deluxe edition
The Tr u t h About Love
ARE WE ALL WE ARE attention's like / An infant tryin' to
to make your point / My attention, my
seconds / That is all the time you got
we all we are // Seven seconds, seven
it up to here / Are we all we are / Are
our fill, we've had enough, we've had
forget the rest of, rest of / We've had
that you'll never get the best of / Not
let it be // refr達o We are the people
me, plant the seed / Open up and
not together It'll never be / You and
will solve them / But if your shit is
problem / I know you think that God
chest? / I know you think it's not your
somebody come and take this off my
mess? / Maybe now maybe now / Can
everything become such a hell of a
Cut to now, holy wow / When did
the power back / Are we all we are / Are we all we are
the rest of, rest of / Cut to the future / Sing it loud and take
are the people that you'll never get the best of / Not forget
had it up to here / Are we all we are / Are we all we are / We
rest of, rest of / We’ve had our fill, we’ve had enough, we’ve
the people that you'll never get the best of / Not forget the
are / Are we all we are / Are we all we are // refrão // We are
lucky me, now let's go / One it's what we are / It's what we
second chances that you've given me / Can it be, lucky me,
for me / Thinkin' I was gonna end up all alone / Two for the
own / Three, that's how many Hail Mary's they would pray
me to get through the lesson / That I had to do it all on my
and let it be // refrão // Four, that's how many years it took
together it'll never be / You and me, plant the seed / Open up
/ But we're all followin' our asses / And if our shit is not
crawl around this joint / I know we're better than the masses
White knuckles / And sweaty palms from hanging on too tight / Clenched shut jaw
/ I've got another headache again tonight / Eyes on fire, eyes on fire / And the burn from all the tears / I've been crying, I've been crying, / I've been dying over you / Tie a knot in the rope / Tryin’ to hold, tryin’ to hold, / But there's nothing to grasp /
So I let go //refrão I think I finally had enough / I think I maybe think too much / I
think this might be it for us / Blow me (one last kiss) / You think I'm just too serious
(one last kiss)
/ I think you're full of shit / My head is spinning so / Blow me (one last kiss) / Just when it can't get worse / I've had a shit day / Have you had a shit day? / We've had a shit day / I think that life's too short for this / Want back my ignorance and bliss / I think I've had enough of this / Blow me (one last kiss) // I won't miss / All of the fighting that we always did / Take it in / I mean what I say when I say there is nothing left / No more sick whiskey dick / No more battles for me / You'll be callin’ a trick / ‘Cause you'll no longer sleep / I'll dress nice, I'll look good / I'll go dancin’ alone / I will laugh, I'll get drunk / I'll take somebody home // refrão // Da da da da da / Da da da / Blow me (one last kiss) / Da da da da da / Da da da / Blow me (one las kiss) / I will do what I please / Anything that I want / I will breathe, I won't breathe / I won't worry at all / You will pay for your sins / You'll be sorry my dear / All the lies, all the why’s, will be crystal clear // refrão // Na ma ma ma da da da da / Na na na na da da da da / Na na na na da da da da / Blow me (one last kiss) / Na na na na da da da da / Na na na na da da da da / Na na na na da da da da / Blow me (one last kiss) / Just when it can't get worse / I've had a shit day / Have you had a shit day / We've had a shit day / I think that life's too short for this / I want back my ignorance and bliss / I think I've had enough of this / Blow me (one last kiss)
Ever wonder 'bout what he's doin' / How it all turned to lies / Sometimes I think that it's better / To never ask why // refr達o Where there is desire / There is gonna be a flame / Where there is a flame / Someone's bound to get burned / But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die / You gotta get up and try, try, try / You gotta get up and try, try, try / You gotta get up
and try, try, try // Funny how the heart
/ Tell me are you just getting by, by, by
can be deceiving / More than just a
// refr達o // You gotta get up and try, try,
couple times / Why do we fall in love
try / You gotta get up and try, try, try /
so easy / Even when it's not right? //
You gotta get up and try,try, try / You
// Ever worry that it might be
gotta get up and try, try, try / You gotta
ruined / Does it make you wanna cry
get up and try, try, try / You gotta get up
/ When you're out there doin' what
and try, try, try
you're doin'? / Are you just getting by?
