Danish Maritime Magazine 1-09

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EMUC Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter 10 års jubilæum


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FOTO: David Jönsson, Nordisk filmkonkurrence 2005


MAGAZINE 1 - 2009

EMUC Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter 10 års jubilæum

ISSN: 1903-5888 Oplag: 10.000 Ansvarshavende redaktør René Wittendorff (rw@erhvervsmagasinerne.dk) Annoncer: Tlf.: 70 20 41 55, kl. 09.00-12.00 Fax 70 20 41 56 Udgiver: ErhvervsMagasinerne ApS Jægergaardsgade 152, Bygn. 03 I 8000 Århus C Telefontid: kl. 9.00-12.00 Tlf.: (+45) 7020 4155, Fax: (+45) 7020 4156 Layout: CG-Ads Tryk: Rosendahls Bogtrykkeri Næste nummer: April 2009 Eftertryk kun tilladt efter skriftlig aftale med redaktionen

1-2009 4 Til lykke EMUC med de 10 år 5 A 10-year birthday is worth celebrating 6 Maritime Development Centre of Europe (EMUC) 10 years old 8 Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter (EMUC) 10 år 11 Citizen Dane 12 CMP 13 Copenhagen Business School 14 Dampskibsselskabet Torm 16 Danmarks Rederiforening 17 Dansk Transport og Logistik 18 Danske Havne 19 Danske Maritime 20 Den Danske Maritime Fond 21 DFDS 22 Difko Invest A/S Shipping 23 ErhvervsMagasinerne 24 Esbjerg Havn 25 Force Technology-DMI 26 Foreningen til Søfartens Fremme 27 Furuno 28 Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard 29 Grontmij Carl Bro 30 Lauritzen 32 LITEHAUZ ApS 33 LLOYDs 34 Lyngsø Marine 35 Maersk 36 Martec Frederikshavn 38 Maskinmestrenes Forening 39 Metalock 40 Nexus Kommunikation A/S 41 Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet 42 Nordic Offshore 43 Pon Power A/S 44 SCANSURVEY 45 Skagen SkipperSkole 46 Syddansk Universitet 50 Søfartsstyrelsen 51 Tetra Plan A/S 52 Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S 53 Wärtsila Danmark A/S 54 Weilbach & Co. A/S, Iver C 55 Aalborg Industries A/S 56 Nemmere at være maritim iværksætter 58 Port of Århus



Til lykke EMUC med de 10 år Og velkommen til søsætningen af Danmarks nye maritime magasin på engelsk – Danish Maritime Magazine.


EMUC er uden sidestykke den førende maritime netværksorganisation i Danmark. I dette netværk findes virksomheder fra den maritime klynge, som er Danmarks største og mest globaliserede eksporterhverv. Derfor er det afgørende, at Danmarks unikke maritime kompetencer også bliver kommunikeret ud til hele verden på et sprog, som alle kan forstå, nemlig engelsk


MAGAZINE 1 - 2009

EMUC Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter 10 års jubilæum

Dette er filosofien bag Danish Maritime Magazine, som du lige nu har mellem hænderne. I det første nummer fejrer vi EMUC’s 10 års fødselsdag med en præsentation af EMUC’s medlemmer på både dansk og engelsk. Fremover vil Danish Maritime Magazine med interviews, features og artikler fire gange årligt stræbe efter at give et nuanceret billede af den rivende udvikling i hele den danske maritime klynge. Danish Maritime Magazine udkommer i 10.000 eksemplarer, og vil fungere som hele den danske maritime klynges talerør, hvor der er plads til at berette om de talrige succeser, som kan bruges i markedsføringen. Så det fremover også bliver muligt udenfor Danmarks grænser, at følge med i, hvad der rører sig specielt i den danske maritime klynge. Med sine 10 år på bagen er EMUC vigtigere end nogensinde - fuld af livskraft og vitalitet. Tillykke EMUC med det første årti og fortsat god vind i de kommende. René Wittendorff Redaktør


EMUC - 10 years old

Foreword from the Danish Minister for Economic and Business Affairs, Lene Espersen, for the first issue of Danish Maritime Magazine

A 10-year birthday is worth celebrating And precisely the act of asserting oneself has been, and continues to be, the focal point for the work in the Maritime Development Centre of Europe. This has meant that “The Blue Denmark” with, among others, shipping companies, equipment manufacturers, ports, research and development institutions have moved much closer together in order to manifest themselves more strongly in the eyes of the public. Here, I would like to point to the film about “The Blue Denmark”, which the Maritime Development Centre of Europe took steps to initiate. The film, which is available in Danish and English, can be considered a maritime calling card with an exciting introduction to all the areas, that comprise “The Blue Denmark”. The film also demonstrates the dynamic and the opportunities we can build upon together in the future. The development of networks between maritime industries is of great importance in order to have the necessary innovation in “The Blue Denmark”. Here, the Maritime Development Centre of Europe, with its members from many industries and knowledge institutions, plays a significant role as a catalyst for the development of ideas and experiences. The climate and environment will be of even greater significance in the future and will influence us all – also Danish businesses. This means new challenges, but also new opportunities for an innovative and competitive maritime transport sector and here, the centre can contribute to ensuring that the opportunities are optimally utilised. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the administration and the Board of the centre for the great work you perform. With these words, I wish you all the best of luck in the future. Lene Espersen Danish Minister for Economic and Business Affairs

Netop det at markere sig har været og er fortsat et omdrejningspunkt for arbejdet i Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter. Det har betydet, at Det Blå Danmark med blandt andet rederier, udstyrsproducenter, havne, forsknings- og udviklingsinstitutioner er rykket tættere sammen for at stå stærkere i offentligheden. Her vil jeg pege på filmen om Det Blå Danmark, som EMUC tog initiativ til. Filmen, som findes både på dansk og engelsk, kan ses som et maritimt visitkort med en spændende indføring i alle de områder, der udgør Det Blå Danmark. Filmen er samtidig med til at demonstrere den dynamik og de muligheder, vi sammen kan bygge på i fremtiden. Udvikling af netværk på kryds og tværs er af stor betydning for, at vi kan få den nødvendige innovation i Det Blå Danmark. Her spiller EMUC med sine medlemmer fra mange industrier og videninstitutioner en stor rolle som katalysator for udveksling af idéer og erfaringer. Klima og miljø vil få en endnu større betydning i fremtiden og vil påvirke os alle – også danske virksomheder. Det betyder både nye udfordringer, men også nye muligheder for et innovativt og konkurrencedygtigt maritimt erhverv, og her kan centret være med til at sikre, at de muligheder udnyttes optimalt. Jeg vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at takke administrationen og bestyrelsen i centret for det store arbejde, som I udfører. Med disse ord ønsker jeg god vind i tiden fremover. Lene Espersen økonomi- og erhvervsminister

Foreword from the Danish Minister for Economic and Business Affairs, Lene Espersen


Maritime Development Centre of Europe (EMUC) 10 years old The focus of EMUC is its members. So it has been from the very start and it is still the strength of the association.

