Failure Project, zine, 2014

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As part of a performance art class, I have decided to revisit a few personal experiences that I consider (considered? not sure if I consider them failures anymore) failures. I contacted people involved in those events, and asked them WHY they think I had failed. Here are their answers.







I emailed the person in charge of this publication, asking why fr ln[fbllbhg pZl k^c^\m^]' :l ^qi^\m^]% ma^r ]b]g m k^ier' Magazines or literary publications never justify why they chose hk ]hg m \ahl^ mh in[ebla \^kmZbg mabg`l% pab\a bl mhmZeer understandable.


I have many memories of myself as a kid abandoning projects or shying away from people. I always felt really guilty about saying no, about refusing friendships or activities. I felt like I ]b]g m [^ehg` Zg] B _^em ebd^ Z _Zbenk^ _hk ghm [^ehg`bg`' My mom always pushed me to try new things, and make new friends. She answered to my email by calling me. She said that pabe^ bm l mkn^ maZm B mkb^] Z _^p mabg`l maZm ]b]g m phkd !ma^Zm^k classes, summer camp, etc) I knew very well what I liked and ]b]g m ebd^' La^ ]h^lg m mabgd B pZl Z jnbmm^k% bm l cnlm maZm B ^qi^kbf^gm^] Z _^p mabg`l [^_hk^ Ûg]bg` paZm B k^Zeer pZgm^] mh be engaged in.

PERSONAL PROJECT #2 When I was in sec 2, we had to audition to be part of the ma^Zmk^ \eZll' B ]b]g m `^m bg' B pZl lh ibll^] h__% Zee fr Z\mbg` dreams were crushed. Plus, my two best friends had been \ahl^g% lh B _^em e^_m hnm% ebd^ B pZlg m `hh] ^ghn`a' B pkhm^ to the teacher (I found his email address on Facebook), but a^ ]b]g m k^ier' A^ ikh[Z[er phne]g m k^f^f[^k ZgrpZr% hk fZr[^ a^ ]b]g m pZgm mh [hma^k pbma lhf^mabg` maZm aZii^g^] fhk^ maZg *) r^Zkl Z`h' :`Zbg% ng]^klmZg]Z[e^' A^k^ l ma^ email that I sent him.

FINAL THOUGHTS Failure is relative Failure can be seen as practice I should try to get used to rejection Interacting with people = double feelings = double trouble B_ lhf^[h]r k^_nl^l mh dbll f^% B fb`am _^^e Z ebmme^ ankm% [nm B ee live People are really nice when you ask stuff nicely @^^s% ]hg m mabgd lh fn\a

Concordia University IMCA230 November 2013

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