thought that we were fine / (Oh we had
/ Where all of this is coming from / I
again // I'm sorry I don't understand
just bent / And we can learn to love
scars on our hearts / We're not broken
It's in the stars / It's been written in the
bent / And we can learn to love again /
/ Just a second we're not broken just
me a reason / Just a little bit's enough
our love, our love // refr達o 1 Just give
/ Tell me that you've had enough / Of
oh / Things you never say to me oh oh
you've been talking in your sleep oh
with every touch you fixed them / Now
/ That weren't all that pretty / And
victim / I let you see the parts of me
you stole my heart / And I your willing
Right from the start / You were a thief
collecting dust / But our love's enough / You're holding it in / You're pouring
not broken just bent / And we can learn to love again / I never stopped / You're
we can learn to love again
That we’re not broken just bent / And
again / Oh we can learn to love again /
// ( refrão 1 ) // Oh we can learn to love
seems / We'll come clean // ( refrão 1 )
a drink / No nothing is as bad as it
ducts and rust / I'll fix it for us / We're
we can learn to love again / Oh tear
little bit's enough / Just a second we're
2 Just give me a reason / Just a
/ You're not broken just bent / And
love, our love / Oh our love, our love // refrão
still written in the scars on my heart
more than empty sheets / Between our
so close to me oh oh / There's nothing
real bad dreams oh oh / You used to lie
this is happenin') / You've been havin'
/ And it's all in your mind / (Yeah, but
again / My dear we still have everythin'
everything) / Your head is running wild
Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say / Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face woah / There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down / I know life would suck without you woah / At the same time I wanna hug you / I wanna wrap my hands around your neck / You're an asshole but I love you / And
true you make me so mad I ask myself / Why I'm still here or where could I go? / You're the only love I've ever known / But I hate you, I really hate you / So much I think it must be // refr達o True love, true love, it must be true love / Nothin' else can break my heart like / True love, true love, it must be true love / No one else can break my heart like you / Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh // Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings / Just once please try no to be so
mean woah / Repeat after me now R-O-M-A-N-C-E-E-E / Come on I'll say it slowly (romance) / You can do it babe! / At the same time, I wanna hug you / I wanna wrap my hands around your neck / You're an asshole but I love you / And you make me so mad I ask myself / Why I'm still here, or where could I go? / You're the only love I've ever known / But I hate you, I really hate you / So much I think it must be // refr達o // I think it must be love (I love you) / I think it must be love (I love you) / Why do you
LOVE walk me off the wrong way? / Why do you say the things that you say? / Sometimes I wonder how we ever came to be / But without you I'm incomplete // refr達o // Whoah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
you're not here? // I've heard some rumors / About another girl / I heard she's cute but she stores nuts like a squirrel / That's all cool / I'll wait right here / Til you get bored and she gets carded for beer / I'm the one / I'm just that slick / You won't find better / I'm honey dipped / There ain't a thing / That's fake on me / I miss you baby come home to me // refrão // Has anyone seen / Has anyone seen / Has anyone seen / Why he’s hidin’ from me / Can anyone see / Let’s play hide and seek // refrão // Quick come back or I might just die
you gone? / And have I done something wrong? / You're the tooth fairy / You're like Santa Claus / You're like white noise / When I want my favorite song / Just come on back / Come on home / It ain't super smart to leave me alone / Light a flare / Pick up the phone / I'm like a stoner babe without my bong // refrão Are you hiding in the closet? / Are you underneath the bed? / Did you go for a long walk off a short pier? / How come you're not here? / Should I worry you've been bitten? / Or somebody got you high / Quick come back or I might just die / How come
Where have you been? / Where have
go home and cry like / Boo-hoo I'm a slut like you // refrão //
