WePhoto Minimal Vol. 10

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WePhoto Minimal 2021 - Vol. 10 Dear all, I am very proud to present this collection of some of the best works in minimalistic photography under our banner that is fondly called - The Series. Since 2014 when WePhoto Group was founded, we have come all this long out of our sheer passion for photography. Over the time, thanks to the continuous help and support of our likeminded colleagues, who the group draws strength from, today we have created multiple platforms and thematic pages to represent the various genres in photography. Today WePhoto group has the widest presence across Facebook representing almost every possible genre in photography. As of date there are 12 thematic pages, with picture boards on Pinterest, a dedicated web portal and more than 100 books published on issuu.com and Apple Books. This annual collection called - The Series - is made of eBooks each belonging to a specific photographic genre, and includes the artwork of several great authors from Italy and abroad. The one in your hands is the tenth thematic book dedicated to Minimal Photography. Apart from the e-versions all these publications are available in the form of coffee table books as well

Editorial Board Mario Bunčuga: Editor & Art Director Pankaj Anand: Review Associate Priyanka Agrawal: Review Associate Germana De Chellis: Chief Graphic Designer Nunzia De Feo: Team Leader - Minimal Photography

April 2021 2

We are very excited and happy to feature these fabulous images and most of all, be able to share them with a wide span of people of common interests. Please spread a word around by sharing, and recommend to as many as you can to visit these eBooks from our webpages and links given ahead. Do leave your positive feedback on the eStores if you care. This is how you may help us grow and share our passion for photography! In this Book you can also find the links to our Facebook Group - WePhoto. Come and join the group, invite your friends to share their work in there and enjoy some of the best images from around the world.


Gratitude Special thanks to Nunzia De Feo, Chief of WePhoto Minimal Page, who helped me select images, contact authors and collect material from them. They are always available coordinating in the back office. Big thanks to all the authors who have made this volume such a great collection with their valuable contributions. I also wish to thank Germana De Chellis for her impeccable layout and cover designs and to Pankaj Anand and Priyanka Agrawal, who ensure immaculate translation of the scripts to English, proofreading of drafts, and content editing. I owe my thanks to our admin colleagues too, who are constantly managing and taking care of the group as well as its thematic pages and online magazines and are ardently bringing forth the best photographers from across the globe. I have no words to express my gratitude to the wonderful work they do every day with great passion and dedication. WePhoto Network the Founder Mario Bunčuga


The Authors

Adolfo Carli

Estela Canaveira

Cathryn Lai

Lorenzo Zucchi

Chris Franklin

Demaio Luciano

Patrizia Baj

Sushila Gurung


Copyright & Disclaimer All rights are reserved to WePhoto and Mario Bunčuga for this entire eBook and to each author for their individual photographs as included in their related chapters. This book link can be shared or distributed freely as a whole. The images and text are, however, exclusive property of the authors, the use of which is at their discretion. You may also order a print version coffee table book from our link through Peecho online print service. Any misuse or otherwise will be prosecuted through the prevalent rules on the subject of copyright.

© 2021 WePhoto

© 2021 Mario Buncuga

© 2021 Adolfo Carli

© 2021 Cathryn Lai

© 2021 Chris Franklin

© 2021 Demaio Luciano

© 2021 Estela Canaveira

© 2021 Lorenzo Zucchi

© 2021 Patrizia Baj

© 2021 Sushila Gurung



Minimal Introduction

In today’s overly photographed world the simplistic style of minimal photography brings a big relief to the eye. Artistically speaking, minimalism depends on a single fundamental principle of keeping it simple every time using minimum amount of compositional elements, separated by shape, color, and line. Minimalism being a very subjective style is open to interpretations. It may convey a concept or an idea, provoke an emotional response, or provide a unique visual experience. You need an eye to create a minimalistic image so as to decide what all to include and what not to. This art compels you to view the world differently through the lens and challenges you to look beyond the obvious for hidden photographic opportunities.

Mario Bunčuga WePhoto Network April 2021


ADOLFO CARLI Milano, Italia


I consider myself as an amateur photographer with a greater competence in travel photography. I really love to travel so while traveling I try to find the best of opportunities for shooting.

Reportage is considered to be the obvious choice when it comes to choosing opportunities to shoot. For me besides reportage, I have developed deep interest in architecture as well. In the past few years, I have discovered minimalistic style of photography. Even though at first sight it doesn’t seem to offer much opportunity to shoot, but if someone looks at the buildings with a keen eye from a creative point of view the possibilities are endless 10











CATHRYN LAI Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Cathryn Lai is an amateur photographer with over 600 photography works published by PhotoVogue and other photography sites, and it is still counting. She started shooting from a hiding at the backstage of Teochew Opera that continued for almost a year.

