Marietta, The Magazine of Marietta College (Spring 2013)

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S p r in g 2013

The Magazin e o f M a r i e t t a C o l l e g e

Sharing Knowledge




Engaging Productions


rom the Friederich stage to the grassy area between Irvine and Andrews to the hardscape area used to store Physical Plant equipment, the Theatre Department drew audiences from their traditional seats and transformed new spaces into artistic venues. Drama can happen anywhere.

M e ssa g e f r o m the Pr esident

D R . J O S E P H W. B R U N O






recently wrote about the power of capstone research projects at Marietta and urged those of you who could to join us for All Scholars Day in April. In this issue of Marietta we highlight some of the many outstanding projects presented by students in the wonderful class of 2013. The story will give you a chance to learn of their accomplishments and to see the power of a liberal arts education, Marietta style, in the quality of our students’ work. And it will reaffirm something our alumni already know and tell me when I visit: Marietta faculty members are deeply committed to our students and strive daily to help them accomplish more than they themselves thought possible. And I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to remember the recent passing of Jack Prince, Professor of Economics, emeritus. Obviously I didn’t have the opportunity to work with Professor Prince, but I know from many alumni and colleagues that he set a high standard for faculty support of student achievements in various arenas. Many things may have changed since you attended Marietta College, but this type of student-faculty collaboration remains a hallmark of our great institution and a lasting tribute to Professor Prince. All Scholars Day is a wonderful tradition, and the name conjures images of students hard at work in the classroom or in Legacy Library. Indeed, that is still one of the constants of life at the College. But we are also very proud of the ways in which our students are engaged in the City of Marietta and Washington County, all the while preparing themselves for a life of service to their future host communities. I could cite countless examples, ranging from the many civic projects completed during Community Service Day to numerous fundraisers and food drives hosted by the members of various student organizations. But I’ll choose one, the Hunger Solutions Project in which we have participated this year. This is a wonderful partnership involving three of the largest institutions in Marietta: Peoples Bank, the Memorial Hospital System, and the College. The aim is to present the “Food is Elementary” curriculum designed to show elementary school students how to adopt a healthy and nutritious diet. The teachers are Marietta College students, who visit classrooms in the region with the enthusiastic support of educators in the host schools. With these and many other projects ongoing, I suppose we should not be surprised at the recognition we have received. We are one of 47 member colleges in the Ohio Campus Compact, a statewide organization dedicated to encouraging and aiding students seeking to make a difference in their community. Last spring the OCC announced a new award, the “Civically Engaged Campus of Distinction Award” and presented the inaugural award to Marietta College for the range of our community efforts. And this year, senior Sam Thomas was named one of three 2013 OCC Newman Civic Fellows in the state of Ohio, in part for her leadership of the “Food is Elementary Program.” I hope and trust that you share my delight in the wonderful community support provided by our students, faculty and staff. This is another of the many reasons we can all be proud of our wonderful institution. Thank you for your service to your local community, and for your support of Marietta College and our enduring legacy of engagement.

The Magazine of Marietta College

S PR I NG 2013 | Issue 1 4

Inside this issue 12 Expressing knowledge


A liberal arts education inspires curiosity and the desire to put ideas into practice and develop new ones in the process. All Scholars Day has become a campus-wide opportunity for students to display and discuss in-depth research and creative projects they’ve undertaken above and beyond their standard course loads.


New and notable campus & alumni updates

5 | REVIEW Comments from our readers

6 | J O U RN A L Alumni and campus news





EDITORS Tom Perry and Gi Smith

PRESIDENT Dr. Joseph W. Bruno



PHOTOGRAPHERS Robert Caplin, Mitch Casey, Marilyn Chung, Peter Finger, Janelle Patterson, Tom Perry, Cloe Poisson, Ryan Turnewitsch


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jeff Foltz, Alison Matas, David Owens, Chelsey Scott, Reggie Sims CLASS NOTES Cheryl Canaday

20 | PIONEER S Athletic news

24 | DEVELOPMENTS News from our Advancement Office

29 | THE LONG B LUE LINE Alumni class notes


M A R I E T TA The Magazine of Marietta College is published twice a year by the Office of Alumni and College Relations. The magazine serves its readers by providing information about the activities of Marietta College alumni, students, faculty and staff through the publication of accurate and balanced content that informs and stimulates intellectual discussion. Text, photographs, and artwork may not be reprinted without written permission of the Associate Vice President for Alumni and College Relations at Marietta.

CON TA CT US Send address changes, letters to the editor, and class notes to Marietta Magazine, 215 Fifth Street, Marietta, OH 45750-4004. Fax: 740-376-4509; Phone: 740-376-4709; 1-800-274-4704. Email: COVER ILLUSTRATION BY HEATHER LANDIS







Under the guidance of Fitzgerald Executive-in-Residence Earle Maiman ’70, students in his course spent a year preparing for an in-depth mock trial experience that culminated in April at the Washington County Common Pleas courtrooms before full juries and judges.

President Joe Bruno and Diane Bruno took the mounds during Community Baseball Day and Community Softball Day, respectively, to deliver the honorary first pitches of the games.



Lo n g Blu e L ines


H U B B U R T O N , I N T E R I M V I C E P R E S I D E N T F O R A D VA N C E M E N T

he outpouring of sorrow and sympathy accompanying the passing of Dr. Jack Prince reminds us not only of the great regard in which he was held by the individuals that he personally taught and mentored, but also of that very special dynamic that helps distinguish a Marietta College education for so many members of The Long Blue Line. Ask generations of Pioneers what they remember most about their undergraduate days and invariably the unique relationship between teacher HUB BURTON and student comes up in the conversation. Whether it was academic rigor, access outside the classroom, quality advising, or lifelong friendship, graduates of all ages have the ability to recall influential professors in vivid detail decades after closing that last blue book or finishing the footnotes for that final paper. How strong are the ties that bind faculty and students long after Commencement exercises? It was not unusual for groups of alumni returning for reunions to carpool across the bridge to Williamstown to pay Dr. Prince a visit or, more recently, for others to swap multiple e-mails and




reminisce about such memorable instructors as Dr. Herschel Grose. Like his colleague and contemporary, Dr. Grose left an indelible mark upon generations of students and upon his recent passing prompted the same genuine expressions of affection and appreciation as well. As a consequence, it renders one humble and not a little bit inspired to celebrate this long legacy of teaching excellence by spending time with seasoned Marietta masters who recently attended the Retired Faculty Luncheon in the new Harrison Hall. Theirs is an institutional memory that encompasses not only recollections of various curricular courses and administrative activities, but the trials and tribulations of their best and brightest and their subsequent successes in chosen fields ranging across the region and around the globe. It is, in the truest sense, a mutual admiration society and that is as it should be.





The recent Trailblazer reported the passing of Dr. Herschel Grose. Most of us science majors of the ’50s-’70s are products of his teaching. His ability as a teacher and a mentor impressed all who passed through his lectures. He was the one who influenced me to continue in the study of chemistry. His teaching skills were unmatched, even considering the “big names” that I encountered in graduate school. His personal warmth and dedication to each student was his key trait. Very few of his students ever knew of his contribution to our nation during World War II. Dr. Grose was a submariner, and he told me of the times what life was like at 150-feet deep with depth charges going off around you; other times having to dive substantially below the certified depth of the sub in order to survive. Some 15-16 years ago, Dr. Rich Givens, Dr. Gordon Prescott, and myself had a portrait commissioned. This portrait now hangs in the Chemistry library. I doubt if very many students, other than chemistry majors or returning alumni visit this area. BOB MONTER CLASS OF 1962


I have fond memories of many meals, which I had the honor to serve at the President’s home during my years at Marietta (19601964), first for W. Bay and Mrs. Irvine and then for their successors, the Duddys. The kitchen and dining room were in great need of renovation and updating, even then! Being an employee of Slater Food Service, then the college’s food and catering service, certainly helped me pay for four years of education at Marietta — as did my jobs as resident assistant at Douglas Putnam Hall, dorm post office employee and dorm linen service employee. The “extra jobs” at catering ended up making the difference between being able to pay to stay at Marietta or having to leave for financial reasons. I shall always be grateful for the opportunities Marietta provided for me to “earn my way” through college. One Wilcox-Mills House anecdote: One evening Dr. and Mrs. Irvine were hosting a dinner party for a small, select group of donors. My student colleague and I had successfully served dinner without a single the smiling satisfaction of Mrs. Irvine. We served dessert and then began the coffee service. Mrs. Irvine always insisted that we use the sterling silver coffee service from which to serve this day, I do not know if the service was hers or if it belonged to the college. At any rate, I had poured several cups of coffee — pick up the cup and saucer from alongside the guest, remove it to a space behind and to the side of the guest, pour and then place the filled cup and saucer back along side the guest (I had the drill down pretty well!)— I picked up one cup and saucer and stepped back from the table to pour. As I tilted the sterling silver coffee pot toward the cup, the handle on the pot broke off from the pot; the handle stayed in my right hand, the coffee pot fell into the cup and saucer, with all three pieces crashing to the floor, while hot coffee spilled onto my hand and onto the floor. It made quite the noise and quite a mess on the floor — broken china and coffee on the floor.

By the way, my colleague and I cleaned up the mess; retrieved a different coffee server from the kitchen, poured the remaining coffee cups—and refilled them as necessary—and the evening went on. Dr. Irvine later commended us for our work and indicated that the evening had been a great success. I served more than a dozen dinners in that house but, the one about which I write above is the only one I can remember! DAVID HARRISON CLASS OF 1964

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Because Marietta Magazine seeks to present a wide diversity of subject matter and content, some views presented in the publication may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or those official policies maintained by Marietta College. Letters commenting on the material or topics presented in the magazine are encouraged and are available for publication unless the author specifically asks that they do not appear in public print. Published letters may be edited for style, length and clarity. E-MAIL: FAX: 740-376-4509 MAIL: Editor, Marietta Magazine, Office of Alumni and College Relations, 215 Fifth Street, Marietta, Ohio 45750-4004