ma'am / Boo-hoo I'm a slut like you / Woo-hoo looks like the joke's on / You-hoo so
I I've got a little piece of you / And it's just like woooo / Wham bam thank you
come now / You caveman sit down / You shhh don't ruin it wow / Check please! /
inside / Unless I let you Jack... or Sam / Fuck what's your name again? / You male
You don't win a prize / With your googly eyes / I'm not a cracker jack / You can't go
my little friend / You're now my little friend / You're now my little friend // refrão //
just bought you some / Drink up your ride's gone / This might be fun / You're now
just our little friend / They're just our little friend / You think you call the shots / I
who we might let in / Them boys are starving / They're just our little friend / They're
ya know the truth / I'm a slut like you // Sitting with my friends / And we're picking
you / You say you're lookin' for foo-ood / And I'm just like "me too" / I'm gonna let
And it's just like woo-hoo Wham bam thank you ma'am boo-hoo / I'm a slut like
my little friend / You'll be my little friend // refrão I got a little piece of you-hoo /
Just want to get some / Ain't that some shit / You'll be my little friend / You'll be
friend / You'll be my little friend / And they think we fall in love / But that's not it /
“Okay I'll fuck you" / A little taste test / You'll be my little friend / You'll be my little
I'm not a slut I just love love / Tell me somethin' new / ‘Cause I've heard this /
The truth about love comes at 3AM / You wake up fucked up and you grab a pen / And you say to yourself I'm gonna figure it out / I'm gonna crack that code gonna break it break it down / I'm tired of all these questions and / Now it's just annoying ‘cause / No one has the answer so I guess it's up to me to find / The truth about love is it comes and it goes / A strange fascination with his lips and toes / Morning breath bedroom eyes on a smiling face / Sheet marks rug burn and a sugar glaze
/ The shock and the awe that can eat you raw / Is this the truth about love (the truth about love) // refrão I think you just may be perfect / You're the person of my dreams / I've never ever ever ever been this happy / But now something has changed / And the truth about love is it's all a lie / I thought you were the one and I hate goodbyes / Oh, you want the truth? // The truth about love it's nasty it's salty / It's the regret in the morning, it's the smelling of armpits / It's wings and songs and trees and birds / It's all the poetry that you ever heard Terror coup d'état life line forget-me-nots / It's the hunt and the kill the schemes and the plots / The truth about love is it's blood and it's guts / Purebreds, and mutts, sandwiches without the crust / It takes your breathe ‘cause it leaves a scar / But those untouched never got never got very far / It's rage and it's hate and a sick twist of fate / And that's the truth about love // refrão // Oh you can lose your breath and / Oh you can shoot a gun and / Convinced you're the only one that's ever felt this way before / It hurts inside the hurt within and / It folds togethe pocket thin and / It's whispered by the angels' lips and / It can turn you into a son-of-a-bitch, man / The truth, the truth, the truth about love is / Truth, the truth, the truth about love is // refrão
// refrão // The truth about love
beam me up
There's a whole 'nother conversation going on / In a parallel universe / Where nothin’ breaks and nothin’ hurts / There's a waltz playing frozen in time / Blades of grass on tiny bare feet / I look at you and you're lookin’ at me // refrão Could you beam me up / Give me a minute / I don't know what I'd say in it / I'd probably just stare / Happy just to be there holdin’ your face / Beam me up / Let me be lighter / I'm tired of bein’ a fighter / I think a minute's enough / Just beam me up // Some black birds soarin in the sky / Barely a breath I caught one last sight/ Tell me that was you sayin’ goodbye / There are times I feel the shiver and cold / It only happens when I'm on my own / That's how you tell me I'm not alone // refrão // In my head I see your baby blues / I hear your voice and I / I break in two and now there's / One of me with you / So when I need you can I send you a sign / I'll burn a candle and turn off the lights / I'll pick a star and watch you shine // refrão // Beam me up / Beam me up / Could you beam me up.
