Admins vol 2 2018

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WePhoto Admins 2018 - Vol 2 Presenting the second edition brings me tremendous pleasure and pride. A unique affair it indeed is as this collection encompasses a few images of some of our WePhoto admin colleagues. WePhoto Group was a humble attempt, in February 2014 to be precise, to bring together the world’s best photo artists and since then we have come all this long simply because of our passion for this art. Over the time, thanks to the continuous help and support of many likeminded colleagues who have contributed to every moment of our success while working together with equal enthusiasm, we have created other groups and thematic pages to represent the various styles in photography even better. Today WePhoto group has the widest presence across Facebook representing almost every possible genre of photography. As of date there are twelve different genres being catered through related pages, with an exclusive web portal, the picture boards on Pinterest and about seventy printed books as well as e-books published on This annual collection called - The Series - comprises eBooks, each belonging to a specific photographic theme, and includes the fabulous work of several authors from Italy and abroad. The one in your hands is the second special edition Book dedicated to our fellow admins. Apart from the e-version these publications are available in the form of coffee table books too.

Editorial Team / Redazione Mario Bunčuga: Editor Mario Bunčuga: Art Director Pankaj Anand: Review Associate Germana De Chellis: Graphic Designer

March 2018

We are so excited and happy to feature these beautiful images and most of all, be able to share them with a wider viewership. Please show your love by spreading them across by sharing, and recommend to download these free eBooks from our webpages and links given ahead. This is how you may help us grow and share our passion for photography! In this Book you can also find the links to our Facebook Groups - WePhoto and thematic Pages corresponding to the genres WePhoto caters to. You are welcome to join our groups and pages, invite your friends to share their work and enjoy some of the best images from around the world.


My special thanks to Germana de Chellis, Chief of Graphic Designers at WePhoto, closely supported by Pankaj Anand, who have helped me select images, contact authors, collect materials and write content. These people may always be found putting things together in the back office. Thanks to the wonderful authors whose contribution has made this volume increasingly collectible. Thanks to our staff too, which is constantly managing and taking care of WePhoto with its 12 thematic pages, pin-boards and online publications. Thanks to all my admin colleagues for their understanding and dedication. All this while when I remain away from the routine management of our network, they are the ones who take care of everything for the groups. I have no words to express my gratitude for the wonderful effort they put in every day with great passion and commitment. Mario BunÄ?uga the Founder WePhoto Network

WePhot G R U P P O






WePhoto Special Edition Admins’ Collection: This is the first-of-its-kind compendium of imagery drawn from the finest creative works of our fellow admins. Our admins have not only been extremely effective group leaders, team players, efficient decision makers, and envisioned colleagues, they have also been wonderful artists in their individual domains. They have been indispensable in keeping us sail through not only the everyday affairs but also the difficult situations. They really come through with a gift of time and effort, and their support could never go unrecognized. Here comes the golden collection with assortment of different genres from them as a treat to your eyes. I am confident that the wide range of photographic interests will not let you feel monotonous and each image will radiate positive energy into you.

The Authors of Vol 2 - 2018


Copyright All rights are reserved to WePhoto and Mario Bunčuga for this entire Book and to single authors for their individual photographs included in the related chapters. This book can be downloaded for free and distributed freely only as a whole. The images and text are exclusive property of the authors who at their sole discretion may authorize their use for any other purpose, only after a prior written permission. However any misuse or otherwise will be prosecuted through the prevalent rules on the subject of copyright. You may order a print version coffee table book from our linkage at Peecho online print service. © 2018 WePhoto

© 2018 Mario Buncuga

© 2018 Carluccio Luca

© 2018 Francesco Marinaro

© 2018 Germana de Chellis

© 2018 Maria Giovanna Quaranta

© 2018 Pankaj Anand



LUCA CARLUCCIO Casarano, Italia

Quando, a 10 anni, presi per la prima volta in mano la Nikkormat di mio padre Felice, lui mi disse: “Luca, qualunque cosa succeda alla macchinetta, succederà a te!”. Da allora questo misterioso strumento in grado di cristallizzare per sempre un istante di vita per volta, è stata una compagna di viaggio ed ancora oggi, che ho 46 anni e che esercito la professione di Ispettore Assicurativo, è sempre al mio fianco. Amo i dettagli della macrofotografia, la sottile concettualità del minimalismo, le luminose finestre sul mondo del landscape e tutto ciò che ancora non ho sperimentato! Oggi è mio figlio Paolo a chiedermi la mia; a lui sopratutto, ai miei genitori, ed ai tanti amici... GRAZIE!

