal. Besides, I’ll have the last no one is watching, and I support that fully. But laugh when you fall off your bike and don’t do we really want children to think that if they have the wonderful helmet protection that I do. make one little mistake, their spot on the “good list” is at stake?
Laughin’ With Laura
1D is NOT For Me:
T laurentussey
What’s the Fuss with Tuss
Obsessions Gone Too Far
he curly-haired one, the blonde one, the one with pierced ears, the suspenders one, and the forgotten one. Just kidding. I know who Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam are. But I didn’t choose to get acquainted with these boys on my own. My first encounter with them hit me smack in the face. No exaggeration. Their music, their names, their outfits. BAM! Out of nowhere. Picture a clown smashing a pie into someone’s face. Yep. That someone’s face was mine. The British boy band One Direction (“1D”) is an excessively popular group with similar songs and similar voices. I’ll admit that when I first heard the songs “What Makes You Beautiful” and “One Thing,” I thought it was the same person singing the whole time. Oops. Guess that’s what plopped me into the “un-directioner” pile of girls in the world (a seemingly small pile, I might add).
The biggest reason that turns me away from the five British beauts is the result of one particular group. Their fans. Also known as “directioners.” Who knows, maybe I could have had the chance to hum a 1D tune during physics class or I could have hung posters of Liam’s face along my bedroom walls. But alas, ‘tis far too late. The fans are psychos and I cower away in fear. One Direction fans are insanely ridiculous. Their ravaging obsession takes over their lives, their behavior, and their social networking websites. Being an avid tweeter myself, those fans on Twitter tick me off more than anything. Even more than Creighton Basketball fans live tweeting during an entire game. So if you catch a case of “Harry Hay Fever” or “Liam Lumps,” please go perform your worship rituals at least 7,945 feet away from me.
I don’t believe that there IS only One Direction, and I think young girls’ lives should not be entirely consumed by the band. Seriously guys, you can take it down a notch. Everyone knows you want Harry to serenade you like the girl in the “What Makes You Beautiful” music video. No need to scream like a dying chimpanzee down the hallways when you find Niall’s face on your locker. I do believe that the songs these boys produce are catchy and have good rhythm and rhyme. I do believe they are more attractive with their irresistible accents. My only wish is that all of the directioners would step back and look at their own sanity as fans. As for myself, I’d like to say that all my knowledge of the band is merely the outcome of being the victim in a 1D hurricane. So thank you, Mr. Clown, for cruelly smashing a pie of unwanted One Direction knowledge into my unsuspecting face.
The Art of Conversation Lost in Technology
hen I see a five-year-old walking into the restaurant where I work, holding an iPad or iTouch, I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. Just as the family sits down and orders, the mother will put the iPad on a stand. Then, before you know it, some child entertainment show will come onto the screen. For the whole meal the parents will text on their Smartphones. If the parents can’t manage to talk to their own children, what’s the point? These kids will seriously lack communication skills. I can’t help but wonder what life would be like without cell phones, laptops, kindles, e-readers and Apple products. It may sound crazy, but I would love nothing more than to go
back in time with none of that. The first thing I do when researching for any sort of homework is type what I want right into the Google search bar and wait for the hundreds of thousands of answers to appear. But what am I really learning by doing this? My parents will continue to lecture me on “When I was a kid
we didn’t have computers, we had books,” even though I roll my eyes every time. I do not own a smartphone, laptop, or e-reader. I like my phone for calling and texting, not Facebook or Twitter. I also much rather prefer alipaasch actual books to Kindles. I enjoy the old musty smell and the thick binding of a book. As a kid that was one of my favorite parts of the day, bedtime stories. If I want to talk to someone, I don’t “tweet” them, I have actual face to face conversations with
them. And if I even knew how to play this app called “Temple Run,” I wouldn’t want to. Nothing is worse than telling a great story, getting to the climax and seeing that my friend has been on Facebook the whole time. My friend then replies with “Wait what?” for the billionth time. This is one of my biggest pet peeves, you can’t take two precious minutes out of your life to hear my hilarious, if I do say so myself, story? Pathetic. As technology increases, reading books and newspapers for pleasure declines. This leads to lack of communication skills and imagination. In the future, kids will not even be able to play a simple game of tag because they can’t imagine tearing their self away from their Nintendo DS.
Opinion 7
Putting an End to Split Ends
DIY: Deep Conditioning Hair Treatment
Try this all natural deep conditioner at home to rejuvenate your worn out, tired hair!
1 cup mayo (room temperature) 1/2 cup olive oil 3 egg yolks
1. Blend all ingredients together in a bowl. 2. Apply thoroughly through your hair adding extra at the ends. 3. Pile hair on top of your head and cover with a plastic shower cap and then cover with a towel to keep in the heat from your head. 4. Leave on for at least 10-20 minutes and then rinse out.
The Flack About Shellac: Shellac Nail Gel
1 banana 1 tsp honey 2 tsp plain yogurt
1. Mash banana. 2. Blend all ingredients together in a small bowl. 3. Apply evenly all over face and neck. 4. Leave on until completely dry, then rinse with cold water.
“Tanning is healthy, if it’s in moderation.”
s prom approaches for juniors fashion and beauty blogger, Catherine and seniors, there’s a lot to be Saint Louis, Shellac can be promising. done to make sure you look like She said there are some downsides to the a shining star on the ‘biggest night of trend though. Saint Louis said that the the year.’ You need the perfect price is high because you have to pay to dress, the perfect date, the get it done and you have to pay for the perfect hair, the perfect removal too. Shellac usually costs $30 to shoes, and, lastly, the per$40 plus $5 for removal. This makes it fect nails. cost more than a regular manicure. However, those mani“Typically, I just paint my own nails cures never seem to stay at home, so it definitely was a bit too on long. By the end of the expensive for a routine basis,” Maggie night, the polish you paid Witzenburg ‘14 said. $20 for has chipped Another negative aspect is off due to hardcore removal, which takes 10 to 30 dancing and ultimate minutes. In addition, the nail gaming at Dave and gel lasts for about a month. For Busters. But don’t those who thrive on weekly of Marian girls worry girls, there is a variety, it’s probably not the who took the April solution! best choice. survey have used A popular trend has “When I agreed to get ShelShellac Nail Gel. been hitting nail salons lac, my friend didn’t tell me I in the past year. It’s called had to go back to get it removed, Shellac Nail Gel. Shellac so over spring break, I peeled is a semi-permanent nail them off completely,” Witzenburg polish that is professionally said. The removal process is speapplied in a multi-step application. It is cific and includes wrapping the nail in a similar to any other manicure, except the strong acetone. This makes the removal nail polish is more like a gel, and between an easier process instead of the normal each coat of nail gel you briefly leave your nail polish removal. hands under a ultra-violet lamp. “I think For what it’s worth, doing this for a Shellac looks really good on and it stays special occasion like a wedding or prom on for a long time. I like that it gets dried would make your nails one less thing to right away as well,” Jackie Jensen ‘13 said. worry about. “I think I might do them It doesn’t seem like a promising act to for prom,” Jensen said. And plus, the last leave your hands underneath a UV ray thing anyone wants to be thinking about lamp. during prom is chipping a nail while But according to New York Times’ busting a move on the dance floor.
8 Features
Use this soothing face mask for beautiful, healthy skin!
DIY: Face Mask
- Maddie Lambert ‘13
Recipe from
ven though most Marian girls throw their hair up in messy buns on top of their heads every school day, many are guilty of flat ironing, curling, or blow-drying their hair at some point in their lives. The smell of slightly burnt hair is a common scent in bathrooms and hair salons all across the country. But what really happens when you turn the heat up on your flat iron and voluntarily fry your hair? The most common side effect of the chemicals and heat applied to luscious locks is split ends. Overuse of heating appliances like flat irons and blow dryers can leave you looking like Medusa with dry, damaged, two-headed snakes coming out of your head (picture Mike Wazowski’s girlfriend from Monsters Inc.) instead of a healthy, shiny mane of hair. Professional hair stylist Katie Tvrdik Fishburn, Marian Class of ‘87, has some advice for dealing with split ends. “Split ends are just a part of hair, and the only way to get rid of them is, unfortunately, to cut them. The best thing you can do is try to prevent them by using a product that is meant to leave in the hair before any styling, especially heat styling.” There are several more ways to prevent split ends. First, try to cut back on your usage of flat irons, blow dryers, and curling irons. Brushing your hair when wet can also cause hair breakage. Instead of using a hair brush the second you get out of the shower, use a widetoothed comb. A deep conditioning treatment once a month can also work wonders on your hair, but this can get pricey. Instead of spending your entire paycheck on a bottle of deep conditioner, try a homemade one (see recipe to right). For many, the risk of getting split ends here and there outweighs the risk of going out in public with a frizzy, tangled mess on your head. Even though this won’t stop the incessant frying of hair, realize the stress you are putting your hair through every time you flat iron, blow dry, and curl it. May your fly-aways be tamed, your split ends be no more, and always practice safe hair care!
