(+33) 0695700671
29 years old
(+33) 0695700671
29 years old
Aalto University, Helsinki, FI 9 months
- Design and Construction of a 150m2 train shelter
3 years (2018-2021)
PROJECT ARCHITECT h2o architectes Paris, FR
In charge of a variety of projects (Housing, Urban schemes, Education and Culture as well as Research into organic materials)
2018, Paris, 3 months
ARCHITECT at Atelier Zundel Cristea
2017, Paris, 3 months
ARCHITECT at Périphériques Architectes
- Industrial Wood Construction course with lectures, projects and site visits
MOOC“BuildingwithEarthToday” -2020 5 week online course, Amaco Research Centre
HMONP - Diploma for Professional Practice ENSA Paris-Malaquais, FR 1 year, while working 2015-2017
2017, Paris, 3 months
RESEARCH INTERNSHIP at the LIAT Laboratoire Infrastructure Architecture Territoire
2015, London, 12 months
Youthleaderonheritagerestorationsiteatthe AbbayeduMoncel
2012, Paris, 4 months
ENSA Paris-Malaquais, FR
University Of Bath, UK
Including 1 Erasmus year at TU Delft
Rhino + Grasshopper + Vray
Very experienced Very experienced Limited experience
Archicad Adobe
2 Experienced Very experienced Experienced
French: English: Spanish: Swedish:
Native Bilingual Intermediate Learning
Timber construction Bio-based materials Reclaimed construction materials Parametric tools
Political context of construction
Train Shelter in Kouvola
Tolbiac-Moulinet Housing
Urban transformation
Chapelle Charbon Sustainability research and urban planning
National Audiovisual Institute Rehabilitation - Teaching facilities
Depth of Shared Space Architecture School in Dakar
An Architecture of Automation
p. 4 p. 10 p. 20 p. 26 p. 30
p. 12 p. 14 p. 16
3 NB: All drawings that I have drawn personally are annotated “Drawn by MD” (Marie d’Oncieu
9 month course with technical lectures on wood architecture and industrial timber construction
Design and build of a train shelter for the city of Kouvola (FI) - Opening Sept 2022
Creating a timber structure emphasizing horizontal movement by researching and building on log construction principles.
Team of 10 interdisciplinary and international participants (engineer, architect, design, craftsmen)
Collaboration with 3 other practices
9000m2 of social housing + public services; shops; public garden
The project aimed to build 9000m2 of new apartments by demolishing an existing structure.
We proposed to keep as much as possible of the structure, by slotting in and extending with timber construction.
We designed luminous apartments and common spaces, with naturally lit staircases.
We were also ambitious in terms of materials, by reclaiming existing materials on site, using local natural stone as well as bio-based insulation.
In charge of coordinating the three teams of architects as well as designing 5000m2 of social housing.
Detailed plan of an apartment - Drawn by MD In blue the maintained structural frame
Introduction of green spaces throughout the project, from street to home
Typical floor plan of the housing blocs - Lot 2 drawn by MD In orange, all circulations cores have natural light and a shared balcony
Transformation of a historic industrial site of the Paris Metro
13 000m2 new built projected
The Paris Metro society RATP is renovating its oldest maintenance site, building a new industrial center and looking to open up the 15 000m2 site, building housing, public services and green spaces.
Our winning bid put a big emphasis on the preservation of the industrial heritage and the spirit of the place.
After composing the winning bid, I worked on the first phase of the urban transformation, with a team of landscape architects, programists, environmental consultants, geotechnical experts and economists.
Organising public consultations in the neighborhood, working with all internal teams of the Paris metro, working with the city of Paris to set ambitions for the site.
Illustration, right : Analysis of the forces at work on the site Drawn by MD
Ground floor plan of one of the urban scheme options - Drawn by MD
Rendered construction axonometries - Drawn by MD
Comparing two construction modes:
Left - CLT, hempcrete and lime render.
Right - Stud frame, timber cladding and natural stone
Elaborating environmental construction guidelines for a new social housing scheme in Paris
The new neighborhood of Chapelle Charbon is aiming for ambitious goals in terms of carbon emissions and energy consumption.
h2o architects was chosen to develop the masterplan and define the guidelines for the scheme.
In the context of this project, I worked on a “Wood/Bio-sourced” Research project, with civil and environmental engineers, fire consultants and economists. We proposed, detailed and compared different construction methods using ambitious new materials with low carbon emission, helping the client set ambitious targets for the future developers.
Render: The Chapelle Charbon neighborhood
Extract from the final presentation to the city of Paris - Drawings and presentation by MD
The last two levels of apartments are even more ambitious in materiality (strawbale, stray clay. thatch...)
Extract from the final presentation to the city of Paris - Drawings and presentation by MD
All options were compared in terms of Carbon footprint (kgCO2eq/m2) and cost
I was involved in several projects at INA, over several years; particularly in the transformation of office spaces and the creation of new teaching facilities (including a model television set and auditorium).
The different projects play with the existing concrete structure, opening up the views from facade to facade, with natural light and sight-lines crossing through the enhanced concrete frames.
Timber becomes the complementary element to rough concrete, conveying a human scale and proposing new uses and appropriations. Splashes of color lift the building to a new identity.
In charge of the teaching facilities project from conception to on-site completion in august 2020.