The vision to turn the Oresund Region into Europe’s Maritime Centre was launched by Mr Arne Hasle Nielsen of the Danish Maritime Institute. The Danish Maritime Administration took up the challenge and contacts were established to Danish as well as Swedish companies and organizations, mainly in the region of Øresund. In August 1996, a seminar was organized leading among other results to the decision to carry out an analysis for such a centre. Parallel to this, a steering group was created with representatives from Danish Shipowners Association, Danish Maritime Institute, Hempel A/S, Kockums AB, Port of Copenhagen, City of Malmö, Region of Skåne and Danish Maritime Administration. The analysis was entrusted to Mærsk Brokers and Svenska Sjøfartens Analyseinstitut and the Danish Maritime Administration emphasized the importance to reach the decision makers within the industry and obtain their comments and eventual support to the ideas of such a regional network. An intense interviewing and questionnaire took place and was followed by hearings which lead to a wide support from the industry. Consequently, the final decision could be made as the public funding was already made available. EMUC was established 14th January 1999 with participation of former minister of trade, Pia Gellerup. In accordance with the analysis, it was decided to focus on the following topics :


EMUC - 10 years old

• • • • • •

Management education for the maritime sector Maritime information system Technology, safety and environment Technical and administrative IT-systems The role of shipping in intermodal transports Maritime office and conference centre

However, it turned out relatively quickly that the Danish interest was much bigger than the Swedish which was also reflected clearly from the number of members as well as the actual projects carried out. Consequently, EMUC developed into a mainly Danish orientated maritime network over the years and this formed the platform of today’s EMUC which is known as a widespread Danish maritime network. During the first 10 years, EMUC has contributed to various actual results such as : MBA-program in Shipping and Logistics, shipping education in Esbjerg for trainees from shipbrokers and shipping companies, organization of various conferences in Denmark, participation as Danish representative in foreign events, Danish partner in the European Maritime Cluster, Danish representative in European Shortsea Network, Shortsea Promotion Denmark and the PRfilms about the Blue Denmark and the training ship Georg Stage. Furthermore, a joint office has been established together with the Association of Promoting of Danish Shipping, The Association of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering as well as The Danish

Society of Transport Economics in order to achieve synergy which also led to the creation of a new dynamic homepage. Of great importance is the individual networks : HR/crew, Environment, Work environment, Shortsea Shipping, Maritime EU law, Forum for Shipping Economy and Strategy, The Blue University, On its 10 years anniversary, EMUC has the image of a dynamic and future minded association focusing on the interest’s of its members. EMUC offers the infrastructure to networking, creation of relations and profit from EMUC’s international contacts as well as relations to the Danish authorities and ministries. Today, EMUC counts 145 members and it is the strongest network for the entire Danish maritime industry. Under the management of Steen Sabinsky, EMUC employs 3 persons as a part of the administration has been outsourced. The board counts 12 members representing widespread interests from all maritime areas. EMUC just as everywhere else works in a world of change and the course of EMUC has also been continuously adjusted whenever needed. The course of the next 3 years will focus on : Vision: To defend, develop and extend EMUC’s position as a representative of the broad maritime industry, Maritime Cluster Denmark and Short Sea Promotion Denmark. Mission: • To be a networking association based on knowledge and information sharing for the broad maritime industry and thereby secure added value to our members. • The strategy in the years to come, to for fill the vision is overall member oriented in 4 areas: • Maritime networks • Maritime projects • National and international marketing of members and the association • Member service and member benefits The latest result of EMUC’s work is the participation in the Innovation Network of Transport, which has obtained a financial support from the ministry of research of 14 mill. Danish crowns over 4 years as half of the financing. With these words, I would like to thank the members of EMUC for their support of our association which will continue to strengthen thewidestmaritimeenvironment as well as the Danish Maritime Cluster. I hope that you will all go on using the association actively and join in developing EMUC further. Chairman of the board, Tonny Dalhøj Paulsen The Maritime Development Centre of Europe


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Støtte til innovation og udvikling ...

EMUC - 10 years old


Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter (EMUC) 10 år Omdrejningspunktet i EMUC er medlemmerne. Det var det i starten, og det er fortsat foreningens styrke.

Visionen om Øresundsregionen som Europas Maritime Center blev lanceret af direktør Arne Hasle Nielsen, Dansk Maritimt Institut. Søfartsstyrelsen tog udfordringen op, og der blev taget kontakt til en række danske og svenske virksomheder og organisationer først og fremmest i Øresundsregionen. I august 1996 kunne der afholdes et seminar, som bl.a. resulterede i beslutningen om at iværksætte et større analysearbejde for et sådant center. Samtidig blev der etableret en styregruppe med repræsentanter fra Danmarks Rederiforening, Dansk Maritimt Institut, Hempel A/S, Kockums AB, Københavns Havn, Malmø By, Regionsforbundet Skåne og Søfartsstyrelsen. Analysearbejdet blev overdraget Mærskbroker og Svenska Sjøfartens Analyseinstitut, og vigtigheden om, at idéerne om et regionaltnetværkssamarbejdeskullenåfremtilbeslutningstagerne i rederierne og den øvrige maritime sektor blev kraftigt og bestemt understreget netop fra Søfartsstyrelsens side. Det skete bl.a. gennem en omfattende interview- og spørgeskema undersøgelse samt en efterfølgende høringsrunde og med meget positive tilkendegivelser. Den endelige beslutning kunne herefter træffes, da der også fra det offentlige var stillet de nødvendige finansielle midler til rådighed. EMUC kunne herefter etableres med stiftende generalforsamling