Recipe from
illustrations by nicolamccutcheon
beauty basics
Makeup: A Girl’s Best Friend or Worst Enemy? maggieheim
lthough makeup might not be a part of the early-morning, weekday routine for a Marian girl, the weekends may be filled with hours standing in front of the mirror attempting to create some sort of physical perfection. Yes, makeup does give that extra boost of confidence before walking out the door on a Saturday night, but have you ever thought about the chemicals you are applying to your skin? Most cosmetics consist of a preservative called Parabens. This popular product allows cosmetics to last for years either on the shelf in a store or in your makeup drawer. According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), Parabens mimic hormones which can lead to early puberty and breast tumors, but continue to be a popular product in the makeup industry. This preservative can also disrupt functions within the endocrine system. Certain cosmetics are known to cause allergic reactions especially to those who have sensitive skin. Nikki Ohlinger ‘14 knows firsthand what it is like to suffer from an allergic reaction due to make up. “I had purchased a cheap bottle of Glow Away foundation from Walmart and my face would not stop itching. It was probably the worst pain I have ever felt because the sting was very intense until I got a shot.” Another story concerning the consequences of cosmetics has to do with face cleansing. Junior Allison McLeay’s cousin went into the MAC cosmetic department before prom. Her makeup artist decided to try a new face cleansing wipe on her. “The wipe began to irritate the skin causing red bumps all over her forehead and cheeks,” McLeay said. Luckily, the itching and redness died down before prom that night. “She was so worried that the pain and obnoxious splotches would not go away in time, but she got lucky” McLeay said. Although there are various hidden consequences relating to the use of cosmetics, many girls are not afraid to continue using them on a daily basis.
Health Benefits Do Not Justify the Dangers of Fake Baking maggieheim
ith summer right around the corner, most are physically preparing for what lies ahead… swimsuit season. Yes, summer does allow for a beautiful bronze tan, but now more than ever, girls are getting a jump start on their summer glow through a little process many call “fake baking” or indoor artificial tanning. Society has put a stress on the necessity of having a bronze glow. The media is also influencing the young men and women of society. Shows such as Jersey Shore have offered up their own representatives for bronzing, but fail to stress the dangers behind the “cancer beds” that are being silently promoted. According to Time Magazine, New Jersey recently created a law prohibiting anyone under the age of 14 from tanning artificially. If you have experienced a tanning bed within the last year, you are one of the 2.3 million teenagers who have contributed to the $5 billion business. Teens all over America are becoming sun worshipers and continue to abuse ultraviolet radiation for the purpose of self-image. Believe it or not, 60 percent of Marian girls who took the April survey last month have laid in a tanning bed at some point in their life. Maddie Lambert ‘13 has become extremely aware of the dangers of tanning over the past few months while landing a job at Caribbean Tan Inc. in Elkhorn. “Tanning is healthy, if it’s in moderation.” Lambert was frustrated with the fact that most believe that tanning is extremely dangerous. “If you use a lotion and make sure to never burn, tanning can be very healthy
and good for you,” Lambert said. One of the greatest effects that might never cross a girl’s mind before entering a tanning bed is the diagnosis of melanoma. Melanoma is a tumor of melaninforming cells, typically a malignant tumor associated with skin cancer. According to Time, researchers have found a 75 percent increase in the risk of melanoma in those who have been exposed to UV radiation from indoor tanning. Although there are an immense amount of problems related to indoor tanning, there is a positive outlook to this topic that many people still hold true to. Taryn, an employee at Paradise Bay Tanning on 156th and Maple, had quite a positive opinion on the subject. “I see people come in and seem so much happier after they tan. It’s 10-15 minutes of alone time and the customers always have a positive experience,” Taryn said. She also feels strongly about the healthy aspects of artificial tanning. “It is all about tanning in moderation. If you come in every single day for years and years, things can take a turn for the worst. But, men and women can come in a receive a great source of Vitamin D and feel better.” There are multiple outlooks one can take when discussing the topic of artificial tanning. Some believe that the only way to guarantee yourself a lifetime of beautiful skin is by protecting it now, not waiting until later on in life to take action; others say tanning in moderation is completely healthy and gives one a sense of happiness as well as a beautiful glow.
Eat This
Not That
Chicken Soft Tacos 470 Cal. 22 g Fat 1,100 mg Sodium 63 g Carbs (w/corn salsa, cheese, romaine lettuce)
Crispy Steak Tacos 395 Cal. 14 g Fat 940 mg Sodium 53 g Carbs (w/tomato salsa and romaine lettuce)
Iced Caffé Latte 130 Cal. 4.5 g Fat 13 Carbs
Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino 410 Cal. 20 g Fat 57 Carbs
You Pick Two! Low Fat Chicken Tortilla Soup and Half Asian Sesame Chicken Salad 430 Cal 19 g Fat 1280 mg Sodium 42 g Carbs
You Pick Two! Broccoli Cheddar Soup and Half Chicken Caesar Sandwich on Three Cheese 570 Cal. 29 g Fat 1640 mg Sodium 50 g Carbs
graphic by hayleyhiggins
sources: respective restaurant websites
Percentage of Marian Girls Who
t some point in her Eat Fast Food Per Week life, every Marian girl has begged her mom to take a quick trip to Mickey D’s for a Chicken McNugget Happy Meal. Once she has her red box, dampened with grease, a smile comes to her face as she submerges her “chicken” into honey mustard. She dives into her box for another while her mom yells out the window for some more napkins. Playing with her chicken, she wonders how all of the nuggets are such source: survey of 258 Marian students perfect ovals. Well, she was When asked if she still eats fast food knownot getting elliptical nuggets by ing that a percentage of it is not real meat, chance. sophomore Courtney Warren said that all Although one might think she is eating real meat, and current food scientists she does her best to ignore the fact that her Crunchwrap Supreme, light on the lettuce, declare this meat to be “pink slime.” Although hold the sour cream, is only 36 percent meat. McDonald’s used it for a while, they claim that Thirty-six percent. The other 64 percent is they discontinued using it in 2011. While some caramel coloring and artificial smoke flavor 10 year-old boys may say that this slime sounds (extra high in sucrose and sodium). good, a majority of the population would probaThere are times that you will be in a bind bly find that it sounds somewhat repulsive. What exactly is pink slime you may ask? Pink slime is a and need to stop at a fast food restaurant to grab something. Do not worry, there are a term used for the pink colored, sticky paste that couple of things that will not be horrible for is made to stretch out the beef, chicken, fish etc. you to have. As gross as it may sound, pink slime is not If you are in the mood for Taco Bell, entirely bad for you. What really hurts you in a choose the plain bean burrito. There is no typical drive-thru burger is the fat, grease, and meat product in the burrito, and it contains a calories in it. For example, the Angus Mushroom low amount of fat compared to the rest of the Burger from McDonald’s has 770 calories, 40 menu. grams of fat and is greased with a significant If you want a hot sandwich, stop at Arby’s amount of oil. to get a roast beef sandwich. It has a low So let’s say you’re reading this and think to amount of calories for fast food, but you have yourself, “Hey, there are healthy alternatives to this greasy sandwich!” Well listen up all you non- to be careful with adding sauce or cheese, because that will increase the fat and caloric believers, the Burger King Chicken Sandwich is intake. not the best either. It would not be any healthier So next time you bite into that delicious, than a Big Mac, unless you stripped off all of the juicy McDonald’s signature Big Mac, know toppings, buns, and cut the fried crust off the that you’re really pushing your teeth into 563 chicken. calories. Doesn’t sound so good now, does it? Instead of the Big Mac or the famous quarter But hey, you should feel a little bit safer while pounder, try the Southwest Grilled Chicken devouring this fatty meat wad knowing that Salad without the dressing. The chicken has your burger meat successfully passed through enough flavor to make a great salad. But wait, the metal detector after taking only five lug don’t get carried away. A salad isn’t necessarnuts out in their processing factory (Yes, the ily healthy. The Caesar Salad is one of the least healthy things on the menu, so make sure to look meat is sent through a metal detector)! All that, just for you at an awesome price of $3.49. at the nutritional facts.
graphic by hayleyhiggins
Healthy Habits
Chew On This
Killer Crunches W
ith summer right around the corner and swimsuits everywhere you turn, this killer cardio workout demonstrated by Michaela Smith ‘13 will help you achieve your perfect summer stomach. It only takes a few MINUTES out of your busy schedule and voilá... rockin’ bod!
Vertical Leg: While lying flat-backed on an even surface, vertically extend your legs to the ceiling, crossing at your ankles. Place your hands behind your head and begin to crunch up allowing your shoulder blades to leave the floor. Imagine trying to touch your belly button to your stationary legs. Do this exercise for five sets of five. Take a 10-second break in between each set.
Plank: Lying face down, place your forearms on the ground next to your torso, as well as your fists for stability. Use your feet to push off the ground, while keeping your back in line with your head and toes. Think of tucking your pelvis under your belly button and squeeze from your core. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat four times. Take a 10 second break in between each set.
Bicycles: Lay flat-backed, place both hands behind your head and
keep your chin away from your neck. Tuck your knees into your chest and bring your shoulder blades up off the ground. Bring your right leg to your left elbow while straightening the other leg. Switch sides and repeat for five sets of five. Take a 10-second break in between each set.
