our words, our story

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our words

our story 2010 - 2011

front cover drawing made by Diogo from Escola E. B. 2, 3 de Marco de Canaveses - Portugal Drawing of introduction, page 1, made by Edmundo from Escola SecundĂĄria de Gama Barros - CacĂŠm

A chain story, a chain of creativity where e-Twinning joined our pupils together. 12 European schools from 7 countries with pupils from the age of 4 to 18+ wrote a story in English and in their native languages. An opportunity we had to appreciate the richness of our diversity. We are grateful to all the pupils who made it possible through their ideas and drawings. Enjoy “Our Words, Our Story� but meet our teams first!

the teachers June 2011

pages 4-7


teacher: F. Cristina Goncalves

JI/EB1 Tojais - S. Miguel de Paredes, Penafiel (ages 4-6) Vitor, Juliana, Filipa, Inês Alexandra, Inês Rocha, Daniela, Gabriel, André, Beatriz Filipa, Bruna, Leandro, Marta, Beatriz Costa, Emanuel, Cristiana, Fábio, Luna Maria, José Filipe, Juliana Beatriz and Hugo. pages 8-9


teacher: Nilda Çelik

TED Afyon Koleji - Afyonkarahisar pages 10-11


teacher: Fernanda Monteiro

Escola E. B. 2, 3 de Marco de Canaveses 5A class Carolina, Rita Pinto, Rita Silva, Ânia, Diogo, Eliana, Francisca, Gonçalo, Guilherme, Hugo, Ivan, João Carlos, João Henrique, João Manuel, João Ricardo, Luís, Mafalda Carreira, Mafalda Subtil, Maria Francisca, Inês, Mariana, Pedro, Ricardo, Rui, Tiago, Vitor. pages 12-13


teacher: Andrea Ullrich

Gymnasium Georgianum - Hildburghausen Kl.6c Sarah Beger, Selina Blau, Nina Both, Anna Endter, Johannes Eppler, Michelle Förtsch, Elena Frank, Leonard Graf, Jasmin Höfling, Valentin Junghanß, Tatyana Korinenko, Lena Mausolf, Ludwig Niedner, Vincent Oehrl, Winnie Rottenbacher, Leon Rudolph, Josephine Schilling, Luisa Schleicher, Eric Schröder, Maximilian Seeber, Hanna Volkmar pages 14-15


teacher: Necla Avci Sezen

Hürriyet İlköğretim Okulu - Dalaman Sinem, Furkan, Üzeyir, İrem, Mine, Aycan, Oktay, Saliha and Şerife pages 16-19


teacher: Giovanna Zancanaro

Scuola Media “Ugo Foscolo” - Sedico (Belluno) class 2D

pages 20-23


teachers: Anna Tobiacelli and Anna Yau-Stoch

Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących Nr 1 STO - Warszawa Jędrek Dymarski, Robert Sawicki, Rafał Pytel and Michał Makuch pages 24-25


teacher: Marika Bitsakou

Experimental Gymnasium of Korinthos - Korinthos B5 class pages 26-29


teachers: Lina Pereira and Ana Antunes

Escola Secundária de Gama Barros - Cacém Maria de Fátima Ferreira, Dulce Vitorino, Ana Paula Marques, Luís Silva, Tiago Ferreira, Edmundo Fernandes. pages 30-33


teacher: Maria Sourgiadaki

1st Vocational Lyceum of Ierapetra ( EPAL ) - Ierapetra Georgia Galanaki, Dimitris Todorof, Stella Thomo and Giorgos Moulianitakis pages 34-35


teacher: Marta Bury

Zespół Szkół Usługowo-Hotelarskich i Gastronomicznych - Przemyśl Maciej Bieliszak, Patrycja Bratko, Erwin Kosinski, Hubert Nowak, Ewa Obara, Paulina Sienkiewicz, Marzena Tkalicz, Mateusz Wilgucki and Kamila Wyrwinska pages 36-37


teacher: Aureo Torres

Colegio Marista Castilla - Palencia

Once upon a time ...

a fish from River Douro decided to make a trip to the sea.

It found a dolphin, who was playing jumping: : “Hello! Oh, my friend, I want to jump like you!” “Come with me and let's play together! Have fun and live the moment!” While playing they fell into a fishing net of some fishermen who were nearby. Hurt in the fishing net, the fishermen had to take them to the veterinary for treatment. In that place, which was the Zoo, they found friends like elephant, lion, monkey and giraffe. They told them their adventures and how they had gone there to stop. One day Catherine appeared at the Zoo with her father and mother, who had a farm with animals totally different from those. They had a dog, a cat, a horse, a pig and a duck. When she saw fish and dolphin, she wished to take them home. As she had a pool, she asked her father and mother for consent, so that she could take them to their home: her parents agreed. JI/EB1 Tojais - S. Miguel de Paredes, Penafiel - Portugal

