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StephenRabley Bri t is hE nglis h Originol Hollyand her brothersgo to Barcelona for a footb,rll game.First,Hollywantsto seefamousplacesin the city Thena man but her brotherswantto go to a funfair: takesHolly'sbag,andthe trcketsforthe gameare in it!


200 headwords

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600 headwords Elementary 1200headwords Pre-intermediate 1700headwords lntermediate

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IS B N978-1-4058-8438-9

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Pearson Education Limited EdinburghGate,Harlow, EssexCM20 2JE,England and AssociatedCompaniesthroughout the world. PackISBN: 97 8-1-4058-8438-9 Book ISBN: 978-I -4058-8390-0 CD-Rom ISBN: 978- 1-405 8-8389-4 First edition published2000 This edition published2008

The BarcelonaGame StephenRabley

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What'sthe bookabout? Lookat the front of this bookandtalk aboutthesequestions. 1 Whereis Barcelona? Whatdoyou knowaboutit?Whatcanvisitors do there? 2 Why arethe peoplein this storygoingto visit Barcelona? What do you think? 3 What gamesdo you like?Do you like playingthem or watchingthem? Why?


The BarcelonaCame

Whathappens first? 1 Readpage1 of TheBarcelona Gamequicklyand answerthese questions. 1 Wheredo the Hoopers tive? London a b Cardiff .ffi*GEb '\_____/-/ 2 Howotdis Hotty? a 11 b12 c13 3 Howmanybrothers hasshegot? a2 b3 c4 WhenareManchester Unitedplayingin Spain? a OnTuesday b OnWednesday c OnThursday going Whois to Spainwith KevandTrev? a Theirmum b Theirdad c Hotty page Whatis Hotlydoingon 1? a Sheis reading. b Sheisshouting. c Sheis dancing. DoesHollylikefootball? a Yes bNo c Perhaps

olly Hooper livesin Manchester.Shehastwo brothers,Kev and TLev.Holly is twelve, quiet and lovesbooks.The boys are noisy and love football. seventeen, One Septembermorning, Kev runs into the kitchen. 'They'rehere!'he shouts. 'The ticketsfor the Barcelonagame are here!' He dancesacrossthe kitchen foor. Holly is reading Oliuer Twist.Sheputs her book down. 'The Barcelonagame?'sheasks.''Whatt that?' Tiev looks at her. 'You don't know?' he says.'ManchesterUnited Dad, Kev and I aregoing.' areplaying in Spainon'Wednesday. 'Oh,' Holly says.

2 Whichof thesepeoplearegoingto go to Spain?What do you think?

shout /Jaot/ (v) Pleasedon't shout. I can hear you! dad lde.dl(n) | go home from school with Dad because he is a teacher here I

The Barcelona Game

But that evening Dad isn't well. Next morning he talks to Kev and Tiev. 'I'm sorry,boys,'he says.'I ve got a bad cold. I can'tgo to . . . to. . . ACHOO! . . . to Spain with you.' 'But, Dad, we'vegot three tickets for the aeroplane,'Kev says.And three ticketsfor the game.' 'And a hotel room for you too,'Tlev says.'\Vhat arewe goingto do?' The room is quiet. Then Mum says,'I know!You can take Holly.' Kev looks at Tlev. Tiev looks at Kev. 'Yes!'Dadsays.'That'sthe answer.Itis the summerholidays.And shet doing Spanishat schooltoo.' ' B u t...'Keva n dTlev 'No "buts",'Mum says. 'You'retaking your little sisterwith you!'

next /nekst/ (adj) ls Manchester the next stop on this train? mum /m,rm/ (n) Mum works in an off ice. She comes home at six o'clock.

The next day is -Wednesday. Kev, Tiev and Holly leave for Spain.Holly is very h"ppy. On the aeroplaneshereadsa book about Barcelona.There area lot of photosin it. 'It's a beautifulplace,' shethinks. Behindher,the boysaresleeping. They arrive at Barcelonaairport at three o'clock. 'OK,'Tiev says.'Let'stakea taxi to the hotel.' Then Holly says,'Oh, no!' and stopssuddenly.Shecan seea big hole in her bag.Someof her boola arefalling on the foor. Kev looks at TLev.Tiev looks at Kev. 'This is a good start,' Kev says. Then he seesa small airport shop.There aresomebagsin the window. They haveBarcelonaonthem. 'Go and buy a new bag,'he tells Holly. 'But be quick, OK?' AtfirjCIRl

leave/li:v/ (v) Thetrain /eavesBeijingin the eveningand arrivesin Moscowfive dayslater. hole /haul/(n) Thereis a hole in your shirt.Did you know? tell /teU(v) The childrenare in bed. Pleasefe//them a storv.