In charge of the renovation of offices, including renovation of the concrete facade, until summer 2021.
In order to reveal the concrete structure of the floor slabs, we did not close off the ceiling space. The meticulous planning of all appliances and cable paths was a huge task, in collaboration with the workers on site
Subtely detailed timber partitions with glazing to create a sense of a bigger space
The existing concrete structure was sanded or scraped and revealed charming surprises
Render of the project - Drawn by MD
One entrance of the architecture school
Through this research and design project, which started with a personal study trip to Dakar, I set out to discover and express elements of Senegalese material and spatial culture in a contemporary building.
Through the program of an architecture school in Dakar, the project focuses on the materialization of thresholds in Senegalese culture. Through their subtle arrangement the project articulates 7 “levels of depth” and expands the limit between city and institution, creating a variety of spaces to create, meet and exchange.
The project uses rammed earth and poured earth (terre coulée), featuring a local material abundant in Senegal, with a long history of traditional building techniques. Inspired by traditional constructions, the project is a contemporary proposal, pushing the technical limits.
The project’s use of a traditional material in an urban context where it is mostly absent and rejected, is a manifesto for the rehabilitation of earth construction.
1/50 model - Built by MD Rammed earth walls are appreciated in the urban scale and at the intimate scale in the school
22 Ethnographic drawing
Seuil 5 : Pénombre totale (terre)
Seuil 5 : Pénombre partielle (végetal)
Seuil 2 : Mur face à l’entrée, devant la case du chef Seuil 3 : Auvent détaché
Seuil 3 : Auvent (extension)
Seuil 1 : Entrée étroite
Seuil 3 : Cloture haute
Plan and section drawn by MD
The projects creates a series of thresholds, which propose a number of non-defined spaces, with no specific function attached, open for interpretation and experimentation. The more external spaces are the most public and participatory, the deepest are the most formal and codified.
Left : Render - Drawn by MD
Right : Illustration - Drawn by MD
JUIN 2016
JUNE 2016
Dans un futur proche, la Méditerranée devient trop salée pour permettre la pêche naturelle et l’entreprise AutoFish développe sur le front de mer de Bagnoli un complexe industriel de production automatisée de poissons.
In the near future, the Mediterranean Sea has become too salty for natural fishing and the AutoFish company is building a robotic industrial fish production complex on the Bagnoli coast.
Le complexe présente un système optimisé de production qui accommode les conditions de vie, de migration et de reproduction des différentes espèces.
The building functions with an optimized production system which accommodates the conditions of life, migration and breeding of the different species.
Le projet travaille sur l’intégration d’espaces publics dans une zone littorale privatisée et développe une esthétique industrielle à une époque ou l’automatisation et la destruction des écosystèmes naturels se croisent.
The project focuses on the integration of public space in a privatized littoral zone and develops an aesthetic for an era where automation and destruction of natural ecosystems cross paths.
Right : Fish production diagram - Drawn by MD
Studio lead by Winy Maas and MVRDV. Study of urban porosity, using the lego as a housing unit.
Studio de projet dirigé par MVRDV. Etude de la porosité urbaine en utilisant le lego comme unité d’habitation.
Starting with a classic urban typology (tower, block, courtyard), the 10 duos applied a mechanical transformation (twist, incline, divide) in order to increase the level of porosity.
A partir d’une typologie urbaine (tour, barre, cour) les 10 binômes ont appliqué une transformation mécanique (torsion, inclinaison, division) afin d’augmenter le niveau de porosité.
Les propositions, élaborées avec Grasshopper, puis construites à l’aide d’un script “lego-ifiant” ont pu être comparées sur les critères de vue, d’ensoleillement, etc... et ont permis de débattre autour du thème de la porosité urbaine lors d’une exposition organisée par
The proposals, created with Grasshopper, were then compared in terms of views, sun exposure, etc... then built in real legos. They served as the basis for a debate on urban porosity during an exhibition organized by MVRDV and TU Delft. Une exploration de la porosité urbaine en lego
Année 3ème année
Année 3ème année
Ecole TU Delft, NL
Ecole TU Delft, NL
Type Projet de groupe (2 archi)
Type Projet de groupe (2 archi)
Lieu Delft, NL
Lieu Delft, NL
Une exploration de la porosité urbaine en lego
Une exploration de la porosité urbaine en lego
Factory” était une exploration en volume de la porosité urbaine en utilisant le lego comme
Ce studio, dirigé par MVRDV et “The Why Factory” était une exploration en volume de la porosité urbaine en utilisant le lego comme
pologie urbaine (tour, barre, agglomération, intervention mécanique (torsion, inclinaison, division...) afin d’elever le niveau de porosité. nantes et futuristes qui servirent à débattre
10 groupes choisissaient chacun une ty pologie urbaine (tour, barre, agglomération, immeuble à cour) et lui appliquaient une intervention mécanique (torsion, inclinaison, division...) afin d’elever le niveau de porosité. Ceci créa des propositions diverses, fasci nantes et futuristes qui servirent à débattre autour du thème de la porosité urbaine.
Modélisée à partir de Rhino et Grasshopper, les propositions étaient analysées et com parées sur des critères de vue, ensoleillement,
Modélisée à partir de Rhino et Grasshopper, les propositions étaient analysées et com parées sur des critères de vue, ensoleillement,