EMUC - 10 år

den 14. januar 1999 med deltagelse af daværende erhvervsminister Pia Gellerup. I overensstemmelse med analysearbejdet blev rammerne for EMUC’s indsatsområde lagt fast på følgende arbejdsområder: • Management uddannelse til den maritime sektor • Maritimt informationssystem • Teknik, sikkerhed og miljø • Tekniske og administrative IT-systemer • Skibsfartens rolle i intermodale transporter • Maritimt kontor- og kongrescenter Det viste sig imidlertid relativt hurtigt at interessen fra dansk side blev væsentlig større end fra svensk side, hvilket også kunne ses af medlemstallet samt de aktuelle arbejdsopgaver. Dette førte med årene EMUC i retning af et mere dansk orienteret maritimt netværk. Hermed blev fundamentet lagt til det EMUC, som vi i dag kender som et bredt dansk maritimt netværk. EMUC har igennem de første 10 år medvirket til at skabe adskillige konkrete resultater. Blandt mange kan fremhæves: MBA-programmet i Shipping and Logistic, shipping-uddannelsen i Esbjerg for elever i skibsmægler- og rederivirksomheder,

afholdelse af en lang række konferencer i Danmark, deltagelse som dansk repræsentant i udenlandske arrangementer, dansk partner i European Maritime Cluster, dansk repræsentant i European Shortsea Network, Shortsea Promotion Denmark, PRfilmene om det Blå Danmark og Skoleskibet Georg Stage . Herudover skal nævnes etablering af et fælles sekretariat med foreningen for søfartens Fremme, Skibsteknisk Selskab samt transport økonomisk Forening (TØF) og etablering af en ny fælles dynamisk hjemmeside. Af stor betydning er også EMUC’s aktive medlemsnetværk: HR/ Crew Søslangen, Miljø, Arbejdsmiljø, Nærskibsfart, Maritim EU jura, Forum for Shipping Økonomi & Strategi og Det Blå Universitet. På 10 årsdagen fremstår EMUC som en dynamisk og fremtidsorienteret medlemsforening med fokus på medlemmernes interesser. EMUC stiller infrastrukturen til rådighed for medlemmerne, som herved får mulighed for at netværke på tværs, skabe relationer og drage nytte af EMUC’s internationale kontakter og EMUC’s relationer til danske myndigheder samt ministerier. EMUC har i dag 145 medlemmer og er det stærkeste netværk for hele det brede danske maritime miljø. EMUC’s organisation på kontoret under ledelse af Steen Sabinsky består af 3 personer, da en del af det administrative arbejde er outsourcet.


EMUC - 10 år


Bestyrelsen består af 12 personer, hvor der er lagt stor vægt på en bred repræsentation af alle maritime danske interesser. Som alt andet lever EMUC også i en foranderlig verden, og der er løbende sket en tilpasning af arbejdsområderne. Kursen for de næste 3 år er: Vision: At forsvare, udvikle og udbygge EMUC position som Danmarks Maritime Klynge og Shortsea Promotion Danmark. Mission: At være netværksorganisation med videns- og informationsdeling for det brede maritime miljø og sikre merværdi for medlemmerne. Strategien i årene fremover for at opfylde visionen er overordnet medlemsorienteret på 4 områder: • Maritime netværk. • Maritime Projekter. • National & international markedsføring af medlemskredsen og foreningen. • Medlemspleje og medlemsfordele.

Det seneste resultat på EMUC’s arbejde er deltagelse i ”Transportens Innovations Netværk”, hvor EMUC/TØF har det fælles ansvar for udviklingen af dette netværk, som har opnået en finansiel støtte fra Forskningsministeriet på 14 million kroner over 4 år, som en 50% medfinansiering. Heri vil medlemmer af begge foreninger deltage aktivt. Med disse ord vil jeg gerne takke medlemmerne i EMUC for at støtte op om vor forening, som fortsat vil arbejde for at styrke det bredeste maritime miljø samt den danske maritime Klynge. Det er mit håb, at I alle også fremover vil bruge foreningen aktivt og være med til yderligere at cementere EMUC’s betydning. Bestyrelsesformand Tonny Dalhøj Paulsen Europas Maritime udviklingscenter (EMUC)

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EMUC - 10 år

The maritime industry’s new weapon: COMMUNICATION Citizen Dane films BLUE globally Citizen Dane filmer BLÅT globalt Du har sikkert allerede installeret den nye Blå Danmarksfilm på din PC – og er blevet verdensmester i at blande filmklip med PowerPoints til din skarpe præsentation. Men hvem er folkene bag den nye film? Hvem er det, som EMUC, Rederiforeningen, Søfartsstyrelsen og Danske Maritime hyrede til denne internationale opgave? Og hvem står bag de nye reklamefilm som World Careers viser i TV og i landets biografer for at rekruttere unge til det Blå Danmark? You have probably already installed the new Blue Denmark film on your PC – and have become a world champion at mixing film clips with PowerPoints for your presentations. But who are the people behind this new film? Who did EMUC, the Danish Shipowners’ Association, the Danish Maritime Authority and Danish Maritime hire for this international project? Who is behind the new advertisements that World Careers is showing on television and in cinemas in Denmark to recruit young people to the Blue Denmark? The answer is Citizen Dane. A different kind of communication company with a network in more than 50 countries. A communication company which over the years has produced award-winning films and other communication for e.g. DONG Energy, ISS and Falck, but in particular for the maritime industry. – One of our first maritime productions was ‘Maritime Manager’, A.P. Møller’s recruitment campaign. At that time we had no idea how much time we would be spending on the maritime profession, says Creative Director and Managing Director Klaus Schiang-Franck and continues: – Often pictures say so much more than words. Take a look at www.citizendane.com where you will find clips from many of our productions.

Svaret er Citizen Dane. En anderledes kommunikationsvirksomhed med netværk i mere end 50 lande. En kommunikationsvirksomhed der igennem årene har produceret prisbelønnede film og anden kommunikation for fx DONG Energy, ISS og Falck, men i særdeleshed for den maritime branche. - En af vores første maritime produktioner var A.P. Møllers rekrutteringskampagne ”Maritim Leder”. Dengang havde vi ingen anelse om, hvor meget det blå erhverv ville komme til at fylde i vores travle hverdag, fortæller kreativ direktør og CEO, Klaus Schiang-Franck og fortsætter: - Ofte siger billeder mere end ord. Kig selv på www.citizendane. com hvor der er klip fra nogle af vores mange produktioner. En dag laver Citizen Dane et interaktivt sikkerhedskursus til en produktions-platform på Nordsøen, en anden dag en rygestopbrochure til skibene, og en tredje dag en miljøbog for et rederi. Men som regel er levende billeder omdrejningspunktet i den travle virksomhed, der holder til i Collins Gaard i Amaliegade – tæt på vandet, men i hjertet af København.

