Mariana Bertelli - Portfolio

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Mariana Bertelli




MARIANA F. BERTELLI Brazilian and Italian citizen born in 1989 lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil

GRADUATION 2007 to 2012 Architecture and Urbanism Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil PROFESSIONAL 2014 to 2015 EXPERIENCE architecture coordinator THCM, Campinas, Brazil 2013 to 2014 architect THCM, Americana, Brazil 2012 architecture intern Star Lighting Division, Campinas, Brazil

RESUME Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at UNICAMP, I have professional experience in construction works; creation, development and coordination of architectural and urban designs in multiple scales.

2010 to 2012 architecture intern Badar贸 e Ferreira Arquitetura, Campinas, Brazil 2010 construction work intern Gafisa, S茫o Paulo, Brazil

LANGUAGES advanced english advanced italian basic spanish SKILLS advanced AutoCad, Revit Architecture, SketchUp, Artlantis, CorelDraw, Photoshop, InDesign, Microsoft Office medium Dialux, Fireworks, Illustrator, SADP, Rhino basic Microsoft Project, Vray, SAP, Grasshoper

INTERNATIONAL 2015 EXPERIENCES residence in Italy 3 months 2015, 2014, 2009 backpacking in Europe 2004 english summer course, USA 1 month 2004 residence in Xian, China chinese classes 10 months

COURSES AND 2014 COMPETITIONS _Parque do Mirante Competition, Piracicaba. IAB-SP. Selected project _Favela Urbanization Course. Ycon, S達o Paulo _Internacional Medellin Experimental Social Housing Competition. Archmedium _Designing Resilient Schools Course and Competition. Iversity, OOAC Team Good Morning. Finalist Project _Saint-Gobain Prize - Sustainable Habitat Edition. Finalist Project 2013 _ Banca Mais Competition, final graduation work category. 3rd place _Liquid Urbanism Course. Architectural Association Visiting School, S達o Paulo _Artlantis Render & Studio. Pixelmais, Campinas 2010 _Revit Architecture. InCad, S達o Paulo 2006 _Artistic Drawing. Abra, S達o Paulo

2012. graduation final work

TIQUATIRA URBAN REQUALIFICATION São Paulo, Brazil urban requalification, landscape and social housing orientator Ana Maria Reis de Goes Monteiro

The project discusses the central typical problematic of Brazilian cities, the role of urbanists and architects facing this situation and the citizens’ rights in the urban space. With a typical example, this project intends on creating an intersection between the city’s demand planning and the specificities of this territory.


Located on the east zone of São Paulo, between two mainly residential neighborhoods, Penha and Cangaiba, the Tiquatira Park, the first linear park in the city, has about 4km long and it’s surrounded by an important road corridor, that connects the Marginal Tietê - one of the biggest roads in town - to the eastern neighborhoods, in addition to many others urban scars, such as complex transpositions (bridges, large roads, railroads), intense flow of vehicles, big and consolidated favelas, extensive empty urban spaces, low density and low diversity of land use, lack of urban and cultural equipments, poor environmental quality and a expressive denial to the river. For that, a methodology was created to guide the project’s design, focusing on a deep study of this territory, in order to define and understand its potential and weakness, defining new urban guidelines capable of dealing with the site’s deficiency starting from the restructuring of its full and empty spaces with the nearby entourage, plus a new set of uses capable of attending also the needs of the city’s macro scale.

As a result, the project recreates a new hierarchy of appropriation and use of this space, respecting the existing surroundings and optimizing its use; reestablishing a connection between the neighborhood and the city; reorganizing flows; contemplating heterogeneous uses of the urban fabric; proposing multiple and integrated activities with the park and surroundings; providing alternative means of integrated urban mobility; incorporating the formal housing to the use and life of this territory, trying to ensure the right to the city for all citizens; valuing the landscape and the importance of the presence of green areas and water in urban spaces and reinserting this high potential region in its site and context throughout the metropolitan system.