At the age of 10, when I picked up my father Felice's Nikon for the first time, he told me: “Luca, whatever happens to the machine, it will happen to you!� Since then, this mysterious instrument has helped me crystallize forever each instant of life at a time, has been a traveling companion to me and even today, when I am working as Insurance Inspector at the age of 46, is always by my side. I love macro photography's details, the subtle conceptuality of minimalism, the bright window to the world of landscapes and all that I have not yet experienced! I dedicate my collection to my son Paolo, my parents and all of my friends who continuously encourage me to perform even better in times to come. THANKS! 8











FRANCESCO MARINARO Taranto, Italia Diplomato in Ragioneria, pubblico dipendente, sono un fotoamatore sin dai tempi della pellicola. La fotografia per me è un punto di partenza per sviluppare progetti culturali e di attualità, piuttosto che un punto di arrivo fine a se stesso. Trovo fondamentale la formazione e non esito minimamente a spostarmi da Taranto, per recarmi al centro ed al nord Italia per frequentare corsi e workshop. Ritengo fondamentale lo sviluppo del negativo digitale in camera bianca e uso regolarmente il software più famoso al mondo di fotoritocco. Con un gruppo di amici, abbiamo costituito una associazione culturale che utilizza la fotografia per promuovere il territorio e le sue risorse culturali e storiche. Nella mia esperienza di fotoamatore, ho sempre posto al centro della mia attenzione l'uomo piuttosto che la novità in campo tecnologico in tema di attrezzatura fotografica.

A graduate in Accounting and a public employee, I am also a photo amateur since the time of the film. Photography is a starting point for me to develop cultural and topical projects, rather than a point of end in itself. I find the training fundamental and I do not hesitate to travel from Taranto, to go to the central or northern Italy in order to attend a course or workshop. I believe the development of digital negative in the software is fundamental and I regularly use the most advanced software in the world for my photo editing. With a group of friends, we have established a cultural association that uses photography to promote the territory and its cultural and historical resources. In my experience as an amateur photographer, I have always placed man at the center of my attention rather than the technological novelty in terms of photographic equipment. 20











GERMANA DE CHELLIS Roma, Italia Dotata di molta manualità, ho spaziato in diversi generi creativi come la pittura, la creazione di oggettistica e tanto altro, ma la fotografia è la mia dimensione artistica, mai abbandonata da quasi quarant'anni. Inizia come un hobby, ma ben presto si tramuta in professione, lavorando per il teatro con Pino Insegno all'epoca dell'Allegra Brigata, Remo Girone e tanti altri passati per lo storico teatro Trianon, matrimoni e pubblicitaria, cercando sempre di dare un'impronta riconoscibile e innovativa. L'avvento del digitale però mi ha provocato un blocco, una crisi durata anni. Uscirne non è stato facile, ma non ho voluto fossilizzarmi in nostalgiche rimembranze su quello che era il mondo dell'analogico, ed entrare a far parte in diversi gruppi fotografici su Facebook ha determinato una svolta, la possibilità di confrontarmi con tanti professionisti ha stimolato la voglia di rimettermi in gioco, provando e adattandomi a questa nuova dimensione fotografica, ho ampliato conoscenza e arricchito ulteriormente quel bagaglio di esperienza avuta con l'analogico. Un affettuoso grazie a Mario Bunčuga, fondatore di WePhoto, uno dei gruppi storici di Facebook, che ha creduto in me tanto da farmi entrare nello staff come amministratore, e gli anni passati insieme in questa avventura mi hanno sempre più convinto che la fotografia non è morta, ma anzi sempre più viva e in continua evoluzione

Equipped with a lot of creative skills, my abilities have spanned through various artistic genres such as painting, sculpting, modeling and much more, but photography is my artistic dimension, never abandoned for almost forty years. Started as a hobby, but soon turned into a profession, even while working for the theater with Pino Insegno at the time of the Allegra Brigata, Remo Girone and many others this passed through the historical Trianon theater, weddings and advertising, always trying to leave behind a recognizable and innovative mark. The advent of digital, however, has caused me a block, a crisis lasting for many years. Getting out of it was not easy, but I did not want to fossilize myself in nostalgic remembrances on what the analogical world was, and joining different Facebook photo groups led to a breakthrough. It offered the possibility to compare myself with many professionals stimulated my mind. I wanted to get back into the game, trying and adapting myself to this new photographic dimension, and so I have expanded my knowledge and further enriched that experience. An affectionate thanks to Mario BunÄ?uga, founder of WePhoto -one of the historic groups on Facebook, who believed in me so much to make me join the staff as an administrator, and the years spent together in this adventure have increasingly convinced me that photography is not dead, but rather more and more alive and is in the process of continuous evolution. 32











