Sober Like a Judge

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Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

When the fix is in, it’s called a Cabal (cabal, n. a secret political clique or faction) Definition: Cabal is an ancient word used to describe a small group of people united in some close design, usually to promote their private views of or interests in an ideology, state, or other community, often by intrigue and usually unbeknownst to those outside their group. Wikipedia

Background: In America, as long as we can see them and figure out what they are up to, (like at school, at work or in an association) we call these little groups a clique (social), a posse (malevolent) or a gang (violent). These are contemporary names but since the beginning of time, there have been such groups who had nefarious intentions. For centuries these have survived all attempts to eliminate them. Today, they have evolved into these: The Black Hand, The Mafia, Bohemian Grove (Regan, Nixon, Bush Sr), The Club of Rome (Trudeau, Gorbachev), Opus Dei (Vatican, Calvi) , Skull & Bones (Founded the CIA, Bush Sr & Jr & John Kerry), The Free Masons (FBI’s L. Edgar Hoover, Shaquille O’Neil, Jesse Jackson, Steve Wozniak, Wilde, Churchill, Mozart), The Circle (Mitterand, Europe unification, kills socialist leaders like the PM of Sweden), The Bilderberg Group (Promoting World Free Trade, Angela Merkle, King Juan Carlos of Spain, IBM, Google, Shell, Coke, Nestle, Vodafone, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook who keeps sharing our info with the world), P2 (Propaganda Due, Berluscone, Government topplers, very dangerous enforcers). Most of these began with good intentions but too often devolved into nefarious activities just to gain power and control over people. Today, modern American secret society members include such recognizable names as: FOX NEWS Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, now a best-selling author, and internet provocateur Matt Drudge. Members must also include Trump confidants such as Jeanine Piro and Shawn Hannity. Don’t be surprised if you find most of the Supreme Court Justices are also members of bad secret societies. For example, SCOTUS removed the limits to how much corporations and unions can give to political campaigns. This means that elections can now be bought. Any nonpartisan court would never approve this.

So, when you start thinking about politics in this broad scope, you can’t help thinking of conspiracy. Who else is in on it? Senators, Congressmen, Tele-evangelists and Talk-Show hosts? Especially the crazier ones. So, if you wonder why the Senate and the White House are pushing so hard to approve Kavanaugh, now you know. He has been one of those specially selected 15 male juniors at Yale deemed to become major leaders. It was pre-ordained. These kids can do no wrong. They are entitled. It doesn’t matter what the FBI finds out, they are in on it too. Although improper and sad, today’s sexual harassment stories play a small role the overall scheme of things. I hope you enjoy this booklet. It intends to show that Kavanaugh does not have the character necessary to sit on the SCOTUS and that some of those charged with passing judgement on his approval are, like Trump, either senile or compromised. ###

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

Page... On September 27, during the Judicial Committee’s hearing on his nomination, Brett Kavanaugh’s angry opening remarks referenced a right-wing conspiracy to destroy his reputation and his family. He mentioned false accusations, Hillary Clinton, the focus on his education and his altarboy lifestyle. With every difficult question, he harped on the same prepared talking points, which he had practiced for 2 weeks during intensive 9-hour daily sessions at the White House. Imagine having to train and practice to tell the “truth”. Well the mind-boggling story below, as told to NBC News by Kavanaugh’s old GOP friend David Brock, reveals the sordid background to the events that unfolded this week and the reasons why Trump is so afraid of Avenatti and wants to limit the investigation into Kavanaugh’s recent accusations and background. Here’s the real story… This is scary and a MUT READ! You can fact-check it here.

September 25 at 3:46 PM · David Brock on NBC: “I used to know Brett Kavanaugh pretty well. And, when I think of Brett now, in the midst of his hearings for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, all I can think of is the old "Aesop's Fables" adage: "A man is known by the company he keeps." And that's why I want to tell any senator who cares about our democracy: Vote No.