One step, two steps / Counting tiles
my hair looks good / 'Cause I haven't
on the floor / Three steps, four steps
slept yet // refrão Make the elevator
/ Guess this means that I'm a whore
/ Come a little faster / I’m pushin’ all
/ Oh oh, hell no / How long till I reach
the buttons / But nothing's happenin’
the door? / F*ck me, my feet are sore
/ Please God don't let anybody see
/ I'm wearing last night's dress / And
me / Please God I'll do anything you
I look like a hot ass mess / Although
ask of me / I promise no more walks of shame / So walk this way / (We're
walking, we're walking) / Walk this way / (We're walking, we're walking)
hands if you've ever been guilty / And clap clap clap it out if you’ve walked with me // refrão // I shouldn't have let / them take my keys take my keys / / Last night's bubble gum / No more
They left me here with too much beer
bubbles no more yum / Where'd I get
/ My friends they hung me out too
the wristband / Tell me there's no
dry / It's not my fault and that's why /
tramp stamp / One two three shoot
I'm doin' the walk of shame // refrão
/ No I know that shit ain't cute / But
// So walk this way / (We're walking,
damn the man it sure is fun / Party ‘till
we're walking) / Walk this way / (We're
the sun wakes up / Okay now raise two
walking, we're walking)
we'll forget, so / Fuck what they say / Let the rum flow until it
// Drink some pink champagne / I don't know you yet / But
look for trouble / Just enough to / See in double // refrão 1
weekend / Hear it calling / Like a siren / Ohhhh / We don't
like a bomb /About to blow off / Here comes comes the
heels and cherry wine / Not wasting any time / We're ticking
and leather tight / Not looking for a fight, no / Ohhhh / High
better for you // refrão 2 I'm tearin up the night / Lipstick
Big city holiday / So get out of my way / If you know what's
weekend / Set off your sirens / Ohhhh // I just wanna play /
weekend / Set off your sirens / Ohhhh / Here comes the
don't like them / Keep it movin’ // refrão 1 Here comes the
siren / Ohhhh / Ohhhh / We don't want no problems / We
Here comes comes the weekend / Hear it calling / Like a
THE WEEKEND Going ah ah ah ah cause //refr達o 1 // Ohhhh // refr達o 1 //
loud / I swear the only thing I hear is the sound /Of sirens /
Security get out the frickin' way / Jesus Chrysler LeBaron, its
are insured / For this building cause we're tearin' it down /
and Urkel / Hangin' from the light fixture / I hope you pricks
that bitch in that Snicker commercial / A mixture of Stifler
hurt you I'll knock your dick in the dirt / Bickerin' worse than
/ This biggie is getting me hype / I don't get some liquor I'll
a medieval knight / Big city lights little indignity / Hot diggity
When I hit it I might act like a frickin' idiot / Diddy mixed with
/ Or Ciroc / I'm not Puffy / But I'ma run this city tonight /
the spot / Im probably not / Gonna be wantin' to pop bubbly
/ only bottles I pop are bottles of pop / so when I pop up in
rains // refr達o 2 // refr達o 1 // Nothin' high class / In my glass
my heart was like a kickdrum / And it silence the guilt I wasn't raised to hurt anyone //refr達o Uh oh / Does he know / That I'm lyin' in the afterglow / That I'm lyin' but I can't go / Can't say no / Make him think he's crazy / While his paranoia grows / What he should be askin' / Is where did our love go / Then I wouldn't be baskin' / In another
bum / Oh oh oh oh (ba da ba bum) / Ba da ba bum / Oh oh oh oh / Oh oh oh oh / I can hear planes flying over my head / Just hours before you occupied my bed / In our darkness we conjured up sunlight / In our haste our need our thirst we lost our sight / But I was inspired tracing the lines on your face / To the poetry the first time I heard
your name / When I trip from your lips
Oh oh oh oh / Oh oh oh oh / Ba da ba
/ How long in lonely supposed to last? / I was naked and waiting for you to come back // refr達o // Oh oh oh oh / Oh oh oh oh / There's a cause and effect although I took the steps / I dove off of the bridge cause I had nothin' left / All I ever wanted was you (oh oh) / And in the absence of you / I fell through // refr達o // Where did the beat go? / Where did de love go?
man's afterglow / Where did the beat go? / Where is the beat? / Where did the beat go? // So how do I justify to the judge and the jury / The voice in my head that caused this fury / Never had to play with matches to start a fire / But it got so cold and I'd thought I'd forgotten desire / I was your concubine and then your madonna / You couldn't see anything beyond your baby's mama
The Great Escape
I can understand how when the edges are rough / And they cut you like the tiniest slivers of glass / And you feel too much / And you don't know how long you're gonna last / But everyone you know / Is tryin' smooth it over / Find a way to make the hurt go away / But everyone you know / Is tryin' smooth it over / Like you're trying to scream under water // refr達o But I won't let you make the great escape / I'm never gonna watch you checkin' out of this place / I'm not gonna lose you / Cause the passion and the pain / Are gonna keep you alive someday / Gonna keep you alive someday // I feel like I could wave my fist in front of your face / And you wouldn't flinch or even feel a thing / And you've retreated to your silent corner / Like you decided / The fight was over for ya / Everyone you know / Is tryin' smooth it over / Find a way to make the hurt go away / Everyone you know / Is tryin' smooth it over / Everyone needs a floor they can fall through // refr達o // I'm terrified of the dark / But not if you go with me / And I won't need a pill / To make me numb / And I wrote the book on runnin' / But that chapter of my life / Will soon be done / I'm the king of the great escape / You're not gonna watch me checkin' out of this place / You're not gonna lose me / Cause the passion and pain / Are gonna keep us alive someday / Yeah the passion and the pain / Are gonna keep us alive someday / Someday
a scene / Add a show just because
Tell you that it's you not me / Make
then I'll break it up make it bleed /
a lie out of the truth / (It's true) / And
over / If you leave it up to me I'll make
number / Catch you when my song is
you what you are / Get in line / Take a
/ Not my fault not at all / I can't help
me give me everything // refr達o Stop!