Era uma vez…

Um peixe do Rio Douro resolveu fazer uma viagem até ao mar. Encontrou um golfinho, que brincava aos saltos. - Olá! Oh, meu amigo, também quero saltar como tu! - Anda comigo e vamos os dois brincar! Diverte-te e vive o momento! Enquanto brincavam caíram dentro de uma rede dos pescadores que por ali andavam. Magoaram-se na rede, e, os pescadores tiveram que os levar ao Veterinário para se tratarem. Encontraram nesse sítio, que era o Zoo, os amigos elefante, leão. Macaco e girafa. Contaram-lhe as suas aventuras e como tinham ido ali parar. Certo dia apareceu no Zoo a Catarina com o Pai e a Mãe, que tinham na sua quinta, animais diferentes daqueles. Ela tinha um cão, um gato, um cavalo, um porco e um pato. Quando viu os amigos, peixe e golfinho, quis levá-los para casa. Como tinha uma piscina, pediu para ficar com eles, e o pai e a mãe deixaram. JI/EB1 Tojais - S. Miguel de Paredes, Penafiel - Portugal

Every day, Catherine gave food and affection to her friends. And as she was a good girl, she went to school by bicycle every day; there she learned many things including colors (yellow, red, orange, purple ...).


One day she invited her school friends to go to her house and see her new friends.

She received her colleagues with cake, ice cream and made a great party, even danced in the garden around the pool where she had many trees and flowers. They also played ball with the dolphin.

They live all together in peace.

Victory, victory, is the end of the story for now on.

JI/EB1 Tojais - S. Miguel de Paredes, Penafiel - Portugal

Todos os dias a Catarina dava comida e carinho aos seus amiguinhos. E, como era uma boa menina ia para a escola todos os dias de bicicleta, onde aprendia muitas coisas incluindo as cores (amarelo, vermelho, cor de laranja, roxo, …). Um dia ela convidou os seus colegas para irem a casa dela ver os seus novos amigos. - Sejam Bem-vindos!

Recebeu os seus colegas com bolo, gelados e, fez uma grande festa, até dançaram no Jardim à volta da piscina onde tinha árvores e muitas flores. Também jogaram à bola com o golfinho.

Viviam todos juntos em Paz.

Vitória, vitória, acabou-se a história por agora…

JI/EB1 Tojais - S. Miguel de Paredes, Penafiel - Portugal

The dolphin played very well but the fish was sad. Because the fish couldn’t play the ball. Then, a sea turtle appeared in the garden. When the fish saw the turtle, it began to smile.

The girls ran to the garden to welcome the turtle.

They said “Oh! You are very pretty, what’s your name?” He said “I’m Green Stone”. And the fish said to the turtle “Let’s play together”.

TED Afyon Koleji - Afyonkarahisar - Turkey drawing made by Hürriyet İlköğretim Okulu - Dalaman - Turkey

Yunus çok güzel top oynuyordu ama balık çok üzgündü. Çünkü o, top oynayamıyordu. Sonra, bir deniz kaplumbağası bahçede belirdi. Balık, kaplumbağayı görünce, gülümsemeye başladı. Kızlar, kaplumbağayı karşılamak için bahçeye koştular.

- Sen çok şirinsin, ismin nedir? - Benim ismim ‘Yeşil Taş’.

Ve balık, kaplumbağaya “haydi birlikte oynayalım” dedi.

TED Afyon Koleji - Afyonkarahisar - Turkey drawing made by Hürriyet İlköğretim Okulu - Dalaman - Turkey

The turtle answered: “There’s nothing like sport, I like playing ball very much”. “Quack, quack. Hello! Are you playing? I don’t like playing, I prefer reading. Books are silent teachers”, said the duck.

“Oinc, oinc,” replied the pig. “I found this book but it hasn’t got any drawings on its cover”. “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, said the duck. “Words blow up your imagination. Read a book and listen to your heart”. The dog, who was very silent listening to the conversation, watching the sadness of the horse, invited him to read the book together. “Hee, haw, thank you for calling me, I’m very, very happy”, answered the horse. “Woof, woof, friendship doubles our joy and halves our pain”, conclude the dog. Escola E. B. 2, 3 de Marco de Canaveses - Portugal

A tartaruga respondeu: - Não há nada como o desporto. Gosto muito de jogar à bola. - Quá, quá. Olá, estão a jogar! Eu não gosto de jogar, prefiro ler. Os livros ensinam-nos em silêncio - disse o pato. - Ron, ron - aparece o porco. Encontrei este livro mas não tem desenhos, não gosto dele.

- Não julgues um livro pela sua capa - diz o pato. As palavras fazem voar a imaginação. Lê um livro e ouve o teu coração. O cão que estava muito sossegado a ouvir a conversa, vendo o cavalo triste chamouo para se juntar ao grupo e lerem o livro.

