Fascism vs Democracy - Trump a Fascist Menace

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America’s “Duce”

October 25, 2018


Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultra-nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, intimidation, forcible suppression of opposition and media, supported by strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

Panzone’s Classroom

Fascism vs Democracy

October 25, 2018


Today, I plan to show you how the Trump team is cleverly leading us into becoming an authoritarian country. So, please pay attention and VOTE BLUE!

Trump is a Fascist Menace

October 23, 2018

Beware America, you are in peril. Trump’s rally declaration yesterday proclaiming himself a Nationalist was evidence that his Fascist agenda was secure and a signal to begin phase 2. “Nationalist” is the rallying cry of the Fascist movement. It was a code word for his paramilitary gangs “go ahead, do what you have to do.” The pipe-bomb attacks on key politicians and leading vocal opponents was underway the next morning. It is part of a well planned attack on democracy. There will be much more. They have been planning this for a very long time. Examine the adjoining poster about the warning signs of Fascism and juxtapose those points to everything the Trump administration has done in the past 2 years. You will quickly realize that Trump has smoothly executed a Fascist take over of America. The only thing his bosses don’t like is when he goes off script. Watch the escalation of Fascist rhetoric and activities in the coming days. You will remain speechless!

Fascism is

a type of one-party dictatorship form of government. Fascists are against democracy and work towards the creation of a totalitarian one-party state. Their ideology reflects the Alt-Right philosophy. It is characterised by a strong emphasis on nationalism, patriotism and criticism of the nation's main ideals—the dismantling of government. Fascists like total control of the military and all means of communications such as newspapers, propaganda television outlets and social media. Trump was identified over 20 years ago as a modern-day Chauncey Gardner with the potential to be front man for the Alt-right, a Fascist-like group within government— the leaders are the Steve Bannon, Roger Stone and Fox News gang. Along with the Pentagon, the Republican party is totally complicit in this affair. However, there is disagreement among the Trump White House. First, there was the surprise resignation of Nicki Hayley, the UN Ambassador. Then, the dismissal of Rosenstein and Session was postponed to after the Mid-Terms. Watch for these to be replaced by more Fascist types like Stephen Miller. The Muller report will be irrelevant. By January 20, 2019 Trump will declare himself “Il Duce”, The Leader and he’ll continue to do as he pleases.

Trump is a Fascist Menace

October 23, 2018

Fascism is a type of one-party dictatorship form of government.

Fascists are against democracy and work towards the creation of a totalitarian one-party state. Their ideology is characterised by a strong emphasis on nationalism, patriotism and criticism of the nation's main ideals. Fascists like total control of the military and all means of communications such as newspapers, propaganda television outlets and social media. Fascists take inspiration from the old Spartans for their focus on racial purity and their emphasis on rule by an elite minority. Mussolini’s special militia wore Black Shirts and were mainly discontented ex-soldiers and retired Generals. Although Mussolini was Prime Minister of Italy, he was referred to as Il Duce, The Leader. Sounds familiar yet?

Fascism vs Democracy What's The Difference? Political Comparison — Infographic Show

Who Is Better? Personal Comparison — Infographic Show



Trump is a Fascist Menace

Let’s share a common vocabulary.

October 23, 2018

Democracy: From the Greek. literally "rule by people"). In modern usage, has three senses—all for a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. In a direct democracy, the citizens as a whole form a governing body and vote directly on each issue. In a representative democracy, like the USA, the citizens elect representatives from among themselves. These representatives meet to form a governing body, such as a legislature. In a constitutional democracy the powers of the majority are exercised within the framework of a representative democracy, but the constitution limits the majority and protects the minority, usually through the enjoyment by all of certain individual rights, e.g. freedom of speech, or freedom of association. "Rule of the majority" is sometimes referred to as democracy

Conservatism: is any political philosophy that favors tradition (in the sense of various religious, cultural, or nationally-defined beliefs and customs) in the face of external forces for change, and is critical of proposals for radical social change.

Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. Production is based on WAGE-LABOR, i.e. people, who, in order to survive, must sell their capacity to work in exchange for a salary or wage. These workers DO NOT own the machines they use, nor own the wealth they produce, nor the profits made from what they produce. In other words, the business owners or capitalists get richer while the workers do all the hard work. Just like the old Feudal system the capitalists get more power to serve their own interests. That’s how Capitalism creates a huge workingclass of people who soon get angry at the way they get treated. They organize in unions and demand change. In the past, in other countries, refusal to collaborate by the Capitalists has led to revolution and Socialism.


• Best wealth creation tool ever. • Most efficient system - with less waste, produces only what people demand. • Increases standard of living for many. • Is natural. Humans naturally form capitalist economic relations - based in human nature’s desire for self-preservation and greed.


• Capital can accumulate in the hands of the few who control production (monopoly) • Profit Motive forces wages down, poor working conditions. • Can also lead to over-production, recession and unemployment. • Reduces the worth of a human to a monetary value System is based on greed, which isn’t good.

• Private businesses can now create more wealth than governments. • The need for big strong government is reduced. The role of government is now just to ensure the smooth operation of the free market • The state is now just a vehicle for improving business conditions, securing foreign markets and gaining access to resources (colonialism).

The business of America is Business.

Trump is a Fascist Menace


October 23, 2018

Trump is a Fascist Menace

October 23, 2018

Official definition: SOCIALISM: an

economic theory or system in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned by the community collectively, usually through the state. Everybody is equal and no one owns anything personally. No private property. Everything is shared. Like living in a grey world. Remember that you own a piece of everything, but in simple practical terms, the government who manages things for you will provide the clothes on your back, the roof over your head, the food you eat, education and medical services. This, in exchange for work or military service. Sounds ok on paper but it’s against human nature.


a balance between the traditional socialist and the philanthropic, eccentric capitalist. This means that some things are better shared (I.E. Medicare, Post Office, Amtrack, local public transportation, etc.) but private or personal ownership is ok. Some things are grey but colored things are allowed. (Sanders)


Socialism seeks an equality of wealth and Liberalism seeks the equality of opportunity based on a system of meritocracy (ability and skill indifferent of social status/ wealth or title.)


Just because you may appreciate free medical and free education does nor mean you are a socialist. And, you are certainly not a communist.


“It’s not the consciousness of people that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness”. (Marx)


is a political and economic system in which the major productive resources in a society—such as mines, factories, and farms—are owned by the public or the state, and wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need. Communism is an extreme kind of Socialism, more left wing. All Communists are Socialists, but not all Socialists are Communists. Socialists believe in some private ownership of property whereas Communists do not. Communism is not possible in America. According to communist writers and thinkers, the goal of communism is to create a classless society. Communist thinkers believe this can happen if the people take away the power of the bourgeoisie (the ruling class, who own the means of production) and create a dictatorship of the proletariat (the working class). Never.

Trump is a Fascist Menace


October 23, 2018



The Panzone Report Tom Panzone Burnaby, BC @Tom_Panzone www.panzone.ca

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