urban requalification plan part 2

aa section


dd section


urban requalification plan part 2

gg section



01. Demolition of the bridge Vd. Domingos Franciulli Neto 02. Lower height level of the bridge Vd. Domingos Franciulli Neto 03. Demolition of the tunel that connects the supermarket and the avenue Gabriela Mistral 04. Elevation of the railway 05. Pedestrian new large path 06. New road 07. New road network 08. New Tiquatira train station 09. Connection between bus lines and train station 10. Articulating red axis 11. New outline of the avenue Gov. Carvalho Pinto 12. Functional bicycle line 13. Connection between mobility systems


01. Plants nursery station 02. Multimedia station 03. Bicycle Atelier 04. Culture station 05. Cine station 06. Enviromental station 07. Sports station 08. Books station 09. School Club station 10. Sports equipments 12. Islands 13. Support


01. Housing H1 free ground floor + 2 floors H2 free ground floor + 3 floors H3 free ground floor + 4 floors H4 comercial ground floor + 2 floors H5 comercial ground floor + 3 floors H6 comercial ground floor + 4 floors 02. Commercial type 1 03. Commercial type 2 04. Commercial type 3 05. Services type 1 06. Services type 2


01. Expansion of the park’s length 02. Expansion of the park’s width 03. Expansion of the river’s secction 04. Water flood retention area 05. Vegetation density high density medium density low density


bb section

ff section


cc section

ee section

2014. competition_selected project

PARQUE DO MIRANTE Piracicaba, Brazil urban requalification and landscape designed with Marina Bento, Beatriz Bertoni

This project intends, through the comprehension of the territory and its urban, historic and cultural intersection in the city, to rescue the dynamics of this public space based on: (1) a reconnection with the urban fabric; (2) the appreciation of the natural environment and local heritage; (3) the strengthening of identity relations between the users and the park (surrounding residents, citizens of Piracicaba and tourists) and (4) the readjustment of the park’s scale of use. 18

Using a design identity and a set of activities that intends to be merged with the river’s wild landscape and the vegetation, the project reinforces the importance of good public places suited to local conditions and to the macro urban scale and the construction of an identity between users and environment, reflecting on the city’s life quality as a whole.




to know, experience, share_to preserve

acessibility at all levels

adventure levels_identification with the river


historical elements preserved_contextualization

access _connectivity and pedestrian priority

guidelines_ experience routes

(1) reconnection with the urban fabric Macro scale: connects the Parque do Mirante with the nearby leisure equipments, inserting it in the bicycle lines route (red line) and injecting paths leading straight to the Parque do Engenho; Micro scale: a circuit of multiple activities and a pedestrian route inside the park (orange line). (2) natural environment and local heritage To optimize the existing buildings and to enable them with integrated and mixeduse activities, achieving a more dynamic and flexible use of the equipments, during both day and night time; New architectural style interventions contrasting with the local heritage , in order to distinguish and better contextualize the existing historical elements; To rescue the natural landscape, integrating it to the use and experience of the public space, in order to create new

perspectives; Activities that interacts with the natural environment, reconnecting it to the local users and geting them involved on the process of environmental preservation. (3) identity relations More intensive interaction between the user and the territory, in order to encourage the community’s participation in the construction and maintenance of the public space; Range of activities destined for different public profiles, enriching the local mixeduse; Enviromental educational classes and learning from live experiences by the use of the public space, through differents aspects: Physical: approaching areas to the natural environment (decks, zipline, canopy tour, wet areas); Educational:





environment, linked with the local universities and schools (multimedia rooms, cinema, aquarium, arenas, auditorium); Affective: landscape contemplation areas and activities integrated with the community (vegetable garden and orchard, boardwalk for street markets, arena and decks for events, gastronomy). new scale of use; Pedestrian priority: accessible routes, building scale proportional to the man’s scale, street appropriation as public space for leisure, sport and culture; Bicycle priority: recreational shared paths (inside the park) and mobility route between the parks, resting areas, bike racks and bike rental; Reducing te use of cars: but still preserve nearby parking spaces and enable sporadic vehicle traffic on the boardwalk, especially for emergency, loading and unloading goods.








2014. competition

MEDELLIN EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL HOUSING Medellin, Colombia urban intervention and social housing designed with Marina Bento, Gustavo Takatori

Social housing is a big challenging matter for city councils, especially for those in emerging economy countries. Medellín recent past requests an adaptable model to allow large-scale implementation in different suburbs in order to mitigate social exclusion.