V-Shaped Hold: While lying flat-backed, bring your feet vertically to the ceiling and reach your hands towards the tips of your toes. Only the very bottom of your back and behind are to be touching the floor. This creates a “V-Shaped” posture. Hold this for 10 seconds and repeat five times. Take a 10-second break in between each set.
Base: While lying flat on your back with your knees bent and hands on the back of your head, point your toes to the ceiling. For the entirety of this position, keep feet pointed to the ceiling and slowly contract bringing your shoulder blades off the floor. Do this for five sets of 10. Take a 10-second break in between each set.
Features 9
Discovering the Truth About Child Soldiers eileenbaca
ccording to Jimmie Briggs, author of Innocents Lost: When Child Soldiers Go To War, children are sometimes forced to become soldiers in some war-torn countries. Child soldiers act as good soldiers. Children are more willing to obey authority than elder soldiers. They are usually uneducated and don’t understand the legal trouble they are getting themselves into. Children have often proven to be more violent and ruthless than older soldiers. The Rwandan Genocide (1990-1994), is an example of the ruthlessness of child soldiers. During this period of destruction and violence, there was a child who reportedly killed more than 90 people. Those who are forced to become child soldiers often have to choose between killing others or being killed themselves. Many examples of children having to kill their family members have been recently reported. Between 2004 and 2007, 19 countries were reported to have used children in war conflict. According to Child Soldiers Global Report, some of these counties include Iraq, Colombia, and Israel. According to MSNBC’s 2008 report, 13 countries use child soldiers. Legitimate
governments and rebellions are both guilty of using child soldiers. The British Broadcasting System estimated 300,000 child soldiers existed in the world in 1990. Boys are mostly forced to go into combat. Some become messengers, spies, and a few are sexually exploited. When girls are enslaved, they are usually sexually exploited by their captors. A lot of these girls contract STDs and many end up dying. Some women become soldiers, spies, or messengers. “It is depressing to know how bad it is,” junior Regan Curtiss said. Curtiss and her morality classmate, Jenna Denker, chose Invisible Children for their social justice project this semester. “We picked the topic because I had previous knowledge about the issue of child soldiers and we figured it would be easier to talk about something we already know about,” said Denker. Some children get rescued. If they’re rescued by UNICEF or other means, they might be helped and receive hope for a better way of life. Frequently these children have developed psychological problems because they grew up in a violent environment, and sometimes killing
is the only thing they know. Sometimes these children are prosecuted for the crimes they were forced to commit. However, as Briggs reported in Innocence Lost, some children choose to join. They usually join because someone in their family was killed, and they were told to get revenge by a person they look up to. Some say it’s more dangerous for these kids, because they are taught that killing is an act of honor. They are not forced to kill, they voluntarily do it. “Sometimes it is hard to understand why a child would do this, but looking at their circumstances and upbringing it is not that far-fetched,” said Curtiss. The United Nations has focused on the issue and has made many efforts to try and stop the issue of child soldiers, but the principles are not legally binding. “Sometimes it’s hard for a country’s leader to fix humanitarian issues when it risks the rest of the country’s stability,” said Denker. “Marian girls should care about child soldiers. These children’s innocence is ruined. We should all be more aware of the problem,” Curtiss said.
e l b i is
h v C In photo source:
The Real Joseph Kony Story haleysnyder
Joseph Kony was born on September 18, 1964 in Atyak, Uganda. Mainly, he considers himself a Christian and is striving to turn Uganda into a Christian nation. In order to do so, he created a cult called the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) to challenge the Ugandan government. The formation of the LRA has caused 20,000 children to become sex slaves or children soldiers. Once Ugandan children have been forced to join the cult, Kony initiates them by telling them to kill their own parents. This is done to create an environment where the children have no choice but turn to the LRA for life necessities. Once kidnapped, children are used for excessive labor and selfish usage. Girls are commanded to become wives to older men, including Kony. If the children are caught misbehaving, group officials will brutally cut off their ears, nose and/or lips. Then, the children are told to eat their own skin as an additional punishment. For obvious reasons, Joseph Kony is wanted for arrest. The reward for his capture is $11,000. Kony has led Ugandans to live in terror for their lives and their children. In order for Uganda to feel at peace once again, he must be stopped. However, some feel that arresting Kony would not stop the problem at hand. When looking at the big picture, Uganda has many other problems as well. For instance, most Ugandans cannot access clean water. Fortunately, there is an organization called AID UGANDA. It was founded by Ken Goyer intended to help Ugandans in need. Also, another main organization that reaches out to Uganda is Project Uganda. The organization provides projects, volunteering opportunities, and abroad programs to assist Uganda. These organizations encourage all people to be inspired by their work and become part of their teams to stop the injustices in Uganda.
10 Indepth
Like most child soldiers, these childrens’ names are unknown, and their stories remain untold.
photo Source
Pictured above is a child who was forced to become a child soldier by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). He fought in the Ugandan Civil War.
According to a 2008 MSNBC article, a senior U.N. official stated that there were groups that recruited child soldiers located in different 13 countries. Different world organizations cite contradictory statistics.
n e r d l i h UGANDA
Hannah Portis ‘12
Gini Yost ‘13
“I heard about this issue last year at my old school.The one thing Invisible Children has done a good job with is educating people on the topic through social media. The problem with this is that it seems to be just a trending topic that society will soon forget. Society may lose interest and desire to help this issue, but it will continue to be a problem until it’s solved.“ “These children are forced to risk their lives doing dangerous tasks for the government while living in poverty where sexual harassment and abuse are very high within their region as well as a punishment for them. I hate it.”
Roni Perez ‘14 “I found out about the child soldiers because in scripture we had to do a paper over a cause, and I came across this one. This issue is obviously a horrible thing, but hopefully it can be stopped.” Cate Mischo ‘15
photo source:
Viral Videos: KONY 2012
“In my opinion, if you are working to actually help (not just promote awareness) all of the money donated to the cause (or at least most of it) should go to actually helping the kids in danger. I know a lot of people are worked up on the cause and think it’s great to give money to the Invisible Children, but I think a better way to help is to donate to some other organization that really will do something about this problem.”
ne cause, one organization, one video sparked a virtual revolution. The nonprofit organization, Invisible Children, marked the beginning of this revolution with the release of the video “KONY 2012,” on March 5, 2012. With more than 86 million views in over three weeks, the group has made itself known. The Marian community was extremely fired up about the cause immediately after the first video surfaced. Social networks were flooded with information about the video. All of a sudden, everyone was a human rights activist. “I was glad people felt so strongly about helping the kids but I just wanted people to do more than sharing the videos. I wish they would do more to raise money and find organizations to donate money to,” sophomore Addie Curley said. Out of nowhere, that fervor faded. What happened to that passion? “I feel the video is an extremely one-sided view about what the situation in Uganda is really about and I feel it doesn’t give a lot of facts to go on and it attacks people emotionally,” Curley said. Critics say the YouTube video over dramatizes the situation in Uganda. Things are not perfect there, but the situation is not as bad as it appears. There is a lot to be done, but Invisible Children’s website does not make service opportunities easy to find. It makes it seem like the only way to help is by purchasing products
like action kits, T-shirts, bracelets, or just by donating money. According to, only about one-third of the money actually goes to helping the children. The rest goes to fundraising, products, movies, management, and awareness programs. In the scheme of things, this adds up to a total of nine million dollars in 2011, with about three million going to the children. Finding this information is difficult, and some of the charts are not very clear. It seems as though the organization does not want these financial statistics known. On April 5, Invisible Children released “KONY 2012: Part II – Beyond Famous.” The 20-minute video goes more in depth about the actual issue of child soldiers. It explains that the purpose of the first video was to make the issue known, and it also explains how to help by participating in “Cover the Night.” The Marian student body did not react positively or negatively to the release of this video. Social networking sites did not blow up with posts about Kony or Invisible Children. People did not seem to know or care that the video existed. Just because an issue is not a trending topic does not mean it is not important. If a cause and a video are enough to cause a passion through our school, it is the Marian community’s responsibility to remain involved and educated about it.
of Marian girls have watched
KONY 2012
on YouTube
Graphic by michelletsatsos
A KONY 2012 poster that was a part of the “Cover the Night” campaign. “Cover the Night” took place on April 20, 2012 all across Omaha.
Indepth 11
When Books Become Movies... emilyfisher & sydneyrhoades
THE WORST “My hatred of Twilight started when it pushed back the premiere of Harry Potter. Then I saw it and the acting was horrible. Bella had no emotion and the vampires sparkling was weird. It was just bad all around.” -Monica Spence (‘14)
#4 The Help #3 The
stud e
Ma rian
My Sister’s Keeper
#2 Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
“The Hunger Games is my favorite book and movie because even though what’s going on isn’t “right,” Suzanne Collins did such a good job writing the books and the movie matches the book. They really pulled me in and even though the movie left out a lot of details, it was still amazing and they chose great characters.” -Emily McMinn (‘15)
Back< to the Prom
Who: Ms. Cathy Pruitte, Choir Director When: 1960 Where: Holy Name High School Date: “Bruce Lauritsen, and he’s dead.” Cost of Dress: “My mom went with me to get it, but I have no idea.”
