Curso Designing Resilient Schools

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design resilient school good morning group

Jo達o Guimar達es | Livia Farris | Mariana Bertelli | Michelle Notario Samantha George | Vrinda Vijayarajan | Zdenek Dreveny


site analysis

Re-imagining schools as a collaborative environment of Student + Community ‘If learning is embedded in real world context, that is, if you blur the boundaries between school and life then children go through the journey of Aware (where they can see the change), Enable (be changed) and Empower (lead the change). This directly increases child wellbeing making them more competent and less helpless.’ - Kiran Bir Sethi Founder director- Design for Change and Riverside School, India

our vision

project site

1. For the children we create an environment where students learn to be active participants of their community evolving them into holistic individuals who believe they CAN make a difference. 2. For Guiuan we create an environment that is an integral part of their social and cultural life in addition to being a secure haven for the community during disasters.

GUIUAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Site Location: Eastern Samar, Philippines Area: approx. 27000 sqm Climate: Tropical monsoon Natural Hazards: typhoons, earthquakes Vegetation: Surrounded by forest Accessibility: Trunk road along the east Existing Conditions: There are 27 existing onestory structures on the site that have been partly destroyed by typhoon Haiyan. The municipality supplies water and electricity. The site lies about 1.5 km from the coast and the influence of the sea cannot be undermined.

concept On November 8, 2013 the Philippines was struck by a powerful tropical cyclone, known to be the deadliest on record, that killed nearly 6201 people in the country and destroyed the homes of many. Schools are one of the primary places where people seek shelter in such times of calamity and are a priority in the rebuilding efforts that have begun. The classroom prototype that we have designed would be used to rebuild Guiuan High School that will be a primary example for other schools of similar context. While it is not possible to estimate the magnitude of the next disaster, as builders of the future and participants of this course, we have responded by developing strategies to create built environments that reduce the intensity of damage without compromising on the climatic suitability of the building fabric for a tropical climate. Our response to strengthen resiliency is through a synergy of building and site strategies, adopting local materials, simple and familiar methods of construction to create modular structures that can be built easily by the community. Through an infusion of programmatic elements that lend it a local flavor and public spaces that welcome the community, the school is re-invented as a child friendly-community centric hub that reinforces togetherness, security and a sense of pride in their local culture.

Topographic analysis Climatic analysis

Latest images from the site

Site sections looking west

Site sections looking north

The site slopes down gently from North to South as can be seen in sections 1 to 4. The slope as seen in Section A to D is about 1: 120.

Credits: Joyce Angara designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning



opened window projection bench



concept The building prototype (22,90m x 9,40m) has been designed as a simple rectangle, capable of lending itself to flexible and varied uses. Each of these classrooms modules (11,50m x 9,40m) is paired such that two of them share a common partitioning wall and roof and work as an independent building block. The reason for such a pairing is to facilitate use of larger space as required- such as those in times of a calamity when the school itself transforms into a community shelter and these paired class rooms become the safe refuge centers as elaborated in a later section of this presentation. The same structure can thus be adapted for many other functions which demand larger areas, such as the library, workshop, auditorium, exhibition spaces, canteen, gym, etc.







shelf overhang projection 10

prototype building plan area 215,26 m² (2 modules 107,62m²)










overhang for protected circulation

independent uses Good�Morning�Team� is�going�to�win!!!


conventional layout


class room cross section

mixed uses

activity for groups of 4











activity for groups of 8 shelves Good�Morning�Team� is�going�to�win!!!




class room longitudinal section








interactive arrangements involving the entire class 0m








designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning



classroom design

overhang for protected circulation

side facade

frontal facade









Classroom interior view

roofing structure

Classroom interior view









Good�Morning�Team� is�going�to�win!!!


0m Classroom exterior view

natural conditions






designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning

10m 4




16 15 14


13 20 12


11 7




6 5







Exploded isometric

structural concept and building technique The structure is made from a hybrid building technique that integrates To cover and protect the bamboo poles, a “Bajareque� wall is raised the old with the new. It essentially consists of a solid concrete base, alongside it. This technique consists of attaching split bamboo to with bamboo framing a composite infill wall which is then covered the sides of the framing poles and filling in the voids with earth. This composite wall is then plastered from the outside to protect it from with a lightweight ventilated double roof. These structures are required to withstand extreme climatic and weathering.

Structural 3d cut away 1 - Veranda Platform 2 - Reinforced concrete wall 3 - Metal rods 4 - Bamboo poles 5 - Earth 6 - Split bamboo 7 - Plaster 8 - Top hung vertical folding window 9 - Ring beam 10 - Diagonal bracing 11 - Tie beam 12 - Rafter 13 - Purlin 14 - Light weight insulation board 15 - Roof battens 16 - Corrugated sheet 17 - Ridge cap 18 - Gutter 19 - Overhang roof battens 20 - Thatched roof 21 - External bench

The overhang roof is made from local thatch or straw and is designed as a light weight structure such that in the situation of typhoon or strong wind the roofing material will provide little or no resistance to the wind and so will not compromise the integrity of the entire structure.