got a problem with mourn / So give
a way to make an accusation / I've
You see it's just if I'm bored / I found
/ Of bringing out the worst in me /
a confrontation / And you've got a way
I've got a way / Of making everything
to do / I'm not responsib... // refr達o //
it trouble for you / It's how I know how
there's a rule I will bend / That makes
eyes / I'm not a good best friend / If
I don't apologize they would see in my
dreams / I think I kick off the sheets /
tonight // refr達o // I still fight in my
not enough / You won't be riding dirty
tried a different outfit / And if that's
said I would change / I did I went and
need to please me right / You know I
it / I'm just a sensitive babe / And you
And I think it's meam I just don't like
signature move // You call me crazy /
To get it back to you / That's just my
foot / To make a point I can't prove /
the wind blows / Shoot myself in the
? is this thing ON
// The hardest thing to do
// Is the hardest thing / The hardest thing to do // refrão //
/ We’ll be just fine / Either way we need to be happy // refrão
made me think this was the one (the one) / All in good time
replace you / I still love you / I just wanna find the thing that
we're still young and dumb / It'd be so hard / To let go and
first time you saw me / I know it's 10 years on but in my head
hardest thing to do // And I want you / To want me like the
always is just me and you / But it's the hardest thing / The
do we have to try / When everything is too loose? / 'Cause it
do I keep you into me into me / Without faking it too? / What
Tell me, is this thing on? / How do we keep this new / How
We'll be just fine / Either way we need to be happy // refrão
through the world that's already a mess / All in good time /
you and you bore me / And it's hard enough to make it
on my chest / I'm a long night you're the morning / I annoy
something / That's weighing heavy on my heart / And heavy
Got your voice mail / Can you call me at a hotel / There's
Run, run, run / Back to my arms, back to my arms /
to know / Wish the happiness comes and sadness goes /
Wear them proudly on my sleeve / I hope you have the sense
You will hurt and you loose / I've got scars you won't believe /
They will hold you down // Here's the bloody, bloody truth, /
Run, run, run / Back to my arms / They will hold you down /
matter what / Before you walk away / You know you can //
/ But take the best of what I've got / And then you know no
know that you will have to fall / I can't hide you from it all
that I went through / I'm grateful you won't have to do / I
world did me / Keep you safe but keep you sweet / Everything
you / All the things I've said I do / I wouldn't hurt you like the
Oh oh / Oh oh / Oh oh /Oh oh / Remember make believe in
They will hold you down
my mind / Back to my arms / And they will hold you down /
All your smile I’m always gonna save it / You’re in the back of
down // refrão // One of this time I swear I’m not wasting /
/ Run, run, run, / Back to your arms / And they will hold you
you / Run, run, run / Back to your arms / Back to your arms
it / You're in the back of my mind / Whenever I'ma away from
swear I'm not wasting / All your smile I'm always gonna save
my mind / Whenever I'ma away from you / One of this time I
All your smile I'm always gonna save it / You're in the back of
you can // refrão // One of this time I swear I'm not wasting /
you know no matter what / Before you walk away you know
damn about / But take the best of what I've got / And then
Love so hard and play out loud / It's the only thing to give a
good old
1,2,3,4,5 Years go by / I don't really know why / I don't really know why / 7,8,9,11 Years go by / I don't really know why / I don't really know why / I still feel the same way I did when I was 17 / I still look over my shoulder / Waitin for the world to change // refr達o But these are the good old days / These are the good old days / These are the good old days // And I think I'd like to stay / I'd like to stay / I'd like to stay / 1,2,3,4,5 Years ago / I didn't see a belly with a child on the inside / 6,7,8,10 Years ago / I thought I knew about love / I only knew about the fight / I look back / And I realize all those times I was lonely / Praying for / Something to / Hurry up and come and save me // refr達o // And I wish that I could stay / I wish that I could