Lives changed in a matter of minutes SEASONED JOU RNALI S T RE F LE CT S ON COV ER I N G SA N D Y H O O K T R A G ED Y



ragedy, death and sadness have been a part of my beat during my 25 years as a newspaper reporter. I’ve covered fatal crashes and fires, mass murder and a couple of serial killers. But nothing was worse than Dec. 14, 2012, the day a mentally ill young man murdered 20 firstgraders, their teachers, their principal and three other staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. I had just left the eye doctor when a regular tipster called me to say he’d heard something on a police radio about a shooting at a school in Newtown. I started driving the 46 miles to Newtown. My friend called back and said the shooting may have been at an office building. I was relieved until he called back a moment later to say the shooting was definitely at a school. By then, we would learn later, the violence was over. The gunman (I refuse to write or speak his name) had fired 154 rounds from his rifle, dev-




astated his victims, and then killed himself at the first sign of the police. The whole incident was over in less than five minutes. Had it not been for the fast, aggressive and selfless response of the Newtown police officers and state troopers, more would have died that day. As I drove to Newtown on crowded I-84, state troopers, SWAT trucks and other emergency vehicles speeded past in the breakdown lanes on either side of the highway. By the time I arrived at Sandy Hook, parents were learning the extent of the tragedy. The road leading to the school was clogged with cars, abandoned by parents who couldn’t get through and ran the rest of the way to the school. Heavily armed police were everywhere. I met up with a friend and fellow Courant reporter named Bill Leukhardt. He lives in Danbury, on the other side of Newtown, and was dispatched along with me and several other reporters to Newtown. As we spoke near the school driveway, Bill asked me to keep an eye out for his step daughter, Lauren Rousseau. She had just begun working as a long-term substitute at Sandy Hook Elementary, replacing a teacher who was out on maternity leave. He wrote her name and age on a piece of

David Owens earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism in 1987 from Marietta College and is a staff writer at the Hartford Courant in Connecticut.




essica Taulbee ’13 was still in grade school when faculty in the Edward E. MacTaggart Department of Music set its sights on earning accreditation for the program. Early on during her four years at Marietta College, the music education major became involved in making her department’s accreditation a reality. At the end of the fall semester, Professor and Chair of the Department, Dr. Daniel Monek, learned that Marietta College was granted accreditation and full membership status through the National Association of Schools of Music. NASM is comprised of 644 schools, colleges, conservatories and universities, and is the only accrediting agency covering the entire field of music that is recognized by the United States Department of Education. Monek, fellow music faculty members, staff and students have been working to strengthen and grow the music program since 2001, when uncertain financial times at the College led to significant cuts to many academic programs. Earning accreditation was part of music’s longrange goals, which also included curricular development, bringing back the music education major, increasing ensemble offerings, growing student enrollment and bolstering music’s facilities. “The pleasant surprise of this process was our move directly to full membership status,” Monek says. Traditionally, music programs begin with an associate membership, which requires them to undergo another full review in five years before earning full membership. Marietta will have to conduct a review in five years but will then be placed on a ten-year review cycle. “It seems to imply they were impressed with what we are doing. I think that’s something in which we can take great pride.” Taulbee, who earned her music education degree in May, was part of a contingent of music students asked to review the program as a whole — providing their insights into what worked for them and what they thought needed to be improved. She also helped prepare an office space for the NASM reviewing committee during their visit. “The most important effect for me as a graduating senior is the way this accreditation will be viewed by prospective employers,” Taulbee says. “My degree will appear more prestigious from an accredited college than it would be from a college that has not gone through this process. I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of this process and to know that the music program here has been recognized for all its fantastic qualities.”


notebook paper, ripped it out and handed it to me. We found out early the next morning that Lauren was one of the teachers who died that day. The gunman killed all but one of the children in her class. At the scene, there were all kinds of rumors – about a second gunman, a man in the woods wearing camouflage, a maroon car that might have something to do with the crime. None of it was true, but it has become fodder for conspiracy theorists who have the audacity to claim the mass murder did not occur. The Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire and Rescue Co., which would become the backdrop for days of national television coverage, was swarming with people. Parents were directed into the firehouse to be reunited with their children. The lucky ones, a look of horror still on their faces, hugged their children tight and headed for home. Their rescuers – Newtown police and state troopers – had had the presence of mind to tell the children to close their eyes as they led them on the short walk from the school to the firehouse. I was among the handful of reporters who began trying that morning to figure out what happened. It’s a process that has not ended for my newspaper. Lots of bad information was reported immediately after the crime. The wrong man was identified as the shooter, the shooter’s brother was dead, the shooter’s mother worked at the school, and the killings were in a kindergarten classroom. As a reporter on the ground in Newtown, we heard some of those reports and wondered what was going on and where the information was coming from. The Connecticut state police were not releasing much information, but national reporters’ sources in Washington were. Federal agents, who were on the scene quickly, were reporting preliminary information back to their bosses, who were then sending it up the line to Washington. Much of it was wrong. Unfortunately in our modern media world, getting it right has become less important than being first. I suspect my wonderful journalism professor at Marietta, Bill Sheppard, would have been appalled. Soon the national and international media descended on Newtown. Dozens of satellite trucks and hundreds of reporters and producers for the networks, cable channels, and from as far away as Russian and China showed up. I learned firsthand how cutthroat some of the national folks can be. They did anything to get grieving families and others closely linked to the tragedy on their programs. The network morning programs were especially appalling. They also clogged traffic in town and made a general nuisance of themselves, making it harder for the local reporters. While we were aggressive in our coverage, we also viewed the community and the victims as our neighbors. We wouldn’t be leaving in a week, or until the next tragedy occurred. We live here and were intent on treating people with the dignity and respect they deserved. Our coverage of the tragedy has continued. We joined with the PBS program Frontline to try to answer the nagging questions about the gunman and his mother. The more we learn, it seems, the more questions we have. We’ve also covered the gun control debate that has resulted from the tragedy. In the months since, I’ve covered more murders and tragedy, but nothing has been so awful as what happened in Sandy Hook that day. I hope I never have to cover something like that again.


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G R OU N D WOR K Luke Badaczewski ’14 and Brett Notarius ’14 (right) spearheaded a community garden project behind the Pioneer House.




ioneer House may look like your run-of-the-mill residence hall, but a small group of students are working hard to make it a little greener. “The idea is to make the house more sustainable and to educate students on ways they can reduce their own carbon footprint,” says Trisha Wendel ’13, an Environmental Science and Spanish major earning a minor in Energy Systems Studies. Wendel, Christina Beltran ’13 and Anthony Gusman ’13 took this project under their wings as part of their Environmental Science Senior Capstone project. After receiving a grant, the goal of transitioning the residence hall into a sustainable theme house has become closer to a reality.




“In terms of eco friendly upgrades, we have awarded a contract to Pickering Associates in Parkersburg, W.Va., to install solar photovoltaic panels to offset some of the purchased power and solar thermal panels to pre-heat the hot water and reduce the use of natural gas,” says Physical Plant Director Fred Smith. “The estimated cost of $25,000 is funded by a grant from Dominion Gas. The project is currently under design and installation is scheduled for completion in May 2013.” Smith began this project two years ago and says students researched a variety of ways to improve the structure’s efficiency, including one student researching an LED lighting demonstration project in Pioneer’s commons area.

“I fell in love with nature and really began to see how important it was to protect the environment. The community garden can do so many things — from growing your own food to providing special experiences, like gardening, to people who might have never gardened before. We want this to be a community project.” –Brett Notarius ’14 “We’ve already conducted a water audit on the house and an electrical audit, which wasn’t too difficult because it has a separate service. The College is installing solar panels on the roof this spring and adding a solar-powered hot water heater. We would like to install aerators on all of the faucets to reduce the water flow and to replace all of the appliances with energy efficient ones. Those are pretty simple changes that would have immediate impact on the efficiency of the building,” Wendel says. In addition to improving the residence hall’s efficiency, the overarching goal is to educate students on sustainable living. “This is the model of how we would like projects to develop — students propose sustainable initiatives, research the capital cost and benefits, prioritize their initiative within available operating funding or grants, and Physical Plant completes the work,” Smith says. Creating a greener environment for residents isn’t confined to the building itself. Another project that has already broken ground is a community garden. Brett Notarius ’14 and Luke Badaczewski ’14 planned and prepared an open space behind Pioneer House for students, staff and faculty to plant fruits, vegetables and herbs. The backyard area already contains a compost bin, a rainwater collection system and raised beds for organic gardening. “My interest in the environment stems from the time I spent outside as a kid,” Notarius says. “I fell in love with nature and really began to see how important it was to protect the environment. The community garden can do so many things — from growing your own food to providing special experiences, like gardening, to people who might have never gardened before. We want this to be a community project.” Notarius says the garden will also support the local Harvest of Hope organization, which connects food resources to people affected by hunger in Washington and Wood (W.Va.) counties. “The environment is something that I’m passionate about. We want to stress the organic and sustainable aspects of the garden, and we also want to take advantage of this sustainability movement that’s blossoming right now,” Notarius says. “An added bonus is that we also have an opportunity to help local people in need.” GI SMITH


New direction C A B L E ’ 7 5 F I R ST WO MA N TO L E AD A RT H U R V I N I N G D AV I S FO U N D ATION S


ancy Cable ’75 credits her female professors at Marietta College with pushing her to do her best intellectual work and encouraging her to strive for her goals. When she was in school, she said, the expectation for female students was that they’d either get married immediately following graduation or become teachers or nurses. But her mentors at the College showed her and her classmates they had a different choice. “We were going to inherit the opportunity to keep breaking through the glass ceiling,” Cable says. Now, 40 years later, Cable has become the first woman to head the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations — a collection of foundations in Jacksonville, Fla., that award grants for private higher education, religion, secondary education, health care and public television. For Cable, the position means making a switch from working in a collegiate setting while calling on skills she’s gleaned in previous jobs at the helm of universities. Cable earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Marietta College, a master’s in education from the University of Vermont and doctorate in educational history from the University of Virginia. Her resume includes tenures as interim president at Bates College, vice president of Davidson College and vice president at Guilford College. She’s also held administrative positions at the University of Virginia and at Denison University, and she served on the Marietta College Board of Trustees from 1996 to 2003. J.H. Dow Davis, chairman of the search committee for the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, says Cable stood out for the presidency because of her extensive experience in higher education and her leadership skills. “Her dedication and commitment to the mission of the foundations and to philanthropy in general provide her the critical element in being a success,” he says. As she settles into her position as president, Cable plans to stay in the national conversation about sustaining quality in higher education and finding ways to fund creativity in medical and theological teaching at the country’s top universities. Her role will allow her to look at education through a wider lens, she says, and enable her to advance new ideas. Cable says everything she has been able to achieve professionally is, in part, a result of her undergraduate experience. “I had a fabulous, high-quality, highly rigorous education at Marietta College,” she says. “I will always be grateful for the excellence from my teachers and for the sense of community and character at Marietta.” ALISON MATAS






Designing woman B U TL ER P UR S U E S PAS S ION FOR FA B R I C D E S IGN



ikki Butler ’99 wasn’t looking to change careers, she was only trying to fix the lining of her favorite coat. The graphic designer, who has sewn since she was a little girl, ventured online to find just the right fabric for her navy blue coat. “I thought, ‘If I’m going to go through the trouble of re-lining this coat, it’s going to be something wowy!’ I wanted it to have a silver lining,” Butler, who lives in Williamstown, W.Va., says. She came across a digital textile printing company in North Carolina that allowed her to order in small quantities. From her home, she began designing a variety of fabrics and creating a line of clothing and accessories that reflected her style. In 2011, she launched Nikki Butler Design. As her collection continued to grow and she became more involved in showcasing her newest line, Avenue B, she wanted to focus primarily on growing her brand so she opted to resign from her full-time job.