90s 12 Features
#1 The Hunger
So ur ce:
Su r
of 2
The Last Song
Who: Mrs. Molly Woodman, Recruitment Director When: 1996 Where: UNO Alumni Center Date: Chris Greer Cost of Dress: “$80-100” Hit Song: “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal
Who: Mrs. Susan Juza, Social Studies Teacher When: 1975 Where: St. Cloud, MN, at the Persian Club Date: Jay Payne Cost of Dress: $50 Theme: Knights in White Satin Hit Song: “Color My World” by Chicago
Who: Señora Cassie Craig, Spanish Teacher When: 2004 Where: Qwest Center (Millard South) Date: Joe Cost of Dress: $140
kathrynblaser & nicolamccutcheon
Who: Mrs. Lori Spanbauer, Religion Teacher When: 1982 Where: Winnebago High School, Winnebago, IL Date: Bob Behmer Hit Song: “Stairway to Heaven” by Journey
Who: Erica English, senior When: 2011 Where: Scoular Ballroom Cost of Dress: $120 Theme: Wish Upon a Star Hit Song: “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga
Prom Through the Ages
annamandel Nowadays, pre-prom is usually held at houses or restaurants, where parents often take hundreds of pictures. During the 60’s, pre-prom was held in the Marian speech room, Room 104. The speech room was used as the room where all-school assemblies were held. The pre-prom party was a very formal gathering, and included white-linen tablecloths. Crystal punch bowls were used, and homemade cookies were eaten. The Servites formed a reception line, and each girl introduced their date to each sister. “It was a good experience, as it enabled girls to be able to use their communication skills to introduce their dates. And although the sisters talked to us, they were actually checking out the modesty of the dresses,” Tocco said. And if you’re wondering if anyone got caught spiking the punch, the answer is a definite no. “We knew better than that, we knew what was proper to do. In front of the nuns, no one would even consider spiking the punch. We girls had a healthy fear and respect for the nuns,” Tocco said. After the “pre-prom party”, most of the seniors and their dates went to Anthony’s Steakhouse for dinner. The actual prom dance was held at the Blackstone Hotel during Tocco’s senior year. The Blackstone Hotel was located at 36th and Farnam, across from Mutual of Omaha. The building is now Kiewit. At the dance, a DJ played records. The records had to be approved by the sisters before the dance was held.
graphic by annamandel & laurentussey
n the world of prom, the motto “things really do change over time” is definitely true. Rewind to the 60’s. Unlike now, there was no such thing as prom committee. Instead, the junior and senior class officers were in charge of planning and arranging prom. During that time, prom was very formal and modest. Ms. Kathy Tocco, a religion teacher and Marian graduate of 1961, reminisces on her high school proms. “The Servite sisters taught us each year how we must be very modest,” Tocco said. “Measure modesty” was what the sisters would say to the girls. Dress necklines were not to be two fingers lower than the jugular notch. In the back, the dress could be no lower than four fingers lower than the base of the neck. The dresses also had to have cap sleeves, and long white gloves were a must. Dresses were mostly sewn by grandmothers or mothers. Some girls, though, would purchase their dresses at stores. Like today, the girls bought guys boutonnieres, and the boys bought the girls corsages. The corsages were either on the girl’s wrist or pinned on the dress. Tocco recalls her senior prom as a very memorable night. Principal Sister Marcella Sitzman, O.S.M. wished for all 74 seniors to attend. In that time, it was a must that every girl would have a date to a dance, therefore all the girls had dates. “The tickets were modestly priced,” Tocco said. Tocco says it was extraordinary to see all of her classmates together at such an important event in high school.
Did You Know?
ian’s r a M n held i s a w m rom h Roo P re-p Speec Eve r to m y girl’ s ser eet th date w e vite as r sist equ ired ers ave h o ad t h s es sse eev l Dre s cap T he D J play ed re cords at the dance
? ?
? ?
After the dance, everyone went home. Before prom, during school, the sisters would teach the girls what a good curfew time was. The girls respected both the Servite sisters and their parents, and all made curfew the night of prom. Now that Tocco is a chaperone, and not a student attending prom, she recalls all the
differences throughout the years. “It would be nice if the cultural standards of fashion didn’t trump the standards of modesty,” Tocco said. The idea of prom has always been the same. Numerous details have been altered, added, and deleted as the years go by, but the night itself will always be special. Some things will never change.
How Much is Too Much?
Amount of money Marian girls spent on prom
he hours spent getting ready for prom probably often out-do the hours spent dancing. Hair, make-up, and nails all contribute to the process of getting ready. Many girls look forward to the pre-prom preparations as much as the actual night. But how can you look forward to prom knowing that its costs will make you broke as a joke? Prom is the one day where you pamper yourself completely and do everything you can to ensure you look your best. But from hair appointments to dresses and boutonnieres, prom can break the bank. Marian girls planned to spend anywhere from $50-$300 on prom according to the April Network Survey. Almost 40 percent of those who answered the survey planned to spend between $100 and $200. These numbers include everything from hair and nail appointments, to
% less than $100
dresses and boutonnieres, not to mention tanning and high heels. Put everything together and you’re looking at an expensive evening. Memories of prom are priceless but unfortunately that doesn’t hold true for getting ready. Prom is a dance that is dreamed of by little girls. They dream about the dress they will wear and the date they will take. But as little girls all grow up, they know that the fantasies have to meet reality eventually, and if the expenses don’t wake them up, what will? Between buying dresses and getting hair appointments, you can be looking at a hefty cost, not to mention buying your prom ticket and boutonniere. So the question: why spend so much money on prom when there are shortcuts you can take that allow you to spend a little less? For example, instead of going out to an ex-
pensive dinner you can have your own dinner at home. Have everyone in your prom group bring something and before you know it, you will have a surplus of food to dig into. Another way to cut some costs is to borrow dresses from friends instead of buying a brand new one. If you and a friend are the same size then what’s the harm in trying on the dresses she has to offer you? After all, the worst that can happen is you leave empty-handed, which isn’t a setback considering you didn’t have a dress to begin with. More costs you shouldn’t have to worry about can include hair, nail, and make-up appointments. Instead of going to an expensive salon have all your friends over and fix each other’s hair and makeup. “I always have my friends do my hair and make-up because they do a great job and I
more than $300
source: survey of 258 Marian students graphic by lauraatherton
Tips for Saving Moola on Prom Night
don’t have to spend as much money,” junior Morgan Matthies said. If you have a friend whose hair you always envy and another who always has flawless make-up, you can ask them to fix you up with the do’ of your dreams. Not only will you be spending nothing, but you will also be enjoying some fun girl time before the big night. When thinking of prom, you shouldn’t have to stress out about all the costs that add up to become one large, scary bill. Instead, follow these tips and find yourself looking at an affordable prom that won’t break the bank. Prom should be stress free and if you’re spending a little less you might be able to relax a bit more and take pride in your thriftiness!
Creative Ways to Ask Your Date to Prom...and Get a Positive Reply graphic by abbypeters
“I got a gorilla suit and I went to his house and I had one of my friends text him and tell him to go outside and I was holding a sign! Then his whole family came outside.” -Allison McLeay ’13
“I was in Colorado and wrote it on a ski slope! I took a picture and sent it to him.” - Annie Skradski ’13
“My friend Rachel Lukowski and I made a scavenger hunt for the people who we were asking. The last spot was Memorial Park, and we wrote ‘PROM?’ really big in chalk so they could see it.” -Hannah Manganaro ’12
“I married the man I took to prom! We met the summer before my junior year in high school.” - Mrs. Michelle Delisi, Dance Team Coach
“I was sending my boyfriend my one-year anniversary gift for him, and I wrote ‘Prom?’ in Sharpie on a whiteboard. Then I colored over it in Expo markers so he had to erase it, and figure it out!” -Grace Dickerson ’12
Features 13
Team Bonding Tennis Girls Serve Up Unity katherinenelsen
hile it may be the smallest spring bracelets with funny nicknames on them for sport team, it may be the largest everyone to wear. They also have the annual spring sport in bonding. sleepover (including scavenger hunts and story State champs for four years and counting, telling) and the numerous team dinners. Marian Varsity Not only does Marian’s Varsity Tennis has come team bond, but so does the Junior “These girls are Varsity team. Sophomore Sloan together as a team to defeat some of their my other sisters, and Nelson said, “I can’t imagine myself biggest rivals. not playing tennis. These girls are these courts are my my other sisters, and these courts Back at it again in 2012, the team are my other home.” other home.” includes one senior, Marian tennis seems very -Sloan Nelson ’14 welcoming to first year players. four juniors, three sophomores and one Freshman Julia Tatten said she feels freshman. They have a lot of Marian love during her first entered the season open-minded and excited year on the team. “They really make me feel about being on the courts. like they care about me and are always there to The lone senior on the team, Jessie cheer me on. I really feel like I was part of the Koraleski, is probably the most excited about team even before I joined,” Tatten said. her last season here at Marian. “I really think we have a strong team this year. If we bond as much as my team and I have in the past years, we will let nothing stop us at state,” Koraleski said. Every team needs to succeed, and the tennis team does through bonding. They do different things throughout the season to come together. For example, one person on the team makes
Trap Team Shoots for Stronger Bonds
nlike many other sports, trap shooting is much more of an individual sport. You are shooting by yourself and the results are based on how you shoot. You would think that team bondingwould be a bit more difficult to accomplish, but surprisingly it’s not. Although you shoot alone, your team is always right behind you, cheering you on. Every new shooter is welcomed with open arms, and after the first practice they become a part of the Marian trap family. The bonding really begins to grow when you start hunter safety classes and meet all of the coaches. A theory to why this bonding is so easy to accomplish is the girls do not depend on each other to do better or worse for the team’s sake. Instead of pushing people to be better for the team, the girls cheer each other on.