The material palette for this project is deliberately kept nonprescriptive as we believe that the availability of materials and finances will be key factors and therefore we only outline the building technique leaving the adoption of specific materials open for further To ensure good and continuous connection between all parts of the The underside of this roof- its lower layer- is a envisaged to be a exploration. structure to the foundation a reinforced concrete wall is built until the window sill level. Bamboo framing poles that hold the whole structure light weight board (for eg. a 12mm cement board)- which could also We believe that with the adoption of these simple construction be insulative, while the upper exposed layer is a corrugated metal or techniques as outlined above, it is possible to design resilient and adjacent overhangs are pinned into this sill high concrete wall. buildings while still using traditional, locally available materials, skills These bamboo poles are connected to the concrete wall with simple similar sheet in bamboo. metal rod inserts and between them with traditional connections or Since most of the heat gain in the tropics is from the roof, this design and resources. in specific situations as the hipped roof, through designed metal of the ventilated double roof, keeps out the heat and ensures thermal comfort for its occupants internally. fabricated connections. designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning 5 seismic forces. Good structural resilience, we learnt, warrants the need for proper structural connections between the various building elements.

Over the bamboo structure lays the ventilated double layered roof. The air cavity between the two layers of the roof prevents heat from entering the room below and also allows the hot air to escape to the outside.


plan design

Planning strategy The school’s site design stands as an extension of Guiuan’s dynamic. As a design thatGREEN combines spaces for education, culture and leisure, PROTECTION CONCEPT it also attempts to create an identity which is coherent with that of the local community. The school integrates an appropriate scale of built environments- in its design, local materials and building techniques - in its construction and facilitates activities of CONCEPT relevance to the local GREEN PROTECTION community – in its use. The conventional school program was tied with varying scales of green spaces that will host multiple activities related to the community’s routine. Accessibility and gathering were the prioritized as concerns to create a dynamic atmosphere in a condition to shelter Many are stronger than one. That’s why we the local community, especially during emergency situations. Thus, decided to create a bamboo florest surroundthe design aimsing to reinforce social relevance of the school and it’s the school the buildings and playgrounds. importance in educating the community’s current and future citizens.

classroom cluster

classroom cluster


bamboo grove classroom cluster

classroom cluster


Many are stronger than one. That’s why we GREEN GREEN PROTECTION PROTECTION CONCEPT CONCEPT decided to create a bamboo florest surroundBamboo groves protection ing the school buildings and playgrounds.

landscape debris mounds

library classroom cluster



amphitheater toilets

sports fields

play auditorium / music room workshops canteen / kitchen

faculty offices/ first aid room

pedestrian entrance

administration / staff car entrance / parking rain garden

vehicular entrance

site plan | 1:1000

Starting from the positive and carving the negative, first we remove the areas of clusters and playgrounds, second we connect the voids with paths and finally we put the buildings inside the cluster areas. Many Many are stronger are stronger thanthan That’s That’s whyStarting why we we from the positive and carving the negative, decided decided to create to create a bamboo a bamboo florest florest surroundsurround-first we remove the areas of clusters and playgrounds, second we connect the ing the ing school the school buildings buildings and and playgrounds. playgrounds. voids with paths and finally we put the buildings inside the cluster areas. SAFE

Surrounding the buildings with a bamboo forest we garantee that the strong winds will remain buildings also creating Many are stronger thanabove one.the That’s whywhile we decided to create a dense SAFE a shield against flying objects, leaving just bamboo grove -enought almost forest like-surrounding Starting Starting from from the positive the positive and and carving carving the the space around to allow natural the light school buildings Surrounding the buildings with a bamboo negative, negative, first first we remove we remove the areas the areas of clusters of clusters and ventilation and for circulation. and playgrounds. Starting from the positive and carving out the forest and and playgrounds, playgrounds, second second we connect we connect the the we garantee that the strong winds will remain above the buildings also creatingthen negative, we the areas of clusters andwhile playgrounds, voids voids with with paths paths andfirst and finally finally weremove put we the put buildthe builda shield against flying objects, leaving just ingsings inside inside the cluster the cluster areas. we connect theareas. voids withenought paths and buildings spacefinally aroundthe to allow naturalare lightplaced and ventilation for strategy circulation.of surrounding within these carved out cluster areas.and This

the buildings with a bamboo forest, we believe, will ensure that strong winds blow through and remain above the buildings while also creating a shield against flying objects (like debris during a SAFESAFE typhoon). We have, however, ensured adequate space around the Surrounding Surrounding the buildings thegroves buildings with aallow bamboo a bamboo bamboo towith natural light and ventilation to buildings and forest forest we garantee we garantee that that the strong the strong winds winds will will forabove circulation between remain remain above the buildings the buildings whilewhile alsothem. also creating creating a shield a shield against against flying flying objects, objects, leaving leaving just just designing enought enought space space around around to allow to allow natural natural lightlight resilient schools | Team Good Morning and and ventilation ventilation and and for circulation. for circulation.