One minute Citizen Dane is running an interactive safety course for a production platform in the North Sea, the next a ‘stop smoking’ brochure for ships and the next an environmental book for a shipping company. But as a rule living pictures are the linchpins in the busy company in Collins Gaard in Amaliegade – close to the water, but in the heart of Copenhagen.

Citizen Dane


CMP leads the field in the Øresund region On the cruise market, the port is the leader in Northern Europe and car cargoes have taken a huge leap forwards. Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) is the largest harbour in the Øresund region; a transport centre where the sea, roads and lanes meet. “The port has an annual turnover of 18 million tons cargo and is a leading cruise and passenger port with five business areas: Containers, Passengers & Cruises, Cars, RoRo & Logistics as well as Oil and Bulk,” informs general manager, Arnt Møller Pedersen. The handling of new cars is a main activity with an increase

“ Cruise passengers in their thousands find their way to Northern Europe, the Baltic States and Russia every year, often with CMP as the Home Port.

from 26,000 in 2001 to 518,000 in 2007. CMP is a HUB for the distribution of cars. Four PDI centres (Pre Delivery Inspection facility) attend to the preparation of the cars so they fulfil the requirements in the ten Baltic countries. Another mainstay is cruises. For five years in a row, CMP has been award the prize as “Europe’s Leading Cruise Port”. “It is well-deserved and CMP is also Northern Europe’s largest cruise port with over 300 calls with 580,000 cruise tourists in 2008 – far more than the area’s other ports as approx. half of the calls are with passenger changes. This is called Home Port and places great demands on the port, city and other players,” he says. CMP will now develop Malmö as a cruise port. The concept is “the small town” and the vision is to become Sweden’s third largest cruise destination in five years. A new port section will also be established in Malmö with a new container terminal, RoRo terminal as well as a combo-terminal. For the approach to the port in Copenhagen, a cruise wharf, 800m long, will be established that will be ready in 2010 and will fulfil all the requirements a shipping company has for an optimal Home Port. In addition, a new container terminal is expected to be ready in 2018.



På krydstogtssiden er havnen Nordeuropas førende, og billasterne har taget et tigerspring fremad. Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) er Øresundsregionens største havn. Et transportcenter, hvor sø, veje og bane mødes. - Havnen har en årlig omsætning på 18 mio. ton gods og er en førende krydstogts- og passagerhavn med fem forretningsområder: Container, Passagerer & Krydstogt, Biler, RoRo & Logistics samt Olie & Bulk, oplyser general manager Arnt Møller Pedersen. Håndtering af nye biler er en hovedaktivitet med en stigning fra 26.000 i 2001 til 518.000 i 2007. CMP er HUB for distribution af biler. Fire PDI-centre (Pre Delivery Inspection facility) sørger for klargøring af bilerne, så de opfylder kravene i de ti Østersølande. En anden grundpille er krydstogt. CMP har fem år i træk fået prisen som ”Europe’s Leading Cruise Port”. - Den er velfortjent, og CMP er også Nordeuropas største krydstogtshavn med over 300 anløb med 580.000 krydstogtsturister i 2008 – langt flere end områdets øvrige havne, idet ca. halvdelen af anløbene er med passagererskift. Det kaldes Home Port og stiller store krav til både havn, by og andre aktører, siger han. Nu vil CMP udvikle Malmö som krydstogtshavn. Konceptet er ”den lille by”, og visionen er at blive Sveriges 3. største krydstogtdestination på fem år. I Malmö etableres også et nyt havneafsnit med ny containerterminal, roro-terminal samt combiterminal. Ved indsejlingen til havnen i København etableres en krydstogtskaj på 800 m, som skal stå klar i 2012 og opfylde alle krav, et rederi stiller til en optimal Home Port. Desuden ventes en ny containerterminal klar i 2018. Af Karen Sloth

The Blue MBA - a success story Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics (The Blue MBA) By: Irene Rosberg, Program Director

For a great many years now, the shipping industry has been a very tradition-bound business. However, in an intensely competitive and fast-changing global environment such as shipping, we cannot afford to be slow to embrace change or to lag behind. To change the image of this industry and to move towards modernizing it we need to move beyond traditional leadership development models and become more and more active in identifying, grooming and recruiting the next generation of shipping leaders and building a vibrant and creative business community. In an initiative to move towards this ambitious goal, the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in 2001 launched a new Executive leadership program (the Blue MBA) with a considerable success. The program adopts a holistic view of shipping, integrating commercial, technological and financial aspects as well as maritime law and supply-chain management, and leadership challenges. It takes students to a top international level in business administration, reflecting the needs of the industry in a world where globalization, enhanced competition, market understanding, strategic planning, and the speed of technological change place ever-increasing demands on executive management skills. The program consists of eight one-week modules plus a final integrating strategy project (thesis). Each module gives a thorough introduction to reading material and motivates students

Start of the next program: September 2009 For further information please see: www.mbs.cbs.dk or www.shippingmba.com Contact person: Irene Rosberg, e-mail: ir.mbs@cbs.dk Telephone: +45-3815 3355

for their independent studies. Students study the material in between modules and write an assignment for each module. These assignments, as far as possible, will be focused on a problem related to the candidate’s own firm. For the final integrating strategy project, topics should be chosen for their strategic purpose and integrating function, giving participating companies a valuable and practical analysis. This project serves two purposes: for the candidate, the aim is to integrate all topics covered in the program by using real world data on a problem related to the candidate’s own company. For the candidate’s company, the aim is to have a strategic issue thoroughly analyzed, with proposed solutions and implementation plans. The last six months of the study is devoted to this project. In October 2008, CBS established a new research center which is an integral part of our Blue MBA and will serve as the research base for the program, as well as being a source for providing support and enhancing the up-to-dateness of the curricula. The Research Center will play a major role in meeting current and anticipated needs within the industry. Given the broad scope of departments at CBS, the Research Center can benefit from the expertise within these departments and also from the international industry experts who will add significantly to the global standing of the research being undertaken in an international dynamic industry that grows more complex and diversified every day.