The Barcelona Game

Holly buys one of the Barcelona bags.Then sheand her brotherstake a taxi to their hotel. Holly goesinto her room. It hastwo windows and aYerybig bed. 'This is great,'shethinks. Then shegoesinto Kev and Ti'evt room. 'OK, what arewe going to do beforethe game?'sheasks.''W'ecan seethe cathedral or the famous street,"Las Ramblas",or the Olympic Stadium or . . ' 'No, no, no,' Kev says.''Wedon't want to go to thoseplaces.'We're going to Tibidabo. It's a funfair. Thev'sfriend went there in April. It's great,he says.' A funfair!'Holly says.'But . . .' 'No "buts",' Kev says.'I'm telling you, it's great.\7e're going there - and you'recoming with us.'

great/grert/ (adj) We are going to stay in a great hotel. Do you want to come with us? cathedraf /ka'Oirdral/(n) The big building near the river is St Paul's Cathedral. stadium /'sterdiem/ (n) We are going to a football game in the new stadium. funfair /'frnfea/ (n) We had a very good day at the funfair, but now we haven't got any money.

Later,Holly and the boysarriveat Tibidabo. 'Look - theret a big wheel!' Tiev says.'I love big wheels.' 'Me too,' Kev says.'Let'sgo!' Holly looksat the wheel.'Oh no,' shethinks. Five minutes lateq the wheel stops. 'That was great,' Tlev says.'Let'sdo it again.' Then he looks at Holly. Her faceis white. Are you all right?' he asks. 'No,' Holly says.'l'm not.' Kev looks at Tiev. Tiev looks at Kev. 'OK - listen,'Kev says.'You seethat cafe?Go and wait for us there.But stay there and don't moue,OK?' 'OK,' Holly says. And put the ticketsin your bag, Kev says.'-Wedon't want to take them with us. Seeyou at seven o'clock. OK?' 'Yes,Kev,' Holly says. Sheputs the ticketsin her bag. Then shewalks to the cafe.

wheel iwi:l/ (n) The London Eye is a big wheel. You can see a lot of buildings from the top because it moves slowly.



Wereyou right?


Lookat the sentencesin the box. Thenlook at the picturesand finish sentences1-6.

Lookat the answerstoActivities1.1and 1.2on pageii.Wereyou right? Thenfinishthesesentenceswith wordsfrom the box. bag


Spanish caf6




Languagein use


She'sdoingSpanish at school. You'recomingwith us.

he hasgot a .......... 1 Daddoesn'tgo to Spainbecause

2 Holty'sdoing..........

.. at school.

a b o uB t a rc e lo n a .

a................. 3 O nthea e r o p la ne shereads 4 At Barcelona airportshebuysa new 5 Holly,KevandTrevtakea ......... 6 Tr ev's

...wenttoTibidabo inAp ril.

7 Hotlydoesn'tlikethe big I


to their hotel.

at the funfair.

Hollywaitsfor KevandTrevin a ............

1 Hotty/ read/ book 2 KevandTrev/ sleep/ aeroplane

What more did you learn?

3 Hottylbuy /new bag

Who is talking?Write the letters,A-E.

4 Why/you / look/ me? 5 Hotly'sbooks/ fall/ floor 5 Kev/ tatk/ sister


What happensnext? 1 Whichisthe rightword? a At thecafd,Hottyisnappy tQ6@@ b Shedoes/ doesn'flikefunfairs.

1 'l can'tgoto -AcHoo!- spainwithyou.' 2 'YoucantakeHotty.' 3 'OK,whatarewe goingto do beforethe game?' 4 'Areyou all right?' 5 'Andput theticketsin yourbag.'

o o o o o

c The ticketsare in her hotel room / bag. d Shewants to see LasRamblas,a famouscathedral/ street. e KevandTrevaregoingto seeher in the cafdat 6 o'clock/ 7 o'clock. 2 What do you think? Write Yesor No.

a ls Hotlygoingto stayin the caf6? b lsshegoingto havea problem with the tickets? c ls shegoingto seeLasRamblas?

The Barcelona Game

The man drinks two black coffees, and after that he leaves.Holly closes her book on Barcelona. 'Now what?'shethinks. 'It's only six o'clock.' SuddenlysheremembersOliuer Twistandsmiles. Her bag is on the foor. Holly opensit, but then shestopssmiling. A blue shirt?An American newspaper? An addressbook with the name'FredBurns'onit? \Whereb 'Thesearent my things,'shethinks. 'l dont understand. my book?'SThere are the ticketsfor the . . . ?' Then sheclosesher eyes.'Oh no. The man with the moustache. This isnt my bag.It's ltist'

At the caf( La Masia, Holly sits down. She asksfor coffee.Then she looks at her Barcelonabook. 'I wanted to seetheseplaces,'shethinks. And now I'm not going to seethem. I'm in Spainand I'm only going to seea gameof football.' Her coffeecomesand shedrinks it. Ten minutes later,a man sitsat the next table. He has a moustache and a brown coat. He has a bag

on it. Holly seesthe bag and smiles. with BarcelonA 'Heb got one too,' shethinks. Then shelooks at her book again. moustache /me'sto:fl (n) His hair is black, but he has a long white moustache.