- Ióó, Obrigado por me chamarem. Estou muito felizdisse o cavalo. - A amizade dobra a nossa alegria e faz diminuir a nossa dor - diz o cão. Escola E. B. 2, 3 de Marco de Canaveses - Portugal

So our friends curiously opened the book where a wonderful bookmark was waiting for them. But what nobody had thought of happened: they couldn’t read it. Everybody was speaking a different language - their animal languages - but the book was Catherine’s and it was in English! “What can we do?” dog, horse, pig, dolphin, turtle, and fish asked; everybody talking at the same time. Suddenly they heard the wise donkey whispering, “I know a fox. She is very clever. I am sure she can teach us.”

While our friends were discussing how to contact the fox and who should go and invite her, a little hedgehog walked slowly towards the book, spiked it and...

Gymnasium Georgianum - Hildburghausen - Germany

Unsere Freunde öffneten das Buch an der Stelle, an der ein wunderbares Lesezeichen auf sie wartete. Aber woran niemand gedacht hatte, passierte: Sie konnten es nicht lesen. Jeder sprach eine andere Sprache, ihre Tiersprachen, aber das Buch gehörte Catherine und war in Englisch!

“Was können wir tun?“,

... fragten Hund, Pferd, Schwein, Schildkröte, Delphin und Fisch durcheinander. Plötzlich hörten sie den weisen Esel flüstern:”Ich kenne eine Füchsin. Sie ist sehr schlau und kann uns sicher unterrichten.” Während unsere Freunde berieten, wie sie die Füchsin kontaktieren sollten und wer zu ihr gehen sollte um sie einzuladen, lief ein kleiner Igel langsam auf das Buch zu, spießte es auf und... Gymnasium Georgianum - Hildburghausen - Germany

...asked: ‘What is that?’ Our friends looked at the hedgehog and said: ‘It is a book, but we don’t know how to read, can you read?’. The hedgehog answered ‘no, but I know books are our friends’. So they decided to look for the clever fox, they all wanted to learn how to read. The horse said ‘all together we can find the fox’. And they started to walk.

When they saw an owl on a tree, the dog asked him: ‘Hello dear friend, can you help me?’. ‘Yes of course!’ The owl answered. ’Where is the clever fox?’ He asked. And the owl answered ‘Yes, I know, he is in forest near the waterfall’. ‘Thank you very much’. The dog replied. ‘You are welcome, good luck!’. The owl said. They started to walk in the forest... Hürriyet İlköğretim Okulu - Dalaman - Turkey

...sordu ‘Bu ne?’. Arkadaşlarımız köpeğe bakar ve ‘Bu bir kitap ama biz nasıl okuyacağımız bilmiyoruz.Sen okuyabiliyormusun?’ der. Köpek ‘hayır ama kitapların bizim arkadaşımız olduğunu biliyorum’der. Sonra zeki tilkiyi bulmaya karar verirler.Çünkü onlar öğrenmek ve okumak istiyorlardı. At’Hepberaber,biz tilkiyi bulabiliriz’ dedi .Ve Yürümeye başladılar.

Ağaçta baykuşu görünce, Köpek ‘Merhaba sevgili arkadaş,Bize yardım edermisin?’diye sordu. Baykuş ‘Tabiki’ diye cevap verdi.Köpek ‘Zeki telki nerede?’ diye sordu. Baykuş ‘evet biliyorum,Ormanda şelalenin yanında ‘diye cevap verdi. Köpek ‘Çok teşekkür ederim’ dedi. Baykuş ‘Rica ederim,Iyı şanslar’ diye cevap verdi. Onlar ormanda yürümeye başladılar... Hürriyet İlköğretim Okulu - Dalaman - Turkey

…, the dolphin and the fish followed them in the river. On their way to the waterfall a magpie got close. Curious, she asked: “What are you doing?” “We are looking for the clever fox to read this book, it is in English” the cat replied. “How nice! I would like to learn English, too! Can I join you?” the magpie asked. She was welcomed by the group. When they got to the river they saw a crocodile: with funny jewels and a menacing air he was controlling the river. The magpie, knowing his passion, stole a necklace of his, so that he furiously followed her and left his post.

However, our friends had another problem: they needed to cross the river to get to the waterfall. The horse and the donkey tried to throw a tree down to cross the water, but with no success. Fortunately, a bear appeared on this way and easily knocked the tree down, thus allowing our friends to reach the other bank. Once there, the animals looked for the fox, but they couldn’t find her. Then, suddenly, some scary shadows came out of the water: everybody thought it was the crocodile, angrier than before! Scuola Secondaria “Ugo Foscolo” - Sedico (Belluno) Italy - class 2D 2010-2011

