MI International Brochure

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m a r ine inst i tu t e me mor ia l univ e r s i t y of ne w fo und l a n d

G lo b a l D ev elo pm e nt Co nsu lti ng Pa rtner s


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At the Marine Institute, we focus on education, training and applied research for the oceans industries. But we also do so much more. Through our international consulting arm, MI International, we provide practical applications and real world solutions to real world challenges. Our specialty is in the fisheries, maritime studies and ocean technology. As a global development consulting partner, we work side by side with our clients. Our collaborative

out on t he le a ding edge

partnerships bring strong support to our partners’ projects,

The Marine Institute is located in Newfoundland and

enabling them to achieve their business, social, economic

Labrador, a rugged island off Canada’s East Coast. It is a part of

and environmental goals.

Memorial University of Newfoundland, the largest university in eastern Canada. Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, we are steeped in our maritime culture and heritage—our ocean experience and expertise runs deep. Over our 500 year history, collaboration and innovation have been key to our survival. It is in this spirit that we bring our ocean knowledge and project management capacities to the world. Our knowledge of the ocean as well as our core team’s combined years of experience has made us North America’s most comprehensive centre for education, applied research and industrial support for the ocean industries.


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Glob al expert s in a variet y of f iel ds

As a facilitator of training and capacity development, we bring our expertise to where you are. Our experts have an entrepreneurial spirit—we are ready to work from the beaches to the boardroom. Our specialties are vast and include sustainable coastal management, offshore oil industry, coastal tourism, institutional capacity development, distance education and learning technologies, aquaculture and simulation. Supported by a strong academic institution, we draw from the specialists at the Marine Institute, as well as from experts from around the world, to bring together the best possible team to work on projects. A hallmark of the Marine Institute is our collaborative culture. We work together with local and global partners to build capacity through education and training, and to build local expertise in the field. We also encourage people to share their ideas and provide constructive feedback.


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‌on the ocea n

‌ in coa s ta l indus t ries Our unique global perspective helps find solutions in these coastal industries: Climate change/coastal resource management and sustainability Environmentally sound and sustainable resource utilization is vital to coastal communities. Sustainable aquaculture/fisheries Advanced technologies in agrifoods and fisheries, production and harvesting.

The ocean industries are evolving. We create and apply innovative technology solutions to make operations safer, more efficient and environmentally sustainable. Our marine and ocean technology experts help ocean industries stay competitive. We work in: Ocean technology Including ROV/mapping/ocean instrumentation. Maritime transportation Supporting international standardization. Oil/gas/safety and emergency response Including international standards and certification. Port simulation and security Our world-class simulation technology can bring any ocean-based project to life. The Marine Institute is up-to-the-minute on all international safety standards. www.mi.mun.ca/mi_international

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…and even on th e l a nd We help build learning institutions and enhance technical vocational education systems. Recognized for our vibrant learning culture, we are in high demand to apply our experience in using technologies to enhance teaching and learning. We work with rural farmers by training them in ways to get their products from field to market more efficiently and with less spoilage.


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Marine Institute St. John’s Newfoundland & Labrador Canada

MI International has implemented more than 75 projects funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), as well as numerous projects with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), African Development Bank (AfDB), Care International, Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Hariri Foundation, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED), government agencies as well as private sector organizations.

O ur de ve lopment a round the globe

Infinite possib i l i ties

For over 30 years,

The Marine Institute is an ideal partner. We are known for our solid

MI International has

approach to designing, developing and delivering international projects.

implemented more

We have a sound understanding of international development agencies

than 200 projects in

and policies as well as alliances with other educational institutes, the

over 50 countries,

private sector, community

making it one of the

groups and government

most internationally

agencies. For more

active institutes in Canada. Activities range from short consultations

information or to discuss

to multi-year, multi-partner projects for clients such as multilateral

a partnership with us,

development banks, governments, aid agencies, consulting firms

please feel free to contact

and the private sector.

us at miintl@mi.mun.ca.


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MI International fisheries and marine institute of memorial university of newfoundland P.O. Box 4920 St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador Canada A1C 5R3 TEL: 01 709 778 0483 or 0484 Fax: 01 709 778 0371 email: miintl@mi.mun.ca www.mi.mun.ca/MI_INTERNATIONAL 066-350-11-12-1,500

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