Where does Hillary Clinton fit in? Answer: All over the place. Read-on. Twenty years ago, when I was a conservative movement stalwart, I got to know Brett Kavanaugh both professionally and personally. Brett, actually, makes a cameo appearance in my memoir of my time in the GOP, "Blinded by The Right." I describe him at a party full of zealous young conservatives gathered to watch President Bill Clinton's 1998 State of the Union address — just weeks after the story of his affair with a White House intern had broken. When the TV camera panned to Hillary Clinton, I saw Brett — at the time a key lieutenant of Ken Starr, the independent counsel investigating various Clinton scandals — mouth the word "bitch."

When the fix is in, it’s called a Cabal (cabal, n. a secret political clique or faction) Definition: A cabal is a small group of people united in some close design, usually to promote their private views of or interests in an ideology, state, or other community, often by intrigue and usually unbeknownst to those outside their group. Wikipedia

Groomed for control But there's a lot more to know about Kavanaugh than just his Pavlovian response to Hillary's image. Brett and I were part of a close circle of cold, cynical and ambitious hard-right operatives being groomed by GOP elders for much bigger roles in politics, government and media. And it’s those controversial associations that should give members of the Senate and the American public serious pause. Con’t ...

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

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Call it Kavanaugh's cabal. Recognize the names? There was his colleague on the Starr investigation, Alex Azar, now the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mark Paoletta is now chief counsel to Vice President Mike Pence; House antiClinton gumshoe Barbara Comstock is now a Republican member of Congress. Future Fox News personalities Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson were there with Ann Coulter, now a bestselling author, and internet provocateur Matt Drudge. At one time or another, each of them partied at my Georgetown townhouse amid much booze and a thick air of cigar smoke. In a rough division of labor, Kavanaugh played the role of lawyer — one of the sharp young minds recruited by the Federalist Society to infiltrate the federal judiciary with true believers. Through that network, Kavanaugh was mentored by D.C. Appeals Court Judge Laurence Silberman, known among his colleagues for planting leaks in the press for partisan advantage.

Kavanaugh – the well-trained designated leaker When, as I came to know, Kavanaugh took on the role of designated leaker to the press of sensitive information from Starr's operation, we all laughed that Larry had taught him well. (Of course, that sort of political opportunism by a prosecutor is at best unethical, if not illegal.)

Who were “The Elves”? Connecting the dots, yet? Another compatriot was George Conway (now Kellyanne's husband), who led a secretive group of right-wing lawyers — we called them "the elves" — who worked behind the scenes directing the litigation team of Paula Jones, who had sued Clinton for sexual harassment. I knew then that information was flowing quietly from the Jones team via Conway to Starr's office — and, also that Conway's go-to man was none other than Brett Kavanaugh. That critical flow of inside information allowed Starr, in effect, to set a perjury trap for Clinton, laying the foundation for a crazed national political crisis and an unjust impeachment over a consensual affair.

The Secret Campaign Against the Clintons But the cabal's godfather was Ted Olson, the then-future solicitor general for George W. Bush and now a sainted figure of the GOP establishment (and of some liberals for his role in legalizing same-sex marriage). Olson had a largely hidden role as a consigliere to the "Arkansas Project" — a multi-million dollar dirt-digging operation on the Clintons, funded by the eccentric right-wing billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife and run through The American Spectator magazine, where I worked at the time.

Obsessed with Hillary

Honorary Skull & Bones

Both Ted and Brett had what one could only be called an unhealthy obsession with the Clintons — especially Hillary. While Ted was pushing through the Arkansas Project conspiracy theories claiming that Clinton White House lawyer and Hillary friend Vincent Foster was murdered (he committed suicide), Brett was costing taxpayers millions by peddling the same garbage at Starr's office. Con’t ,,,

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

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Kavanaugh—A really dishonest person! A detailed analysis of Kavanaugh's own notes from the Starr Investigation reveals he was cherry -picking random bits of information from the Starr investigation — as well as the multiple previous investigations — attempting vainly to legitimize wild right-wing conspiracies. For years he chased down each one of them without regard to the emotional cost to Foster’s family and friends, or even common decency.