…, il delfino e il pesce li seguivano nuotando nel fiume. Mentre il gruppo stava per raggiungere la cascata, si avvicinò una gazza ladra. Incuriosita, chiese: “Che cosa state facendo?” Rispose il gatto: ”Cerchiamo la volpe intelligente perché ci aiuti a leggere questo libro, che è in inglese”. “Che bello! Piacerebbe anche a me imparare l’inglese. Posso unirmi a voi?” aggiunse la gazza, che venne accolta volentieri. Arrivati al fiume scorsero un coccodrillo che, stranamente agghindato di gioielli e con aria minacciosa, controllava il fiume. La gazza, a conoscenza della passione del coccodrillo, gli rubò una collana e l’animale, infuriato, la rincorse abbandonando la postazione. Ma c’era un altro problema: bisognava oltrepassare il fiume. Il cavallo e l’asino cercarono di sradicare un albero per attraversare l’acqua, ma inutilmente. Per fortuna comparve un orso, che con due zampate abbattè la pianta permettendo così anche ai nostri amici di raggiungere l’altra riva. Arrivati all’altra sponda, gli animali cercarono la volpe ma non la videro. All’improvviso uscirono due sagome dall’acqua e tutti temevano che fosse tornato il coccodrillo, ancora più arrabbiato. Scuola Secondaria “Ugo Foscolo” - Sedico (Belluno) Italy - class 2D 2010-2011

“Don’t worry! It’s the dolphin and the fish!” the duck said with relief. After a while, a distinct voice was heard: “Congratulations! Well done! But this is not the end. I know what you want and I will help you, but to some conditions: you will have to go through some tests”. “Tests!” the turtle cried. “Don’t be afraid, unity is strength!” the magpie encouraged. The pig reminded that the fox was unreliable. The fox then suggested calling the owl as a fair judge to choose and evaluate the tests. The magpie volunteered to go and call the owl. On his arrival, he presented the four tests. On the first test, crocodile and dolphin competed with the ball: even score. On the second test, fox and horse raced each other: the fox won. Proud of her performance she scorned the pig, who had to challenge her on the next test: gathering acorns. The poor pig, discouraged, was cheered up by the hedgehog, who said: “Remember, if people speak behind you, it means that you are better than them!” Luckily, the pig won because he knew where he could find a lot of acorns. Now the score was even, again, so the last test was the crucial one: the intelligence test. The owl asked a lot of questions and ... thanks to the last correct answer by the fish our friends won! “ Hooray!!!” they exulted with joy. But the duck noticed that the magpie was missing ... and the book, too! Scuola Secondaria “Ugo Foscolo” - Sedico (Belluno) Italy - class 2D 2010-2011

Con sollievo l’anitra esclamò: “Tranquilli! Sono il delfino e il pesce!”. Poco dopo si sentì una voce squillante: “Complimenti! Siete stati bravi! Ma non è finita qui. Ho saputo cosa cercate e sono disposta ad aiutarvi a delle condizioni. Dovrete superare alcune prove.” “Delle prove!” esclamò la tartaruga. “Non temete! L’unione fa la forza!” rassicurò la gazza ladra. Il maiale ricordò a tutti che non conveniva fidarsi della volpe. Quest’ultima propose di chiamare il gufo come giudice imparziale per decidere e valutare le prove. La gazza ladra si offrì per andare a chiamare il gufo, che, al suo arrivo, illustrò le quattro prove. Nella prima prova il coccodrillo e il delfino gareggiarono con la palla: si concluse in parità. La seconda prova vide volpe e cavallo fronteggiarsi in velocità. Vinse la volpe, che, presuntuosa per il risultato, disprezzò il maiale che doveva affrontare con lei la prova successiva: una raccolta di ghiande. Il povero maiale, avvilito, venne consolato dal porcospino: “Ricorda che, se qualcuno parla male di te alle tue spalle, significa che tu sei migliore di lui”. Fortunatamente il maiale vinse questa gara perché conosceva i luoghi in cui c’erano molte ghiande. La situazione era di parità, quindi l’ultima prova era quella determinante: la prova di intelligenza. Il gufo pose numerose domande e, solo con l’ultima risposta esatta del pesce i nostri amici vinsero. “Urrà!!!” Tutti esultarono di gioia. Ma l’anitra si accorse che la gazza era scomparsa, e, con lei, anche il libro… Scuola Secondaria “Ugo Foscolo” - Sedico (Belluno) Italy - class 2D 2010-2011

They decided to find the magpie, but no one knew where it was. It must be known that the book had special powers. It was the source of ancient magic. It possessed the gift of languages. They took the phone and called Sheeplock Holmes. Sheeplock Holmes is known as the best sheep detective in the whole universe.

Sheeplock’s motto was “Practice makes perfect”.

Then the group decided to organize the forest intelligence group. After a few weeks the best of the spies – eagle found the hiding place of the magpie. All the forest units surrounded the suspected hiding place of the magpie. They found the magpie tied up with ropes and a piece of paper with signed “LIZARD”. It was really unexpected that the book wasn’t with the magpie. Zespół Szkół Ogólnoksztalcacych nr 1 STO - Warszawa - Poland

Postanowili odnaleźć srokę, ale nikt nie miał pojęcia, gdzie jej szukać. Wszyscy przecież wiedzieli, że księga miała wyjątkową moc. Była bowiem źródłem starożytnej magii i posiadała dar języków. Zadzwonili do Sheeplocka Holmesa. Był to najlepszy owczy detektyw wszech czasów. Motto jego pracy brzmiało “Trening czyni mistrza”.

