Let's celebrate the European Day of languages E-MAG SEASON 2: WRITE A EUROPEAN MAGAZINE TOGETHER
The European Day of Languages
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This picture represents the map and the flag of the Czech Republic.
The white color represents purity. Red means the blood shed by our patriots for the freedom of homeland. And blue represents the clear cloudless sky. Essential basic phrases in English
Essential basic phrases in Czech
Hello Please Goodbye
Ahoj Prosím Nashledanou
No Yes Thank you Welcome My name is Do you speak English? I’m sorry I don’t speak…. Pleased to meet you Excuse me Pardon? I need help
Ne Ano Děkuji Vítejte Moje jméno je Mluvíte angicky? Omlouvám se, nemluvím… Těší mě Promiňte Prosím? Nerozuměl jsem vám. Potřebuji pomoc
Social phrases Enjoy your meal Enjoy your holiday! Have a great trip! See you soon Have fun! Have a good weekend! Have a nice evening! Best wishes! Take care Good luck! Get well soon! What a shame!
Dobrou chuť Užijte si dovolenou! Užijte si výlet! Brzy nashledanou Hezkou zábavu! Hezký víkend! Hezký večer! Všechno nejlepší! Opatrujte se. Hodně štěstí! Uzdravte se brzy! Jaká škoda!
Useful phrases for celebrations
Cheers! Congratulations! Well done! Great!
Na zdraví! Gratuluji! Výborně Skvělé!
Essential Getting around phrases
Where is it? Where is the toilet, please? Here Straight ahead That way Is it far? To/on the right To/on the left Opposite A ticket A single A return
Kde to je? Kde je záchod, prosím? Zde Rovně Tudy Je to daleko? Doprava/Vpravo Doleva/Vlevo Naproti Vstupenka/Jízdenka Jednosměrná Zpáteční
Travel Guide to Denmark
Essential basic phrases in English Hello Please Goodbye No yes thank you Welcome My name is Do you speak English? I’m sorry I don’t speak…. Pleased to meet you Excuse me Pardon? I need help
Essential basic phrases in Danish hej (informal) goddag (formal) (Doesn’t really exist in Danish.) Alternatives: be’ om, tak (as a tag), Er du sød at…? farvel nej ja tak Velkommen Mit navn er Taler du engelsk? Desværre, jeg taler ikke… Dejligt at møde dig Undskyld mig Undskyld? Jeg har brug for hjælp
Social phrases Enjoy your meal Enjoy your holiday! Have a great trip! See you soon Have fun! Have a good weekend! Have a nice evening! Best wishes ! Take care Good luck! Get well soon! What a shame!
Velbekomme God ferie! God tur! Vi ses Hyg jer!/ Ha’ det fedt! Ha’ en god weekend! Ha’ en god aften! Ha’ det godt! Pas på dig selv Held og lykke God bedring! Sikke en skam!
Useful phrases for celebrations
Cheers! Congratulations! Well done! Great!
Skål! Tillykke! Godt gået! Fedt! Alletiders! Fantastisk!
Essential Getting around phrases
Where is it? Where is the toilet, please? Here Straight ahead That way Is it far? To/on the right To/on the left Opposite A ticket A single A return
Hvor er det/den henne? Undskyld mig, hvor er toilettet? Her ligeud Den vej Er det langt væk Til højre/På højre hånd Til venstre/ På venste hånd overfor/ modsat en billet en enkelt en retur
The European Day of languages BBC site Languages home Quick fix
Essen&al basic phrases in English Hello Please Goodbye No yes thank you Welcome My name is Do you speak English? I’m sorry I don’t speak…. Pleased to meet you Excuse me Pardon? I need help
Essen&al basic phrases in French Bonjour! S’il vous plaît. Au revoir. Non. Oui. Merci. Bienvenu. Je m’appelle ... Parlez-‐vous anglais? Je suis désolé, je ne parle pas ... Ravi de faire votre connaissance. Excusez-‐moi. Pardon? J’ai besoin d’aide.
Social phrases
Enjoy your meal Enjoy your holiday! Have a great trip! See you soon Have fun! Have a good weekend! Have a nice evening! Best wishes !Take care Good luck! Get well soon! What a shame!