stay / I wish I could stay / (These are the good old days) / I could stay / (These are the good old days) / And the more that you let it go / The faster the time goes / The darker the night is / The lighter the moon glows / These are the good old days / These are the good old days / 1,2,3,4,5 Years from now / I hope I'm still getting down / I hope I'm still around / But 6,7,8,10 beers ago / I had a revelation / All is well right now / It's all good right now / It's all good right now / It's all good right now // refr達o // And I wish that I could stay // refr達o // And I wish that I could stay // refr達o // And I wish that I could stay / I wish that I could stay / And I wish that I could stay / These are the good old days / And I wish that I could stay // refr達o //
credits ARE WE ALL WE ARE (P!nk, Butck Walker, John Hill, Emile Haynie) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inx./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), I Eat Publishing For Breakfast/EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP), Rodeoman Music / EMI April Music, Inc (ASCAP), Heavycrate Music / Universal Music Corporation (ASCAP) // produced by Butch Walker for Ruby Red Productions, John Hill & Emile Haynie // music by John Hill, Emile Haynie, Butch Walker & Jake Sinclair // keyboards: Zachary Baird // strings performed by Philip A. Peterson // backing vocals by P!nk & Butch Walker engineered by Jake Sinclair & Laura Sisk at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA; Ruby Red Studios, Santa Monica, CA; Sonora Recorders, Los Angeles, CA // mixed by Rich Costey at Eldorado Recording Studios, Los Angeles, CA // pro tools engineer: Chris Kasych // assistant engineered for mix by Eric Isip BLOW ME (ONE LAST KISS) (P!nk, Greg Kurstin) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inx./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Kurstin Music / EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP) // produced by Greg Kurstin // keyboards, guitar, bass, programming: Greg Kurstin // engineered by Greg Kurstin at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA and Echo Studio, Los Angeles, CA // additional engineering by Jesse Shatkin // mixed by Serban Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA // engineered for mix by John Hanes // assistant engineered for mix by Phil Seaford
TRY (Busbee, Ben West) published by BMG Platinum Songs/Hello I Love You Music/ Jam Writers Group (BMI) (all rights adm. by BMG Rights Management US LLC), Legitimate Eforts Music (BMI) // produced by Greg Kurstin // keyboards, guitar, bass, programming: Greg Kurstin // guitars: Kevin Dukes // engineered by Greg Kurstin at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA and Echo Studio, Los Angeles, CA // additional engineering by Jesse Shatkin // mixed by Greg Kurstin at Echo Studio, Los Angeles, CA JUST GIVE ME A REASON featuring Nate Ruess (P!nk, Jeff Bhasker, Nate Ruess) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc. / P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Way Above Music / Sony / ATV Songs LLC (BMI), WB Music Corp. / FR Music & Bearvon Music (ASCAP) (all rights obo itself, FBR Music & Bearvon Music adm. by WB Music Corp.) // produced by Jeff Bhasker // keyboards, programming & synths: Jeff Bhasker // guitars: Anders Mouridsen // recorded by John X. Volaitis at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA // guitars recorded by Pawel Sek &Tyler Johnson at Enormous Studios // mixed by Tony Maserati // assistant engineered for mix Justin Hergett & James Krausse // nate ruess appears courtesy of Fueled by Ramen, LLC TRUE LOVE featuring Lily Rose Cooper (P!nk, Greg Kurstin, Lily Rose Cooper) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Kurstin Music/EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP), Lily Rose Cooper/Universal Music Publishing Ltd. // produced by Greg Kurstin // keyboards, guitar, bass, programming: Greg Kurstin // engineered by Greg Kurstin at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA; Modern World Studios, Tetbury, UK; Echo Studio, Los Angeles, CA // ad-
ditional engineering by Jesse Shatkin // mixed by Greg Kurstin at Echo Studio, Los Angeles, CA lily rose cooper appears courtesy of Parlophone