The Barcelona Came

il Shestandsup. Suddenlyher handsarecold.'Where ishe? V(here is he?Sheruns out of the cafe.There area lot of peoplein the street. Holly looks left and right. 'I can'tseehim,' shethinls. A boy on a motorbike is passingthe cafe.He seesHollyt faceand srops. '\Whatt wrong?'he asksher.

'He can'thearyou,' saysthe boy. 'The traffict very noisy.Listen - do you want to follow him?' Holly looks at the boy. 'How? On your motorbike?' 'Yes.' Holly thinks about it. 'OK,' shesays. The boy givesher a crash helmet. 'Put this on,' he says. Holly sitsbehind him and puts it on. '\(hat's your name?'sheasks. 'Pere,'the boy answers. Then he startsthe bike and drivesquickly away. Holly closesher eyes.Fred Burnst taxi is yellow and black. It goes left, right and left againvery quickly. Perefollows it. Holly opens her eyes.They arepassinga big building. Sheremembersone of the photosin her book. 'Thatt the Olympic Stadium.'shethinks.

Shestartsto tell him. Then shelooks acrossthe street.A taxi is driving away.Fred Burns is sitting in the back. 'Thatt him!' sheshouts.'There he goes.He'sgot my bag.Stop! Stop!l!'

(n) He went acrossEuropeon the backof his brother'smotorbike. motorbike/'meutabark/ pass/po:s/(v) We are passrngthe shops,but we can't stop.We haven'tgot time. l0

traffic /'trafrk/ (n) There is a lot of traffic in this street because people drive their children to the school . follow /'fnlau/ (v) | know the place. Fol/ow me! crash hefmet /'kre.[ ,helmrt/ (n) People can't see your face under that crash helmetll

Thc Barcelona Game

Perefollows the taxi for a long time. Then it stopsnearBarcelona's famouscathedral.Holly and Perestop too. There area lot of people and carsin front of the cathedral. 'It's a beautiful building,' Holly thinks. Then sheremembersFred Burns. 'Look - therehe is,' Peresays.'Het gettingout of the taxi.' Holly takesoff her crashhelmet. 'Stop!'sheshouts.'Mr Burns!Please stop.' Shegetsoff the bike and startsto run.

Ten minutes larer,Fred Burnst taxi is in the famousstreer.Las Ramblas.Holly can seeher bag in the backwindow. Shecan see Fred Burns too. 'Pleasestop!' shethinks. '\fhere areyou going?' There aresometraffic lights in front of them. They go from green to yellow The taxi passes the lights, but then the lights go red.Two old women starrto walk acrossthe street.They havegot a lot of fowers in their hands. 'Oh no,' Holly says.Shelooks at the back of Fred Burns'shead. 'tVe cant catch him now.' 'Yes,we can,' Pereshouts. He drivesin front of the two women very quickly. One says, 'Aiieeel!' 'Sorry!' Pereshoutsand drives away.

minute/'mrnrt/(n) Work startsin ten m,nutes.We are going to be late (n) Hismotheris ill. He istakingher someflowers. ffower/'flaoe/




Wereyou right?


Lookat your answersto Activity 2.4. Wereyou right? Now answerthese questions.WriteHolly, Fredor Pere.

Languagein use


next to in front of in out of across

FredBurnsis sittingin the back.

at near with on


CafdLa FredBurns Hottyis sitting herbagandsheruns.'..'..'.... Heleaves Masia. He stopsandlooks a motorbike. the caf6.Pereis passing followFredBurns's wrong?'heasks.They Hotty.'What's old . them.Two taxi,buttherearesometrafficlights.......... After the street,but Peredrivesveryquickly. womenwalk...........

1 Whohasa moustache? 2 Whosays,'He's got my bagl'? 3 WhogivesHottya crashhelmet?

taxistops a longtime,FredBurns's too,andHotlyruns Perestopshismotorbike

4 WhoisAmerican? 5 Whohasa browncoat? 6 WhositsbehindPereon hismotorbike?


7 Whodrivesin frontof two womenon LasRamblas?


Shelooksacrossthe street.

Lookat the wordsin the box.Then finish the paragraphwith these words.

the cathedral.Then FredBurns.

What happensnext? It is 6.35. Hotly, Pereand Fred Burns are at the cathedral. Kev and Trev are at Tibidabo.Who is talking in these pictures?Write the name of the

personandthe letter of the right picture.