She reaps her fruits of effort with over 200 photos of her backstage series published by PhotoVogue of Italy and a feature topic on Backstage written by herself published by a magazine together with her photography works. Photography has become a part of her daily routine as she loves to click as soon as she bumps into something interesting. That’s how she evolved into minimal photography. She regards minimalist photography as 5A, i.e. Anything, Anywhere, Anyhow, Anytime, Anybody as it is simply a photography style that brings joy and satisfaction and is far beyond a process of art for image recording. In 2020 itself she was invited by Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival (KLPF) 2020 as the speaker for Minimalist Photography. 22











CHRIS FRANKLIN Leerdam, Netherlands www.chrisfraikin.com facebook.com/chrisfraikinfotografie instagram.com/chrisfraikin

Chris Fraikin (1958) is a minimalist photographer from The Netherlands. He calls his works ‘archtracts’: minimalistic extracts from architectural, urban and industrial objects. Most of his compositions are free-standing and mainly shot at industrial estates or during short city tours at home and abroad. In addition to such self-contained architecture he has also worked on series like ‘A Touch Of White’ and ‘Station to Station’ that you may find on his website.

For the commercial publication of his works Chris has chosen to sell them through his own website where his work can be purchased in a limited edition of 8 pieces. He was also invited for a solo exhibition in Gouda, The Netherlands. Besides having participated in group expositions in Amsterdam, Italy and Portland Oregon, he was represented at the Miami and New York Art Weeks. His works are published in four coffee table books, the details of which can be obtained from his website. 34













I was born in Turin and am residing in Coazze since 1994. I used to live in Collegno where there are three psychiatric hospitals, now closed: I emphasize this because they have been and are my inspiring muse. Every now and then I would go to the bigger one - La Certosa - to take some pictures.

I am a longtime amateur photographer. I started very early with a family Kodak camera when I was about 10 years old. My early shots, I have felt, made a creative sense. I love nature with its landscapes, the animal world, the flowers, the villages and mountain people, anything that attracts me in a particular way, life beyond the street, always looking for some unknown locations to make even better sense for my shots. I like to call it 360-degree photography. I love Polaroid, I was always amazed by the photograph that takes shape on the white card. I have also had other cameras such as Canon, COSINA, PENTAX etc. Fishing is another hobby and I am working on a study project on Giorgio Morandi and his work with vases and bottles. I continue to seek inspiration for range and tonality in his still life painting works. 46











ESTELA CANAVEIRA Castelo Branco, Portugal facebook.com/estelacanaveira instagram.com/estela.fidalgo.canaveira

Two of my great passions have been traveling and taking pictures. With time I developed a special love for doors and windows. I also like colors and I’m always in search for them.

My photos are now a kind of mixture of my passion for colorful doors and windows, with a keen eye for minimal details. It's a pleasure to have the chance to share with you some of my minimalistic photos. Thanks to WePhoto Team and I'm happy to share space with several great minimalist photographers. Thanks for the invitation; this group is really an inspiration to me. 58












facebook.com/lorenzo.zucchi.enelfreezak facebook.com/lorenzo.zucchi.shyishphotography flickr.com/photos/shyish/

My nickname is The Shy Photographer, paying homage to a book of the beat generation. As a matter of fact, writing books is now my main hobby, as it has replaced traveling.

In terms of photography, I am an amateur who has always taken pictures whenever and wherever I move around. This is my third e-book of minimalist photography. In the first one, my average face represented me. In the second one, I had a full figure picture with my bare feet in first sight. In this third one, bare feet represent me in toto. I always walk barefoot in any street, when taking pictures. As I have been working from home for more than a year already, I started walking barefoot systematically also in Milan, the city where I am based, even with less than 10 Celsius degrees. 70











PATRIZIA BAJ Torino, Italia

instagram.com/my_minimal_lessismore instagram.com/mosso_creativo

I was born and live in Turin. I have always found great pleasure in freezing a shape, a form or an emotion in an image. But the real passion for photography with a style and technique evolved around ten years ago, thanks to my current partner, and I bought my first camera and a set of lenses.

At the beginning I photographed everything, from nature to landscape, from macro to still life, from portraiture to street photography. As I learned the concepts and my passion increased, I began to select my photographic subjects. I had recently dedicated two years to ICM - ‘intentional camera movement’ style, which had brought me tremendous satisfaction and encouragement. But last year I rediscovered a photographic genre: minimalism - that

had often

attracted me but never really materialized. Interestingly, less is more has been a part of my own lifestyle that has now transpired into a great artistic passion. Minimalistic is a photographic genre that shows things around me in a new perspective, with an eye always turning to a search for specific, essential, geometrical element portraying beauty in simplicity. Thanks to WePhoto for this unprecedented opportunity. I am very proud to join the great authors who over the years have given life to your wonderful ebooks. 82











SUSHILA GURUNG Kathmandu, Nepal

facebook.com/lensnbrushes/ 500px.com/sushilagrg

My photography journey started when I was working in Singapore and I had taken a painting course. Tired of finding subjects to paint I started taking photos for my paintings while I traveled back and forth to Nepal and Singapore.

Compared to my friends and like-minded people around me who are very fine at their job it was late for me to join this craft so at times I found it very difficult to get things in my mind technically. As time passed my interest grew more into photography and now I am so much into it more than painting. As for genre, I don't restrict myself to any particular one but macro and minimalism are things I find very interesting and artistic right from the beginning and I like the concept of less is more. 94











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Minimal Vol 10 - 2021


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