Senior Kim Barry said, “My favorite team bonding moment is when someone, especially an underclassman, shoots really well. They get really excited and everyone stops, smiles, and celebrates with them.” When one girl misses a shot, every other girl on the team is encouraging her not to get down on herself. It also helps that the girls spend 10 hour days together on every Saturday for seven weeks. Another way the girls cheer each other on is while they change posts. Each girl gives the other a fist bump or high five which represents a “good job.” The bonding they go through is truly amazing, especially after a big win like they had last year at the State Trap meet. The bonding on this team just keeps getting stronger and stronger. No matter what the trap girls go through, the Marian trap team is definitely a family.
Tennis Senior Jesse Koreleski and junior Katherine Nelsen embrace each other after beating Millard North at Marian on April 2. The tennis team has bonded closer than ever during their season together. photo courtesy of juliatatten Soccer The Marian Varsity soccer team strikes a pose after their game against Burke, winning 8-0. The girls have grown closer throughout the season and continue to strengthen their team bonds. photo by annapope
Trapshooting Sophomores Emily Rakoczy and Miranda Reeder high five after hitting their targets at the Papillion Gun Club. The trapshooting team bonded all year and their success as a team has paid off with exciting victories. photo by savan-
Track The distance runners huddle together to mentally prepare for the race at Bellevue East on March 23. It is a tradition for the runners to say a prayer and pump each other up before their races. photo by emily-
“In some sense, I would say that you first have to be part of a team to be a good individual runner.” -Megan Han ’13
The Goals That Tie Them Together annapope
every year at midnight during the sleepover n order to be a team you must act as a team the team goes to the field to light candles and and to act as a team you must be bonded as talk about their hope’s for the season . After, one, functioning group. Although the Varthey all run up "monster hill" to touch the sign sity Soccer team may not be entirely "functioning", they have proven to be a team that has out as a team. Junior Elsie Boyle said, "Our coach, Ed stood their fair share of bonding. Dudley, is pretty funny. He ate a worm at one of Senior Ava Ambrose has been through four our practices, and last year years of soccer “When the season begins he played an April fool’s with Marian on us by saying he and bonding to wind down, our record and prank was quitting in the middle is something winning state become such of the season. Everyone that is a first out and was so nature for a small care compared to the freaked confused, but in the end her. Ambrose, friendships and long-lasting we all laughed it off." along with said that the other current teammates we’ve made.” teamBoyle becomes closer as the teammates, season carries on. “Every -Elsie Boyle ’13 won state her year by the end, it's hard to sophomore part with the seniors,” Boyle said. year. “We probably would not have been able The Reserve and Junior Varsity teams also to get that far if our team wasn't as close as we have their own ways of bonding which gets evwere,” Ambrose said. eryone to know each other and work together. The soccer players have a soccer sleepover "When the season begins to wind down, our every year the first Friday of spring break, record and winning state become such a small which is a good way for the newest players on care compared to the friendships and longthe team to become familiar with the other lasting teammates we've made," Boyle said. girls. Ambrose talked of the tradition that
14 Sports
Redefining Track Team: One Step at a Time
team is defined as a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. Although staying true to the common definition, Marian’s track team runs deeper. Some pessimists may say that track is not a team sport since individuals run, jump, and vault in their own events. In their minds, this qualifies track as a solo sport. At the end of a track meet, the places of each individual are added up and the team is given a total score, therefore tying together the team-ness. Track and Field is not only a sport of running, sprinting, jumping, and vaulting, but also a sport that reveals what truly lies behind the success of the events. Team is key in achieving success. “It is important to have teammates running in your race because you know how to encourage and help push each other. In some sense, I would say that you first have to be part of a team to be a good individual runner,” junior Megan Han said.
The bond that the runners share is deeper than just a group of people running the same events. While waiting for their events and working hard at practices, the girls share countless hours growing closer to each other. “Only your teammates know what you are going through. It’s also great to share inside jokes, successes, and good laughs together,” Han said. During the first weeks of practices this year, the track team had a retreat on a Friday after school. The team bonded over games in the gym, such as dodgeball, and a Domino’s pizza dinner. Throwing and dodging balls was a great way for the girls to learn about their teammates with whom they would be spending every day after school until the end of May. Running track for her third year, Megan Han knows that the team is already very close and that the season will continue to deepen the bonds the runners have already created. “For the future, the plan is to go above and beyond, to see those hours of hard work pay off, and to be a great and successful team,” Han said.
Marian Football Club: Girls Can Play Ball, Too!
ivalry. Status. Touchdowns. Blitz. Team. Super Bowl. Football. Marian? Are we talking about the same thing here? Yes, you are probably thinking what everyone else is thinking. Students of the private, Catholic college preparatory school for young women “play” football? Say what? Most Marian girls know of the shirts that have “Marian Football” on them. If you have one, you may be questioned. Mr. Mark Koesters, religion and Latin teacher, could be held liable for this frenzy. One day in 1992, he sat in Room 212 and listened to his students complain about how they couldn’t wear the already famous football T-shirts to school on Wednesdays. On Wednesdays, girls could only wear a club T-shirt. Keyword: club. Being the empowered leaders that they were, the class, with the help of Koesters, formed a “team.” There were several levels of membership depending on how much time a girl spent in the Marian Football Club (MFC). The crowd is the group of people in the cheering section. They would have “games,” but practices were not required. The “games” were made-up just to entertain the members. Then there were the actual team members who played the “games.” The coaching staff made up the leaders of the
State Football Championship. “It was just supposed to be a tongue-incheek thing,” Koesters said. Before Marian girls knew it, there was a challenge on their hands. Duchesne girls heard about the MFC, and they were jealous that they hadn’t thought of it first. So, they challenged Marian to a good ol’ game of football. Throwing the pigskin around for fun no longer satisfied the determined girls. The competition became very intense very fast. Sadly, at the end of the day, Marian girls had faced defeat. Marian faculty members had no idea when it happened until the girls came back to school the next Monday, complaining about losing. It was the final game, but it was not the end of MFC. The club continued to sell shirts and support all of the other Marian teams. Koesters elected a player of the week and wrote statistics
MFC. The supporters and booster group were people outside of Marian (i.e. Prep students) who bought the Marian shirt and supported the team and the Marian Football Scholarship Fund. The Marian Football Scholarship Fund was made up of the profit of the T-shirt sales. The original plan was to give the funds to students for tuition assistance. In order to join the club, one would have needed to buy the Marian Football T-shirt. Once bought, there would be a test. Not just any ordinary test, but a challenging football test. Finally, recite the pledge and fill out the application. There were many goals of the MFC. The number one goal? Have fun! Other goals included supporting all of the other athletic teams, raising money for the Marian Football Scholarship, and winning the Nebraska Girls
“The comp etit became ve ion intense ve ry ry -Marian Fo fast.” Coach & M otball o Mr. Mark K derator oesters
From the Archives:
about that player. He would have score updates such as: “Marian has not yet lost any football games as of 9/28/92.” Obviously, Marian hadn’t lost any games because they hadn’t played any! Koesters also had an “Ask the Coach” box outside his door. Girls would drop letters in the box asking a variety of things. One girl’s letter on Oct. 21, 1992, had the following: “Dear Coach, My question doesn’t really have to do with football but no one else can answer it. Maybe you can help me. How can I tell if my boyfriend really loves me?” In which The Coach (Koesters) responded: “This one is easy to answer. Here is the ultimate love test: buy a Marian Football T-shirt and give it to your boyfriend. If he wears it when he is with his guy friends, then he truly loves you. If he doesn’t, dump him. You have MFC pride you know. Good Luck! No one has tried to bring back the MFC. “Back then, there weren’t a lot of sports that girls could play. We thought it would be fun to give the girls something to do for fun, even if they didn’t actually play,” Koesters said. Nowadays, sports for girls at Marian seem endless. Marian has tennis, trapshooting, bowling, volleyball and everything in between. Although Marian now has many sports, it is not a reason for the lack of powderpuff football!
The Semester the Season Ceased haleysnyder
I Original Caption: “This is what Julie does to Marian Football Opponents.”
