First Period Helium Sunny Ammar

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Our baby Janssen Helium

Pronunciation Rebus

+ + Heel (Hel-)

E (-i-)

Ummm‌ (-um)

About Our Boy Our baby gas’ name is Janssen Akhil Helium. He goes by ‘He’, that’s what his friends and coaches call him. He was born in the year of 1868, weighing in at 4.003 AMUs, and 2 AHUs tall. He was born as the noble race of the Nonmetals in India. His physician is Pierre Janssen. His gender is Gas, with a boiling point of -268.9°C and a melting point of 272.2°C, so he’s a cool baby.

Certificate of Birth Born on January 8, 1868 in India

Janssen Akhil Helium Gas January 8, 1868 Maharashtra, India Mumbai Mumbai eighth




Our baby when he first stood up

Helium Haikou Helium noble The most lighthearted child born Hard to aggravate

The Noblest of Gases, Residing at 1 Janssen Drive

Our baby when he was born We are glad he will never bond with the lower kind


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His splendid vocation Our child is so light, he is always floating, so he decided he wanted to be something to be used to fill up balloons. We encouraged it at all times. Everyone wants to say they are supportive, but he has eventually achieved what he wanted to. We are glad we exposed him to this career.

Without him, balloons look like this

With him, balloons fly!!

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