Birth Date: 1807 Birth Weight: 39.0983 Birth Height: 19 Race: Metal Attending physician: Humphry Davy
Gender: solid Place of Birth: England Personality: Heats up at 1398 degrees Fahrenheit, melts at 146.08 degrees Fahrenheit
Certificate of Birth OJ Potassium Was born in : 1807 At: England Weighing: 39.0983
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# of legs: 20 # of arms: 19 # of body segments: 19 Head #: 19
Our baby boy OJ is the color of shiny grey. Although he is a metal, he’s soft as a petal. One great feature, is that he comes from nature. But as an Alkali Metal, he is very unsettle. He is OJ Potassium, and he’s smaller than your thumb. Thanks to Humphry Davy, OJ is our healthy baby.
When he grows up, we are hoping that our little OJ Potassium will be part of a plant fertilizer producing company. We know that
he would be very helpful to his company. Plants remove potassium that they might
need from soil, and then farmers replace that potassium with fertilizer. This keeps farmers’ soil healthy, their plants healthy,
and their business thriving. OJ will work hard in order to help farmers keep their plants, soil, and business strong and in good