Copenhagen Business School


Shipping with



That is how we feel and how we do business.

Our customers experience our pride in the way we always strive for excellence in our dealings with them. Among our employees, pride comes in the form of respect, professionalism and team spirit that characterise TORM. We strive to preserve the good reputation of the shipping industry and take pride in being a first-class shipping company. Founded in 1889 by Captain Ditlev Torm, today TORM is the world’s largest carrier of refined oil products. We have 3,500 employees, a fleet of more than 130 vessels, headquarters in Hellerup and offices in Mumbai, Singapore, Manila and Stamford. TORM is becoming a truly global business with a young and modern fleet and good, competent employees. One of the most important factors in TORM’s continued success is our ability to attract the right employees. The people of TORM are our real asset and we believe in ensuring the best possible working environment both at sea and ashore. TORM has three core values; Entrepreneurship, Professionalism and Respect. Entrepreneurship describes the way we behave and how we do business. Professionalism characterises how we build trust by standing by our commitments. Respect describes the way we treat each other as well as our customers and business partners, and how we build relationships. The environment has played an important role for TORM for many years, and today we are more conscious about the environment than ever before. This is because our customers demand it, because all the people at TORM are responsible people who care about the environment, and thirdly because it adds value to the company. That is why we want to help minimise the impact that we have on the environment.



The Danish Shipowners’ Association For 125 years The Danish Shipowners’ Association has safeguarded the interests of shipping and has acted as an employers’ association for its members. The Danish Shipowners’ Association currently has 20 members and 17 affiliated shipping companies who together represent more than 95% of the tonnage of the Danish merchant fleet. Danish shipping is not only of great importance to the Danish economy. Danish shipping occupies a strong position on the global stage. Danish shipping companies transport 10% of world trade measured in value and controls approximately 7% of overall global tonnage. Danish shipping stands for quality shipping – chiefly because the Danish merchant fleet is far younger than the global average, but also because the fleet has chosen to position itself in the more advanced, high-value areas such as container, product tank, gas tank and specialist trade. The Shipowners’ Association plays an active role with authorities and decision makers. We participate nationally and internationally in all appropriate fora and are permanently represented on Brussels. We contribute practical solutions in a wide range of areas, e.g. the determination of framework conditions for shipping. We are also active in ensuring optimum safety conditions for seafarers. Climate and environmental work is currently high on the Shipowners’ Association’s agenda. Shipping is the most climate-friendly form of transportation available and we would like to take responsibility for and contribute to reducing overall CO2 emissions. We are therefore working on putting a global agreement in place for the CO2 emissions generated by shipping.

I 125 år har Danmarks Rederiforening varetaget rederierhvervets interesser og fungeret som arbejdsgiverorganisation for medlemmerne. Danmarks Rederiforening har i dag 20 medlemmer og 17 associerede rederier, som tilsammen repræsenterer mere end 95 procent af den danske handelsflådes tonnage. Dansk skibsfart har ikke blot stor betydning for dansk økonomi. Dansk skibsfart står også stærkt på den globale scene. Danske rederier transporterer 10 pct. af verdenshandlen målt på værdi og kontrollerer i størrelsesorden 7 pct. af den samlede verdenstonnage. Dansk skibsfart står for kvalitetsskibsfart, blandt andet fordi den danske handelsflåde er langt yngre end gennemsnittet på globalt plan, men også fordi man har valgt at positionere sig på de mere avancerede højværdi områder, så som container, produkttank, gastank og specialfart. Rederiforeningen spiller en aktiv rolle i forhold til myndigheder og beslutningstagere. Vi deltager nationalt og internationalt i alle relevante fora samt har permanent repræsentation i Bruxelles. På en lang række områder er vi med til at bidrage med konkrete løsninger, eksempelvis med fastsættelsen af rammebetingelser for skibsfarten Også når det gælder sikkerhed til søs, sørger vi for de bedste betingelser for de søfarende. Klima- og miljøarbejdet står højt på dagsordenen i Rederiforeningen i øjeblikket. Søfart er den mest klimavenlige transportform, der findes. Vi vil også gerne tage ansvar og bidrage til at reducere den samlede CO2udledning, derfor arbejder vi med at få en global aftale for skibsfartens CO2-udledning.


The Danish Shipowners’ Association

DTL makes shipping work easier

The Danish Transport and Logistic Association (DTL) has a membership of 3,000 Danish transport companies – and they are standing by at Danish Ports and combi terminals efficiently and in an environmentally friendly way to transport your goods from sea to the customer on shore by either road or rail – or of course a combination of these two types of transport. ”DTL is the main organisation for Danish transport companies on shore and we strive politically to make the working relations between the maritime world and the transport on land as efficient as possible. This is why we, for example, 3 years ago took the initiative to start the Transport Think Tank where all transport operators at sea or on shore meet with the Danish Minister for Transport. The collaboration with Danske Havne and Danmarks Rederiforening [Danish Ports and Denmark’s Shipping Association] is very important to DTL. We also were instrumental to getting the 25.25 meter Modular concepts on to the Danish roads network, so transport is made as efficient and environmentally correct on many Danish roads. Two Modular concepts can transport the contents of 3 large trucks”, Erik Østergaard, CEO. DTL also finds it important that the infrastructure is the best possible thus aiding the various forms of transport in Denmark. ”Denmark is proud of its fine infrastructure, but that doesn’t mean that we will not come up against many large challenges in the next couple of decades. Therefore some major political decisions need to be taken, so that freight transport in Denmark can be amongst the most efficient world wide.” Erik Østergaard continues.