fter the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor drew the United States into World War II, a massive mobilization of troops took place. Soldiers and sailors traveled by train to launching bases before being deployed to battle overseas. Train depots became very important stops for troops. “These depots, or canteens as they were known, were places where servicemen were fed during their cross-country trek before going off to war,” says Wendy Rush Zucal ’84, who is the executive director of the Dennison Railroad Depot Museum. Between 600 and 800 sailors, soldiers and Marines passed each day through the small town of Dennison, which is midway between Columbus and Pittsburgh. The effort to feed and comfort these ser-




vicemen took thousands of volunteers from the town and many surrounding counties. “Can you imagine the amount of dedication and care it took to greet these men, who were headed off to battle, feed them and boost their morale? It definitely was a shining moment in the history of our country,” says Zucal, who worked to restore the depot with Chi Omega sister and friend, Roxanne Regas Kane ’85, a district planning administrator for the Ohio Department of Transportation. “The volunteers at this trackside canteen really changed the morale and showed these men a tremendous amount of support from the home front. It was the soldiers that gave Dennison the nickname ‘Dreamsville, U.S.A.’” The efforts of Zucal and Kane and others paid off. In 2011, the U.S. Department of the Interior recognized Dreamsville as a National Historic Landmark, the 70th site in Ohio to earn that distinction. It is the only National Historic site in Tuscawarus County. Zucal, who majored in History, and Kane, who majored in Petroleum Engineering, devoted years to restoring the depot, the site of one of Ohio’s 12 canteens. Dennison is the only one to survive in the state and the best example in the country still representing its WWII heritage. “It was an interesting collaboration because we were friends and sorority sisters at Marietta but had two very different majors. I was History and she was Petroleum Engineering; I was working at a museum and she was an engineer at ODOT,” Zucal says. “There are only about 2,500 such landmarks in the country, so it was very special to have our project honored as one of them.”



“It’s funny because I started out at Marietta as a biochemistry major because I wanted to be an eye doctor. But the more classes I took in the art department, the less enthusiastic I was about all the math and science,” Butler says. “My recent decision to leave my full-time job came down to a math problem: if I could get X amount of billable hours in freelance graphic design work, then I could really make this happen.” Her family, which includes her daughters, Emmy and Lea, her husband, Buddy Butler, and his two children, has been supportive of her decision and her work. Since launching Nikki Butler Design, she has featured her lines in local clothing stores and boutiques, expanded her online sales and was one of nine West Virginia artists selected to participate in the Buyers Market of American Craft Show in Philadelphia. Her work can be seen at


Gallery 310 a long time coming C O L L EG E U N V EI L S N EW EXH I B I T I O N SPA C E

W Zucal is pleased that the depot’s history will be preserved and shared with future generations. As part of a course that exposes future history teachers to historic sites in Ohio, McCoy Associate Professor of Education Dr. Cathy Mowrer takes her Ohio History for Teachers students to the Dennison Railroad Depot Museum every year. “It is usually the favorite stop of most students because they didn’t realize the historical significance that this place played in national history for the railroads and especially as a canteen during WWII,” Mowrer says. “Students are also impressed with the manner in which Wendy and others have incorporated actual rail cars into a museum. They have done what others have not been able to do by making the exhibits interesting and hands-on to younger visitors.” GI SMITH

hen Jolene Powell joined Marietta’s Art Department in 2002, she quickly realized something was missing: a permanent gallery to house the art of the College and its visiting artists. “The College had wonderful objects, however no designated, secure, safe area to exhibit the art and artifacts,” Powell says. In one of Dr. Jean Scott’s final acts as president, funds were allocated to create a gallery during the 2012-13 academic year. All that was needed now was a location to build the gallery. “The first exhibition space option floated around was to wall off part of the existing gallery on the third floor of Hermann, however that choice became too problematic,” Powell says. When the ceramics program ended last year, that classroom became perfect for the gallery. Construction began in the fall semester and within a few months, Gallery 310 opened. “The Gallery intends to showcase pieces from Marietta College’s permanent collection, as well as borrowed works from emerging and established artists,” Powell says. Gallery 310 opened with the private collection of Dr. Richard M. Krause ’47, H’78, featuring eastern paintings, rugs, porcelains and prints. Administrators, including President Joseph Bruno and Diane Bruno, were present during the opening, along with the faculty of the art department and its senior students. The Krause collection has since been replaced by the capstone work of Nick Blanzy ’13. This is another one of the many ways the College intends to utilize Gallery 310. “Gallery 310 at Marietta College aims to present diverse and stimulating exhibitions, which will enrich the artistic culture and education of the campus, community and region,” Powell says. “It is a place for intellectual curiosity, shared programming with the greater campus community and a teaching space for students looking to enhance his/her experience for future careers in gallery and museum related fields.” CHELSEY SCOTT


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he stages were set, posters were up, speeches practiced and ready, art displays properly lit. For hundreds of Marietta College students, Wednesday, April 17 was a day to celebrate months of hard work, frustration, dedication, disappointment and success. All Scholars Day 2013 was their day to shine. Regularly scheduled classes were canceled throughout campus that day so students who conducted special research and artistic projects had the opportunity to share their findings and talents with the remaining student body, faculty, staff and community members. BY GI SMITH | PHOTOS BY ROBERT CAPLIN ILLUSTRATION BY HEATHER LANDIS 12




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C R EATI V E D R I V E Adam Stonier ’13 was one of hundreds of student presenters during All Scholars Day 2013.


raphic Design student Adam Stonier ’13 spent months working on his Senior Capstone exhibit, “Reclaimed by Design,” by collecting discarded wood and other items he obtained from barns and attics, refining them and then repurposing them into aesthetically pleasing and functional works of art for the home. His project created the graphic identity for a specialized home furnishing business, the fictional “Reclaimed by Design” store. His exhibit displayed in the third floor of the Hermann Fine Arts Center for a month. After graduation, Stonier plans to move to New York City.




“My capstone is something I would love to be able to make happen in New York,” Stonier says. “Reclaimed art is a passion of mine. It’s a lot of work but it’s something I love.” Associate Professor Dr. Alicia Doerflinger, who has organized All Scholars Day since its creation three years ago, says students benefit from participating in these types of scholarly works in many ways. “Undergraduate research and creative work is an invaluable part of undergraduate education, and not just for students who plan to pursue graduate degrees and research careers,” she says. “Engaging in research allows students to develop and enhance skillsets that generalize to all areas of life; skills such as time management, organization, asking critical questions, thinking about problems that have not been solved and creating potential solutions, testing those ideas, and integrating knowledge across disciplines. These are skills that are introduced in the classroom but really developed through the hands-on process of conducting the research and creative project.” Along with 11 other art majors showing their works in Hermann’s third floor gallery area, Stonier made himself available to visitors to discuss his capstone project and share what he learned during the process of creating and setting up his exhibit. “For me, this was an opportunity like no other,” Stonier says. “We got to choose our own ideas, and for me I chose something very close to home. I have been working on items like the ones in my display for years and finally was able to combine those projects with my chosen profession in a meaningful way. I could not be more grateful for the entire experience, no matter the trials and tribulations that accompanied it. They only served to make the project that much more valuable to me and my education.”


A U TO MATI N G D ATA Aaron Kurtz ’13 (right) developed a software program that combined standard well log practices with Dual Water Theory. The program will be used in the fall by Associate Professor Ben Ebenhack.


esearch and creative projects at Marietta College are nothing new. Almost every major requires a capstone project reflective of the knowledge students have gained in a particular subject during their undergraduate education at Marietta. From individual musical or theatrical performances, to reflections on education abroad experiences, to in-depth scientific research projects, students spent countless hours coming up with, researching and developing projects that illustrate what they’ve learned in classrooms and labs. All Scholars Day is a way for students to showcase this effort, which was Doerflinger’s goal when establishing the campus-wide event. “The second factor was that there were limited opportunities for faculty and staff to support students across disciplines,” she says. “Generally when there are capstone presentations or Honors thesis defenses, only the faculty in the student’s department attend. All Scholars Day provides the opportunity for faculty and staff to celebrate academic endeavors across campus, not just within departments.” Stonier appreciates the opportunity to put his artistic talents, and the talents of other art majors involved in the Hermann Fine Arts exhibit, to the test and share his work with the balance of campus. Doerflinger

says the presentation aspect of All Scholars Day is very important because it enables students to practice discussing their work in an educational and public setting. “This show is the first time that students get to actually run through something like this,” he says. “For designers, we execute the idea from start to finish. From ideation, implementation, sourcing vendors, working with deadlines, and doing all the physical labor, we must manage the whole process ourselves. For many of us, this is the first time we have had to do this alone. We have had many of the elements in different classes, but during capstone, we put all of that knowledge into a single project. Having that experience is essential to the success of future endeavors like this.” Some students opt to pursue a Research Honors thesis, which is a major academic project by the student that a faculty member or committee of faculty members oversees. Aaron Kurtz ’13 is one of two petroleum engineering majors to complete a Research Honors project this year. His project, “Determining Mineralogy from Traditional Well Log Data,” combined standard well logging practices with Dual Water Theory, and automated that information into a software program he developed.