Original Caption: “Because of her great tackling ability, Michelle was able to lead our Marian team to victory this past weekend. Unfortunately, two opposing players and a band member were hospitalized for their injuries. However, their injuries were not permanent and they will be released soon. Because the game was televised on ESPN, Marian will receive a Range Rover.” This is the “quiz” for girls interested in being in the Marian Football Club.
n 1968, the Advancement Office’s director of the Marian Fund, Sue Mickey, was walking the hallways of Marian as a student just like us, but with an entirely different goal. Her mission was to cover Marian’s powderpuff football games for her journalism assignment. “It was one season of flag football. We played at Benson against Mercy, Duchesne, and the Notre Dame Academy,” Mickey said. The Notre Dame Academy is now Roncalli Catholic High School. The administration allowed these games to take place in order to spark more interest in athletics at Marian. “At the time there was no golf or soccer but there was intramural basketball,” Mickey said. Eventually, the principal at the time, Sister Mary Eleanor Galt, principal from 1966-1969, decided that the competition was not “Marian-like” and stopped the games entirely. “Looking back now, it was really rough. It got really intense at times,” Mickey said. Today, Marian now offers nine Class A sports available to the student body. However, the administration has not considered allowing Marian football to be played by students or faculty anytime soon.
Athletic Director Miller Steps Down as Rohlfs Steps Up sydneypelster & sarahtownsend hen Mr. Jim Miller first arrived at Marian, there were horses in a pasture instead of girls scoring goals and hitting home runs. There were no track stars or cross country queens, because those sports didn’t even exist for girls. The school would probably never have had a soccer field, tennis court, track, softball field, West Gym or the track and cross country teams without Miller as Marian’s Athletic Director for the past 37 years. On March 21, 2012, Miller announced that he was stepping down as the Athletic Director and Vice Principal. Not many people can say they have worked at the same place for 38 years, but Miller can. He started as a science teacher and his passion for the Marian community has helped him through his successful career. Miller was in charge of creating budgets and paying bills for sports tournaments. He
”One of my favorite memories while being at Marian is when we won the 2000 state championship in basketball, and I got to put the medal around my daughter’s neck.” -Mr. Jim Miller
ordered all athletic necessities, such as soccer uniforms and training equipment. Miller went over a daily schedule, making sure each game and practice for every sport went smoothly. He was the man in charge of keeping all of Marian’s grounds clean and polished as Head of Faculties. Miller also had duties in the Advancement Office, working in the capital campaign for a Fine Arts building. Miller handled all this, and even had time to win a few awards. “Two years ago, we were inducted into the Nebraska Hall of Fame as a Dominant Dynasty for winning so many state championships,” he said.
It hasn’t just been hard work, though. Miller has enjoyed his time at Marian and isn’t ready to leave just yet. He will miss the faculty, students and athletes the most, which is why he will stay and coach golf next year. “One of my favorite memories while being at Marian is when we won the 2000 State Championship in basketball, and I got to put the medal around my daughter’s neck,” Miller said. Miller looks forward to Ms. Rochelle Rohlfs replacing him next year. “I’m excited about Ms. Rohlfs taking over because I know she will do a great job,” he said.
Rohlfs, varsity volleyball coach and math teacher, has been working at Marian for 23 years. She is replacing Miller as the Athletic Director and Vice Principal. Rohlfs has taken both night and online classes through the University of Nebraska at Lincoln for the last four years to get a Masters in Secondary Administration. Rohlfs is gearing up for a little change. Instead of just leading the volleyball girls to victory in the fall and teaching lectures on the Pythagorean theorem, Rohlfs is charge of all Marian sports, all year long. “I’m really looking forward to the challenge of having so many new jobs at Marian and new ways to impact Marian outside the realms of teaching,” she said. Although she is excited and ready, Rohlfs will still miss one thing the most: her students. “After doing what I have done for 23 years, I’m really excited now for the next part of my career,” she said.
Sports 15
Trending Through Life
Marian Girls Succumb to Popular Products danimorrell & alexisvinton
Percentage of Marian Girls Who Own... Ray Bans
North Face products
Camelbak water bottles
MacBook Computer:
Juicy Couture products
Source: Survey of 258 Marian students
eos lip balm egg
Coach products
Vera Bradley products
Nike products
Sarah Singer ‘12
e’re trending.” “It’s trending.” “That shirt is so trendy.” “Look at that trend.” Trends. As human beings, we follow trends to fit in and look like we belong. At Marian, this is no exception. The biggest trend at Marian, taken through a survey, is Nike shorts. A huge percentage of the school owns Nike shorts. Honestly, who doesn’t own at least one pair of Nike shorts? I’m sure many Marian students are wearing them under their skirts at this very moment. Two trends that have recently hit Marian and Omaha within the past year are Vera Bradley and Camelbak water bottles. Many Marian students fashionably sport either the wristlet, lunch bag, lanyard, duffle bag, or other products. Camelbak water bottles, coming in a variety of colors, are the most popular container for storing water here at Marian. But are Nike shorts, Vera Bradley products, and Camelbak water bottles popular anywhere else or are they simply limited to Marian girls? And if they are trendy elsewhere, do these things create ‘the typical Marian Girl?’ Walking the halls, most Marian girls conform to the typical ‘Marian Girl’ stereotype. Fitting in may be the primary reason, but a more optimistic viewpoint would be that Marian girls have awesome style. Even though these products may put Marian girls into a stereotype, trends might just be what make us Marian girls. Maybe Marian girls do wear Nike shorts to dances and drink excessive amounts of water from Camelbak water bottles, but who is to say this is a bad thing? These trends show that Marian girls like their style, although the trademark greasy hair and wrinkled polos may prove against this. The trends seem as if we are conforming to a stereotype and maybe we are, but really we are just proving that Marian girls know what they like and that trends catch on easily. For trends to catch fire, someone’s got to start them. Marian seems to be full of trend-starting students. This leads us to say that Marian is doing a pretty good job on teaching its students to be confident, independent, thinking leaders who might just start or follow the latest trend.
Farmers Markets
ts ber, farmers marke From May to Octo e uc od find fresh pr are a great place to . ka grown in Nebras ays Old Market: Saturd . p.m :30 12 to 8 a.m ays nd Su : ge lla Vi en rb Aksa . p.m 9 a.m. to 1 rdays Village Pointe: Satu . p.m 1 to . a.m 8
Entertainment: Defy Gravity Defy Gravity is an indoor trampoline am usement facilit y located in Papillion. Ev ery Friday and Saturday, teenagers 14 and older ca n jump from 10 p.m. to midnight, plus enjoy a Laser Maze G ame for $18. It also offers dodgebal l and volleybal l le agues as well as fitness classes.
ot Shops
The Arts: H
t, Hot e Old Marke Located in th tists, es several ar Shops featur of es ri lle and ga showrooms g in ud cl in s, rm y various art fo ph ra ottery, photog glasswork, p en p O e Visit th and painting. ay May 5 from rd tu Sa on House y May 6 from da 12-8 and Sun 12-5.
Midtown C
rossing Midtown Cro ssing, locate d at 32nd an Farnam, is a d great location for an upscal evening and e a chance at a unique experience in Omaha. Res taurants in Midtown Cro ssing include ingredient an CRAVE, d Blanc. Som e of the retail shops found here are Rep ublic of Couture, Th e Afternoon and Parmida.
Daughtry May 15 CenturyLink Center
Flogging Molly June 1 Sokol Auditorium
Brantley Gilbert May 18 Omaha Civic Auditorium
He is We May 27 Sokol Underground
The Wreckage June 1 The Waiting Room Lounge
Tech N9ne May 27 Mancuso Convention Center
Grouplove May 27 The Waiting Room Lounge
ted ams, loca Film Stre nd Mike on 13th a ns a eet, scree Fahey Str f o variety ent films, e d in pend s, and classic film used -foc education out the gh u films thro t Monday rs fi e year. Th onth, it of every m ovie em e offers a fr for all g in n scree students. full-time ovie show Current m ings can list times and d at be foun filmstream
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illustration by marisagambaiana
s Fre
Momix May 11 Omaha Performing Arts
16 Entertainment
d oo
Miranda Lambert, Chris Young, Jerrod Niemann May 10 CenturyLink Center
Nickelback, Bush, Seether, My Darkest Days May 22 CenturyLink Center
Spring has sprung, and it’s time to try something new. Marian picks the best places in Omaha for...
il Media: F
graphic by jessicamizaur, beccaadlergarcia & sydneypelster
graphic by danimorrell, poornaramasubramanian & laurentussey
The Places You Can GO!