Dansk Transport og Logistik (DTL) har 3.000 danske transportvirksomheder som medlemmer – og de står klar ved de danske havne og kombiterminaler til effektivt og miljøvenligt at fragte godset fra sø til kunde på land, hvad enten det sker på vej eller bane – eller i kombination mellem de to transportformer. ”DTL er hovedorganisation for de danske transportvirksomheder på land, og vi arbejder politisk på at gøre samspillet mellem den maritime verden og landtransporten så effektivt som muligt. Derfor tog vi f.eks. for tre år siden initiativ til Transportens Tænketank, hvor transportens aktører på søen og til lands mødes sammen med Transportministeren. Samarbejdet med Danske Havne og Danmarks Rederiforening er vigtigt for DTL. Vi var også med til at få de 25,25 meter lange modulvogntog ud på de danske veje, så der kan transporteres så effektivt og miljørigtigt på en række danske veje. To modulvogntog kan transportere, hvad tre store lastbiler kan”, siger Erik Østergaard, DTLs adm. direktør. DTL lægger også vægt på, at infrastrukturen er optimal til gavn for de forskellige transportformer i Danmark. ”Danmark bryster sig af at have en god infrastruktur, men vi står alligevel over for nogle store udfordringer i de kommende årtier. Derfor skal der tages nogle store politiske beslutninger, så godstransport i Danmark kan være den mest effektive i verden”, siger Erik Østergaard.

The association Dansk Transport og Logistik (DTL)


Danish Ports There are approx. 80 active commercial ports in Denmark

These ports are an important part of the Danish island infrastructure. Freight is transported to and from the country through these ports. The fishing industry is strengthened through efficient ports. Many Danes use ferries to get to work or on holiday. Many tourists arrive to the Kingdom onboard cruise ships or with a ferry. The seas around Denmark are in themselves an attraction. 75% of Danish overseas trade goes through the Danish port system. Danish ports want in the future to build a network of transport centres with the ports as a main component. Goods should be transported with large ships to the larger ports and from there on to smaller ports and then on to producers and endusers. The Danish port system is not large in an international context. But it is efficient and with a competitive edge. Danish ports are amongst the best compared to other international ports. Danish ports have in IMD’s ”World Competitiveness Yearbook” been placed in second place. Only Hong Kong is seen as better. On the World Economic Forum competition index the Danish ports lies in 6th place. And this is a fine international placing, which we aim to further develop. Danish ports do not receive funding from the Government or from the surrounding towns. They work on a commercial basis. Danish ports expect to invest approx. DKK 10 billion in the next couple of years. It is therefore necessary that the development expectations of sea transport and an addition of new routes be fulfilled. The so important relief of the European road network can be implemented by making all aspects of sea transport as efficient as possible. Danish ports are determined that their port system should play their part and contribute to environmentally friendly transport. All Danish commercial ports have been organised into the entity Danske Havne. See more on www.danskehavne.dk


Danish Port

Der er ca. 80 aktive erhvervshavne i Danmark. Havnene udgør en vigtig del af infrastrukturen i ø-riget Danmark. Godset kommer til og fra landet gennem havnene. Fiskeriet styrkes gennem effektive havne. Mange danskere tager færgen på arbejde og ferie. Mange turister kommer enten til kongeriget med krydstogtskib eller med færge. Det blå Danmark er i sig selv en attraktion. 75% af den danske udenrigshandel kommer gennem de danske havne. Danske havne har en vision om at udbygge netværket af transportcentre med havnene som rygrad. Gods skal komme med store skibe til større havne for at sejle videre til de mindre og derfra komme ud til producenter og forbrugere. Danske havne er ikke særlig store i en international sammenhæng. Men de danske havne er effektive og konkurrencedygtige. Danske havne topper i internationale sammenligninger. Danske havne er i IMD’s ”World Competitiveness Yearbook” placeret som det andet bedste havneland i verden. Kun Hong Kong er bedre. På World Economic Forums konkurrenceindeks er de danske havne nr. 6. Det er en flot international bedømmelse, som vi udvikler yderligere. Danske havne modtager ikke støtte fra staten eller byerne. De bygger på et forretningsmæssigt grundlag. Danske havne forventer at investere ca. 10 milliarder kroner over de næste år. Derfor skal forventningerne til en udvikling af søtransporten og tilgang af nye ruter opfyldes. Den vigtige aflastning af de europæiske landeveje kan tage fart ved at effektivisere alle led af søtransporten. Danske Havne arbejder målrettet på, at havnene kan opfylde deres del og medvirke til en miljøvenlig transport. Alle danske erhvervshavne er organiseret i Danske Havne. Se mere på www.danskehavne.dk

A cluster of dynamic and international businesses In the recent past an exceptionally high growth has been seen in the global economy. This has brought about a considerable increase in seaborne trade and a high demand for ships and maritime equipment. As one of the leading maritime nations Denmark profits from the prosperous market and there is a high level of activity and employment within the Danish maritime businesses. The employment possibilities within the maritime industry in Denmark are numerous and currently there are vacancies for naval architects and marine engineers.

Shipbuilding, ship maintenance and other maritime business are dynamic and international industries which comprise a large number of skills within specialised companies such as shipyards, maritime suppliers and consultants. Danish maritime industries are world leading within their fields. The list of advanced maritime technologies developed, designed, produced, tested and maintained by Danish businesses comprises valves, cranes, containers, diesel engines, life-saving equipment and coating. Electrical, electronic, ventilation, firefighting, noise and vibration systems and solutions are also in the range. Complete vessels ranging from container vessels over ro-ro cargo ferries, bulk carriers and fishing vessels to luxury yachts and offshore constructions including extraction of oil and gas, and utilization of wind energy, not forgetting ship maintenance and conversion, make up another part of the field.

Danish Maritime is the meeting place for Danish producers of maritime equipment and ships. The association initiates cooperation between member companies in a variety of areas including research, development and innovation, and it promotes favourable conditions for the Danish maritime industry. It is a centre of knowledge, furnishing member companies, public authorities and the media with the latest relevant information on the maritime sector in Denmark. Despite the recent decrease of the shipbuilding boom, Danish Maritime anticipates 2009 to offer interesting opportunities for the maritime industry. Danish Maritime is based in Copenhagen and Brussels. For further information about the Danish maritime industry please contact Danish Maritime.

The Danish maritime industry stands out by offering solutions customized to perfectly match the requirements of the specific job and the specific customer. Danish maritime industries are noted for their innovative technological solutions and the businesses individually and collectively constantly focus on developing efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. Danish maritime manufacturers are found in every region of the world supplying shipbuilders, ship owners and other maritime businesses with a broad array of solutions and products.

DANISH MARITIME - Amaliegade 33B - 1256 København K tlf.: 33 13 24 16 - fax: 33 11 10 96 - info@danishmaritime.org www.danishmaritime.org



Golden days for shipping The Danish Maritime Fund supports research, development and innovation that can ensure the future.