Kavanaugh – Master creator of Fake News! Kavanaugh was not a dispassionate finder of fact but rather an engineer of a political smear campaign. And after decades of that, he expects people to believe he's changed his stripes.

Final comment Like millions of Americans this week, I tuned into Kavanaugh's hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee with great interest. In his opening statement and subsequent testimony, Kavanaugh presented himself as a "neutral and impartial arbiter" of the law. Judges, he said, were not players but akin to umpires — objectively calling balls and strikes. Again and again, he stressed his "independence" from partisan political influences.

But I don't need to see any documents to tell you who Kavanaugh is — because I've known him for years. And I'll leave it to all the lawyers to parse Kavanaugh's views on everything from privacy rights to gun rights. But I can promise you that any pretense of simply being a fair arbiter of the constitutionality of any policy regardless of politics is simply a pretense. He made up his mind nearly a generation ago — and, if he's confirmed, he'll have nearly two generations to impose it upon the rest of us." ###

Why is the White House hiding 100,000 Kavanaugh documents?

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

by Andy Menconi (1,000+ signatures) 1/3 Less than an hour after Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Yale Law School issued a press release praising their alumnus, Kavanaugh, in superlative language. Yale Law’s Dean, Heather Gerken, offered this breathless praise: “I have known Brett Kavanaugh for many years. I can personally attest that, in addition to his government and judicial service, Judge Kavanaugh has been a long time friend to many of us in the Yale Law School community. Ever since I joined the faculty, I have admired him for serving as a teacher and mentor to our students and for hiring a diverse set of clerks, in all respects, during his time on the court.” The backlash from Yale Law alumni who actually care about the fate of Roe vs Wade specifically, and the Court’s swing towards the Right more broadly, was swift. They published this open letter the next day, which has already garnered almost a thousand signatures. Letter - July 10, 2018 To: Dean Gerken and the Yale Law School leadership, We write today as Yale Law students, alumni, and educators ashamed of our alma mater. Within an hour of Donald Trump’s announcement that he would nominate Brett Kavanaugh, YLS ‘90, to the Supreme Court, the law school published a press release boasting of its alumnus’s accomplishment. The school’s post included quotes from Yale Law School professors about Judge Kavanaugh’s intellect, influence and mentorship of their students. Yet the press release’s focus on the nominee’s professionalism, pedigree, and service to Yale Law School obscures the true stakes of his nomination and raises a disturbing question: “Is there nothing more important to Yale Law School than its proximity to power and prestige?”

Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination presents an emergency — for democratic life, for our safety and freedom, for the future of our country. His nomination is not an interesting intellectual exercise to be debated amongst classmates and scholars in seminars. Support for Judge Kavanaugh is not apolitical. It is a political choice about the meaning of the constitution and our vision of democracy, a choice with real consequences for real people. Without a doubt, Judge Kavanaugh is a threat to the most vulnerable. He is a threat to many of us, despite the privilege bestowed by our education, simply because of who we are. Since his campaign launched, Trump has repeatedly promised to appoint justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. Overturning that decision would endanger the lives of countless people who need or may need abortions — including many who sign this letter. Trump’s nomination of Judge Kavanaugh is a reliable way to fulfill his oath. Just a few months ago, Judge Kavanaugh ruled to deny a detained immigrant minor her constitutional right to abortion … Con’t

