10 Cool benefits of ARC Customer Analytics – Manthan Systems

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ARC Customer Analytics Portfolio

ARC TargetOne Execute personalized promotions

ARC Customer360 Understand your customers Predict their behavior Drive marketing outcomes

Optimized Marketing Drive marketing effectiveness using analytics consulting services

ARC Loyalty247 1-1 communication with a mobile coupon vault

AND THEN WE DISCOVER THAT IT'S CUSTOMER. We know customer-centricity. We know that every customer is unique. We know that customers like to be referred to by name. But what are we doing about it?

most comprehensive view of customers, create offers targeting specific customers and choose a multi-channel approach to reach them individually.

The possibilities of a customer-centric approach are unlimited. Which is what we at Manthan Systems have exploited with the ARC Customer Analytics (CA) Portfolio. With ARC CA, you can get the

So here's your advantage with ARC CA Portfolio. It enables real customercentricity for the marketer. It lets you, the marketer, use the most sophisticated analytics, every single day.

DAVE DROPS IN TWICE A WEEK. YOU SEE HIM ONCE A MONTH. AND WHEN HE STOPS COMING, IT'LL TAKE YOU A MONTH TO KNOW. Monthly reports? Analytics timelines need to be retail relevant. With ARC CA, you have the most sophisticated customer analytics reports at your fingertips. Every morning. It brings you the ability to take informed decisions today, for today. And what is even better, is that you as a marketer can access it, use it, take informed decisions and implement them. With changing customer preferences and multiplying channels, consolidated reports are dated. You can't afford to wait. With ARC Customer Analytics, you have the most comprehensive view of Dave possible, right down to what he shopped for this morning. Helping you plan your promotions and his temptations better.


CAROLINE'S YOUR BEST CUSTOMER. BUT YOU NEED TO KEEP HER CLOSER. SHE'S SEEING OTHER RETAILERS. OFFLINE AND ONLINE. About time you make her feel special. With ARCTargetOne When you have daily analytic reports on transactional data which clearly identify Caroline's preferences, you will also be able to send her targeted promotions. You can generate personalized coupons with offers she can't refuse on products and brands you know she has an interest in. ARC TargetOne can ensure, easily, that customers have a reason to keep coming to your store - because you see them as individuals, because you address their preferences. And once you get Caroline to stop cheating on you, comes your next opportunity. Chances to convert her into an evangelist.


WILLIAM READS AN AWFUL LOT. BUT ARE YOU READING HIM? OF LATE, HE'S BEEN PEERING INTO OTHER ONLINE BOOKSTORES. Reach him on his iPad with Loyalty247 before he reaches the online store. You know that Will buys a whole lot of books from you. But have you ever noticed his preferences in subjects? Have you noticed that he prefers autobiographies and books on sport? This makes a genre-centric promo on new launches quite pointless. With ARC Customer Analytics, you can actually study his likes and be Will-centric, know what he is most likely to fall for. With Loyalty247, you can send Will a personalised coupon the moment there is something in autobiographies or sport on offer. Make that the first thing he spots on his iPad. (And he's unlikely to look elsewhere.)


ROSE PICKED UP A STERILIZER. ROSE PICKED UP A BASSINET. ABOUT TIME YOU PICKED UP WHAT ROSE MAY BUY NEXT. Even if you don't make the connection, Customer360 will. With every single purchase that Rose makes, Customer360 ensures that you have a more comprehensive view of Rose. You'll know that she's in the market for a pram, you know that she needs pacifiers, you know that she needs baby oil. And you know which items on your shelf, can be pushed to Rose. With Customer360, you have predictive marketing at your command. And chances are that Rose might pick up more than she intended and you expected. Predictive marketing opens up new avenues in profitability. Avenues that never existed before.


CHARLES BOUGHT EVERY HARRY POTTER BOOK. EVERY SINGLE DVD. NOW YOU HAVE THE COLLECTOR'S EDITION. TIME TO CONJURE CHARLES. When it comes to loyalty, ARC CA can make magic happen. You have the data. On Charles and on your product lines. With ARC CA, you can slice and dice information in relation to product mix, purchase behavior and promotions to assist you in discovering segments that are likely to respond to your launches and introductions. It will also help you to find the right channels to reach out to Charles with maximum impact (based on his previous interactions with you). With the ARC Customer Analytics (CA) Portfolio, you can derive enough insights on each customer and on customer segments to be able to predict behavior and create profitable segmentation. What you end up with, is a million reasons for Charles to stay loyal to you. Reasons that go way beyond discounts, importantly.


YOU POSTED AN INSERT. YOU PASTED A POSTER. EVEN AN IN-STORE STANDEE. BUT ALL ROGER IS LOOKING AT, IS HIS PHABLET. Catch Roger's eye with Loyalty247 and a personalized offer. How Roger interacts with you has changed. How Roger shops has changed. Where Roger shops has changed. And in no way will you reach Roger with traditional promo POS. But today, analytics is sophisticated enough to keep pace with Roger. And what is better still is that with the Loyalty247 personalized mobile coupon vault, you can reach Roger where he is, on the channel he prefers, with a promo you know he will be interested in. When advanced analytics combines with personalization and a mobile vault, you’re always by your customer’s side.