Jednocześnie zwierzęta postanowiły zorganizować leśną grupę wywiadowczą. Po kilku tygodniach najdoskonalszy szpieg orzeł wytropił kryjówkę sroki. Podejrzane miejsce zostało otoczone. Znaleziono tam skrępowaną linami srokę i skrawek papieru, na którym widniało tylko słowo “Jaszczurka”. Księgi niestety nigdzie nie było.

Zespół Szkół Ogólnoksztalcacych nr 1 STO - Warszawa - Poland

They interviewed the magpie, and asked who the mysterious lizard was. The magpie said that he didn’t know who tied him up, but the last thing he remembered was fox and pig’s race. Then he lost his consciousness. The whole story was very mysterious so they decided to continue the work of the forest intelligence. To find some information about the lizard, they went to owl’s information unit. It was a magical place. There were lots of files of every citizen of the forest. After a long search they found the place where the lizard lived. It was a terrifying cave on the reptiles territory. “So what are we doing now? Should we find the wizard of words?” There was no answer. Sheeplock concluded, “Silence implies consent.”, and off they went chanting, “Not all is gold that glitters, as the precious gift of language is as valuable as this noble metal”. Zespół Szkół Ogólnoksztalcacych nr 1 STO - Warszawa - Poland

Przesłuchano srokę. Próbowano się dowiedzieć, kim była tajemnicza jaszczurka. Sroka nie miała jednak pojęcia, kto ją związał. Ostatnią rzeczą, jaką pamiętała, był wyścig lisa i świni. Potem straciła przytomność. Historia była na tyle tajemnicza, że zwierzęta postanowiły kontynuować prace leśnego wywiadu. Aby znaleźć bliższe dane o jaszczurce, udano się do punktu informacyjnego prowadzonego przez sowę.

To było niezwykłe miejsce. Zgromadzono tam szczegółowe opisy dotyczące wszystkich mieszkańców lasu. Po długich poszukiwaniach odszukano wreszcie adres jaszczurki, który oznaczał budzącą przerażenie jaskinię położoną na terytorium gadów. “Co teraz robimy? Chyba powinniśmy znaleźć czarodzieja słów?” Nikt nie odpowiedział. Sheeplock podsumował “Milczenie oznacza zgodę”, a wszyscy ddalili się podśpiewując “Nie wszystko złoto, co się świeci, cenny dar języków jest tak samo cenny jak ten szlachetny metal !”.

Zespół Szkół Ogólnoksztalcacych nr 1 STO - Warszawa - Poland

Suddenly voices were heard from the owl’s tree: - Bad News... -A big fire … which lasted three days destroyed a large area of the forest... Now the clever fox is running towards the area where all the animals of the forest will meet for the conference: “The Destruction of the Forest and the Measures for its Future”

-We shall call as many animals ...as possible...

...The clever fox sat for a moment under the big oak tree. She thought for a while proposals for the future of the forest and started again... Experimental Gymnasium of Korinthos - Korinthos - Greece

...Ξαφνικά φωνές ακούστηκαν από το δένδρο της κουκουβάγιας

-Άσχημα Νέα... -Μια μεγάλη πυρκαγιά ... που διήρκεσε τρεις μέρες κατέστρεψε μια μεγάλη περιοχή του δάσους. Τώρα η έξυπνη αλεπού τρέχει προς την περιοχή όπου θα συγκεντρωθούν τα ζώα του δάσους για το συνέδριο:

-Θα καλέσουμε όσα περισσότερα ζώα μπορούμε...

...Η έξυπνη αλεπού κάθισε για μια στιγμή κάτω από τη μεγάλη βελανιδιά.

Σκέφτηκε για λίγο προτάσεις για το μέλλον του δάσους και ξεκίνησε ξανά... Experimental Gymnasium of Korinthos - Korinthos - Greece

The fox jumped quickly onto a big trunk, blew her whistle and it echoed throughout the forest. Not long after, many animals were joined together around the big oak tree and listened to the fox very carefully. -Welcome all my friends! - started the fox- Thanks for coming! Our situation is serious! These fires and the pollution of the forests are destroying us and our habitat! We must take some measures against it! Let’s make a parade for the preservation of the forest. Don’t forget that unity is strength! - That’s true! Many of our species are becoming extinct! We, the deer, are so few that I can’t find a deer-girl to make a family. I wish I could find my deer girlfriend now that’s St Valentine’s getting closer! Love is so beautiful!whispered a beautiful deer that was listening very attentively to the fox.

- And I can’t find my Honey Bee!- regretted a female bee that was flying around!