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

by Andy Menconi (1,000+ signatures) 2/3

Kavanaugh plays dirty with 17-year old pregnant immigrant! Decades-old Supreme Court precedent makes clear that the government may not place an undue burden on a pregnant person’s access to abortion. But Judge Kavanaugh clearly did not feel constrained by precedent: what could be a greater obstacle than a cage? The minor had never wavered in her decision to seek an abortion and had received a judicial bypass from a state judge who found that she was competent to make the decision. Yet Kavanaugh condescendingly and disingenuously held that she must wait weeks until she was in a “better place” to make a choice about her own bodily autonomy — at which point she might not be able to have a legal abortion. Further, Kavanaugh argued that to require immigration authorities to stop blocking her from accessing this right would force the government into complicity. The judge employed similar spurious reasoning in a 2015 dissent arguing that the ACA’s contraceptive mandate violated the rights of religious organizations, even though those organizations were granted an accommodation that allowed them to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage. Kavanaugh’s opinions give us grave concern that he will consistently prioritize the beliefs of third-parties over the rights of the oppressed — not only when it comes to abortion and contraception, but also regarding other forms of medical care (including care for transgender patients), family privacy, and sexual liberty. Litigants harness this same logic when arguing that institutions have a religious right to discriminate against LGBT people — an issue the Court is certain to take up in the years to come.

Kavanaugh: Trump’s rubber stamper in chief. Judge Kavanaugh would also act as a rubber stamp for President Trump’s fraud and abuse. Despite working with independent counsel Ken Starr to prosecute Bill Clinton, Judge Kavanaugh has since called upon Congress to exempt sitting presidents from civil suits, criminal investigations, and criminal prosecutions. He has also noted that “a serious constitutional question exists regarding whether a president can be criminally indicted and tried while in office.” This reversal does not reflect high-minded consideration but rather naked partisanship. At a time when the President and his associates are under investigation for various serious crimes, including colluding with the Russian government and obstructing justice, Judge Kavanaugh’s extreme deference to the Executive poses a direct threat to our democracy. As part of his assault on the administrative state — based not in law, as he claims, but on policy preference — Judge Kavanaugh has undermined attempts to protect the environment and regulate predatory lenders and for-profit colleges. He has called now-defunct Net Neutrality regulations violations of the First Amendment. If elevated, the judge would pose an existential threat to the government’s ability to regulate for the common good and further twist the First Amendment beyond recognition, using it as a sword to advance his personal political preferences. His appointment would usher in a new era of Lochner, with “black-robed rulers overriding citizens’ choices.”... Con’t.

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

by Andy Menconi (1,000+ signatures) 3/3

Kavanaugh an “...intellectually and morally bankrupt ideologue…” Judge Kavanaugh has consistently protected the interests of powerful institutions and disregarded the rights of vulnerable individuals. On the D.C. Circuit he denied a student with disabilities access to the remedial education he was promised after he emerged from juvenile detention. In a 2008 dissent, Judge Kavanaugh argued undocumented workers are not protected by labor laws. In 2016, Judge Kavanaugh ruled that employers can require employees to waive their right to picket. In a concurrence, he argued that the National Security Agency’s sweeping call surveillance program was consistent with the Fourth Amendment. As an attorney, he advocated for prayer at open public-school events in brazen contravention of our country’s separation of church and state. The list goes on. We see in these rulings an intellectually and morally bankrupt ideologue intent on rolling back our rights and the rights of our clients. Judge Kavanaugh’s resume is certainly marked by prestige, groomed for exactly this nomination. But degrees and clerkships should not be the only, or even the primary, credential for a Supreme Court appointment. A commitment to law and justice is.

Now is the time for moral courage — which for Yale Law School comes at so little cost. Perhaps you, as an institution and as individuals, will benefit less from Judge Kavanaugh’s ascendant power if you withhold your support. Perhaps Judge Kavanaugh will be less likely to hire your favorite students. But people will die if he is confirmed. We hope you agree your sacrifice would be worth it. Please use your authority and platform to expose the stakes of this moment and the threat that Judge Kavanaugh poses. ### Signed, July 18/18

Gen. George Patton

October 3 2018

Came in drunk. Wife knows it.

Kavanaugh loves beer too much.