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“I don’t know of another petro major in the recent past who has done one because our major is so time-consuming and involved, it’s difficult to find the time to do extra research that meets the Honors standards,” Kurtz says. Petroleum Engineering Associate Professor Ben Ebenhack and Computer Science Associate Professor Dr. Robert Van Camp advised that project, which combined Kurtz’s interests in petroleum engineering and his expertise in computer engineering. “I have a degree in computer engineering from Wright State University and I worked professionally for six years as a software engineer, so I already knew the computer aspects of this project,” Kurtz says. “During my Formation Evaluation class, Professor Ebenhack taught several techniques to interpret well log data.” During one class, Ebenhack explained the technique to determine

his idea, incorporated other programs and came up with what I’m calling (for now) the Pioneer software program,” Kurtz says. “Professor Ebenhack used the paper that I wrote for this program in his last Formation Evaluation class and will be able to use the actual program I created for future classes to help show the students what information they’re looking at when they are looking at the traditional well log. I would love to be able to contribute to the curriculum at Marietta, so this is something I’m very proud of.” Dr. David Brown, Associate Professor of Biology and Director of the Honors Program, served as Kurtz’s lay reader for the 65-page Research Honors Thesis paper that accompanied the software program. He says both the student and the faculty advisor benefit from this type of research project. “The student gets to experience working with a faculty member

mineralogical content from well logs and assigned them to use that technique on a small portion of a well log. “There happened to be a peculiarity in the portion of the data I had given out and most of my students gave up on it,” Ebenhack says. “But Aaron has an incredibly inquisitive mind and he’s driven to learn as much as possible. As we were discussing the assignment, I mentioned that I had worked on the Dual Water Theory back in the ’80s with my mentor, Robert Ransom, and how we tried to automate it with the technology we had at the time.” Kurtz suggested that he could re-engineer that software using today’s technology and possibly improve the efficiency and increase the amount of data gleaned from well logs. Ebenhack encouraged him to pursue this as a Research Honors project. Well logs are created when companies drill thousands of feet into the ground and feed a wire down the hole. “That wire line, when it’s turned on and dragged to the surface, can read caliper readings, which tell you if there are any size irregularities in the well bore, or it can run sonic, which records different information. There are a whole suite of tools we can run to collect data from the well bore. So we have all these tools to test formation characteristics (resistivity, density or porosity),” Kurtz says. “What it reads is recorded in hundreds of pages of graph lines that can be used to help indicate what minerals are down there. This is standard practice in industry — and it’s been so for a long, long time.” Kurtz created a computer application that automated well log data, allowing it to be broken down digitally to indicate what minerals are present in a section of the drilled area, and more accurately identify what the industry designates as “pay zones.” “Initially, the project was to re-build that 1970s program to prove his Dual Water Theory. Since that program was written in Fortran and since the technology today can do so many other things, I took

and learning from them how they approach questions and problems,” Brown says. “Often the faculty also benefit because they get introduced to new areas of research or examine an issue from a different perspective.” ike Kurtz, Andrew Kasick ’13 was encouraged by one of his professors to combine his two passions: chemistry and art. The chemistry and art double major, who is pursuing a minor in Leadership Studies, was trying to come up with an Honors Thesis project when McCoy Associate Professor of Art Jolene Powell showed him a painting the College owned. “She really wasn’t sure how the painting got here but it was damaged in the corner, where the darker areas were. It wasn’t like the College was ever going to display this, so she said I could play around with it, maybe use it for research in some way,” Kasick says. Not knowing when the artwork was painted or who painted it led him to question how the piece was damaged. “In the 1800s in some areas of the country, some artists used asphalt in their darker paint. If you wanted to find something really bad for a painting, it would be asphalt because it breaks down under a number of different conditions and crumbles,” Kasick says. Dr. Jim Jeitler, Associate Professor of Chemistry, was another advisor to Kasick for the project. Assistant Professor of Theatre David Makuch also advised on his work. “Combining his art and his chemistry background is really something I encouraged for Andy because I had a roommate in college who was a chemistry and an art major — he’s now in art conservation, so I thought (Andy’s project) would be a good way for him to explore that area,” Jeitler says. Before taking any samples of the painting, Kasick researched the many different paint recipes used in different regions of the country during the 1800s.



“This process has been quite time consuming — many all-nighters. But it’s something that I really enjoy doing. I love research and I love being in the lab. Though I have advisors that I go to for guidance, it is something totally from scratch that I came up with on my own.” Once he narrowed the recipe list down to a manageable number, he had to locate a pigment company that produced historically-accurate ingredients. “I found a company in Germany that I was able to order pigments from,” he says. From there, he prepared the paint in the traditional manner the recipes required, which involved boiling the pigment in compounds such as turpentine and linseed oil. A variety of solvents were used to extract targeted compounds from the paint and pigment samples. Kasick used equipment in the chemistry lab, such as the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to chemically characterize the solvent extractions

“For most students, settling into research in the lab is a process. It’s amazing to see that happen. When you watch Andy in the lab, you can see his confidence,” Jeitler says. “Andy is an exceptional student. He’s a chemistry major, art major, a Leadership student, an AllAmerican on the Forensics Team and he is very curious. He has lab experience, public speaking experience and an application of knowledge experience. He is the prototypical liberal arts student. I think he is ready to take on a job or succeed in graduate school — whatever is calling him, he’s ready.” Kasick appreciates how much trust his professors have placed in him and appreciates what this research work has exposed him to. Initially he wanted to pursue a career as a chemical engineer, but this work has exposed him to many more options at the graduate level. “One thing I learned about this process is that research projects

from the original samples. When he refined the process, he obtained a sample of the actual painting to determine if its makeup was similar, thus determining if it was created using asphalt-based pigment. Jeitler met with Kasick twice a week to discuss the progress of his work.

needs to recognize their own limitations,” Kasick says. “You aren’t always going to come to the conclusion you hoped for, and sometimes you are wrong, but during the search for those answers, you’re learning something new.”


U NIQ UE PALETTE Andrew Kasick ’13 combined his art and chemistry majors to analyze the pigments used to create the paint found in a seriously damaged painting.


> 17







ary Kott ’69 preferred pool halls to libraries, protest demonstrations to academic presentations. While Gary was enrolled at Marietta College, he says his “academic performance had hit abysmal lows.” His future was unclear and he wasn’t sure he would even graduate. Then a chance encounter with Peter Meyers ’68 changed everything. “He was an upperclassmen and really smart … sort of the opposite of me. He asked me if I wanted to write a newspaper article. He pulled me down the hall of the student union and introduced me to the sports editor, David Herd ’68.” Gary had never reported or written an article, but he knew how to type … and that was enough to get his first assignment. From there he was hooked on writing and it led to a long and illustrious career that included years with some of the biggest advertising

Gary is appreciative of his time on Cosby, but also realizes the toll it took on him and his family. “I’d go back and do a TV show if I could just work 1 ½ days,” Gary says. “But back then you were physically on the set from morning until night, seven days a week. It was not an easy thing to do, but we all did it because none of us had ever worked on anything that successful before.” When The Cosby Show run came to an end, Gary admits he was ready to distance himself. Much like some actors, he was afraid of being typecast for only being able to write 30-minute, family sitcoms. “It was all so consuming. It was like living in a fish bowl because The Cosby Show was so big then,” he says. “There were other things I wanted to write and do, so I started writing these stage plays.” They were performed at small theaters in California and New

agencies on Madison Avenue and as a writer for TV programs like The Cosby Show and Remington Steele. That’s right, Gary was a “Mad Man,” though nothing like Don Draper, the main character on TV’s hit series Mad Men. “There were still some of the Don Draper types around in their gray suits,” he says. “But I was part of a new wave of creative folks being hired in the early 1970s. I got hired a couple years after school and I had hair down to my shoulders and I wore jeans and sandals to work every day. The Don Draper types just sort of stared at me.” Despite his different appearance, Gary succeeded as an ad man with top firms like Ogilvy & Mather and Young & Rubicam in New York City. He wrote and produced commercials for companies like Nationwide Insurance and Kentucky Fried Chicken. He later moved to California as a Vice President and Creative Director for Ogilvy & Mather, but realized soon this arrangement was not going to work. “I remember my first week on the job and people were stopping by to tell me to have a good evening around 5:15,” Gary says. “I came from a culture when the best work happened after 5 o’clock.” That’s when writing for TV became an option. He got his big break on the show The White Shadow and also wrote a few scripts for he wrote for dramas like Fame, Remington Steele and Hotel, and even a comedy called Angie. What he’s best known for is his 126-episode run with The Cosby Show, which featured Bill Cosby and was the nation’s top hit during that time. His work was recognized in Hollywood as he won The Peabody Award, Writers Guild of America Award, People’s Choice Award and a NAACP Image Award. He was also nominated for two Humanitas Prize award and an Emmy Award.

York. The content was nothing like Cosby, the plays were edgier, darker. “I was sitting in the audience for one of my plays that looked at the relationship between mothers and daughters,” says Gary, who received Marietta’s Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1990. “It was promoted as coming from a writer of The Cosby Show. No one knew who I was and there were these two older women sitting in front of me and at the end of the first act I could hear one of them say to the other, ‘This surely isn’t the Huxtables.’ ” Now he has become a mentor of sorts for his son, Crispin, who is a cyber journalist based in Brooklyn, N.Y. The son recently sought out his father’s advice on a novel that’s still in the works. “Being in a family with a writer was a big influence. I took a different path than he did,” Crispin says. “When I get his advice, he’s very encouraging and also very honest.” Gary is semi-retired and living in Rancho Mirage (he also has a home in Santa Fe, N.M.), but still finds time for some creative release through his website, Gary Kott’s Creative Warehouse (, where he posts stories and photos of his sculptures. “I didn’t know anything about websites, but one day I just woke up and decided I needed to have one,” says Gary, who has been married to his second wife Karen for almost eight years. “There’s no other purpose to it. Most of my career was as a writer and producer, but along the way I started creating folk art. I don’t sell anything or do anything with the website. It’s just there, a warehouse of things I’ve done and am doing. The website also keeps me in touch with people I’ve lost touch with. I’ve heard from many people from Marietta College and from high school.” TOM PERRY


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equestered in his small office for something like 14 hours, Jason Vrable ’07 clicks the mouse on his computer and begins to watch more video. For about three months, this is all he did as one of two offensive quality control coaches for the Buffalo Bills. Hey Jason, welcome to the NFL’s offseason. “That’s what I’m doing right now,” says Vrable, who joined the Bills in early 2013. “I’m also working on helping put together our playbooks with our offensive game plan. In this role, what is expected is perfection. This is a detail-oriented business and I love it.” The excitement started to pick up a bit in April when the players arrived for some offseason workouts, but Vrable didn’t seem to mind focusing his complete attention on the prep work that is necessary to succeed in the competitive professional ranks. After six seasons coaching at all levels of college football — which he says he loved — Vrable has adjusted to the intensity of the NFL. “In the college game you had to deal with recruiting, making sure the players were getting to class, and sometimes the parents. The process in college can hinder your progress as a coach,” says Vrable, who is getting married in July. “Here, it is 12 to 14 hours of football every day. I like it because I can be more efficient.” Leaving the University of Charleston (W.Va.), where he was the offensive coordinator for two seasons, was not an easy decision. “I loved my opportunity at Charleston and everything was great. We won and turned around a program. Everything was rolling,” he says. “It was difficult to leave some of the young men I was working with — to leave a quarterback that you’ve become so close with and you’ve seen him grow. I knew where I wanted to be and I wanted to be at the highest level. Once I realized this opportunity was going to happen, the only tough part was having to tell those guys at Charleston.” As a player at Marietta College, Vrable was the 2007 Clyde Lamb Award winner, which recognizes the senior Male Scholar Athlete of the Year. He also set numerous records in singleseason and career passing as a Pioneer, while earning ESPN the Magazine Academic All-District honors. Playing for a Division III program and attending a liberal arts school like Marietta made a lasting impression on Vrable. “The coaches, faculty and the community played a big part of helping me get where I am today,” he says. “Marietta was the perfect fit for me, it was a small school that left a big impact on my life.”