HOW COME YOU’RE NOT HERE (P!nk, Greg Kurstin) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Kurstin Music/EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP) // produced by Greg Kurstin // keyboards, guitar, bass, programming: Greg Kurstin // bells: Willow Sage Hart // engineered by Greg Kurstin at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA and Echo Studio, Los Angeles, CA // additional engineering by Jesse Shatkin // mixed by Serban Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA // engineered for mix by John Hanes // assistant engineered for mix by Phil Seaford
Schuler // arragend by Billy Mann & Dave “BOyblue” Schuler // acoustic / electric guitars, bass, drum programming: Billy Mann & Dave “BOyblue” Schuler // engineered by Billy Mann & Dave “BOyblue” Schuler at Turtle Sound Studios, Weston, CT & Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA // mixed by Mark Needham at The Ballroom Studio, Los Angeles, CA // assistant engineered for mix by Will Brierre BEAM ME UP (P!nk, Billy Mann) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Tutle first Music/BMG Chrysalis (ASCAP) // produced by Billy Mann for The Well Ltd. // arragend by Billy Mann // acoustic guitar, piano: Billy Mann // strings composed, arranged & performed by Jonathan Yudkin // engineered by Billy Mann & Peter Wallace at Turtle Sound Studios, Weston, CT; Monster Island, Nashville, TN; Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA // mixed by Veronica Ferraro for Manncom at Super Sonic Scale
SLUT LIKE YOU (P!nk, Max Martin, Shellback) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), MXM Music (ASCAP) (adm by Kobalt Songs Music Publishing, Inc.) // produced by Max Martin & Shellback for MXM Productions // keyboards: Max Martin // keyboards, guitar, bass, drums & programming: Shellback // background vocals: Max Martin & Shellback // recorded by Sam holland at Conway Studios, Los Angeles, CA & Eathstar Creation Center, Venic, CA // vocal recording assisted by John X. Volaitis // mixed by Serban Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA // engineered for mix by John Hanes // assistant engineered for mix by Phil Seaford
WALK OF SHAME (P!nk, Greg Kurstin) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inx./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Kurstin Music // produced by Greg Kurstin // keyboards, guitar, bass, programming: Greg Kurstin // engineered by Greg Kurstin at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA and Echo Studio, Los Angeles, CA // additional engineering by Jesse Shatkin // mixed by Greg Kurstin at Echo Studio, Los Angeles, CA
THE TRUTH ABOUT LOVE (P!nk, Billy Mann, David Schuler) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Turtle irst Music/BMG Chrysalis (SESAC), Topline Music/BMG Chrysalis (ASCAP) // produced by Billy Mann for The Well Ltd. // co-produced by Dave “BOyblue”
HERE COMES THE WEEKEND featuring Eminem (P!nk, Khalil Aboul Rahman, Pranam Injeti, Erik Alcock, Luz Rodrigues, Marshall Mathers) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Jaleesa And Mahdis Music (BMI) (adm by Universal Music Publishing, Inc.), Music Speaks (SOCAN)
(adm. by Universal Music Publishing, Inc.) Matriz Music (SOCAN) (adm. by Universal Music Publishing, Inc.), Shroom Shady Music (BMI) (adm. by Warner-Chappel Music, Inc.) // produced by DJ Khalil & Chin Injeti for DJ Khalil Productions LLC // additional production by John Brown // guitars: Eric Alcock // bass: Chin Injeti // keyboards: Danny Keyz & DJ Khalil // background vocals: Liz Rodrigues // recorded at Suit 203 // eminem vocals recorded by Mike Strange at Effigy Studios // mixed by Tony Maserati // assistant engineered for mix Justin Hergett & James Krausse // eminem appears courtesy of Interscope Records WHERE DID THE BEAT GO? (P!nk, Billy Mann, Jon Keep, Steve Daly) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Tutle first Music/BMG Chrysalis (SESAC), BMG Chrysalis/Green & Bloom/Tracklacers(BMI) // produced by Billy Mann for The Well Ltd. // co-produced by Tracklacers for The Well Ltd. // arragend by Billy Mann & Tracklacers // electric guitars, live percussion: Billy Mann // bass/drum programming: Tracklacers // keyboards: Tracklacers & Pete Wallace strings arranged by Pete Wallace e Jonathan Yudkin // strings performed by Jonathan Yudkin // engineered by Billy Mann, Peter Wallace & Jonathan Yudkin at Turtle Sound Studios, Weston, CT; New Track City, London, UK/Los Angeles, CA; Monster Island, Nashville, TN; Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA // mixed by Serban Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA // engineered for mix by John Hanes // assistant engineered for mix by Phil Seaford THE GREAT ESCAPE (P!nk, Dan Wilson) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Chrysalis Music/Sugar Lake Music (ASCAP)