Kavanaugh Mean Drunk

Hello again. Ever wondered what it’s like when you have a drinking problem? There are 4 types of drunks. Researchers who studied our drunk and sober selves found that we fall into 1 of 4 categories when drinking: the Hemmingway, who has the same personality whether sober or drunk, the Mary Poppins, who goes from sweet and happy to even more outgoing and loving, the Nutty Professor, a quiet introvert who becomes an uninhibited attention-lover, or the Mr. Hyde, who like Kavanaugh suddenly turns hostile and irresponsible. So, even a couple of brewskis for lunch will ruin your afternoon or career.

October 3 2018

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

Alcohol and Sex Don’t Mix Contrary to popular belief, alcohol is not an aphrodisiac and can actually inhibit your ability to attain an erection and orgasm. While it enables people to overcome their sexual inhibitions or anxieties, excessive alcohol also has a negative physiological effect on the penis.

Is a Whiskey Dick real? Drinking copious amounts of alcohol will affect your sex life, but this isn’t just limited to whiskey. One type of alcohol is not different from another when it comes to its influence on sexual performance. The blood alcohol level, what you’ve eaten, and your weight are what determine the effect alcohol has on your body.

Avoid Whiskey Dick, drink in moderation To avoid the dreaded Whiskey Dick, you don’t necessarily have to stop drinking alcohol. Just drink in moderation. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines moderate drinking as no more than two drinks a day for men, and one drink a day for women. The liver can only process 1 ounce of liquor or one standard drink in one hour. Consuming more than this will lead the system to become saturated, where extra alcohol will increase in the blood and body tissues, until the liver is ready to metabolize it again. Until then, high blood alcohol concentration will last for several hours and affect you physiologically. This means

that ‘the spirit may be willing but the flesh will be weak’. Given that Kavanaugh has been drinking an excessive amount of beer since he was a kid, he probably has had a problem with Whiskey Dick all his life. And, his liver isn’t very happy either. Did he make his own children or did he have help?

Classic Signs of Cocaine Addiction (Rehab Centers FAQ) Since cocaine users sometimes may not be able to identify their own addiction, it may be up to family and friends to look for signs of cocaine use. If your loved one is using cocaine, you may recognize some of these classic signs of cocaine use: Kavanaugh demonstrated the points highlighted in red during his hearing last week. The same ones observed in Trump during his rallies. • • • • • • • •

Enlarged pupils so dilated that eyes look almost entirely black. Restlessness, increased alertness and energy. Loss of interest in food; weight loss. Loss of interest in sleep; insomnia. Talkativeness, fast speech or scattered speech – skipping from topic to topic. Dramatic mood changes: elated, irritable, depressed, argumentative, aggressive. Increased heart rate. Nasal congestion.

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

Dementia is a non-partisan disease. It is very sad to see it happen to someone you love. A neurologist said, recently, that dementia should be called "failure of the brain," because the other names are nebulous and do not show the severity of the disease to most people. As the patient's brain slowly dies, you know they've changed physically, and co-workers are often in shock!! Victims will eventually end up bedridden, unable to move, and unable to eat or drink. But it is the different phases beforehand that are just as painful., like when elected officials suddenly espouse positions they never would have taken if completely healthy.

The day they suddenly forget how to dress themselves, and become confused or combative when you try to fix the shirt, or pants, they've put on backwards. When they repeatedly ask where their life-long mate is while looking straight at him/her. When they remove their eyeglasses that weren’t there. When they are confused, angry, or frightened, because they are still partially aware of who they were, yet are no longer in control. They know, at first, when reasoning fails them and the brain freezes like a computer. It hurts. And, then they don’t realize it. It’s too late. There will be people who will scroll by this message because dementia has not touched them. They don't know what it is to fight or to have a loved one who leads a battle against dementia. Just look at some of your old Senators. They may be working hard but, you can see that they are mentally struggling, some days, a mere shadow of their old self. Others never get old. Go figure. It’s wonderful to still be working at a ripe old age. But, for some, there will be tasks that are no longer easy and responsibilities they can no longer carry out effectively and responsibly. I believe that there should be age and term limits for all elected officials. We all deserve peak functioning people who are at their best while making decisions that affect a population. Lifelong jobs should end at age 65. Give younger people a chance to contribute.