The main concern for this kind of project is to keep in mind the limited budget. So, the initial efforts were trying to maintain as much structure as possible and to stack the program housing units over it. Along the housing units distribution, empty spaces were left to be used, in the first moment, as condo public gardens and, in the future, to be appropriated by smaller housing expansion. Regarding that the project immediate surroundings don’t offer good spaces in terms of public leisure, the parking lot was covered into a generous public space to create an appealing square inside the block. The church’s shape was maintained as it is but in a more isolated relation, in an attempt to respect the local affective memory. Based on the idea of the city as a living and mixed organism, these constraints were used to reinvent the block itself and the relation between its neighboring. Conclusion: It’s safe to argue that these project premisses, focusing on mixed use strategy and in existing structures, could be replicated over different areas in the city for innovative social housing projects to improve urban life’s quality.




2014. course and competition_finalist project

DESIGN RESILIENT SCHOOL eastern Samar, Philippines urban intervention and resilient design designed with Good Morning Team*


On November 8th, 2013, the Philippines was struck by a powerful tropical cyclone that killed nearly 6.201 people. Schools are one of the primary places where people seek shelter in such times. The classroom prototype designed for this course and competition would be used to rebuild Guiuan High School and would serve as a prototype for others. The response to strengthen resiliency is through a synergy of building and site strategies, adopting local materials, simple and familiar methods of construction based on modular structures that can be built easily by the community. Through an infusion of programmatic elements that lend it a local flavor and public spaces that welcome the community, the school is re-invented as a child friendly-community centric hub that reinforces togetherness, security and a sense of pride in their local culture. The school’s site design stands as an extension of Guiuan’s dynamic. As a design that combines spaces for education, culture and leisure, it also attempts to create an identity which is coherent with that of the local community. The conventional school program was tied with varying scales of green spaces that will host multiple activities related to the community’s routine. Accessibility and gathering were the prioritized concerns to create a dynamic atmosphere in a condition to shelter the local community, especially during emergency situations. Thus, the design aims to reinforce

the social relevance of the school and its importance in educating the community’s current and future citizens. As a strategy of ensuring that strong winds blow through and remain above the buildings while also creating a shield against flying objects and a natural light filter, a dense bamboo grove was placed in the surroundings of the school’s buildings and playgrounds. The building module prototype has been designed as a simple rectangle, capable of lending itself to flexible and varied uses. Each of these classroom modules is paired such that two of them share a common partitioning wall and roof and work as an independent building block. The same structure can thus be adapted for many other functions which demand larger areas, such as the library, workshop, auditorium, exhibition spaces, canteen, gym, etc.

*Good Morning Team members: João Guimarães, Livia Farris, Mariana Bertelli, Michelle Notario, Samantha George, Vrinda Vijayarajan, Zdenek Dreveny.


classroom module structural 3d cut away 1. veranda platform 2. reinforced concrete wall 3. metal rods 4. bamboo poles 5. earth 6. split bamboo 7. plaster 8. top hung vertical folding window 9. ring beam 10. diagonal bracing 11. tie beam 12. rafter 13. purlin 14. light weight insulation board 15. roof battens 16. corrugated sheet 17. ridge cap 18. gutter 19. overhang roof battens 20. thatched roof 21. external bench

SW winds

NE winds

36 sun private public services

cluster nodes center

water run off

1 | site conditions A study was done to determine the best orientation and siting of the buildings to ensure least resistance to prevailing winds, cross ventilation and appropriate natural lighting.

2 | sectorization organization of the classrooms into clusters and open public buildings for a mixed and flexible use of the school campus.