graphic by sydneyrhoades & meganwoodruff
High School Jobs: Helpful or Handful? elliehupp
igh school jobs. Can’t live with ‘em, said. Neneman is still able to find space in her can’t live without ‘em. According to schedule to hang out with friends and relax, the April Network google survey that but she admits that sometimes she has to work 258 students answered, 47 percent of Marian around her job. students are managing to live with them while Neneman and other girls like having a job the rest are employment-free. for various reasons other than money. A job The high school job debate has been opens doors into meeting new people from around for a long time. People tend to hear different backgrounds, and it teaches how to two different sides. deal with managers One side says that and co-workers. a high school job New and unique is a good way for friends can be made teenagers to learn in the workplace. k about the real Additionally, having r Wo world, while the a job helps teenagers other side says gain experience, that high school responsibility, and students don’t have prepares them for time to work and the real world. The need to focus on working years may school. seem far ahead, but Morgan Schumacher ‘12 Having spending they are coming photo illustration by kaylahasenjager up sooner than they money is nothing to complain about in high school. Some Marian seem. girls find themselves paying for their own Some girls have even said that they like clothes, gas, snacks, and sometimes part of having something to do with their time, and their car or tuition. With these expenses, it they would rather make money than sit around seems almost imperative to have a job. and be unproductive. Senior Alyssa Neneman has been working “A job teaches teens to support themselves at Charleston’s restaurant for nearly two years. and to not always be reliant on their parents She is a hostess and works three to four times for money, and it helps teach how to manage a week, and uses her paychecks for her gas money.” Neneman said. money. A typical shift for Neneman is about Of course, these are the sunny-side four hours long, and her managers are fairly results of having a job. Working in high school laid back about scheduling issues. doesn’t sound like the best or easiest idea in the “I think having a job [in high school] is minds of some teenagers. Often times, when a good thing because it has allowed me to a job isn’t required by the parents, high school support myself, and I can pay for things I students will never try to get one. do in my free time on my own,” Neneman Applying for a job and maintaining it seems 1
10-4 29
to be an unnecessary task for some teenagers. It can affect a precious social calendar or, more importantly, a precious GPA. At Marian, there is never a lack of homework assignments. Having to juggle an assignment notebook, soccer practice, Ministry Council, and a 4-hour work shift doesn’t make for a very pleasant night. Senior Macy Potts has never had a job. She has a busy schedule and her parents don’t require her to, so she thinks it’s easiest to stay employment free. “I’m in competitive cheer and a bunch of clubs so it would be hard for me to have a job as well,” Potts said. She likes not having a job because it would only be another added pressure for her, but she admits that sometimes having her own money would be nice. When Potts does need a little money, she occasionally babysits, but most of the time her parents pay for her expenses. Potts has a debit card that she uses, but she makes the wise decision to check with her parents before she makes a larger purchase. Potts’ parents believe that it is more important for her to be involved with Marian and the community than working through her high school years.
What’s Your
Top Six Places Marian Girls Work
1 3 5
“I think it’s best for girls to not have a job in high school so they can immerse themselves in the many activities and opportunities offered at their school and in their community,” Potts said. The high school years are clearly an important time, and it might not be best to spend those years stuck at work. Especially later on in high school, grades are important and a lot of time needs to be spent on school work. The same goes for sports and other activities, such as volunteering. These things all have prime importance in getting ready for the next step, college, therefore a job may not be the best use of time. “Jobs teach responsibility and help students increase their overall work ethic. Part time jobs are good but the primary job in high school should be school work,” said Student Success Coordinator Mrs. Jen Christen. When it all comes down to it, having a job in high school is a personal preference unless it is a necessity. Some people might like a full schedule and a full wallet, while others would rather have a little leisure and the ability to pursue other interests. It is hard to say if having a job or being jobless is better for a teenager. There are pros and cons to being a teen member of the working world, but Marian girls seem to be getting along fine with or without them.
“Jobs teach responsibility and help students increase their overall work ethic. Part time jobs are good but the primary job in high school should be school work,” - Mrs. Jen Christen, Student Success Coordinator
Weird Work Story? “I babysit and one time I went outside to let the dog out. I came back and the two year old had locked me out and couldn’t unlock it. Luckily I knew the garage code and got in that way. When I came inside he started smiling at me.” -Natalie Descheneaux ‘15
“This past summer, I detasseled corn with my best friend so that we could earn money to attend and compete at a horse show that was out of town. We put duct tape directly on our feet under our socks to prevent blisters. Also, we wore knee high socks, boys swimming trunks, Under Armor, hats, gloves, goggles, and bandanas to prevent us from getting corn rash. Additionally, we bought cheap versions of Camelbaks and they leaked down our backs. Our shorts looked like we peed ourselves.” -Paige Taylor ‘14
“When I was working, an elderly couple came in and as I went to seat them the old man asked me if I was old enough to work there. When I replied that I was 16, he told me that I would grow up to be a nice big gentleman. I just acted like I didn’t hear it, but he asked me where I went to school and when I said Marian, he became really confused. On his way out he apologized to me. I was so embarrassed that I could only tell him to have a nice day.” -Morgan Harms ‘13
Based on survey of 258 Marian students. graphic by anniecoder
“I work at HyVee. Sometimes I have to bring in the electric scooters that disabled customers can use. One time, I was driving one in and got stuck in a pot hole. It took me awhile to get it out. People walking by were laughing at me hysterically.” -Hailey Wolf ‘12
graphic by carriecable & kaylahasenjager
How to Get Hired: • Research your job: Be sure you know what it entails before applying • Dress appropriately! No short skirts or messy buns • Keep your hair out of your face and neatly groomed • Smile! • Be yourself, don’t act fake or change your personality to get the job • Show up 10 minutes early • If you don’t hear back after a week or so, call them so they know you are still interested
graphic by elliehupp & kaylahasenjager
How to Stay Hired: • Be on time for your shifts • Follow all rules and regulations • Always wear the full uniform • If something goes wrong, apologize and see what you can do to fix it • Tell your manager the days you need off early to prevent conflicting hours • Make friends with your employer, but stay professional • Make friends with your co-workers so they can help cover for shifts you can’t work • Work as hard as you can!
How to Quit: • Keep working hard for the last two weeks: You will want to use your manager as a reference for future jobs • When quitting, calmly explain that you have enjoyed your time, but changes have been made and you can no longer work there • Be sure to say thanks for being able to work there and that it was a good experience • Finish off your last two weeks as best as you can then move on to the next step in your working-woman career
Features 17
Brain Freeze: Finding Omaha’s Best Frozen Yogurt Shop tarahuber
ive different self-serve frozen yogurt shops were tackled by this reviewer. At each location, I found the yogurt to be delicious and the service friendly and dependable. Make a stop at each shop and decide which one is your favorite. One car, one tank of gas, and one determined Marian girl. It’s yogurt time!
Yo-Yo Berri:
Location: 6610 S 168th St. Suite 1 Opened: November 2011 Most Popular Yogurt Flavor: Cake Batter Never heard of it? Well, you should get to know it. The name Yo-Yo Berri fits this adorable shop, with its brightly colored walls and floral decorations. The atmosphere is fun and inviting, and there is even a special kids area with a large screen TV. It offers 12 different yogurt flavors and 38 different toppings. The yogurt is competitively priced at 43 cents per ounce. If a cone or dish isn’t enough for you, this shop offers fresh Belgium waffles to top with your favorite yogurt. Bottom Line: Yo-Yo Berri is a fun and family-friendly place for yogurt, and the waffles offer an interesting twist!
Location: 15805 W. Maple Road Suite 108 Opened: August 2011 Most Popular Yogurt Flavor: Birthday Cake Batter Yoji is clean and modern with its bright green and tile walls. It offers 10 different flavors of yogurt a day along with 26 different toppings. It is priced at 45 cents an ounce for yogurt and toppings. If you’re looking for a pick-me-up caffeine buzz, Yoji shares its location with a Scooters. Bottom Line: Yoji is good, but didn’t have as much variety in yogurt flavors or toppings as the other four yogurt shops.
Location: 1110 S. 71st Street, Suite F Shadow Lake Towne Center 72nd Street & Hwy 370 Opened: December 2011 Most Popular Yogurt Flavor: Brownie Batter Orange Leaf is a bright and cheery spot with bright green walls and orange accents. It offers 16 different yogurt flavors each day with 36 different topping options priced at 45 cents an ounce. There was a nice balance between traditional and exotic fruit flavors. Bottom Line: Orange Leaf ’s yogurt was excellent. This shop offers the most flavor options and the perfect variety of yogurt to satisfy both the chocolate and fruit lovers.
Must Have Apps Provide Entertainment
Red Mango:
Locations: 808 North 13th Street 10349 Pacific St. 16950 Wright Place, Ste. 151 Opened: Summer 2010 Most Popular Yogurt Flavor: Pomegranate Everyone has heard of this popular self-serve yogurt place, which is probably why it was so packed! Red Mango has a clean, appealing, and sophisticated atmosphere. It has a healthy vibe with its large photos of fruit and advertising of probiotics in all of its products. It offers 12 different flavors of yogurt a day and more than 40 toppings. It is priced at 45 cents an ounce for yogurt and toppings. Smoothies, parfaits, all-natural iced tea, and lemonade are also offered at this shop. Bottom Line: The yogurt at Red Mango is a tasty treat. If you’re a health nut and fruity flavors are your thing, this is the place for you. However, if you’re trying to avoid a crowd, you should consider one of the other four places.
graphic by theresakennelly
Orange Leaf:
Location: 176th & Q St. Opened: November 2011 Most Popular Yogurt Flavor: Yellow Cake Batter YoZone is a cute shop with its green and purple logo and modern interior. It offers 12 different yogurt flavors and more than 40 different toppings. The yogurt and toppings are priced at 45 cents an ounce. Bottom Line: Love Chocolate? Then Yozone is the perfect place for you. The yogurt is great and the flavor options are more creamy and chocolatey, but less fruity. So, all you chocolate lovers out, there go give YoZone a try.