His former coach at Marietta, Curt Wiese, is not surprised by his former star pupil’s rise in the coaching ranks. “We knew on the first day of practice that Jason was a sharp, intelligent football player,” says Wiese, who is now the head coach at NCAA Division II’s University of Minnesota-Duluth. “Of all the players we coached while at Marietta, Jason was the one guy who provided the leadership we needed to build a winner.” Wiese believes Vrable displayed his tireless work ethic as an assistant at Marietta for one year, and feels he probably did the same at Robert Morris, Syracuse and Charleston. “It says a lot about the impression he made when he was at these schools that he was one of the first calls for a job with the Bills,” Wiese says. Vrable made a positive impression on the coaches during his two seasons with Syracuse. When former Syracuse coach Doug Marrone replaced Chan Gailey in Buffalo in early January, Vrable received a call soon after to be part of the staff he was assembling. The move to the NFL wasn’t really in the former All-Ohio Athletic Conference quarterback’s immediate plans. He was content with being the offensive coordinator for the Charleston Golden Eagles, a member of the NCAA Division II. During his two seasons at Charleston, Vrable was part of a program that improved from 5-6 to 9-2. In 2012, the Golden Eagles ranked 25th in country — the first time in school history that UC football finished a season ranked. Charleston’s offense led the conference in total offense (392.4 yards per game) and rushing offense (246.1). The team set numerous school records including, rushing yards in game (454), rushing yards in season (2,910), points scored in half (48) and longest passing touchdown (99 yards). Vrable also coached two-time All American Jordan Roberts, who set the alltime Division II rushing records for yards in a single quarter (190) and yards in one half (273) in his final game at UC in 2012. “I am so glad that I got a break like this and I am going to make the most of it,” Vrable says. “A lot of people who know me and how I am would tell you they knew I’d get here some day. I think it came a little sooner than I expected, but I’m obsessed with football and I believe in myself. … Do you know what the coolest part of the whole thing is, though? When I look out of the window of my office I can see the field of Ralph Wilson Stadium. It’s like a dream.” It won’t be long until he’s down on those sidelines coaching in the NFL. TOM PERRY





J A S O N V R A B L E ’ 0 7 J O I N S B U F FA L O B I L L S C O A C H I N G S TA F F

COACHING TRAJECTORY 2013 Buffalo Bills Offensive Quality Control 0-0 2012 Charleston (W.Va.) Offensive Coordinator 9-2 2011 Charleston (W.Va.) Offensive Coordinator 5-6 2010 Syracuse Graduate Assistant 8-5 2009 Syracuse Offensive Quality Control 4-8 2008 Robert Morris (Pa.) Quarterbacks 5-6 2007 Marietta Quarterbacks 3-7


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Sco rebook PIONEER



1963 MEN’S VARSITY HEAVYWEIGHT 8+ HEAD COACH, RALPH M. LINDAMOOD C O X .. . . . . . . D A L E VA N V O O R H I S S T R O K E . . . . . . . B I L L K E I S T E R 7 .. . . . . . . D AV E B R O W N 6 .. . . . . . . J I M B Y E R 5 .. . . . . . . J O H N W E I S S E R 4 .. . . . . . . C H A R L E S W E AV E R 3 .. . . . . . . J E F F F O LT Z 2 .. . . . . . . S T E V E M U LV I H I L L B O W .. . . . . . . H A R R Y B R O O M





e’ll row up the middle of the course,” Dale yelled to his crew. Dale VanVoorhis was a smart coxswain and

strong leader. John Weisser and Skip Broom had gotten caught in traffic so we were late to the start line. Dale knew the officials couldn’t start the race if he steered us against the grain of the race course. Late was good. No time to over think, to get nervous. Just take some hard strokes to warm up, turn the shell and come down river onto our stake boat. Not that there wasn’t a lot we could have thought about. A couple of crews had beaten us during the season. Georgetown, the defending Dad Vail Champs thumped us big time at home and a no name Florida crew picked us off by inches during our Spring trip. Losses can foul the mind, if you have time to ponder them. Coach Lindamood made us wear pajamas and baseball caps against the Florida sun. After a crew dresses like that twice a day for ten days, nothing else bothers its members much. Just find a convenient grapefruit tree, strip it bare, share the loot with your buddies and rest for the next workout.

After the Georgetown defeat, attitudes changed. We bore down. Coach made sure nobody, except Brownie, (Dave Brown), Weisser and VanVoorhis had a secure seat in the varsity. The four freshmen, Jim Byer, Steve Mulvihill, Charlie Weaver and I were in and out of the boat like it had a revolving door. Even our stroke man, Bill Keister, who had a metronome for a brain and a motor that never quit, got bounced out a couple of times. Bow man, Skip Broom had earned his seat for bearing the brunt of abuse from our “sprint signal,” which Dale was forced to modify to the acronym, “B.M.E.S.,” after the college president complained that the original version echoed off the bridge abutments at home races and, perhaps, “did not represent the decorum that Marietta College wished to project.” At the Vail, lane one was farthest from the starter, which meant he poled us first. “Lane one, are you ready?” Dale’s hand was up as he directed Skip to “touch it, one.” When his hand came down, we knew he had us pointed and all we had to do was wait the eternity it took the official to pole the other five finalists. The start line was canted because of the turn at Strawberry Mansion Bridge, so we couldn’t see the other crews without turning our heads. None of us did. It was all about our boat now, our buddies, our hard work and all that Coach Lindamood had done to mold us into a unit worthy of this opportunity. Dale would tell us where we were in the pack when we came out of the turn and we weren’t about to blow it with a rookie mistake, like looking out of the boat. “Sit ready.” No time to worry now. Concentrate on that first stroke. Get the boat moving. Settle out. Hit our pace. “Ready all!” We knew we were a crew now. We’d cruised through our heats, qualified for the finals with the confidence of a well conditioned, precision team. “Row!” Blades bit the water and eight swirling eddies fell to the stern. It’s siblings followed, more space between each set of “puddles” as we squeezed on the pressure over the first twenty stokes. “Nineteen, twenty and settle,” Dale yelled, and Bill’s metronome kicked in and he hit our pace in two strokes. The rest of us were on him like jam on peanut butter. Dale’s touch on the tiller was so light we couldn’t feel it as he lined up the turn. We all sensed the collective thought. Don’t look out. Don’t. “We have the lead. Half a length on Georgetown. Power ten!” Dale said. Palpable determination swelled through the crew. We would not allow them to catch us. “You’ve opened a seat. Give me their two man! Give me their two man!” And we did. With 500 meters left, Dale barked again. “I want their bow ball. Give me ten for their bow ball.” Again, we responded. At 250 meters, “Power ten to get clear.” And then, “Twenty more strokes and you’ve won the Vail. Empty the tanks.” And we did. The vanquished crews gave us their shirts. The college, town and student body held a parade for us. Recollections of the event, dozens of them, linger with each of us, no single one as meaningful as the reminiscence of the whole season. I must admit to whisking a tear from the corner of my eye as I write this, perhaps because Brownie, Steve and Coach are no longer with us, but more likely it’s because a cherished memory, like any sentimental possession, becomes a bit more fragile as it ages and much more valuable.

College Baseball HOF to add Schaly ’59 in June


iven all of the accomplishments and accolades over the illustrious career of Don Schaly ’59, it would seem there were no more honors to bestow upon the late Marietta College baseball coach. Not so fast. In April, Schaly’s name was included with six others who make up the eighth class of the National College Baseball Hall of Fame. Schaly and the rest of the class will be inducted during the two-day College Baseball Night of Champions celebration in Lubbock, Texas, June 28-29. “He would be very humble and try to point out how much help he had received from the College, administrators, coaches, players, managers and secretaries. That was important to him,” says John Schaly ’82, who played for his father from 1979-82. At the time of his retirement in 2003, Schaly had compiled the best record in NCAA Division III history at 1,442-329. He coached more than 600 baseball players and his accomplishments are legendary. Schaly won three NCAA Division III National Championships and finished second seven times. He also won 18 Mideast Regional Championships and 27 Ohio Athletic Conference Championships, including 13 consecutive titles from 1990 to 2002. The OAC Coach of the Year Award is named after him. “Before Don Schaly, Division III baseball was treated almost like a club sport,” says Kent Tekulve ’69, a member of Marietta’s Athletics Hall of Fame. “He changed that mentality at Marietta, but also in Division III baseball. He turned Marietta into a real baseball program. I think we were the first to make a spring trip, and then he made it a year-round commitment to staying in shape and playing summer ball. What you saw after that was other programs trying to copy what he was doing at Marietta.” Tekulve was one of 39 former Schaly players who played at some level of professional baseball. Another was Jim Tracy ’78, who has had three managerial stints in the majors. “Coach Schaly was one of the best well-kept secrets in baseball and now that secret will be revealed,” Tracy says. “Coach Schaly left a lasting impression on me that influences how I have gone about my business on a daily basis in professional baseball.” Schaly died on March 9, 2005, after a short fight with cancer. At his funeral in Marietta, hundreds of former players returned to pay tribute. Following his death, the College recognized Schaly by making his No. 50 the first and only jersey ever retired. Marietta also renamed Pioneer Park in 2006 to Don Schaly Stadium. Joining Schaly in the 2013 class is Sal Bando (Arizona State), Ralph Garr (Grambling), Tino Martinez (University of Tampa), Roy Smalley (USC), Tom Borland (Oklahoma State) and coach John Winkin (Colby/Maine/Husson). Many of those names are familiar because of their time in professional baseball. “Most people would recognize them from their days in pro ball, but I’d argue in college baseball circles no one is more recognizable than Coach Schaly,” Tekulve says. TOM PERRY


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rene Neu Jones ’44 spent the last 11 years of her life volunteering in Special Collections at the Marietta College Library. For two afternoons each week, she sorted through the library’s donated manuscript collections, organized the documents into an appropriate order, and wrote finding aids for the collections to help future researchers understand the bodies of work. “She enjoyed working with the historical manuscripts, and I think she took enormous satisfaction in knowing that her work was helping other historians, especially Marietta College’s own students, as they developed their skills in the field,” says Linda Showalter ’79, Special Collections associate. Neu died in October, but her service to the College will continue for years to come. Upon her death at age 96, Neu left close to $2 million to the College in an endowment for the Marietta College Library — the biggest gift of its kind — that will help the library supplement its institutional support and fund information resources and salaries. Dr. Doug Anderson, library director, says the library’s primary revenue sources are its operating budget and endowments. The nature of an endowment is that its value grows over time, which helps combat the financial strain inflation poses. In general, endowments ensure the library is able to provide students with services and pay staff. Neu’s donation is larger than all of the library’s other




endowments combined, Anderson says. The gift was designed to offer broad support to the library, so it will probably be used to purchase materials and fund library operations. Because the gift is so generous, Anderson says, it’s also likely a portion of it will create an additional staff position. Neu’s relationship with the library began when she started working there as a student. After graduating from Marietta College with a degree in history, she earned a doctorate in history from Cornell University in 1950. Neu was an associate professor of history at Southeast Missouri State College for several years before accepting a full professorship at Indiana University, where she taught for more than two decades. She was also the recipient of a Fulbright research grant, which allowed to her to study in Italy for a year, and she traveled throughout Europe and Asia in the 1950s and 1960s. Her research familiarized her with libraries and archives around the world, which prepared her for the work in Special Collections at the Marietta College Library. “A lifetime of involvement in the field of history made her an expert whose knowledge was invaluable,” Showalter says. The Special Collections staff has a backlog of materials to process, Showalter says, and is constantly receiving more documents. When a collection arrives at the College, it is often in no apparent order and needs to be sorted — a process that can take months or years. The


documents are in high demand by researchers at Marietta College and at other institutions, and being able to put them online shows people the possibility of conducting academic research at Marietta College, Showalter says. In 2000, the College was awarded a grant to digitize the Manuscripts and Documents of the Ohio Company of Associates, which contained correspondence, business records, surveyors’ field notes, and plats related to the opening of the West to settlement following the American Revolution. Neu helped organize and describe the materials before the documents were posted online. Some of the other collections Neu catalogued included the John Mathews Collection, the William Rufus Putnam Collection and the C. William O’Neill Papers. Neu, who had an honorary Doctor of Letters conferred on her in 1990 by the College, earned the Marietta’s Liz Tribett Service Award in 2010 for her volunteerism. Shianne Preston ’11 got to know Neu when she interviewed her for a class history project about the Great Depression. She remembered Neu’s willingness to help her and described her as a passionate, intriguing person.