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

A smart lawyer never asks questions to which he doesn’t already know the answers. It’s the result of investigation and research. So, imagine if Matlock was interviewing Kavanaugh. We would have certainly learned a lot more about Kavanaugh’s drinking habits, temperament and consequences. Ben Matlock was a master questioner. Using open-ended questions, those that start with “How” and “Why” and require descriptive answers, Ben would develop his questioning to establish a specific point. Supplemented by charts, he would show that drinking in the amounts consumed by Kavanaugh describes a sick alcoholic. Again, using a chart, he would further pursue his line of questions to determine what type of drinker he was and establish him as a mean drunk, even at 17. This is relevant because he is accused of attempted rape of a minor, a 15-year old girl. That was a crime and still is in the state of Maryland. However, closed-ended questions are very useful in establishing the facts and advance the interrogation. Although, they usually only require “Yes, No, specific Time. Date or Number, etc.” answers. They can tell us much more, especially when you cleverly mix them with open-ended questions. For example, to help establish the facts of the case, Ben would ask a series of questions such as “When did you have your first drink? Where were you? When was the first time you got drunk? How do you know you were drunk? How did it feel? Did anything happen? Did someone have to take you home? Did you get into fights? Were you ever arrested? Do you have a favorite brand of beer? Which one? Do you ever have only one beer or do you always guzzle down multiples? What is the most you have ever drunk in one day? With your friends, did you play drinking games? You said earlier that you tried hard to be the best student. Which drinking game were you best at? They say that excessive drinking wreaks havoc on your sex life. Are you diabetic? Do you take Viagra or similar for Erectile Dysfunction? When was your last physical? Did you have to take one for this job? How’s your liver after 40 years of excessive drinking? It can only process 1oz of alcohol per hour. Do you take meds to control your temper? Did you only drink beer or did you drink other alcohol? What?“ (Using a chart) “Your disjointed answers, aggressive manner, mood swings and nasal congestion (sniffing) are all sign of those with a cocaine habit. Do you use cocaine? Let’s invite your wife Ashley to answer a few questions under oath to see if your answers were true. “ You see where Matlock was going with that line of questioning. He would do the same thing to make Kavanaugh show that he knew about under-age drinking laws, assaulting minors and lying to save his hide. Like his drinking buddy Mark Judge, Kavanaugh is an alcoholic, but one who has not yet admitted to himself that he has been addicted to alcohol for a long time. Although this Senate inquiry is nor a criminal trial, Kavanaugh’s character is very important in the job for which he is applying - JUSTICE of SCOTUS. ###

Sober Like a Judge

October 3, 2018

Whether you have gone senile or have sold your soul to Trump, It’s never ok to sexually or physically abuse women or men. It’s never ok to scream outrage when men report 30year old sexual abuse from priests but claim doubt when women report the same thing. The Supreme Court is the last refuge of civility, a bastion of propriety. Its special members must be above all reproach. The Senate Judiciary Committee that approves these members must also reflect the same values. These are the folks that protect the nation from selfish unscrupulous politicians and administrators. Therefore, this Judicial Committee must take pause when a Supreme Court nominee like Brett Kavanaugh, in collusion with the White House, refuses to provide 100,000 files about his legal disposition during his long career and evokes accusations of misconduct and intense national disapproval.

Trump greets the love of his life, his daughter Ivanka.

Sexual misconduct is particularly offensive when applied to a Superior Court Judge and sanctioned by an immoral President like Trump. Kavanaugh should withdraw his candidacy and all members of the Judicial Committee over 65 should resign to be replaced by younger more qualified men and women.

The Panzone Report Tom Panzone Burnaby, BC @Tom_Panzone

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