o matter where you are, apps will always have your back. They allow you to stay connected with friends and family, give you the opportunity to play hundreds of games, and help you fight off boredom. From “Draw Something” to “Angry Birds”, there is definitely an app for you. When dealing with technology these days, the sky’s the limit, and the same holds true for “Angry Birds Space”. This game is the “top grossing app” according to the App Store, and this doesn’t come as a surprise. “Angry Birds Space” features 60 levels with planets and zero gravity. Take aim and do your best to knock over the pigs and move on to each level. This app creates an atmosphere of fun gaming while still giving you a competitive edge. Coming in at second in the App Store is none other than “Draw Something.” This visual game lets you play against strangers or friends. You pick one of three different words to choose to draw: easy, medium, or hard. Then your opponent has to guess what you’ve drawn. The game is interactive because you get to see your opponents guessing what you drew. The downside to “Draw Something” is that it has tons of ads which can get really annoying. However, it is still worth the wait! In a close finish behind “Draw Something,” the third top grossing app is called “Dragon Vale.” Although the name might sound a little odd, try it out. This free, interactive game is equipped with full-color visuals and sparkling animations. It allows you to raise and breed your own dragons. Begin by caring for the dragons as soon as they hatch and perform the many responsibilities that go along with caring for them. Feed them treats that you grow yourself, decorate their habitats, and create a peaceful environment for them to live in. “Dragon Vale’s” rating numbers don’t lie, so try this app
18 Entertainment
because its quirkiness might get the best of you! Ever found yourself wanting to try your hand at a little poker? Now you can, with this exciting Texas Hold ‘em Poker App called “Poker by Zynga.” Both easy for beginners to learn and a challenge for competitive poker players, this app seems to have it all. It’s so simple, you don’t even have to wait for a table! You have your choice between a five or nine person poker table and there’s no waiting around because this app has nearly 6 million daily users. “Poker by Zynga” makes poker more accessible than ever. The next time you find yourself with nothing to do, try this card game app out and hone in on your poker skills. You can’t go wrong with apps. They are really fun to play and there seems to be an app for everyone. So when boredom strikes, pull out your iPod, iPad, smartphone, or tablet and try some apps!
Spring and Summer Bucket List Go a whole day barefoot. Forget the car! Ride your bike for a day.
Go to the Henry Doorly Zoo and visit every single exhibit. (Be sure you try the Skyfari, too!) Go to a restaurant and only order dessert. Switch iPods with a friend for a day. Have a picnic at Lake Zorinsky. ROAD TRIP! (or fill your gas tank, and drive until you are in a place you’ve never been to).
Play a game of sand volleyball.
Visit all of the frozen yogurt stores in Omaha in one day. (Refer to the frozen yogurt article!) Bake a rainbow cake and eat it all.
Tie dye your favorite pair of crew socks. Dragon Vale
Draw Something
Go camping (can’t find an area to go camping? Pitch a tent in your backyard).
Create a homemade slip n slide by using a plastic tarp and a water hose. Start a garden with your favorite flowers. Choreograph or participate in a flash mob and get it on video. Chalk your driveway and a friends, too! Dust off those rollerblades and skate around the neighborhood.
Have a theme song for the summer. Don’t forget to drive with the windows down! Angry Birds Space
Poker by Zynga
graphic whitneyhayes & laurentussey
graphic by haleysnyder & theresakennelly
Maria Barmettler ’12, Carrie Cable ’13, and Jessica Mizaur ’13 pose while waiting backstage on Friday, March 23. All girls walked alone once on the runway and then did a final walk with all of the models from their designer.
Barmettler shows off designer, Emma Erickson’s black romper.
Mizaur poses in Jane Round’s strapless, blue dress.
Cable models designer Jane Round’s blue button-down shirt with high-waisted brown shorts and tights.
Omaha Fashion Week: Marian Girls’ Talent Showcased at Kaneko mariacorpuz
ifferent fashion weeks happen all over Week Model Call, and be selected to be in the the world. They occur in places from model pool. Milan to Paris, New York to London During the Model Call, models have and even here in Omaha. measurements taken and present their walk Over the past couple of years, Omaha to a panel of judges. Once in the model pool, Fashion Week (OFW) has developed into designers can pick and choose which models something they would like to more than just wear their line of “My favorite part was a showcase of clothing. actually being on the clothing. A unique thing It is a place this year was that runway and also seeing where people can there were more start their career than 60 girls what I got to wear. All of or develop their in high school the cameras flashing while who were able to hobby. It is a passion in many you’re out there is kind of participate for some and different ways a lifestyle for nerve wracking, but at the during OFW. others. Some girls were same time it’s exciting.” OFW has designers, while stolen the hearts others showed -Maria Barmettler ’12 of many across the their moxie on the Midwest. Some of runway. these hearts belong to Marian girls. Marian senior Maria Barmettler debuted There are two weeks in the year that are her talent at the Spring Show. She modeled dedicated to fashion in Omaha: a fall series for designers Emma Erickson and Kaitlyn and a spring series. The Kaneko, located on Fitzgerald. 11th and Leavenworth, recently held the spring Other Marian girls who participated in fashion week on March 21-24. Omaha Fashion Week were juniors Jessica Over the course of four days, much local Mizaur and Carrie Cable. Junior Miranda talent was shown. There were 16 designers who Tingley was also part of the experience as she had been planning to showcase their clothes was the cover model for the Omaha Fashion for months. Each designer had to go through Week magazine. an application and interview process. “I was really nervous! I used to watch Models must walk in the Omaha Fashion America’s Next Top Model all the time. Plus, my
Designer Emma Erickson makes last minute adjustments to senior Maria Barmettler’s outfit on March 23 at the Kaneko. Barmettler waited backstage nervously for her second show. She only had 20 minutes to get ready because of wardrobe malfunction.
Photos by mariacorpuz
sister helped me. She really wanted me to do Omaha Fashion Week.The runway was carpeted and I had like 5-inch heels on Thursday night so I was kind of freaking out! But I didn’t trip so it turned out fine,” Barmettler said. A lot of planning went into each day. Barmettler and the other models had to meet at the salon at 11 a.m. to have their hair and makeup done. A major problem was that there were many more models than there were hairstylists and makeup artists. Imagine four hours of sitting around and getting pampered. Paradise for some, boredom for others. Around 3:30, models went to their designated location for a photo shoot. When the photo shoot ended, models and designers met at Kaneko and waited for their big opening. “My favorite part was actually being on the runway and also seeing what I got to wear. All of the cameras flashing while you’re out there is kind of nerve wracking, but at the same time it’s exciting,” Barmettler said. Cameras flash and all eyes are on you.
Junior Jessica Mizaur showcases the “Kylie” dress in memory of Kylie Remmereid. Designer Kate Walz, age 15, created this dress in her spring collection. The whole collection is in loving memory of Kylie Remmereid, 16, A Bennington High School student who died on Oct. 22. The dress was debuted on March 24.
Miranda Tingley ’13 poses backstage at the photo shoot for the Omaha Fashion Week magazine cover. Tingley was unable to model in the show, but plans to be part of the next show in August. Being in Fashion Week is a once in a lifetime experience. According to the Omaha Fashion Week blog, “[OFW] has become the region’s largest supporter of independent fashion designers and we are dedicated to providing more opportunities to those interested in pursuing this career path, especially young people.” Omaha Fashion Week has led the Midwest to great achievements and many more are to come.
Designer Jane Round helps junior Carrie Cable apply make-up minutes before the March 23 fashion show. “I’ve been modeling for awhile so I have come to know a lot of the designers pretty well. I love to model because I like helping the designers show off their collections. I know that the designers have worked really hard and they deserve a lot of recognition,” Cable said.
Entertainment 19
P R O M: Winning Big Seniors Olivia Hershiser and Sean Monaghan of Creighton Prep play games at Dave and Busters. After prom, many students attended post prom at Dave and Busters. They were both big winners with all the tickets they won.
Escape to India
Dancing Queen Senior Michaela McDonald dances at prom. “Prom was a great night. I took my best friend, Peter Setter from Creighton Prep, who was the best date. I was loving life,” McDonald said.
A Wheel of Fun Junior Catherine Boyle plays a Wheel of Fortune game at Dave and Busters. “This game is so addicting! I had a great time at post prom,” Boyle said.
A Queen is Crowned Senior Tyesha O’Neal was voted Prom Queen at Prom 2012: Escape to India. She was chosen Prom Queen among nine other Prom Princesses by a senior class vote. Students attended the India-themed prom on Saturday, April 14.
Dinner is Served Junior Morgan Tooley holds up her dish-a grilled chicken Asian salad-at dinner. She dined at Granite City with her group of 30 before going to prom.
Photo Essay by danimorrell Photos by emilyfisher danimorrell sydneyrhoades laurentussey Dancing the Night Away Senior Taylor Kratochvil of Creighton Prep and Martise Leflore of Metro Community College dance at prom. Students from Marian and other schools around Omaha attended prom from 9 p.m. until midnight at Lauritzen Gardens.
20 Photo Essay
Flower Power Junior Mitch Holloway of Creighton Prep, puts a corsage on junior Kristin Nietzel’s wrist during pictures. The two met for pictures with their group before going out to dinner and later, to prom.