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Marianne Williams BSc Hons, RD, MSc Allergy

Somerset, United Kingdom

Marianne set up the first NHS primary care dietetic-led gastroenterology clinic in the UK in 2011 specialising in dietary treatment for adults with IBS and gastrointestinal allergy.  The clinic, and the pathway created to help IBS patients in Somerset, has won several awards and has been nationally recognised and was incorporated into the UK NICE Guidelines in June 2015 as a ‘Shared Learning Example’. Marianne and her gastroenterologist colleague went on to win the prestigious ‘2016 NICE Shared Learning Award’ (National Institute for Health & Care Excellence) at the NICE conference in July 2016. Marianne was awarded Allied Health Professional of the Year in 2018 from NHS England and the AHP Digital Practice Award from NHS Digital. Marianne went on to win the Digital Health Outstanding Contribution of the Year 2019. Marianne also has a keen interest in food allergy and was awarded a distinction in her MSc in Allergy from Southampton Medical School.
