WePhoto Landscapes vol. 14

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WePhoto Landscapes 2021 Vol 14 Dear all, I am very proud to present this collection of some of the best works in Landscapes under our banner that is called - The Series. Since 2014, when WePhoto Group was founded, we have come all this long out of our sheer passion for photography. Over the time, thanks to the continuous help and support of our many likeminded colleagues, who the group draws strength from, that today we have created multiple platforms and thematic pages to represent the various genres in photography. Today WePhoto group has the widest presence across Facebook representing almost every possible genre of photography. As of date there are 12 thematic pages, with picture boards on Pinterest, a dedicated web portal and more than 100 books published on issuu.com. This annual collection The Series is made of eBooks each belonging to a specific photographic genre, and includes the artwork of several great authors from Italy and abroad. The one in your hands is the fourteenth thematic book dedicated to Landscapes Photography. Apart from the e-version these publications are available in the form of coffee table books as well. Editorial Board Mario Bunčuga: Editor & Art Director Germana De Chellis: Chief Graphic Designer Pankaj Anand: Review Associate Priyanka Agrawal: Review Associate Francesco Marinaro: Landscapes Group Leader

June 2021 2

We are very excited and happy to feature these beautiful images and most of all, to be able to share them with a wide span of people of common interests. Please spread a word around by sharing, and recommend to as many as you can to visit these eBooks from our webpages and links given ahead. Do leave your positive feedback on the eStores if you care. This is how you may help us grow and share our passion for photography! n this Book you can also find the links to our Facebook Group - WePhoto. Come and join the group, invite your friends to share their work in there and enjoy some of the best images from around the world.


Gratitude Special thanks to Francesco Marinaro, Chief of WePhoto Landscape Page, who helped me select images, contact authors and collect material from them. He can always be seen coordinating things in the back office. Thanks to all the authors who have made this volume such a great collection with their valuable contributions. I also wish to thank Germana De Chellis for her impeccable layout and cover designs and to Pankaj Anand and Priyanka Agrawal, who are responsible for English translations, proofreading of drafts, and content development. I owe my thanks to our admin colleagues too, who are constantly managing and taking care of the group as well as its 12 thematic pages and online magazines and are ardently bringing forth the best photographers from across the globe. I have no words to express my gratitude to the wonderful work they do every day with great passion and dedication. WePhoto Network the Founder Mario Bunčuga


The Authors

Antonella Stancheris

Pierluigi Cuna

Francesco Pennisi

Mia MP

Massimo Cerrini

Tommaso Duggento

João Freire


Copyright & Disclaimer All rights are reserved to WePhoto and Mario Bunčuga for this entire eBook and to each author for their individual photographs as included in their related chapters. This book can be downloaded for free and distributed freely only as a whole. The images and text are exclusive property of the authors, the use of which is at their discretion, if being contacted beforehand personally. You may also order a print version coffee table book from our link through Peecho online print service. Any misuse or otherwise will be prosecuted through the prevalent rules on the subject of copyright.

© 2021 WePhoto

© 2021 Mario Buncuga

© 2021 Francesco Pennisi

© 2021 Massimo Cerrini

© 2021 Mia MP

© 2021 Pierluigi Cuna

© 2021 Tommaso Duggento

© 2021 João Freire

© 2021 Antonella Stancheris




One may be curious why a 100 persons sitting at the edge with cameras in their hands would love clicking the same sunset that occurs almost every next day. Will all their images not look the same once finished? Well, one possible reason could be that nature is as dynamic as it is static. So every day brings new opportunities within the same canvas. There is abundant beauty in nature and you will always feel like belonging to it no matter how long you continue looking at it. But the reason that comes to my mind and I strongly agree with is that it brings about a strong emotion in you. You can pick a part of the spectacle, recreate it your way and you become the owner of your own little universe. You could do the same with a painting with even more freedom and control but in photos you are appreciating the real world that you live in. The pleasure of actually having been there to witness it is as real as the scene before you. The air, the fragrance, the color and the touch is more than the worth of effort that goes into reaching there and taking your photo. Money can buy you acres of land but here the whole planet is yours. You add or avoid elements, shift angles and choose your points of view to make your compositions unique, something more than a record shot, something no words can describe. Such is the collection we present before you that will make you feel as if you actually were there and you will love watching it as much as we did making it.

Mario Bunčuga June 2021 viii



To anybody’s surprise Antonella Stancheris entered the world of photography at the age of 61. It started in 2015 when she decided to purchase a Nikon D80 and join a basic course, a bit by chance, after a lifetime of shots taken with an almost shamanic faith in the automatic. My Nikon was sparkling new, with a myriad of wheels and programs enveloping the mystery of amazing possibilities

Driven by the desire to experiment with different techniques, but above all to be able to convey my emotions through the shots, I attended numerous courses. It was not easy, and there is s t i l l a l o n g w a y t o g o , b u t t h e g re a t photographers I met on my journey taught me to shoot with the heart and generously transmitted to me both the technique and the substance of photography. Shot after shot, thanks to the right advice and the trust I earned, I learned to shoot on my own bringing out the best of me. No matter what number of shots you had taken you would only be known for those beautiful photos that entered the viewer’s soul. When it arrives you can feel it: feels as if that moment was calling you Today photography is like a second skin for me, because it changes the way you look at the world. 10