“The legacy she’s left at the library will keep her memory alive,” Preston says. Jim Conrady, Neu’s nephew, wrote to Anderson while Neu was working at the library and described the arrangement as “a win-win.” She was able to continue her personal studies while providing a valuable service for the library. Conrady says that drive to immerse herself in a subject was a characteristic of Neu’s personality. “She was the type of person who either really dug into something or left it alone,” he says. “I cannot think of a topic where she had average knowledge.” Anderson says he and Neu used to talk about her volunteer efforts, and through the conversations, it became clear to him she was a lifelong learner. Neu told him what she valued most when working with the manuscripts in Special Collections was making a new research discovery. “Irene set a standard for service and scholarship that we should all strive to emulate,” he says. ALISON MATAS


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A M a r ie t t a M o ment


Barbara Diggs Lyles ’51 and Amanda Newhouse Carnie ’72 A L U MN U S PAYS TR I B U TE T O P I O N EER IN G WOM E N




L O O KING BACK Dr. Barbara Diggs Lyles ’51 exemplified the pioneering spirit when she became the first African American woman enrolled at Marietta College. Decades later, Amanda Newhouse Carnie ’72 succeeded both academically and socially on campus as she became the first African American Homecoming Queen at Marietta.




hen I received the winter Trailblazer, I was shocked to see two prominent figures in Marietta College’s history listed among the Pioneers who are no longer with us: Barbara Diggs Lyles ’51 and Amanda Newhouse Carnie ’72. I knew about Amanda Newhouse long before I got to Marietta College. In 1970, I was given an interview in New York City to be part of the 1971 freshman class. While waiting for my interview with Director Ross Lenhart, I looked at some college publications, and there she was, Amanda Newhouse, the Homecoming Queen. As the first Afro-American male to graduate from Livingston High School, diversity was a concern. Seeing Amanda’s picture gave me comfort. There were other factors that influenced my decision, but knowing there would be other black students on campus meant something. A black Homecoming Queen in the 1970s was historic. At least to me it was. There weren’t that many Afro-Americans on campus and there were some restrictions in the Greek system that made it tough for someone of color to gain admittance. Amanda was a music major and I was a history major, so my contact with her was limited. There was the occasional meeting at the Black Student Union house across from Dorothy Webster, and you could catch her singing Saturdays at The Mustard Seed, a local coffee house. It didn’t take me long to see that she was more than a Homecoming Queen. She was a person of substance and style. After Marietta, she earned a graduate in degree in music and had a successful career. At a time when Marietta and the nation were struggling with the black experience, Amanda provided the ebony in the Navy Blue and White. … But she wasn’t the first. While Charles Sumner Harrison is the first Afro-American male to graduate from Marietta, Dr. Barbara Diggs Lyles is the first female. The movie “42,” the number he wore, is about Jackie Robinson, the first black Major League baseball player. I think of Dr. Lyles as “51” because that is the year she graduated. I first contacted her in 1985 after my 10-year reunion. Dan McGrew ’49, who was still working for the College, gave me a list of black graduates. I never knew such a list existed. Michael Peacock ’75 and Richard Nelson ’75 asked me to investigate a lost piece of memorabilia from the old Black Student Union House. It was a plaque that contained the names of the then current graduates dating from 1969. When the plaque could not be found I had to maneuver the maze of hurt feelings and administrative bureaucracy. It was an alumni issue that would define me, Marietta College and my relationship with the institution. To complete my quest, I had to contact black alums — one of whom was Dr. Lyles. While it has been more than 25 years, I still remember that phone conversation. When Professor Owen Hawley wrote about Charles Sumner Harrison, he observed: “It is almost impossible to recreate what college life might have been like for a young black man, the first of his race at Marietta College.” With Dr. Lyles, I don’t have to speculate. SHE TOLD ME. She was from Summit, N.J. Her way of selecting a school was


unique. Her father placed the names of her acceptances in a hat and she pulled Marietta. From then on nothing was by chance. It wasn’t until she arrived on campus that people realized they had a black student. “I never knew how I could have been admitted with a required picture and still provoke that kind of shock. The horrified expressions on their faces left no doubt in my mind that I was both unexpected and undesired.” She recollected the Dean of Students cautioning her about her behavior because “future policy toward the admission of Negro students would depend upon my behavior.” While there were challenges, there were also good times. Her friend, Galen Davis, assisted her in being admitted into Tri Beta (the Biology Honorary). She adored Professors Kirkpatrick, Harla Ray Eggleston and Dr. Sealer’s genetics class.

Do you have a defining Marietta Moment you would like to share?

Through it all, she always had respect and admiration for her alma mater. “Marietta provided me with a sound educational and social foundation. … It gave me strength and greater character. In the interim I hope that other black students come and stay to benefit from the Marietta I knew.” She advised me against creating the plaque, as did others. It was advice I largely ignored. When she returned to Marietta in 2001 to accept an alumni award, she saw her name along with other black graduates hanging in the library. I believe now there are more than 150 Afro-American graduates, but one of the numbers that I shall remember is “Barbara Diggs Lyles 51.” Reggie Sims ’75 graduated from Hofstra Law School in 1978 and has remained active at Marietta through the Alumni Association.

Send us a description of your experience. EMAIL:

MAIL: Editor, Marietta Magazine, Office of Alumni and College Relations, 215 Fifth Street, Marietta, Ohio 45750


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Megan Mason ’13 It’s not an exaggeration to say that Megan Mason ’13 has undergone a Marietta metamorphosis. Shy by nature, she was still searching for her niche when she sat down with her RA for a transformational talk and emerged with a new sense of purpose and direction. From becoming an RA herself to studying abroad to community service, she took her mentor’s advice to become actively involved in her education. That conversation has made all the difference and now Megan holds a golden key to opportunity made possible through offerings supported by the Marietta Fund. The great thing about the Marietta Fund is that even if you can give only a little, you know that your contribution combines with the power of many Pioneers who share your vision to make special things happen for students like Megan. To find out how You Are the Marietta Fund and make your gift today, visit





Laura Wilson Adams ’52 (Chi Omega) still enjoys going to college. She is taking Program 60 classes on Russian history and culture with William E. Snyder ’51 (Alpha Sigma Phi) at The Ohio State University. George A. Merkel, Jr. ’53 (Lambda Chi Alpha) recently became a great grandfather for the sixth time! It marked the first for grandmother, Ethel Merkel Smalling ’84. Edwin D. Michael ’59, with invaluable editing by Jane Callander Michael ’60 (Alpha Xi Delta), has published his fourth book, Wild and Wonderful: The Wildlife of West Virginia. Co-authored with photographer Steve Shaluta, the two combined their expertise to showcase some of the Mountain State’s most fascinating and beautiful creatures. Ed, Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Ecology at West Virginia University, has devoted more than 40 years to the study of West Virginia’s wildlife, including more than 30 years of study in Canaan Valley. These experiences formed the basis for his three historical fiction novels, A Valley Called Canaan, Shadow of the Alleghenies, and Death Visits Canaan. Ed and Jane continue to live in Morgantown and Canaan Valley. Jane resumed her art endeavors after retirement and paints weekly with a watercolors group. Both enjoy returning often to Marietta and viewing the amazing transformation of the Marietta College campus. Barbara Holmes Swasey ’59 (Alpha Xi Delta) recently sang a solo of “It Had To Be You” in a Sierra Vista (Ariz.) community chorus production of Sweet Treats and Swingin’ Sounds. The audience, which included lots of friends and family, greeted her performance with a standing ovation. Dale Davidson Chodos ’63 (Alpha Sigma Tau) and her husband, Malvin, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this August. They enjoyed spending part of the past winter in their new home in Boca Raton, Fla. Andrew Schwarz ’70 (Alpha Tau Omega) and his wife, Roberta Whitford Schwarz ’69 (Alpha Xi

> AWARD W I N N ER Although his contribution to Marietta College Athletics was playing for legendary coach Don Schaly’s baseball team, Robert B. Goldberg ’66 (Delta Upsilon), has been involved in the sport of wrestling since his high school days. Beginning his career as a teacher and coach in 1968, Bob used the sport of wrestling to achieve the greater goal of developing young students into strong, successful leaders. His 33-year career achievements as educator, wrestling coach and athletic director at MacArthur, Levittown Memorial and Herricks high schools in New York earned him numerous recognitions and awards. He received The Ellis B. Chapman Award (the highest award given to an administrator in New York for dedication to his profession), the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association State Award of Merit (the most prestigious award given to an athletic director in New York) and the Distinguished Service Award from the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. His considerable contributions to the sport of wrestling were recognized in 2007 by his induction into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, Long Island Chapter, as a Lifetime Service Award Winner. Bob has been married to his wife, Karen, for nearly 45 years. They have two daughters and six grandchildren and live in upstate New York in the town of Lake Luzerne.

