Camden Herald, Timothy Blazek
Hunter Helium’s nickname is He, or H². His birthday is 1868, was born in France. Hunter is a Noble gas that is 2 feet tall and weighs 4 pounds. Pierre Jansen announced that Hunter was a gas. When Hunter was born his temperature was -268.9 ° C at his boiling point and at his melting point he is -272.2 ° C. ng/photo/flu-shot-syringe972c9b6745725cde_large.jpg
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Birth Certificate Entitled To Hunter Cole Helium Born in France, 1868, Legal Guardian, Pierre Janssen. Weight 4 pounds, 2 feet tall.
Hunter At Birth
I saw you unexpectedly Your eyes so gleamingly, With so much love I have for you I would do anything for you, I saw you during an eclipse But what I saw wasn’t just a glimpse, When I saw you I saw light During the night like that movie called twilight.
Radon is Hunter’s oldest brother.
Xenon is Hunter’s oldest sister.
Krypton Krypton is Hunter’s second oldest brother.
Argon Argon is Hunter’s third oldest brother.
Neon Neon is Hunter’s second oldest sister.
Hunter fills balloons, he also has a job that pressurizes liquid fuel rockets. Hunter helps divers decompress faster and acts as a gas shield for cryogenics.