3 | clusters hierarchies clusters: class rooms are organized around small central green spaces that support outdoor activities and act as green resting areas during class recesses; nodes: gathering areas for multiple activities are the points of convergence of classrooms clusters and toilets paths to the center; center: extension of the local urban fabric, larger scale space of concentration and leisure and the relation of functions with adjacent public buildings.


local path perimeter path main path

4 | circulation hierarchies local paths: intimate and narrow paths between the classrooms and the public buildings. It connects the clusters to the nodes; perimeter path: runs adjacent to the peripheral landscaped debris mounds and is connected to the small clusters through lateral courtyards; main path: a wider path, it ties the whole campus together connecting the nodes to the center and its public areas, creating a referential path to the users.

bamboo grove landscape debris mounds rain garden

5 | natural protection elements bamboo grove: fills the gaps between the buildings and protects from excessive winds. Surrounding the paths, these groves create an intriguing atmosphere that gradually reveals existing elements on campus, ensures privacy for the toilets; landscaped debris mound: a combination of a mound and stepped garden, these natural barriers are laden with vegetation capable of inhibiting the effects of floods and reducing the high

wind loads incident on buildings; rain garden: following the topography, a detention pond is designed along the SW corner to drain surface water via channels. This shallow pond with a percolating base for ground water recharge collects rain water. An edge shelf planting of locally rooted aquatic plants is proposed on the drainage detention pond.

classroom cluster

classroom cluster


bamboo grove

classroom cluster

landscape debris mounds


classroom cluster toilets library

classroom cluster play

classroom cluster

toilets play auditorium music room 39

workshops sports fields canteen kitchen



pedestrian entrance

faculty offices first aid room

car entrance / parking

administration staff

service entrance rain garden

opened window projection bench circulation


shelf overhang projection double class room plan area 215,26 m² (2 modules 107,62m²)

overhang for protected circulation Good�Morning�Team� is�going�to�win!!!





class room cross section 41




class room longitudinal section

2014. professional project

RESIDENTIAL VILLA Campinas, Brazil urban design and housing designed with THCM Architecture

The residential villa was created to be a community based on the interaction of open common spaces with each individual private unit, priorizing the respect on the site’s topography, the human scale and the creation of meeting, resting and leisure areas.


The original topography leads to the creation of several different levels that connects the lower group of houses to the upper level of housing and the pedestrian access. These levels provide different people reunion areas through stairs, ramps and plazas, making all the quotas accessible and reachable for any user. The vehicles have a special entry and circulation area, separated from any pedestrian route and crossing, in order to priorize the human scale, to create a more private access to the houses and to deal with the topography as a base level. The houses are divided into 3 floors: first: accessible through the vehicles level, it has the service facilities such as the kitchen, dining place, laundry and living room and also the backyard access; second: accessible through the pedestrian path level, it has the social and intimate areas of the house and a terrace with a view to the backyard; third: open terrace with a water mirror as a private leisure area for each housing unit.






2014. professional project

RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM Piracicaba, Brazil urban design and housing designed with THCM Architecture

The project begins by the urban plan readjustment of the condominium, introducing a new transversal section of the main road, the access reconfiguration to the condominium, a new design for the common leisure area, its buildings and the surrounding areas of the green preserved grove.


The intention was to have a housing territory connected to a large amount of green spaces, open and walkable areas with leisure an meeting equipments with the intention of stimulating people’s reunion and interaction. Composed by a bicycle and a pedestrian path, surrounded by green stripes, the new main road intends to be not only a space for vehicle circulation, but an open leisure boulevard that leads the user from the condominium’s entrance to the leisure area, also connecting all the land plots. The buildings for the common areas share the same architectural style with big open spaces, large marquises and gathering areas. The big green mass along the river is a preserved area without legal possibility of use or intervention, what demanded the installation of a physical blocking barrier, but, in order to maintain the user’s contact with this important land, a green gradient mass along the borders, composed with walking paths and resting spots, was created to merge the obligatory fences to the circulation’s regular sidewalks.






2014. professional project

ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING Piracicaba, Brazil architectural design designed with THCM Architecture

The building contains the administrative facilities of an industrial condominium. Designed to be the entrance control of the property, the building has a functional design and an industrial aesthetics, by the use of the materials in its natural aspects of color and texture. With a large fixed lateral window, protect from the direct sunlight by a large brise soleil, the facade guarantees the visual contact with the outside and privacity and security for the inside. 54

The pedestrian entrances are located on the longitudinal edges, divided into public and private, with the corresponding activities related to each functionality demand. On the ground floor, the activities are related to the control of entrance and exit of people and vehicles, and internal service facilities, such as kitchen and public toilets. On the upper floor, it has the security and office room, both with more exclusive and restricted access for the general public.




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