1 | site conditions A study was done to determine the best orientation and siting of the buildings to ensure least resistance to prevailing winds, cross ventilation and appropriate natural lighting.

design methodology 2



2 | sectorization organization of the classrooms into clusters and open common facilities for a mixed and flexible use of the school campus.

SW winds

3 | clusters hierarchies clusters: class rooms are organized around small central green spaces that support outdoor activities and act as green resting areas during class recesses; nodes: gathering areas for multiple activities and are the points of convergence of classrooms clusters and toilets paths to the center;

NE winds

center: extension of the local urban fabric, the larger scale space of concentration and leisure and it is also related to the functions of the adjacent common facilities.

sun cluster nodes center

private public services

water run off



local path perimeter path main path


bamboo grove landscape debris mounds rain garden

4 | circulation hierarchies local paths: intimate and narrow paths between the classrooms and the common facilities. It connects the clusters to the nodes; perimeter path: runs adjacent to the peripheral landscaped debris mounds and is connected to the small clusters through lateral courtyards; main path: a wider path, it ties the whole campus together connecting the nodes to the center and its public areas, creating a referential path to the users. 5 | natural protection elements bamboo grove: fills the gaps between the buildings and protects from excessive winds. Surrounding the paths, these groves create an intriguing atmosphere that gradually reveals existing elements on campus, ensures privacy for the toilets; landscaped debris mound: a combination of a mound and stepped garden, these natural barriers are laden with vegetation capable of inhibiting the effects of floods and reducing the high wind loads incident on buildings; rain garden: following the topography, a detention pond is designed along the SW corner to drain surface water via channels. This shallow pond with a percolating base for ground water recharge collects rain water. An edge shelf planting of locally rooted aquatic plants is proposed on the drainage detention pond. designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning


Aerial view from East

langit lupa and lring-lring game patintero game

landscape debris mounds

Aerial view from South-East

piko (hopscotch) ad lring lring game bamboo grove

Aerial view from entrance

Site section

designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning


common facilities

bamboo grove



1 2 outdoor activities patio

play / rest



1 10






bamboo grove


3 3

auditorium | workshop






3 3


bamboo grove

bamboo grove

04 2



pedestrian entrance

03 02

faculty offices | first aid room administration cluster


car access




rain garden

administration / staff





faculty offices | first aid 1. lobby 2. office 3. toilets 4. first aid room administration / staff 1. lobby 2. office 3. store 4. staff lounge and pantry 5. secondary conference room 6. main conference room 7. toilets





vehicular entrance







auditorium | workshop 1. green room 2. auditorium 3. workshop canteen 1. entrance 2. exit 3. vehicular entrance 4. storage and fridge 5. preparation and cooking 6. washing area 7. hand wash 8. food pick up 9. seats 10. dish return 11. water dispenser

designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning



common facilities

bamboo grove


landscape debris mounds 2

4 1


3 5 bamboo grove


outside reading


3 1








open arena

e grov sports field

sports field





library 1. catalog kiosks 2. reception 3. group study 4. individual study 5. shelves




gym 1. equipments 2. toilets 3. changing rooms

designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning 10


sustainability strategies

cross section


storage chamber toilets

phases of the project development



Phases of the project development: The schools can is designed irrigation of the landscape and for hand-washing in the dry toilets. such that it can expanded in phases as described in the image above Energy: The roofs are designed to take solar panels on their depending the availability of financial and other resources. southern aspects supplementing thus and integrating redundancy of Sustainability and resilience: The foremost strategy of resilience dependence on the city’s electrical grid. Also, the huge amount of bio design, in our view, is the preparedness and ability to adapt to an mass generated on site can be effectively used for bio gasification ever changing, uncertain future. that can feed the energy needs of the canteen’s kitchen. This meant designing the school and its various systems to be off- Materials: The school uses locally available materials in its the grid, free from external dependencies for water, waste disposal, construction reducing the ecological footprint substantially. construction materials and energy & food - to the extent possible. Food: The design aspires to achieve independence in terms of food Our broad strategies are as follows: and sows the seeds of this very important thought in the minds of the Water: Surface run off rain water is carried via a network of drains to students by integrating edible landscapes on campus. the rain garden located in the SW corner – which is the topographically Waste: Annually, each of us produce 50L of feces & 500L of urine but lowest portion of the site. Roof top rain water is filtered and collected in cisterns for use in use 15,000L of water to flush it away. On the other hand, in a UDDT