What more did you learn? Putthesesentencesin the right order.Write1-8 in the boxes. a A boyon a motorbikeis passing the caf6. b HollyandPerepassthe OlympicStadium. c A mansitsnextto Hottyat the CafdLaMasia. d 'Sorry!'Pere shoutsanddrivesaway.

getsout of histaxiat Barcelona e FredBurns cathedrat.

t Hotlyfindsanaddress bookwith the name'Fred Burns'onit.

1 1 'Run!He'sgoingintothe cathedra[!' Pere


4 'Whoareyou,andhowdo you knowmy name?' got my bag.' me.You've 2 'Excuse

g Twoold womenstartto walkacrossLasRamblas. h Hottygetsontothe boy'smotorbike. r4

3 'Whattime is it,Trev?'

5 'Thisis a greatfunfair,Kev.'


The Barcelona Game

Shetells Pereabout her brothersand the football game. 'I understand,'the Spanishboy says.'OK - put your helmet on again.' Pereand Holly drive back to La Masiavery quickly. They passa lot of beautiful old buildings. 'This is great,'Holly thinks. 'I'm seeingBarcelonanow.' Five minutes later,sheand Perepassthe big wheel at Tibidabo. ''\Vhat time is it now?' Holly asks. 'One minute to seven,'the Spanishboy says.'Itt OK. You'renot

Perewatchesthe Englishgirl. Sheis running very quickly. Fred Burns is walking into the cathedral.The American hearshis name and stops. 'Me?' he says. He looks left and righr. Then he seesHolly. Sheruns to him and startstalking.Two minutes later,shecomesback to Pere.There is a big smile on her face. 'Have you gor the right bag now?' he asks. 'Yes,I have.'Holly is very h"ppy. 'Oh, Pere,thank you. How can I . . . ?' But then shestopssmiling.'Oh, no. \Whattime is it?' Perelooks at his watch. 'Twenty to seven.Vhy?' Suddenly Holly's face is white again. 'Kev and Tiev. They're going to be at La Masia in twenty minutes.' t6

going to be late.' He stopsin front of the cafe.Holly looks at the peoplethere. 'Good,' shesays.'Kev and Trev aren'there.' Then shegetsoff the motorbike. l

The BarcelonaGame

'Pere- how can I thank you?' shesays. 'Thatt OK,' Pereanswers.'I had a good rime.'

There are a lot of peoplein the Nou Camp football stadium.Kev, Tiev and Holly get there ten minutes before the game. 'Have you got the tickets?'Kev askshis sister. 'Yes,'Holly says,and shetakesthem from her bag. The boysbuy food and drinks. Then they all sit down. '\Wehad a greattime this afternoon,'Tiev says. 'Yes,'Kev says.A greattime.' 'Good,' Holly says.'Me too.' Kev looks at Tiev. TLevlooks at Kev.Then they look at their little sisterand smile. 'You!' Kev says.'Holly, you neuerhave. . .' But the playersarecoming into the stadium. 'United! United!' Kev and Thevshout. Holly looks at them. 'Yes,me,'shethinks. '1had a greattime.' Shesmiles.Then sheopensOliuer Twistandstartsto read.

He looks at his motorbike. There are two red fowers in one of the wheels. 'Here,'he says,and he gives the flowers to Holly. 'These flowers are for you. Have a good time at the game,OK?' He smilesand startshis bike. Then he drives away. Kev and Tlev arrive at the caft. Holly is reading Oliuer Twist. Shelooks up. 'Oh, hello,' shesays.Are we going now?' l8


Lookat the picture.Hotty and Pereare talking.What are they saying? Work with a friend. YouarePere.Ask Ho[[yabouthervisitto Barcelona andher homein England.


mte. the summerholidays,Hotly'sfriendsask a lot of questionsabout her visit to Barcelona.Whatdo they ask about: . Barcelona? . Pere? . herfamity? . thefootballgame? . FredBurns?

AnswerPere's questions. Thenaskhimquestions. lStudent B I VouareHo[[y.

Start your questionswith thesewords: What...? Which...? Where...? Howmany...? Do...? Did...? Wh o . . . ? Why...? When...? |s...? Are...? Was...? Were...? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Holly is writing about Barcelona.Put thesewords in the right ptaces. visit



Spain football

Barcelonais in ..,........

- *" v*c,;-;"fl:Y:"




a+ has a v*\ l


. *;J;;Joo"^

Las Rambtasis a famqs

in Barcelona.And


A to+or PeoPte



".,"') 6;


Workwith a friend.Askand answerthe questions inActivity 1. Why did you90 to Barcelona?

My brothers wontedto see the footbollgome.

Now write an article for a school newspaperabout Holly's visit to Barcelona.

HouvH oper's

RilTWN un.-==( \ Vrth [n American man walked out wlth my bag.'

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'lfm dolng $panlsh at echool.t

'Barcelona ls a very beautiful pface.t

'l dont llke footbell.t ..i..........".

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llou Genp Sbdlun

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