Bon appéWt! Bonnes vacances! Bon voyage! A bientôt. Amusez-‐vous bien! Bon week-‐end! Bonne soirée! Portez-‐vous bien! Bonne chance. Bon rétablissement! Quelle honte! Quel dommage!
Useful phrases for celebrations
Cheers! CongratulaWons!
Santé! FélicitaWons!
Well done! Great!
Bien joué! Super! Génial!
Essential Getting around phrases
Where is it? Where is the toilet, please? Here Straight ahead That way Is it far? To/on the right To/on the le_ Opposite A Wcket A single A return
Où cela se trouve-‐t-‐il? Où sont les toile\es, s’il vous plaît. Ici Tout droit Par là Est-‐ce loin? A droite A gauche En face Un billet Un aller simple Un aller-‐retour
Essential basic phrases in English
Hello! Please! Goodbye! No! Yes! Thank you! Welcome! My name is! Do you speak English? I'm sorry I don 't speak... Pleased to meet you Excuse me Pardon? I need help
Γεια σου! Παρακαλώ! Αντίο! Όχι! Ναι! Ευχαριστώ! Καλωσόρισες! Το όνομα μου είναι! Μιλάς Αγγλικά; Λυπάμαι δεν μιλώ …. Χάρηκα που σε γνώρισα Συγνώμη Ορίστε? Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια
Social phrases
Enjoy your meal Enjoy your holiday!
Καλή όρεξη Να απολαύσετε τις διακοπές σας
Have a great trip! See you soon Have fun! Have a good weekend! Have a nice evening! Best wishes! Take care
Καλό ταξίδι Τα λέμε Καλά να περάσετε Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο Καλησπέρα/ Καλό Βράδυ Πολλές ευχές. Στο καλό
Ya! Parakalo Adio Ohi Ne Efharisto Kalosorises Me lene…. Milas aglika? Lipame den milo… Harika pou se gnorisa sygnomi Oriste? Hriazome voithia Kali oreksi Na apolafsete tis diakopes sas Kalo taksidi Ta leme Kala na perasete Kalo Savatokiriako Kalispera/Kalo vradi Poles efhes/Sto kalo
Good luck! Get well soon! What a shame !
Καλή τύχη Περαστικά Ντροπή!!
Useful phrases for celebrations
Cheers! Congratulations! Well done! Great!
Στην υγειά σου Συγχαρητήρια Μπράβο Τέλεια
Essential Getting around phrases
Where is it?
Που είναι;
Whereis the toilet, please Here Straight ahead That way Is it far? To/on the right To/on the left Opposite A ticket A single A return
Που είναι η τουαλέτα, παρακαλώ; Εδώ Ευθεία Από εκεί Είναι μακριά; Στα δεξιά Στα αριστερά Απέναντι Ένα εισιτήριο Μιας διαδρομής Με επιστροφή
Kali tihi Perastika Dropi
Stin iyia sou Siharitiria Bravo Telia
Pou ine I toualeta? Edo Efthia Apo eki Ine makria? Sta deksia Sta aristera Apenandi Ena isitirio Mias diadromis Me epistrofi
Slavonian Vessel, (Inter)National Competition Danube Art Master 2012.
+ The European Day of languages BBC site
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1 photo that represents Croatia + Quick fix in Croatian
Essential basic phrases in English Hello Please Goodbye No yes thank you Welcome My name is Do you speak English? I’m sorry I don’t speak…. Pleased to meet you Excuse me Pardon? I need help
Essential basic phrases in Croatian Bok Molim te/ Molim vas Doviđenja Ne Da Hvala ti/Hvala vam Dobrodošao/ Dobrodošla Moje ime je… Govoriš li engleski? Žao mi je, ne govorim… Drago mi je što sam te/vas upoznao/upoznala Ispričavam se Oprosti? Molim? Trebam pomoć
Social phrases Enjoy your meal Enjoy your holiday! Have a great trip! See you soon Have fun! Have a good weekend! Have a nice evening! Best wishes !Take care Good luck! Get well soon! What a shame!
Dobar tek! Uživaj na praznicima! Ugodno putovanje! Vidimo se uskoro. Zabavi se! Ugodan vikend! Ugodna večer! Sve najbolje, čuvaj se! Sretno! Ozdravi brzo! Šteta!
Useful phrases for celebrations
Cheers! Congratulations! Well done! Great!
Uzdravlje! Čestitam! Bravo! Odlično!