- Let’s make some posters to make tourists and other human beings aware of the forest and biodiversity!-Good idea! We could write slogans but we need someone to write them. If, at least, we could find the wizard of words!replied the magpie very sadly! Escola Secundária de Gama Barros - Cacém - Portugal

A raposa, num ápice,saltou para um grande tronco e apitou fortemente, tendo este apito ecoado por toda a floresta. Pouco tempo depois, muitos animais estavam reunidos à volta do grande carvalho e ouviam a raposa com muita atenção. Bem - vindos meus amigos! - começou a raposa- Obrigado por comparecerem! A nossa situação é grave! Estes fogos e a poluição das florestas estão a destruir a nossa vida e as nossas casas! Temos que tomar algumas medidas!Vamos organizar uma marcha pela preservação da floresta. Não se esqueçam que a união faz a força! - Isso é verdade! Muitas das nossas espécies estão em vias de extinção! Nós, os veados, somos tão poucos que eu não consigo arranjar uma namorada para constituir familia. Quem me dera arranjar uma namorada, agora que o Dia de São Valentim se está a aproximar!- suspirou um belo veado que estava a ouvir a raposa muito atentamente. E eu não consigo encontrar a minha abelha de mel- lamentou-se uma abelha fêmea que estava a sobrevoar todos eles. - Vamos fazer uns cartazes para alertar os turistas e outros seres humanos para a importância da floresta e da biodiversidade! sugeriu a raposa. Boa ideia! Podíamos escrever slogans mas para isso precisamos de alguém que saiba escrever. Se, ao menos, conseguissemos encontrar a feiticeira das palavras! – replicou a pêga muito triste! Escola Secundária de Gama Barros - Cacém - Portugal

Well, I’m here, but I’m afraid I can’t help you! I can only read but I can’t write and speak the human’s language!- said the wizard of words that had come to the conference too. All the animals were discouraged... but suddenly they turned back when they heard a sweet voice behind them: a beautiful fairy was telling them: I’ll help you all! I can write very well! - Wonderful! Now let’s join our ideas together! Don’t monkey around and help save the forest!- replied a funny chimpanzee hanging on from a branch of a tree! And the fairy started to write on a piece of paper what they said: - Be an eco tourist! Travel for pleasure but act responsibly! - Don’t pollute the forest! - Keep it clean! - Avoid the fires!Plant more trees!- Don’t throw away your waste! - Civilization yes! Destruction no! - Well done! Now let’s make the posters! What do we need?said the fox. Escola Secundária de Gama Barros - Cacém - Portugal

Bem, eu estou aqui mas receio que não vos possa ajudar... sei ler mas não sei escrever nem falar a linguagem dos homens!- disse a feiticeira das palavras que também tinha vindo à conferência. Todos os animais ficaram desapontados...mas , de repente, viraram-se para trás quando ouviram uma voz doce atrás deles: uma bela fada estava a dizer-lhes: “ - Vou ajudar-vos a todos! Eu sei escrever muito bem! - Optimo! Vamos então juntar-nos! Não fiquem por aí a perder tempo e ajudem a salvar a floresta!replicou um engraçado chimpanzé pendurado num ramo de arvore! E assim a fada começou a escrever numa folha de papel o que eles iam dizendo: - Sê um eco-turista! Aprecia a tua viagem mas age de forma responsável! - Não poluas a floresta!Mantém-na limpa! Evita os fogos! Planta mais árvores! Não faças lixo! - Civilização Sim! Destruição Não! - Muito bem! Agora vamos fazer os cartazes! O que precisamos? - disse a raposa. Escola Secundária de Gama Barros - Cacém - Portugal

“Humans use such things like paper, pencils and paint”, said the fairy. The pig had an idea then: “We can find all we need at Catherine’s house! She keeps them in the storage room, at the basement.” The animals cheered altogether: “Yeah, Yeah! Let’s go back home!” All the animals, as a big friendly company, set off for Catherine’s house, having completely forgotten the lost book. On their way back home, a hawk was flying in circles over the forest and spotted the animals.

The hawk was a spy!

The lizard had sent it to watch them. Without losing any time, the hawk flew to the lizard’s hiding place. A few hours later, the animals arrived at Catherine’s house. The fairy and the Wizard of words that were following the animals saw Catherine playing in the garden and went to her for a chat, while the smaller of the animals went to the basement of the house, searching for the papers and the colored pencils. When they opened the door of the storage room, a cage fell on them and entrapped them. “Hey! What’s happening here?” all of them shouted in one voice. 1st EPAL of Ierapetra - Ierapetra - Greece