MARIA GIOVANNA QUARANTA Villa San Giovanni, Italia

Ho iniziato per gioco da ragazzina con una ferrania di mio padre per poi passare alle reflex negli anni 90’. Da un paio di anni frequentando i gruppi di Facebook soprattutto gruppi in Black & White dove ho conosciuto alcuni amici come Piero Polimeni e Alessandro Scendoni che con i loro loro suggerimenti tecnici han fatto si che il gioco si tramutasse in una vera passione. Mi piacciono tutti generi in particolare modo il ritratto ambientato che prediligo. Ritengo che la fotografia è ormai una parte di me capace di trasmettermi emozioni e nello stesso tempo di estraniarmi dallo stress quotidiano. E’ un hobby che mi ha preso il cuore.

I started playing as a little girl with my dad's camera and then upgraded to my own Reflex in the '90s. For a couple of years, I've been contributing in a few Facebook groups, especially in Black & White, where I met some friends like Piero Polimeni and Alessandro Scendoni who, with their technical suggestions, have made the game turn into a real passion. I like all kinds of photography, but more particularly I prefer portraiture. I have started believing that photography is now a part of me, capable of transmitting emotions and getting me out of everyday stress. This hobby has taken my heart. 44











MARIO BUNČUGA Botticino, Italia

Mi piace esplorare il mondo, attraverso le immagini. Adoro il genere “STREET”, ma quando sono in giro con la mia Reflex non mi pongo obiettivi particolari. Street, Landscapes, Minimal: se vedo un soggetto che mi interessa mi fermo e fotografo. Non ho la pazienza di molti bravi Autori, non ho mai usato un cavalletto. Anche se nin ritengo di averne la stoffa, nel mio animo sento ill richiamo del reporter: foto !al volo”, per fermare quell’attimo. Poi, in “camera oscura”, mi piace dare vita alle immagini, alterarle, esaltarle, cercare di andare oltre l’immagine in se, fino a quando sento di essere in sintonia con la “visione” che quella immagine suscita in me.

I like to explore the world, through images. I love STREET as a genre, but when I'm out with my Reflex I do not set myself any specific goals. Be it Street, Journalism, Landscape or Minimal: if I see a subject that interests me I will stop and click. I do not have patience of the many great authors, nor have I ever used a tripod. Even if I have not thought and planned I would have the fabric in my mind. My mind receives the reporter's call that says: Photo! On the fly", and my finger reaches the shutter button to freeze that moment. Back in the "darkroom", I like to give life to my images; I alter them, enhance them, try to go beyond the image itself, until I feel it in harmony with the vision that the scene aroused in me. 56











PANKAJ ANAND New Delhi. India

I believe we photographers have a role to play of documenting the world around us and creating art out of this. My interests lie quite much in creating art. Born and raised in northern part of India, an accomplished educational entrepreneur by chance and an avid art lover by choice, I have widely travelled nationally and internationally, combining wanderlust with my passion for photography. My efforts have been widely recognized through various forums, publications and exhibitions in India and abroad.

I mentor new photographers, critique their work, travel across the world, love food and talk to different people, and intend to write books on my travel experiences and on my techniques on shooting and post-processing, if time permits. Having not belonged to a particular genre in photography introducing myself or my work has been my biggest dilemma and the same can be seen my present collection. But I sincerely hope the variety of my work may lead people to appreciate and preserve in mind my little pleasures of life. And I hope it makes them smile. 68












WePhoto Groups - Pages

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Wephoto Selection Wephoto Animals Wephoto B&W Wephoto Dreams Wephoto Glamour Wephoto Portrait Wephoto Minimal Wephoto Architecture

Wephoto Selection Wephoto Animals Wephoto B&W Wephoto Dreams Wephoto Glamour Wephoto Portrait Wephoto Minimal Wephoto Architecture Wephoto Landscapes Wephoto Street

Wephoto Landscapes Wephoto Street Wephoto Macro & Close Up Wephoto Lab

Wephoto Macro & Close Up WePhoto Reportages

WePhoto Admins 2018 - Vol 2

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