Our baby’s name is Rubabyium his nickname is Rb . He was born on 1861. His birth weight is 85.4678. His height is 37, his race is metal. The attending physician was Robert Bunsen. Its place of birth Italy. His personality is 102.76 boiling and 1270 Fahrenheit melting.
DOB: 1861 Name: Rubabyium Parents: Karl Decatur Armbrust and Beoung Sun Han
Poem Roes are red, This baby is blue, Even tough its not going to die soon, In the rain, In the shine, Everybody likes Rubabyium time.
Rubidium (Rb) is a member of the Alkali Metals. Address- 7 Bunsen drive. His brothers and sisters are, Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubidium (Rb), Cesium (Cs) and Francium (Fr).
My little Rubabyium will be a atomic clock when it grows up.