-“Οι άνθρωποι χρησιμοποιούν τέτοια πράγματα, όπως χαρτί, μολύβια και μπογιά”, είπε η νεράιδα. Τότε το γουρουνάκι είχε μια ιδέα: -“Μπορούμε να βρούμε ό,τι χρειαζόμαστε στο σπίτι της Κατερίνας! Τα έχει στην αποθήκη, στο υπόγειο.” Τα ζώα ζητωκραύγασαν όλα μαζί: “Ναι, Ναι! Πάμε πίσω στο σπίτι!” Όλα τα ζώα, σαν μια μεγάλη παρέα, ξεκίνησαν για το σπίτι της Κατερίνας, ξεχνώντας το χαμένο βιβλίο. Καθώς γύριζαν πίσω, ένα γεράκι πετούσε σε κύκλους πάνω από το δάσος και τους είδε. Το γεράκι ήταν ένας κατάσκοπος! Η σαύρα το είχε στείλει για να τους παρακολουθεί. Χωρίς να χάσει καθόλου χρόνο, το γεράκι πέταξε προς την κρυψώνα της σαύρας. Λίγες ώρες μετά, τα ζώα έφτασαν στο σπίτι της Κατερίνας. Η νεράιδα και ο Μάγος των λέξεων, που ακoλουθούσαν τα ζώα, είδαν την Κατερίνα που έπαιζε στον κήπο και πήγαν να της μιλήσουν, ενώ τα μικρότερα από τα ζώα πήγαν στο υπόγειο του σπιτιού, ψάχνοντας για χαρτιά και χρωματιστά μολύβια. Όταν άνοιξαν την πόρτα της αποθήκης, ένα κλουβί έπεσε πάνω τους και τα παγίδεψε. -“Εεεε! Τί συμβαίνει εδώ;”, φώναξαν όλα με μια φωνή. 1st EPAL of Ierapetra - Ierapetra - Greece

Suddenly, the lizard appeared, laughing in an evil way: “Boohahaaaaaa!” -“I caught you now! It’s my book and you won’t take it!” said the lizard. -“Aha! So here you are, you thief! Where is the book? Our book!” said the hedgehog angrily.

-“I won’t tell you anything!” replied the lizard, disappearing behind some boxes. The fairy and the Wizard of Words sensed something strange and both of them rushed to the house. They saw the lizard escaping from the window, holding the book. The fairy froze the lizard with her magic stick and the book fell on the ground. The fairy took the book and at the same time the Wizard of Words freed the animals from the cage. The fairy, with a magic spell and her magic stick imprisoned the lizard in the cage. All the animals felt happy and relaxed, having the book in their hands. They wanted to read it then. -“Catherine! Will you read the book to us, please? We can’t!”. -“Oh! My book! And my lovely bookmark! Thank you for finding it!” said Catherine smiling. “Ok, let’s go and sit by the pool. Sit around me and…..but…..but…where is the dolphin and the fish?” 1st EPAL of Ierapetra - Ierapetra - Greece

Ξαφνικά, εμφανίστηκε η σαύρα, γελώντας με σατανικό τρόπο: “Μπουχαχααααα!”. “Σας έπιασε τώρα! Το βιβλίο είναι δικό μου και δεν θα το πάρετε!” είπε η σαύρα. “Αχά! Ώστε εσύ είσαι, κλέφτρα! Πού είναι το βιβλίο; Το βιβλίο μας!” είπε ο σκαντζόχοιρος θυμωμένα. “Δεν θα σας πω τίποτα!” απάντησε η σαύρα, κι εξαφανίστηκε πίσω από κάτι κουτιά. Η νεράιδα και ο Μάγος των λέξεων αισθάνθηκαν κάτι παράξενο και μαζί όρμησαν στο σπίτι. Είδαν τη σαύρα να ξεφεύγει από το παράθυρο, κρατώντας το βιβλίο. Η νεράιδα κοκάλωσε τη σαύρα με το μαγικό της ραβδί και το βιβλίο έπεσε στο έδαφος. Η νεράιδα πήρε το βιβλίο και την ίδια ώρα ο Μάγος των λέξεων ελευθέρωσε τα ζώα από το κλουβί. Η νεράιδα, με ένα μαγικό ξόρκι και το μαγικό της ραβδί, φυλάκισε τη σαύρα μέσα στο κλουβί. Όλα τα ζώα ήταν χαρούμενα και ήρεμα, έχοντας το βιβλίο στα χέρια τους. Τώρα ήθελαν να το διαβάσουν.

-“Κατερίνα! Σε παρακαλούμε, θα μας διαβάσεις το βιβλίο; Εμείς δεν μπορούμε!”

-“Ο ο β ιβ λ ο ο ! Τ ο ίο μ ο υ! .. .

έ νο ς μ η π α αγ ...Κ ι ο ι δ ο δ ε ί κ τ η ς ! λ μο υ σ ε α ρ ι σ τ ώ π ο υ υχ Σα ς ε α τ ε ! ” ε ί π ε η κ το β ρ ή α ίν Κ α τε ρ ώ ν τα ς . ελ χ α μο γ

“Εντάξει, πάμε να κάτσουμε κοντά στην πισίνα. Καθίστε γύρω μου και....μα...μα...πού είναι το δελφίνι και το ψάρι; 1st EPAL of Ierapetra - Ierapetra - Greece

Terrified animals thought how they could find their friendsFish and Dolphin. Catherine had an idea to try to persuade Magpie to give back Crocodile his jewels and in exchange he would help them look for their water friends near the waterfall. Crocodile resisted for a while. Finally he negotiated from the girl that he would help but her parents must help in saving the forest from destruction. Catherine said: ‘I’ll do everything to find Fish and Crocodile answered: Dolphin’. ‘I’ll do everything to save the forest’.