AGATHA WAS A 'CAUCASIAN, 25 -30'. BUT LOOK CLOSER AND SHE'S A ' HOMEMAKER, SHOPS BETWEEN 3 - 6 PM, ON WEDNESDAYS PREFERS RAW CUTS, RESPONDS TO COUPON BOOKLETS’. ARC CA converts mysterious data into actionable insights. The moment you know all this about Agatha, she is more customer, less statistic. And all it takes, is knowing how to use the data you already have. This is what we call Profitable Segmentation - advanced segmentation drilled deep for intimate personalization. With the ARC Customer Analytics portfolio, you can understand retail data, context and customer behavior. This can help you arrive at deeper customer segmentation that reveals hitherto unseen revenue generating opportunities within a meaningful timeframe. The marketer can benefit from various segmentation models - at the same time on the same data that helps identify patterns and opportunities. And Agatha becomes an actionable revenue opportunity.


YOU HAVE STEVE'S PERSONAL PHONE NUMBER. YOU HAVE STEVE'S PERSONAL MAIL ID. BUT ARE YOUR PROMOS FOR STEVE PERSONALIZED? Know exactly what Steve would like, with TargetOne. The issue with broad segmentation is that Steve is likely to get a whole lot of offers he's least interested in. And the more the spam, the more irritated Steve gets. But Customer360 can provide you a very comprehensive view of Steve's media preferences - based on analytics, right down to which offers Steve's responds to. Combine this with TargetOne and see which promo Steve is most likely to be interested in. And once you start targeting him with his preferences, Steve stops treating you as spam, Steve looks forward to the next communication he will get from you.


SLICE BY SKINNY JEANS AND EVA SHOWS UP. SLICE BY BRAND AND EVA SHOWS UP. GUESS WHO'LL SHOW UP FOR YOUR NEXT SKINNY JEANS SALE. SAM LOVES BEER. SAM LOVES EVERY BEER. AND SAM LOVES EVERY NEW BEER. With ARC CA, blurred data becomes clear insights. The greatest advantage with the ARC CA Portfolio, is that a whole lot about your customer you never knew, is now revealed. So while you always knew that Sam’s basket carried beer, the knowledge that he is not brand loyal, opens up new possibilities. With ARC CA, you can understand customer affinity and brand migration. Using these models concurrently on the same data, patterns, cross/up-sell opportunities, marketing optimization techniques and the best mediums to reach Sam are identified. And you don't need an entire team of IT wizards to manage this. All it takes is just you, the marketer.


With Customer360, you put predictive analytics to work. While you keep adding to transactional data on Eva, chances are that what you do with it doesn't change much. And in the current scheme of things, never will. With Customer360, the very way in which you look at Eva changes. When you have a 360 view of her campaign response, every transaction gives her more shape and body. Every transaction, sliced, tells you more about when and how she is likely to buy. This helps you ensure that Eva and everyone else like her, have what they need on your shelves. This also helps you pass this info to Eva, creating revenue opportunities where none existed.


YOU HAVE THE DATA. YOU HAVE THE MARKETING SKILLS. NOW, YOU CAN ACTION ANALYTICS. NOW, YOU CAN ACTION PROFIT. The most sophisticated analytics, now a daily tool for the marketer. There are a thousand advantages that come to you with the ARC CA Portfolio. But let's just look at the top ones. It's sophisticated analytics. But designed for use by the marketer. It's marketer's analytics. It provides insights along the lines that generate marketing opportunities. It's daily analytics. That empowers informed decision-making. Every day. It's customer-centric analytics. It's a comprehensive view of the customer driven by personalization. It's pervasive analytics. No outsourced support, no outsourced managers. Your tablet is all you need. It's admirable analytics. That you will have to experience.

MANTHAN KNOWS ANALYTICS. MANTHAN KNOWS RETAIL. MANTHAN KNOWS THE MARKETER. Manthan makes analytics real. At Manthan Systems, the focus has always been retail and analytics. Which is what helps us create analytics products that are architected with deep industry specificity, bringing together analytics, technology and industry practices to evolve sophisticated, yet intuitive analytical capability. Over the past few years, Manthan's analytics competence has helped us provide solutions to over 85 leading retailers across 18 countries. And the Customer Analytics Portfolio understands marketers and helps marketers understand their customers.

For enquiries in the US, get in touch with Kevin kevin.walker@manthansystems.com For enquiries in Asia-Pacific and Europe, write to Sachit sachit.murthy@manthansystems.com Manthan Systems, 40/4, Lavelle Road, Bangalore, Karnataka t:+91 80 2299 0585, f:+91 80 2299 0586


Manthan Systems, Inc. 7975 N. Hayden Road, Suite C-240, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 t:+1 800 746 9370, f:+1 888 384 0989


Morumbi Office Tower Av. Roque Petroni Jr. 999 – 13º andar – Morumbi - São Paulo cep:04707 910, t:+55 11 5185 2773, f:+55 11 5185 2899 #19-04/05, High Street Centre, 1 North Bridge Road, Singapore - 179094 Suite 22C Level 22 Ayala Tower One, Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1226




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