FRANCESCO PENNISI Catania, Italia facebook.com/frafotografa instagram.com/asfide77/ facebook.com/frasiesensi/

My name is Francesco Pennisi and I belong to the class of 1977. I live right next to the sea on a Sicilian coast of the Malavoglia, beautifully landscaped by uneven stacks of oceanic rocks. I keep this spot in reserve as my corner of serenity when I prefer to freeze special moments by giving absolute freedom to my camera. As a child I used to imagine what future would hold for me, but now perhaps, photography has opened the window to a new world the way I wanted it - full of discoveries and charm. I remember holding a used Canon 400D in my hands for the first time to buy it and how it brought instantaneous joy to me.

I carved out a space of time for photography, inbetween one work commitments and the other, and rushed towards the beach side all thrilled and certain of what I was about to do. I would click the shutter button of the camera that I didn't even know how to hold in hand and those seagulls that I immortalized would laugh at me. From there my formal study began, much on the basis of my desire to know and understand how far I could go. Since then I have learned to frame a picture without any conscious effort. I don't want to copy anybody’s technique; I would instead want to take home the memory of my favorite moment, indelible for times to come. I believe that photography is not about the pursuit of perfection, nor is it the presumption of having to take a series of shots from a location; it rather is the challenge of embracing an emotion that you felt with your open eyes at that precise moment. 22











MASSIMO CERRINI Milano, Italia facebook.com/massimo.cerrini.1

My name is Massimo Cerrini, better known as Massimo Max, and I was born in Milan in 1976.

Photography to me is a great passion, almost a way of living a life. As my comfort zone is in Nature, I often feel the urge to get in contact, admire and feel all its forms. Even with my photographs I try to convey my vision and emotions prevailing at a particular moment. I like to travel to discover new situations and immortalize those unique moments where my eyes are enchanted by the gorgeousness of nature surrounding me. Photography for me is the expression of that very emotion. 34












m.youtube.com/c/MiaMPPhotography facebook.com/pages/Mia-M-Photography/328032847328373


I am a Cuban writer and photographer based in the USA. I graduated in Science of Communication at Havana University and I received my major in Visual Communications since I had always felt attracted to the world of imagery as a universal way to communicate. In 2001 I began to publish my studies, stories, and articles in different magazines.

In 2005, I fell in love with photography and started learning and participating in many projects, exhibitions, and photography groups. Since 2012, I have been working as a freelance writer and photographer for many magazines around the world. Nowadays, I also work as a teacher for some school in art programs. I tell my students that every day we have something new to learn; and going by the same philosophy I love creating, learning, and exploring further. Thank you very much to everyone for your support! I appreciate your attention and invite you to leave a feedback on my photographic work. 46











PIERLUIGI CUNA Salerno, Italia

facebook.com/pierluigi.cuna1 facebook.com/magazzino

I was born in 1968 in a country in Sicily. I have a passion for photography since the age of fourteen when I was given an instant "Polaroid". Since then, I have continued to explore this fantastic world. Continuing with the times, I started photographing with my father's camera, an analog ZEISS, handheld, and then I went on to try the other camera bodies and the processing in a darkroom

Since the advent of digital, things have changed radically. I love living with people, watching communities. It is the desire to photograph that continually pushes me to go to see elsewhere, where I always realize new images. I prefer Street Photography because I like to watch people in gestures and moods, where I a lw a y s t r y t o c a p t u re t h e i r e m o t i o n s . "Photography is for me a journey through which I like telling the mute scenes of life." 58













I am a photography enthusiast, taking photos since the days of film, but I didn't shoot a lot because it was quite an expensive hobby back then. With the advent of digital, however, I have taken it up once again. I had done an in-depth study of techniques of using the camera and would ask my friends for details who knew better. I also attended a couple of courses to learn the art of composition and of seeing an image.

love to photograph a bit of everything but my favorite genre is landscape, especially long exposures. I am always fascinated by the colors that the sunset brings to my photos. I have never missed an opportunity to meet the top photographers who have created history in photography in order to understand the art. Personally I prefer nice, story-telling images but I don’t mind modern photography. Even if it sometimes misses the technical nuances, it’s beauty lies in the perfection brought about by way of post-production, colors, composition, and effects to an overall awe-inspiring result. 70











JOÃO FREIRE Evora, Portugal facebook.com/joe.flinder facebook.com/joaofreirephotography

Born on in Evora, João Freire is a Portuguese s e l f t a u g h t p h o t o g r a p h e r. H e s t a r t e d photographing about nine years ago and gradually developed great passion for it.

He learned the art seeing great photographs, reading photography books and working on it by trial and error. He firmly believes that we should be open to learning and never stop doing it until our last breath. Most of his work represents Landscape photography. Canon 5D Mark II and EF 16-35 F2.8L II is his go-to gear that he compensates for exposure using Lee ND and graduated filters. Tripod and Cable release are invariably included in his list of photo equipments. 82











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Landscapes vol 14 - June 2021


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