Line of Departure- The Enlisted Oath

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The Enlisted Oath In 1969 a patriotic comedian named Red Skelton broke-down The Pledge of Allegiance word-for-word on his weekly television show (The Red Skelton Hour). I recently stumbled onto a video of this original presentation, and found it to be quite thought provoking. Thus I decided to do the same with the enlisted oath. The Enlisted Oath: Many of us have restated and reaffirmed our oath of service, but how many of us have truly considered the meaning of those words? *I* – me, an individual, a committee of one *Do solemnly swear (or affirm)* -- to do in a somber, serious and earnest manner *That I will support* – to hold in a position so as to keep from falling *And defend*—to fight in order to keep safe and free *The Constitution* – the fundamental organic law of our land *Of the United States* – 50 individual sovereign states united in a common purpose and love for country *Against* – in resistance to or defense from *All enemies* – one who feels hatred toward, intends to injure or opposes interests of *Foreign* – derived from another country or nation *And domestic* -- stemming from our own country (like homegrown terrorist) *That I will bear* -- remain firm, support, uphold *True faith*-- sincerely conforming to; a strong, confident belief *And Allegiance to the same*-- my love and my devotion The rest of the oath, (printed below) deals with obeying orders, regulations and the uniform code of military justice. I, [Name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Orders of the Officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the uniform code of military justice. So help me God.

Words have meaning! The oath is an affirmation of a service member’s loyalty, allegiance and willingness to sacrifice. Thank you for your service. Semper Fi, Sgt. Maj. Michael E. Sprague Force Headquarters Group Marine Forces Reserve

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