Medicare for All

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Panzone Classroom

October 18, 2018

From Chapter 9 of my Book

“Dear Mr. Trump, Canada Deserves More Respect” AMERICANS LIKE MEDICAL CARE FOR ALL One for All and All for One One of the main issues contributing to high medical insurance rates in America is the fact that too many young individuals don’t want to participate because they don’t expect to require medical services until they get sick or get are old. So, why pay for someone else’s health care in the meantime. Perhaps the American Health Care Plan would become more affordable, if it adopted the “All for one and one for all” slogan of Alexandre Dumas’ 3 Musketeers of old France.

So, Mr. Trump, here we are: Health Care, the huge albatross around your neck. (An albatross is a huge sea bird that brings bad luck to sailors) Remember the grade 9 poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Let me set the record straight. Americans have always been told that universal health care is a Socialist idea, part of a Communist system and therefore not good for them. Lies, fake news, that’s what that is. You already have it, but only for those over 65. You call it Medicaid. Why don’t you just extend it to everyone and be done with this subject. As a result, for example, 5,400 fewer babies would die in infancy, and you'd save about $1.3 trillion dollars in healthcare spending. Universal health care, done fairly, will enshrine you on Mount Rushmore because it will save millions and millions of lives and cause the economy to rise to the lofty numbers you always talk about. You see, Mr. Trump, all the countries that have high flying economies have universal health care.

For those of you who don’t like to read, I’ve selected a few American videos from Indiana U, (where Mr. Pence comes from), that discuss universal medical coverage. You’ll see that there is nothing Communist about it but your doctors, who will still remain independent, will have to take a bit less and your medicine providers, who have been gouging you for decades, will have to charge you the same as they charge in other countries. The medical insurance providers will reorganize their programs to provide services that complement the basic Medicaid program. And, many of your senators, like Mitch McConnell, who became rich after they were elected, won’t have to explain how that happened. The videos below compare the American health care system to the Canadian system. Dr. Carroll has done these comparisons for several of the most industrialized countries. The videos are available on You Tube. I hope you find these as illuminating as I did.Why Are The Healthcare System of the United States - YouTube by Dr. Aaron Carroll, Health Care Triage, Indiana U - 7:36 min. Feb. 17, 2014 Canada's Healthcare System Explained! - YouTube by Dr. Aaron Carroll, Health Care Triage, Indiana U - 7:25 min. Feb. 23, 2014 Aaron Carroll (Part 1) Healthcare Triage – You Tube Interview with Dr. Aaron Carroll Indiana U about Healthcare Triage. 15:54 min. Nov. 12, 2014

American Health Care Costs So High? – Aug.

20, 2013

In this video, John Green discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world. Along the way, he reveals some surprising information, including the fact that Americans spend more of their tax dollars on public health care than people in Canada, the UK, or Australia. Who's at fault? Insurance companies? Drug companies? Malpractice lawyers? Hospitals? Or is it more complicated than a simple blame game? (Hint: It's that one.) For a much more thorough and unbiased examination of health care expenses in America, I recommend that you simply Google “Health Care in America”. You’ll find millions of articles.

The Affordable Care Act Five Years Later – March 24, 2015

John Green paused, five years after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, to consider what was known, up to that point, about the law's effectiveness and repercussions. He also looked at health care in the United States more generally, and the limited scope of the Affordable Care Act, relative to the size of the overall health care system in the U.S.

Future of Health Care in USA As you move forward toward a more equitable health care system for all, keep in mind the story of the mom and her love for her sick child. How can you not make it easy for all those who need care but can’t afford it? Mom publishes son’s surgery bill in protest at Trumpcare It looks like our system is much better and more cost-effective than yours. Canadians to Americans Video: Our Health care is better than yours. Ali Velshi

Rep. Jim Jordan

The Panzone Report Tom Panzone Burnaby, BC @Tom_Panzone

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