Catherine set off with her friend Maciek because she was afraid they couldn’t do it on their own. When they appeared by the waterfall they saw their friends completely exhausted by the fight with the strong current. Then Maciek caught Catherine, Catherine caught Crocodile and Crocodile caught Fish and Dolphin. They cooperated so it became easier. Everybody went back home where Catherine’s parents were waiting ready to keep their promise. After some time the forest was well and green, full of happy animals. And Catherine had a lot of time to read the Book to her dearest friends.. Zespół Szkół Usługowo-Hotelarskich i Gastronomicznych - Przemyśl-Poland drawing made by Colegio Marista Castilla - Palencia - Spain

Przerażone zwierzątka myślały nad tym jak odnaleźć swoich przyjaciół rybkę i delfina. Katarzyna wpadła na pomysł, aby spróbować przekonać srokę, żeby oddała krokodylowi jego błyskotki , a on w zamian pomoże poszukać przy wodospadzie swoich wodnych przyjaciół. Krokodyl długo się opierał, ale wynegocjonował dodatkowo od Katarzyny, że przekona swoich rodziców i pomoże uratować las przed zniszczeniem. Katarzyna powiedziała : - ” ...na to krokodyl : - ”A ja Zrobię wszystko żeby zrobię wszystko żeby odnaleźć rybkę i delfina”... uratować las przed wyniszczeniem”. Katarzyna wyruszyła na poszukiwanie rybki i delfina, zabrała ze sobą do pomocy swojego małego przyjaciela Maćka w obawie, że sami mogą sobie nie poradzić. W momencie kiedy znaleźli się przy wodospadzie ujrzeli bezradnych przyjaciół, którzy byli zmęczeni walką z prądem wody. Maciek złapał Katarzynę, Katarzyna złapała krokodyla, krokodyl delfina i rybkę. Wspólnymi siłami wyciągnęli ich z rwącego wodospadu. Wszyscy szczęśliwie udali się do domu Katarzyny, gdzie już czekali jej rodzice gotowi spełnić obietnicę daną krokodylowi. Po jakimś czasie las znów był zdrowy i zielony oraz zapełniony szczęśliwymi zwierzątkami. A Katarzyna miała czas żeby poczytać Książkę swoim najdroższym przyjaciołom. Zespół Szkół Usługowo-Hotelarskich i Gastronomicznych - Przemyśl-Poland drawing made by Colegio Marista Castilla - Palencia - Spain

The Book was telling the story of a group of friends, how they overcame difficulties because they faced them together, how more and more friends joined the group and how these friends wanted to make a better and peaceful World. That Book was a true beautiful and valuable treasure. It was the book of their own story!!

Time passed and people heard the story of this group of animals; more and more often people came to visit them. All the animals agreed to convey this message to Visitors that came to the forest. Many of them wanted to belong to this large group of friends: and they learnt to live, each one in his place, making a more friendly and livable World.

Colegio Marista Castilla - Palencia - Spain

El libro contaba la historia de un grupo de amigos, cómo superaron las dificultades afrontándolas unidos, cómo más y más amigos se unían al grupo y cómo todos ellos apostaban por construir un mundo mejor y más pacíficado.

Aquel Libro realmente era un tesoro hermoso y maravilloso. ¡¡Era el Libro de su propia historia!! El tiempo pasaba y llegó a oídos de la gente la historia de este grupo de animales. Ahora recibían visitas cada vez más a menudo. Todos los animales acordaron transmitir este mensaje a los visitantes que llegaban al bosque. Muchos de ellos querían pertenecer a este gran grupo de amigos: así que aprendieron a vivir, cada uno en su lugar, construyendo un Mundo más amable y habitable.

Colegio Marista Castilla - Palencia - Spain

The story has ended but our friendship keeps going on!


1st Vocational Lyceum of Ierapetra ( EPAL ) Experimental Gymnasium of Korinthos


Escola Secundária de Gama Barros - Cacém Escola E. B. 2, 3 de Marco de Canaveses JI/EB1 Tojais - S. Miguel de Paredes - Penafiel


Gymnasium Georgianum - Hildburghausen


Scuola Media “Ugo Foscolo” - Sedico (Belluno)


Zespół Szkół Ogólnoksztalcacych nr 1 STO Warszawa Zespół Szkół Usługowo-Hotelarskich i



Colegio Marista Castilla - Palencia

Hürriyet Ilkögretim Okulu - Dalaman TED Afyon Koleji - Afyonkarahisar

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