FASCINATING RATS ARE KNOWN AS BEING SOCIAL AND AFFECTIONATE ANIMALS. THEY ENJOY THE COMPANY OF OTHER RATS, WHILE DOMESTIC RATS LOVE BEING WITH HUMANS. Rats are mammals, referred to as “rodents”, because they belong to the scientific order of Rodentia. Rodents can be described as a group of small, non-flying mammals with large, sharp front teeth.There are over 52 species of rats that have been discovered. Some rats live in communities in which they groom each other, sleep together and even play. Rats are territorial, so they can turn aggressive toward unfamiliar rats. A group of rats is called a “mischief”. Male rats are called bucks, while female rats are called does. Rats are mainly nocturnal (active at night) and live mostly underground. Antarctica is the only continent uninhabited by rats.
There are rats who live in the wilderness, such as forests and woods, and others in fields and meadows. Some rats, like the wild tree rat, live on tropical islands. Rats can thrive in a multitude of environmental conditions and adapt their diet to their resources. Rats are colour blind and have very poor eyesight but have an incredibly strong sense of smell.
According to some studies, rats have excellent memories and can memorize a route after having navigated it once. When a rat is happy, they chatter or grind their teeth. RATS CAN REGULATE THEIR BODY TEMPERATURE BY EXPANDING AND CONTRACTING THE BLOOD VESSELS IN THEIR TAILS. A RAT’S TAIL ALSO HELPS THEM TO BALANCE. Rats communicate through body language, touch, smell and sound.
They’re also great swimmers and can hold their breath for several minutes. Rats’ teeth can grow up to 12 cm per year, so it’s important for them to chew on things to wear them down.
The tooth enamel of rats is said to be very strong, with some people believing it to be stronger than steel. The maturity of rats can be shown by their yellow teeth, while baby rats, initially, have white teeth. A rat’s eyes are on either side of their head and can move in opposite directions. Rats can hear extremely well, picking up sounds that are too high-pitched for humans to hear. A rat’s whiskers are very sensitive. They will brush the long hairs against any objects, helping them build up a detailed picture of their environment. Although very curious animals, rats are also shy. They would rather run away from than confront a potential threat. Rats will spend several hours every day grooming themselves and their group members. They wash themselves by constantly licking their fur. Rats take care of sick and injured members of their group. Without companionship, rats tend to get lonely and depressed, according to some studies. THE LIFE SPAN OF A RAT VARIES BETWEEN SPECIES, BUT THE AVERAGE LIFESPAN OF A RAT IN THE WILD IS ONE YEAR (DUE TO PREDATORS).