(Urine Diversion Dry Toilet) the problem is shrunk nearly 75% by drying out and removing the water content from feces. A two –chamber UDDT, which has been successfully implemented in Philippines in the past*, is designed for the school. The pan for urine diversion is of prime importance for the proper functioning of the system. A tried and tested squatting pan from India, the Conscientious crapper v2.1**, is proposed for these toilets. Dry leaves are used as dehydrating materials for the dry toilets. Feces is stored in chambers for over 12 months. It then undergoes secondary treatment, as recommended for effective decomposition in these humid –tropical conditions, in vermi-composting pits that also composts excess dry leaves. References: * **

designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning 11



prevention and post disasters tools disaster scenario Our initial site context studies revealed that the project site lies 15m above sea level which makes it less prone to floods. Typhoon Haiyan brought with it a storm surge of 9m and spared this area from rising flood havoc. This region is mostly affected by raging cyclonic winds from the NE and earthquakes. Let’s examine the ways in which our design helps strengthen resilience during disaster. Earthquake resilience: 1. Designing the prototype as a single storey structure for greater stability; 2. Strong connection ties between the roof, walls and foundation for proper load transfer; 3. Reinforced structure Typhoon resilience: 1. The structure has a simple rectangular plan to avoid reentrant corners that weaken the structure; 2. A hipped roof to deflect wind upwards; 3. The overhang roof is structurally disconnected from

the main so in the eventuality of a storm it does not compromise on the stability of the whole structure; 4. Operable window shutters that act as an overhang when open, can be shut down completely to protect the interiors during typhoon, 5. The prototypes are oriented along the NE-SW direction to reduce the intensity of the wind directly on the structure, 6. The shorter wall which faces the wind is constructed as a Bajaraque wall with no openings and an increased thickness The landscape on the NE edge is designed to function as a protective barrier through the creation of a mound of about 1.3m-1.8 m in height out of waste debris, packed with top soil having local typhoon resistant planting atop it along its windward side. This helps in breaking the force of winds before it even hits the building.

post disaster plan









module in evacuation scenario Landscape debris mound

Food plants on stepped garden

post disaster scenario The prototype module would function as an evacuation center where the partition wall is open and it becomes one large room of 200 sqm. Since families would find themselves sharing this space with strangers, privacy becomes a key issue that must be addressed. Architect Shigeru Ban created a simple partition system for earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan made of cardboard tubes and curtains*. The largest tube (10cm

in diameter) acts as a column that connects to a smaller tube that works as a beam. The smallest of all, then, serves to make the joint solid. The components can be cut to obtain any dimension. Such a partition system can be adapted within the large room to give privacy to families in the aftermath of a disaster. *

module connections

designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning 12


conclusion and members conclusion Going local Our design takes into consideration the tropical monsoon climate of the site as well as its vulnerability to strong winds and earthquakes. The building occupants would benefit from large windows for cross ventilation, wide overhangs, and a steep 4 sided roof. By using local materials like bamboo as well as simple and familiar methods of construction, the structure can be built easily by the community. We have also considered the local culture through the inclusion of specific games played by Filipino children in our open spaces. Bamboo groves envelop the buildings for added resilience and shade. A landscaped mound created from waste debris on the NE edge of the site has local typhoon resistant plants planted on it in the windward side. The leeward side is stepped to create a produce garden that grows local food crops to facilitate food security during emergencies and provide for the canteen on other days. The students are taught to tend to this garden themselves as a step in the empowering process.

team members

JoĂŁo GuimarĂŁes (Portugal) Project Development/ Architect

Livia Farris (Italy) Project Development/ Architect

Mariana Bertelli (Brazil) Project Development/ Architect

team contact

Accessibility to the disabled The buildings are designed as single storey structures to make it universally accessible. Facilities at a higher level are accessed with the help of ramps. Flexibility and Adaptability The prototype’s design as a module with two classrooms separated by a partition gives it flexibility of use. This structure can thus be adapted to accommodate ancillary programs with larger space requirements like the gym, canteen, library, workshops and offices. At the time of emergencies, two classrooms can be combined to function as one big room to shelter families. The schools can be expanded in phases depending on the requirement of classrooms at that particular time. Our proposal, thus, seeks to develop a resilient prototype that is simple to build and replicate within a self-sustaining system and one that nurtures and educates the students through the spaces created for them.

Michelle Notario (Philippines) Project Development/ Architect

Samantha George (U.S.A.) Project Development/ Architect

Vrinda Vijayarajan (India) Project development/ Architect

Zdenek Dreveny (Czech Rep) Structural Engineer

designing resilient schools | Team Good Morning 13

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