In just three years, the Danish Maritime Fund has already supported the maritime trade within Danish shipping and shipbuilding industry with about DKK 150 million. The fund was established in the summer of 2005 with the purpose of providing economic support to efforts and initiatives for the development and promotion of Danish shipping and the shipbuilding industry. The support funds are obtained from the dividends from shares in Danmarks Skibskredit A/S. “Almost 50% of the funds go to research, development and innovation in universities and other research institutions and

“ Half of the awarding of funds has gone to research and development; the remainder to recruitment activities, upgrading of equipment at shipping and chief engineer schools, network organisations, school ships, etc.” says Erik Bastiansen.

educational establishments, etc. The remainder is allocated to, e.g. actual projects. This may be a company that has a good idea that can benefit the industry, but lacks the economic possibility of developing it,” says Erik Bastiansen, who is the administrator of the fund. The fund awarded its first support funds in 2006. But regardless of what is supported, the common denominator is that the activities must be forward-looking, make a difference and support the maritime industry – and if this concerns private projects, then the standard practice is that the fund contributes 50%, after which the company puts up the remaining amount. ”When the project has become a reality, the company then pays back the support amount in instalments. In this way, we avoid the support becoming anti-competitive and at the same time, we get the money back so it can be used to support new projects in the future,” says Erik Bastiansen. A great deal of research and many projects have been initiated since 2006 and in many cases these have been energy projects that have been given impetus due to the high oil prices and climate debate.


The Danish Maritime Fund

Den Danske Maritime Fond Støtter forskning, udvikling og innovation, der kan sikre fremtiden. På kun tre år har Den Danske Maritime Fond allerede støttet de maritime erhverv inden for dansk skibsfart og værftsindustri med omkring 150 mio. kr. Fonden blev oprettet i sommeren 2005 med det formål for øje at yde økonomisk støtte til initiativer og tiltag til udvikling og fremme af dansk skibsfart og værftsindustri, og støttemidlerne henter man fra udbyttet af aktier i Danmarks Skibskredit A/S. - Godt 50 % af midlerne går til forskning, udvikling og innovation på både universiteter og andre forskningsinstitutioner, læreanstalter m.v. Resten fordeles bl.a. på konkrete projekter – f.eks. hvis en virksomhed har en god idé, der kan gavne erhvervet, men mangler økonomisk mulighed for at udvikle den, siger Erik Bastiansen, der er administrator i fonden, som uddelte sine første støttemidler i 2006. Men uanset hvad der støttes, så er fællesnævneren, at aktiviteterne skal være fremadrettede, gøre en forskel og støtte det maritime erhverv – og er der tale om private projekter, så er kutymen, at fonden går ind med 50 %, hvorefter virksomheden stiller med det resterende beløb. - Når projektet så er blevet til virkelighed, afdrager virksomheden desuden støttebeløbet. På den måde undgår vi, at støtten bliver konkurrenceforvridende, og samtidig får vi penge i kassen, der kan bruges til at støtte nye projekter i fremtiden, siger Erik Bastiansen. Megen forskning og mange projekter er sat i gang siden 2006, og i mange tilfælde er der tale om energiprojekter godt skubbet frem af høje oliepriser og klimadebatten.

DFDS a modern shipping network DFDS has a special history. Since it was founded in 1866 the company has been a well-known name – among its many customers in northern Europe and the general public in Denmark.

DFDS har en historie som få andre. Siden grundlæggelsen i 1866 har selskabet været et kendt brand – både blandt de mange kunder i Nordeuropa og i den brede befolkning i Danmark.

DFDS is now a modern, northern European transport group based on an extensive shipping network. Its activities are in passenger shipping, ro-ro and container activities as well as terminal and trailer activities associated with the route network. The company now has major operations in Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania, the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Finland and Russia, as well as in Ireland and Spain.

DFDS er i dag en topmoderne, nordeuropæisk transportkoncern med et veludbygget shippingnetværk som fundament. Aktiviteterne er inden for passagershipping, ro/ro og containeraktiviteter samt terminal- og traileraktiviteter i tilknytning til rutenetværket. Selskabet er i dag repræsenteret i Danmark, Sverige, Litauen. England, Norge, Holland, Belgien; Tyskland, Letland, Rusland og Finland samt i Irland og Spanien.

These operations and DFDS’ ties to northern Europea make it a suitable place for young people who wish to gain an education in the shipping world. Characteristic of the company’s shipping training is that during their two-year educational period students have the opportunities to be posted abroad. DFDS also strives to make the educational period an exciting time for the students

Dette gør sammen med den nordeuropæiske forankring DFDS til et velegnet sted for unge, der ønsker en uddannelse i shippingverdenen. Bl.a. er virksomhedens shippinguddannelse kendetegnet ved, at eleverne i den toårige uddannelsesperiode får mulighed for at være udstationeret i et andet land. Samtidig gør DFDS meget for at gøre uddannelsen spændende for eleverne, der som følge af

who become acquainted with many different parts of the shipping business. In addition to shipping, trainees can gain experience in finance and travel, among other things. The company is also naturally represented through training for ship’s officers.

virksomhedens bredde får berøring med mange forskellige dele af søfartserhvervet. Ud over shipping er det også muligt for unge at uddanne sig indenfor blandt andet økonomi og rejseliv, ligesom rederiet naturligvis også er repræsenteret med skibsofficersuddannelserne.

DFDS has recently streamlined its strategic profile in the five current business areas, which combine to make the strong northern European shipping network that is the business’ strategic target. Meanwhile, the company has also increased its focus on customer service with a joint sales function, which will be able to provide customers with services from the entire company network, as well as increasing focus on the company’s environmental targets and human resource development. DFDS has an annual turnover of DKK 8 billion, operates about 60 ships and employs around 4,000 people. The head office is in Copenhagen, Denmark.