Delta), recently returned from a twoweek vacation in South America where they visited Iguazu Falls (Brazil), Buenos Aires and Patagonia (Argentina), Santiago (Chile), and Cotacachi (Ecuador). In Santiago they met Stephen G. Jory ’66 (Alpha Tau Omega) and his wife, Jean Anderson Jory ’68 (Alpha Xi Delta), who were visiting Loreto and Julio, exchange students who had stayed at their home in West Virginia. Steve, Jean, Andy and Bobbi have managed to stay in touch over the past 45 years or so, and had a magical evening enjoying the company of the Jorys’ extended family and having a wonderful dinner in Chile. Margaret Strunk Finger ’71 (Sigma Sigma Sigma) welcomed twin grandchildren on Nov. 9, 2012. Jack and Juno Sedeyn joined their sisters, Jade, 11, Juliette, 9, and Jolynne, 7, all children of Jaclynn Sedeyn, Peggy’s daughter. Andrew H. Wolf ’71 (Alpha Tau Omega) received the Ed Barker Award this past January for showing the most exceptional service to the Ohio Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches and to the sports of track and cross country in Ohio. Prior to his retirement in 2011, Andy

> R A C I N G C R EW Jonathan D. Wendell ’70 (Lambda Chi Alpha), Frank D. Fleischer ’71, James W. Latiano ’70 (Lambda Chi Alpha) and Jerry L. McCoy ’69 (Lambda Chi Alpha) enjoyed quite an adventure on this year’s trip to Sebring to watch the Dyson Racing Team kick off the season. Before they even got started, one of the charter members had to bail out. Ralph E. Snyder ’68 (Lambda Chi Alpha) had to cancel his plans after a fire destroyed the office building that is home to his tax accounting business. While he was recovering his losses, the four toasted him often. They also ran into George R. Davis ’10 at the track’s Michelin tire facility where young George had taken a vacation from his regular job to come and help his dad haul and mount tires. George’s father runs the Michelin tire business at these races. Jon notes that he, Jim, Stephen E. Clark ’70 (Alpha Sigma Phi) and Jeffrey A. Crowther ’69 (Lambda Chi Alpha) all started their Marietta College careers in the fall of 1965, targeted to graduate in the spring of 1969. Jim, Steve and Jon elected to stay for a ninth semester — possibly due to some academic shortcomings. Jeff, on the other hand, sailed through and graduated on time. Jeff was drafted immediately and was sent to Vietnam; Jim, Steve and Jon avoided that fate.


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Marietta Alumni Work to Save Tar Heel State History


ot only are David Brook ’67 and Michele Patterson McCabe ’93 graduates of Marietta College, they are both from Washington County, Ohio, home turf to the Navy Blue & White. Belpre native David Brook has worked for the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources since 1984 and will retire this summer as director of the Division of Historical Resources. Michele Patterson McCabe has worked with Brook since 2005 and is the grants coordinator for the State Historic Preservation Office. After practicing law in Chillicothe, Ohio, David commenced a career in public history, which included an early stint as state historic preservation officer of Ohio. As division director, David has been responsible for North Carolina’s state programs in archives and records, archaeology, historic preservation, historical publications, and historical research. He also chairs state planning committees for commemorations of the War of 1812 and World War I. Along the way he also picked up a master’s degree in history and a doctorate in education from North Carolina State University. After graduating from Marietta, Michele, a Marietta native, obtained a master’s degree in history from Washington College in Chestertown, Md. Before coming to North Carolina, she spent time as an AmeriCorps volunteer on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and later worked for the Preservation League of New York State in Albany. In addition to managing North Carolina’s grants from the federal Historic Preservation Fund, McCabe also oversees the state’s annual application for federal program certification. Brook and his wife, Ashley Wilson Brook, a Raleigh native, are the parents of Mary Grayson Brook, who attends the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and James Sterrett Brook, a sophomore at Raleigh’s Sanderson High School. For fun Brook enjoys playing violin — which he started in 2001 with daughter Mary Grayson — in the Triangle Area Community Orchestra. Married to architect Terence McCabe, a New Yorker whom Michele met through their affiliation with Washington College, the couple has two children, Caden and Keelyn, who attend elementary school in Raleigh. When not filling her other roles of hockey and soccer mom, McCabe volunteers for a local pet rescue group. When time permits, she enjoys hiking and traveling. Marietta College Pioneers David and Michele can take pleasure in knowing that they have served their adopted state well by preserving its heritage for the future.




coached track and cross country at Anderson High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, where as a student he set track records in the 440 dash and the mile as well as in cross country, before competing in the track and cross country teams at Marietta College for four years under the coaching of Don Frail and Bill Whetsell. As a coach, he received 43 Coach of the Year Awards, and in 2001 was inducted into the Ohio Track and Cross Country Hall of Fame. He has also taken four U.S. teams to international competitions. Andy, during his more than 40 years as coach, consistently demonstrated and stressed to his athletes the importance of community service, and for his efforts, was also recognized by his community as Citizen of the Year. McKie Campbell ’74 (Delta Upsilon) was named a partner with BlueWater Strategies, the premiere Washington, D.C. consulting firm specializing in energy, environmental and natural resource issues. Prior to moving to BlueWater, McKie was the Republican Staff Director for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee under the panel’s ranking member, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska). In that post, Campbell was involved in the development of U.S. energy and natural resource policy. Prior to moving back to Washington, D.C., McKie spent 30 years in Alaska and worked for the Alaska Senate Resources Committee, served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Gov. Walter J. Hickel, operated his own business doing project management of EIS’s on large-scale natural resource projects, and served as the Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Todd W. Butt ’75 was appointed vice president for the Ohio Watercolor Society. Todd is a signature, active member of the society. Nancy K. Hollister ’76 retired from the United States Air Force on March 1, becoming a civilian after 34 years of military service.

Joseph R. Nelepovitz ’77 (Lambda Chi Alpha) is single and living in Syracuse, N.Y., with no kids and no dogs. After working in Houston for the Kroger Company, Joe moved back home several years ago to be close to his roots in upstate New York, where he is an avid fan of the Buffalo Bills and Syracuse University sports. He enjoys hunting, fishing and working on his house. Joe currently works as the parts assistant manager for a Subaru dealership. He welcomes hearing from Marietta College alumni! Thomas C. Weber, Jr. ’84 has been named 2012 National Advisor of the Year by Table Bay Financial Network, Inc. in San Diego, Calif. Tom is the managing director of America’s IRA Centers in Findlay, Ohio, and is a specialist in financial planning, insurance annuity programs and retirement distribution strategies. Tom directs a continuing education program for accountants and operates numerous retirement planning workshops. Kelly L. McKerahan ’85 (Delta Tau Delta) and Karin Danek McKerahan ’87 are enjoying life in Southern California. They feel blessed by good health, meaningful work and their 11-year-old daughter, Megan. Douglas E. Jessmer ’94 was recently appointed as the national marketing and public affairs officer for Headquarters Civil Air Patrol at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. He has also, after two and a half years as a news designer at the Tampa Bay Times, changed jobs to become senior production editor of The Villages Daily Sun. He lives in Clearwater, Fla. with his family. Angela Eastman Cleland ’98 (Chi Omega), her husband, Mark, and their daughters, Ella and Mari, welcomed the newest addition to their family on May 12, 2012. Adeline Rebeka Cleland weighed 9 pounds, 13 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. Angie left her position with Pathways Transition Programs, Inc. to stay home with her girls. She loves being able to spend each day being a stay-at-home mom and watching her girls grow.


> M I K E E I S E N B ER G ’ 0 9

Award-winning producer After learning his commercial for the new Tiger Woods video game won a national EA Sports contest, Mike Eisenberg ’09 didn’t celebrate too long. Instead, he turned his attention to his latest project at Tall Tale Productions in Chicago. “The Rockwell Project is our big venture right now as we continue to pursue paid opportunities to fund these kinds of exciting narrative projects,” says Eisenberg, who graduated from Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy after leaving Marietta. “Every year we intend on releasing at least one fullyproduced narrative project and next year the goal is to create a feature film. Right now, we are trying to brand our work and really gain recognition as a viable option for professional clients in Chicago.”

> N EW PIONEER Megan Vanlandingham Craig ’96 (Alpha Xi Delta) and Christopher J. Craig ’97 and ’12 celebrated the birth of daughter Ailsa Greer Craig at 12:40 a.m. on 12/12/12. Ailsa joins older brother Owen, 3, and sister Magnolia, 5. Although she took a brief hiatus for a few months from her baking business, Nutmeg’s Desserts for Every Occasion, Megan is again baking cakes and sweets for local customers in the Marietta area, and still serves as advisor to Marietta’s chapter of Alpha Xi Delta sorority.

Melissa Lang Canavan ’02 and her husband Alex, were thrilled to welcome their daughter, Olivia Ann, on Jan. 26, 2013. Justin R. Thibeault ’04 (Lambda Chi Alpha) recently graduated from the George Washington University with master degrees in both Public Health and Health Sciences. Justin is working as a physician assistant at the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center in Portland, Ore. Saket S. Waghmode ’04 was blessed with the birth of a baby daughter on Jan. 13, 2013. Saira is keeping her new family very busy and entertained!

Eisenberg founded the production company in late 2011 and has worked closely with fellow Flashpoint graduate Kailey Brackett, who is also his girlfriend. To help pay the bills, Eisenberg does wedding and corporate videos, but his passion is scriptwriting. He believes winning competitions and being recognized in film festivals for his work on short films like “Stitches” will lead to bigger and better projects in the future. “It’s always extremely rewarding for work to be recognized for its quality. We don’t create stories just for ourselves. It’s crucial the stories we create are sharable and have an audience,” he says. “That’s what filmmaking is about — the audience. Without it, we’re just making home videos with production value. We recently won audience and festival awards at a pair of film festivals for our short film Stitches and that is equally rewarding because those are people who really respect the art of filmmaking and saw our work as worthy of their praise.” Eisenberg received $7,500 for the Tiger Woods commercial, and he says that allowed him to pay his cast and crew. He has also completed a commercial for a new app called Brabble.

Kristen Bird Henwood ’06 graduated in December 2012 with a Master of Environmental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. She and her husband, Matthew G. Henwood ’05, live in Ardmore, Pa. Sarah F. Smith ’07 graduated from Capital University Law School (Columbus, Ohio) in May 2012. She passed the West Virginia Bar Exam in the summer of 2012 and is now practicing law in southern West Virginia. Mark E. Goudy ’12 (Alpha Sigma Phi) recently moved to Morgantown, W.Va., to accept a promotion to assistant manager at Abercrombie & Fitch. He also serves as the Grand Chapter Advisor to the Alpha Sigma Phi interest group at West Virginia University.

> N EW YEA R ’ S N U P TI A L S Karen C. Lederer ’09 (Alpha Xi Delta) married Tim Springer on New Year’s Eve on St. Petersburg Beach in Florida. Bridesmaids and Alpha Xi Delta sisters, Nicolette M. Kynkor ’09 and Jennifer N. Valentic ’10, as well as Melissa A. Schulte ’09 (Alpha Xi Delta) and Theresa Plant ’11 (Alpha Xi Delta) were in attendance to help the couple ring in the New Year. Karen and Tim currently reside in Tampa, Fla.