// produced by Dan Wilson // pianom acoustic guitar, keyboard: Dan Wilson // tambourine: Steve Wolf // engineered by John X. Volaitis, John Rausch, Phil Allen & Oliver Straus at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA; Ballroom West, Los Angeles, CA; Mission Sound, Brooklyn, NYC // strings arragend and conducted by David Campbell // strings recorded by Charlie Paakkari at Capitol Studios, Hollywood, CA // strings: // concertmaster: Charlie Bisharat // violins: Sara Parkins, Tamara Hatwan // viola: Andrew Duckles // cello by Serban Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA // engineered for mix by John Hanes // assistant engineered for mix by Phil Seaford MY SIGNATURE MOVE (P!nk, Butck Walker, Jake Sinclair) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), I Eat Publishing For Breakfast/EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP), Manes and Reins Publishing (BMI) // produced by Butch Walker for Ruby Red Productions // music by Butch Walker & Jake Sinclair // backing vocals by P!nk, Butch Walker & Jake Sinclair // engineered by Jake Sinclair at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA & Ruby Red Studios, Santa Monica, CA // mixed by Jake Sinclair at Ruby Red Studios, Santa Monica, CA IS THIS THING ON? (P!nk, Butck Walker, Jake Sinclair) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), I Eat Publishing For Breakfast/EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP), Manes and Reins Publishing (BMI) // produced by Butch Walker for Ruby Red Productions // music by Butch Walker & Jake Sinclair // backing vocals by P!nk, Butch Walker & Jake Sinclair // engineered by Jake Sinclair at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA & Ruby Red Studios, Santa Monica, CA // mixed by Jake Sinclair at Ruby Red Studios, Santa Monica, CA
EXECUTE PRODUCER: P!NK RUN (P!nk, Butck Walker, Jake Sinclair) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), I Eat Publishing For Breakfast/EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP), Manes and Reins Publishing (BMI)produced by Butch Walker for Ruby Red Productions // music by Butch Walker & Jake Sinclair // backing vocals by P!nk, Butch Walker & Jake Sinclair // children’s vocal by Boyce Buchanan // children’s vocal director: Barara Klaskin Silber // engineered by Jake Sinclair at Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA & Ruby Red Studios, Santa Monica, CA // mixed by Jake Sinclair at Ruby Red Studios, Santa Monica, CA GOOD OLD DAYS (P!nk, Billy Mann, David Schuler) published by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc./P!nk Inside Publishing (BMI), Tutle first Music/BMG Chrysalis (SESAC), Topline Music/BMG Chrysalis (ASCAP) // produced by Billy Mann for The Well Ltd. // co-produced by Dave “BOyblue” Schuler for the Well Ltd. // arragend by Billy Mann & Dave “BOyblue” Schuler // acoustic / electric guitars, bass, drum, keyboard programming: Billy Mann & Dave “BOyblue” Schuler // engineered by Billy Mann & Dave “BOyblue” Schuler at Turtle Sound Studios, Weston, CT & Earthstar Creation Center, Venice, CA // mixed by Servan Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA // engineered for mix by John Hanes // assistant engineered for mix by Phil Seaford
album mastered by Tom Coyne at Sterling Sound, NYC management: Roger Davies for RDWM Shady Farshadfar - Irene Taylor - Lisa Garrett photography Andrew Macpherson & Deborah Anderson art direction & design: Jeri Heiden & Nick Steinhardt, Smog Design, Inc. tour manager: Nick Cua tour coordinator: Bill Buntain tour creative director: Baz Halpin legal presentation: Don Passman, Gene Salomon & Helen Stotler business management: Nancy Chapman, Teresa Polyak & Otto Perez