Essential Getting around phrases
Where is it? Where is the toilet, please? Here Straight ahead That way Is it far? To/on the right To/on the left Opposite A ticket A single A return
Gdje je to? Gdje je toalet? Ovdje Samo ravno Onim putem Je li to daleko? Desno Lijevo Nasuprot Karta Jednosmjerna Povratna
Traditional Slovak meal Litpow cheese and potatoe dumplings topped with bacon Pipers and Slovak folk costumes
Rafts and our coutryside
Essential basic phrases in English Hello! Please! Goodbye! No! Yes! Thank you! Welcome! My name is! Do you speak English? I'm sorry I don 't speak... Pleased to meet you Excuse me Pardon? I need help SOCIAL PHRASES Enjoy your meal Enjoy your holiday! Have a great trip! See you soon Have fun! Have a good weekend! Have a nice evening! Best wishes! Take care Good luck! Get well soon! What a shame ! Useful phrases for celebrations Cheers! Congratulations! Well done! Great! Essential Getting around phrases Where is it? Whereis the toilet, please Here Straight ahead That way Is it far? To/on the right To/on the left Opposite A ticket A single A return
Essential basic phrases in Hungarain Szia! Kérlek! Viszlát! Nem! Igen! Köszönöm! Üdvözöllek! Az én nevem Beszélsz angolul? Sajnálom, de nem beszélek... Örülök, hogy találkoztunk Bocsáss meg Elnézést? Segítségre van szükségem PHRASES IN HUNGARIAN Jó étvágyat ! Jó szünidőt! Jó utazást! Látjuk egymást Legyen jó kedved! Jó hétvégét! Jó éjszakát! Legjobbakat ! Vigyázz magadra Sok szerencsét! Mielőbbi jobbulást ! Milyen kár! Useful phrases for celebrations in Hungarian Egészségedre! Gratulálok Nagyon jó! Jó Essential Getting around phrases in Hungarian Hol van? Hol van a WC? Itt Egyenesen Erre Messze van? Jobbra Balra Szemben Jegy Egyirányú jegy Return jegy
Essential basic phrases in Slovak Ahoj! Prosím! Dovidenia! Nie! Ano! Ďakujem! Vitajte! Moje meno je Hovoríte po anglicky_ Ľutujem, nehovorím Teší ma, že sa vidíme Prepáčte Odpustite? Potrebujem pomoc PHRASES IN SLOVAK Dobrú chuť! Uži si prázdniny! Prajem pekný výlet! Uvidíme sa čoskoro! Užívaj si! Prajem príjemný víkend! Prajem skvelú večernú zábavu! Všetko dobré! Opatruj sa! Veľa šťastia! Uzdrav sa! Aká škoda! Useful phrases for celebrations in Slovak Na zdravie! Blahoželám! Výborne! Skvelé! Essential Getting around phrases in Slovak Kde to je ? Kde je záchod? Tu Rovno Tadiaľto Je to ďaleko ? Vpravo Vľavo Oproti Lístok Jednosmerný Spiatočný
Travel guide to France
Essential basic phrases in English Hello Please Good bye No Yes thank you Welcome My name is Do you speak English? I’m sorry I don’t speak…. Pleased to meet you Excuse me Pardon? I need help
Essential basic phrases in French Bonjour S’il vous plait Au revoir Non Oui Merci Bienvenue Je m’appelle Parlez vous français ? Je suis désolée,je be parle pas … Enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance Excusez moi Pardon ? J’ai besoin d’aide
Social phrases Enjoy your meal Enjoy your holiday! Have a great trip! See you soon Have fun! Have a good weekend! Have a nice evening! Best wishes !Take care Good luck!
Bon appétit Bonnes vacances Bon voyage A bientôt Amusez vous bien Passez un bon weekend Passez une bonne soirée Bon courage Bonne chance
Get well soon! What a shame!
Bon rétablissement Quel dommage
Useful phrases for celebrations
Cheers! Congratulations! Well done! Great!
Santé ! Félicitations Bravo Super
Essential Getting around phrases
Where is it? Where is the toilet, please? Here Straight ahead That way Is it far? To/on the right To/on the left Opposite A ticket A single A return
où se trouve … ? Où sont les toilettes ? Ici Tout droit Par ici C’est loin ? A droite A gauche En face Un billet Un billet simple Un aller retour