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> 1940s Ralph B. Roan, Jr. ’41 of Columbus, Ohio (2/13/2013). Virginia Donaldson Stocks ’41 (Chi Omega) of Richmond, Va. (2/16/2013). Survivors include her son, Richard D. Stocks ’79 (Delta Tau Delta) and daughter, Mary L. Stocks ’71. Charles T. Cieszeski ’49 of Fulton, N.Y. (2/16/2013). William G. Jameson ’49 of Greensburg, Pa. (2/6/2013). George R. Merlini, Sr. ’49 of Spanish Fort, Ala. (3/15/2013).

> 1950s

Dorothy Cohen Netta ’53 (Alpha Xi Delta) of Sarasota, Fla. (2/27/2013).

Victor D. Powell ’62 of Warrenton, Va. (12/3/2012).

Stephen S. Keesler ’71 (Alpha Sigma Phi) of Port St. Lucie, Fla. (4/5/2013).

Charles D. Schmidt ’53 (Delta Upsilon) of Fernandina Beach, Fla. (2/15/2013). Survivors include his brother, Thomas E. Schmidt ’59 (Delta Upsilon).

Carmela Mezzanotte Pugno ’63 of West Haven, Conn. (3/6/2013).

Jo Ann Hendricks Coates ’74 (Sigma Sigma Sigma) of Canton, Ohio (1/30/2013). Survivors include her husband, Robert S. Coates ’75 (Alpha Tau Omega).

Robert C. Roy ’55 (Alpha Tau Omega) of Manahawkin, N.J. (2/15/2013).

Patricia Crawford Marquez ’64 (Alpha Xi Delta) of Patoka, Ind. (9/29/2012). Survivors include her husband, Donald R. Marquez ’63.

Ronald E. Cohagen ’57 of Dresden, Ohio (2/10/2013). Walter R. Fouchs ’58 of New Martinsville, W.Va. (2/28/2013). Charles E. Imlay ’59 (Alpha Sigma Phi) of Zanesville, Ohio (3/24/2013).

Martin S. Mihalov ’51 (Lambda Chi Alpha) of Honeoye Falls, N.Y. (3/19/2013). Survivors include his wife, Lorna June Shimer Mihalov ’53 (Sigma Kappa).

Mildred Kotlan Kolar ’59 (Alpha Xi Delta) of Reno, Nev. (2/26/2013).

Morton H. Sharnik ’51 of St. Petersburg, Fla. (6/30/2012).

> 1960s

Theodore Q. Washabaugh ’51 (Delta Upsilon) of Mentor, Ohio (1/26/2013). Sally Fletcher Davis ’53 (Chi Omega) of Vienna, W.Va. (2/10/2013).

A. Richard McCann ’59 of Candler, N.C. (3/7/2013).

Carole Ann Shaw White ’60 (Chi Omega) of Upland, Calif. (3/18/2013). Survivors include her husband, William R. White ’59 (Alpha Sigma Phi).

James E. Crum ’64 of Whipple, Ohio (1/30/2013).

Violet L. Reynolds ’75 of Clarksburg, W.Va. (3/29/2013).

> 1980s

Sammy L. Wiley ’65 of McDonough, Calif. (3/18/2013).

Patricia Minnix Borden ’81 (Sigma Sigma Sigma) of Punta Gorda, Fla. (1/17/2013).

Donald W. Pearson ’66 of Parkersburg, W.Va. (3/5/2013).

Darren T. Wilson ’87 of Pickerington, Ohio (2/6/2013).

Gary H. Smith ’66 of Myerstown, Pa. (3/19/2013).

> 1990s

John J. Hadley ’68 (Alpha Sigma Phi) of Marietta, Ohio (4/13/2013).

> 1970s John M. Ricklic ’70 of New Philadelphia, Ohio (3/30/2013). Cliffe L. Gort ’71 of Atlanta, Ga. (1/23/2013).

Barry E. Warden ’90 of Marietta, Ohio (3/15/2013). Rebecca A. Mangus ’96 (Chi Omega) of Washington, W.Va. (1/30/2013). Survivors include her sister, Jeanette M. Mangus ’93.

> 2000s William J. Martin, Jr. ’06 (Delta Upsilon) of New Richmond, Ohio (11/11/2012).



r. Jack Prince was a devoted professor, mentor and friend whose friendship transcended Marietta’s borders and many generations. He taught in the Economics, Management and Accounting Department at Marietta since 1954, and was the Director of the Evening School at Marietta for many years. He retired in 1985 but still maintained relationships with many of his former students and colleagues. Sadly, Dr. Prince died on March 14, 2013, at the age of 92 after a lengthy battle with pneumonia. He was preceded in death by his wife, Betty, and is survived by his sons Charles and Richard, and their wives, children and grandchildren. “The College was never really a job to him. It was a passion,” Charles Prince said. “My dad spent an awful lot of time giving advice to people who needed it. As I’ve grown older, I realize the value of his words. And another thing I can’t stress enough, my dad always had time for people. He was never in a hurry to brush someone off so he could get his work done. If his students wanted to meet him at our house, he was there. If they preferred meeting him in his office, he was there.” As per Jack Prince’s wishes, he was cremated. A memorial service will be planned at a later date. His family asks that any donations be made to the Jack Prince Academic Merit Scholarship, c/o Linda Stroh at Marietta College, 215 Fifth St., Marietta, Ohio 45750.







sk a freshman to find Dr. Mark Bagshaw’s office and it can turn into a fun scavenger hunt of sorts. Even a few upperclassmen might miss it as it is tucked behind the stairs on the first floor of Thomas Hall. Bagshaw is normally in his first-floor office, surrounded by books, notes taped to the wall and a week’s worth of pants, belts and shirts hanging on a coat rack. “There’s no method other than what interests me at the moment, and I always have something I could wear that is appropriate for class … not a funeral, but definitely class,” Bagshaw says. By the end of June, Bagshaw will have cleared off the walls and taken home the clothes as the Professor of Management and Leadership is retiring after 20 years at Marietta College. “It is starting to hit me that this is the last time I’m going to be talking to students about Japanese culture or whatever it is or motivation in the workplace. There’s a certain amount of sadness with this,” he says. “But I’m also content to be going at this point.” Bagshaw arrived on campus in 1993 as an associate provost charged with leading the College through reaccreditation. After clearing that hurdle an opportunity arose to join the faculty and he jumped at the fortuitous offer. He joined the Department of Business & Economics (actually called Economics, Management and Accounting) and has taught courses in management, as well as

MA R IE TTA COLLEGE BO ARD OF T RUS T E E S Chair Vice Chair Barbara A. Perry Fitzgerald ’73 Cynthia A. (Cindy) Reece ’78 Roger D. Anderson ’79 Anna Bowser Bailey ’87 Robert M. Brucken ’56 Joseph W. Bruno T. Grant Callery ’68 Christopher Cortez ’71 Patricia G. Curtin ’69 George W. Fenton Nancy P. Hollister John B. Langel ’70 Matthew J. Macatol ’97 C. Brent McCurdy ’68 John R. Murphy ’63 Kathleen Mitchell Murphy ’82 Cathy A. Percival


A L U MN I A SSO C I ATION B OAR D OF D IR E C TOR S Secretary William H. Donnelly ’70

Treasurer Dan Bryant

Leonard M. Randolph Jr. ’65 Ronald E. Rinard ’72 Donald G. Ritter ’81 Toni M. Robinson-Smith Michael J. Salvino ’87 Frank M. Schossler ’86 Edgar L. Smith Jr. Donald W. Strickland ’66 Charles W. Sulerzyski James J. Tracy ’79 Dale L. Wartluft ’63 Patricia A. Loreno Willis ’70 Jo Ellen Diehl Yeary ’76 Patricia Kral Zecchi ’71

MA RIETTA COLLEG E CONTACT S President Interim Vice President for Advancement Dr. Joseph W. Bruno | 740-376-4701 Hub Burton | 740-376-4709 Interim Provost Dr. Gama Perruci | 740-376-4741

leadership courses for the McDonough Center. He will remain in Marietta with his wife, Dr. Luding Tong, Professor of Chinese and Director of the Asian Studies program. He says he will miss his routine conversations with Dr. Mike Taylor, but Bagshaw still plans to meet with former colleagues for lunch or coffee and continue his daily workouts at the Dyson Baudo Recreation Center. “Dr. Bagshaw made a great contribution to the College through his dedication and commitment to academic excellence. Aside from his immense knowledge of his academic field, he also took the time to work with the students and get to know them,” says Dr. Gama Perruci, Interim Provost. “He also represented the spirit of the liberal arts when he combined his interests in literature with his scholarship on business management. Our students were very fortunate to have had this creative approach to business education.” What he’s looking forward to most, though, is sitting in his corner office at his house and writing fiction. After a 30-year hiatus from writing, Bagshaw published “Chaucer on the Nile” in 2011. His next book, “Gloriana’s Gambit” should be published this fall. “It’s about a small liberal arts college on the banks of the Ohio River … sound familiar?” he says. “I promise, it’s nothing but fun.”

Director of Donor Relations Linda Stroh | 740-376-4451

Chair Paula King Pitasky ’96 Vice Chair Matthew B. Weekley ’81 Alumni Trustees Timothy J. Bennett ’85 James P. Brady ’92 Lori Oslin Cook ’82 Andrew D. Ferguson ’95 Frank D. Fleischer ’71 Tia Knowlton Lane ’98

Robert S. Johnson ’05 Matthew J. Macatol ’97 John R. Murphy ’63 Kathleen Mitchell Murphy ’82 Jennifer Roach Offenberger ’86 Jason C. Rebrook ’96 Frank M. Schossler ’86 Todd J. Stevens ’80 Jazmyn Barrow Stover ’06 James J. Tracy ’79 Tracy L. Zuckett ’96




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T h e P r o g r e ss ive Pioneer


young girl in Quincy, Mass., Kathleen Reddy-Smith came across an article describing the U.S. Foreign Service. She knew right away it would be her life’s work. For 29 years, she was dedicated to humanitarian and diplomatic work in countries such as Pakistan, Belgium, France, Italy, and Bosnia. In 2007, she was inducted to Marietta College’s Hall of Honor for her role in preparing the U.S. for global pandemic threats. Today, she is the Diplomat-in-Residence at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, where she lectures on foreign affairs, negotiation strategy and women’s issues.

> “Whenever there is a major technological change, society has to catch up with new modes, customs and laws not only to support best use of the technology, but also to police and protect users. The big technological revolution of our time is the Internet, a connection to cultures around the world and a creator of a global workplace and market. While the Internet has brought myriad cultures into our lives, we don’t always understand how to make the leap to understanding someone operating from another culture. I believe Marietta College has to prepare its students for this intellectual revolution; how to factor cross-cultural communication and understanding into their world and decision-making. We should have the utmost confidence Marietta can do this; Marietta College Pioneers have a long history of breaking down barriers to prejudice, and this is but our newest frontier.”

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