DFDS har de senere år skærpet den strategiske profil på de nuværende fem forretningsområder, der tilsammen skal udgøre det stærke shippingnetværk i Nordeuropa, som er virksomhedens strategiske mål. Samtidig har rederiet øget fokus på kundeservice med en fælles salgsfunktion, der skal kunne tilbyde kunderne services fra rederiets samlede netværk, ligesom der er en betydelig skærpet fokus på rederiets indsats over for miljøet og udvikling af Human Resources. DFDS har en årlig omsætning på 8 mia. kr., hovedkontor i København, driver ca. 60 skibe og beskæftiger ca. 4000 personer. Mere info: www.dfds.com

More information: www.dfds.com



More than 30 years’ experience in the ship industry Today, Difko manages 18 ships and is one of the leaders in the country within ship investment.

Difko has invested in ships for over 30 years and for a long period Difko’s many ship projects have fed the Danish shipyards. Today, Difko continues to be one of Denmark’s largest providers of ship investment and is known as one of the most serious and experienced partners for shipping and financing. “Through the years, our projects have made more than 40,000 Danes ship owners. We have built more than 60 ships and invested in 30 used ships and for several years we were one of Denmark’s largest shipping companies. Difko’s first supplied ship, which was built in 1978, is still sailing and going strong on the seven seas,” informs senior manager, Jan Mayland. ”We purchase ships in cooperation with shipping companies or others in the transport industry. The purchases are conducted under ordinary, commercial terms where the operation will provide profit to the ship and investors. An in-depth knowledge of the market and previous experience with many types of ships gives us a clear picture of which ships are suitable as assets for the investors,” he says. The ships are offered as investment projects that are divided into shares and sold to both professional and non-professional partners. The project must be supported by a ship owner as a professional investor – that is a stamp of quality and provides security for the other investors. Difko is responsible for the administration of the ships, whilst the technical and commercial operation is outsourced to professionals in the industry. Difko manages18 ships in total, which are split between container and general cargo ships as well as bulk carriers and tankers.



I dag administrerer Difko 18 skibe og er en af de førende i landet inden for skibsinvestering. Difko har investeret i skibe i over 30 år, og i en lang periode brødfødte Difkos mange skibsprojekter de danske værfter. I dag er Difko fortsat en af Danmarks største udbydere af skibsinvestering og kendt inden for både shipping og finansiering som en af de mest seriøse og erfarne partnere. - Vores projekter har i årenes løb gjort flere end 40.000 danskere til skibsredere. Vi har bygget over 60 skibe samt investeret i 30 brugte skibe og var i flere år et af Danmarks tre, største rederier. Difkos første udbudte skib, der blev bygget i 1978, sejler stadig i bedste velgående på de syv verdenshave, oplyser senior manager Jan Mayland. - Vi indkøber skibe i samarbejde med rederier eller andre i transportbranchen. Der købes ind på almindelige, kommercielle vilkår, hvor driften skal give overskud til skib og investorer. Et indgående kendskab til markedet og tidligere erfaring med mange skibstyper giver os et klart billede af, hvilke skibe der er egnede som aktiver for investorerne, siger han. Skibene udbydes som investeringsprojekter, der deles i anparter og afhændes til både professionelle og ikke-professionelle partnere. Projektet skal bakkes op af en reder som professionel investor – det er en kvalitetsstempling og giver tryghed for de øvrige investorer. Difko står for administrationen af skibene, mens teknisk og kommerciel drift er udliciteret til professionelle i branchen. Difko administrerer i alt 18 skibe, der er fordelt på container- og stykgodsskibe samt bulkcarriers og tankskibe.

A strong supplier of maritime information Erhvervsmagasinerne has specialised in information to maritime Denmark. With Danish Maritime Magazine, information to the English-speaking audience is strengthened. There is a strong need for magazines that are targeted towards the marketing of maritime companies and suppliers. The Danish maritime sector has a strong position worldwide and there are increasing demands for information and news at a high level. This is the message from René Wittendorff who owns and operates the media company, Erhvervsmagasinerne. “This is the same spirit in which we will be launching Danish Maritime Magazine, which in future will be issued four times per year. The magazine supplements and expands the palette of quality magazines for the maritime sector. It is also important that Denmark, which is Europe’s leading seafaring nation, addresses a broader circle of recipients with an English language magazine,” says René Wittendorff. Erhvervsmagasinerne has deep roots in the maritime sector where, e.g. Havne & Skibsfart and Maritim Industri are serious offers of a trade magazine where the Danish ports, freight and shipping companies, shipyards as well as the

people in the shipping industry and suppliers to the industry can air their visions and points of view. The magazine’s recipients are among others, all Danish ports and port companies, shipping companies, shipping lines and not least, all ships in the Danish merchant fleet. FiskerBladet is the oldest magazine in the company, with 53 years in circulation. The magazine is published ten times annually to fishermen and fishery industries as well as service industries throughout the Nordic region. It is possible to obtain more information about Havne & Skibsfart, Maritim Industri as well as FiskerBladet at their respective websites: www.havneogskibsfart.dk, www.maritim-industri.dk and www.fiskerbladet.dk

ErhvervsMagasinerne HAVNE SKIBSFART 52. ÅRGANG · DECEMBER 2008 NR. 12





10. ÅRGANG · MARTS 2008 · NR. 3




EMUC Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter 10 års jubilæum

Sporbarhed: Projekter i gang i Danmark og på Færøerne Tun i nutid og fortid - Overfiskeri truer europæisk tun


> >

Maritime education approach


Offshore energy production


Havne & Skibsfart

Besøg FiskerBladet.dk Havneogskibsfart.dk Maritimindustri.dk

Maritim Industri



The safety and security against Pirates


Det Blå Danmarks Danish Maritime Uddannelsesmagasin Magazine

Søg i over 700 artikler om erhvervet Tilmeld dig vores nyhedsbrev Læs tidligere udgivelser fra magasinerne


Få dit eget abonnement på samtlige magasiner for 375 kr. pr. år i portotilskud : abo@erhvervsmagasinerne.dk ErhvervsMagasinerne - Jægergårdsgade 152 - Bygn. 03 I - 8000 Århus C - Tel.: +45 7020 4155 - www.ErhvervsMagasinerne.dk



The Port of Esbjerg

Located in the south west corner of Denmark, facing the North Sea, the UK, Norway, Island, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and not to forget the whole of the western part of Europe, the Port of Esbjerg is an excellent choice if you want to connect Danish trade with Europe. And with an excellent hinterland infrastructure including road and rail, also the connections to the southern parts of Sweden are easy accessible. During the years the Port of Esbjerg has demonstrated its ability to develop its infrastructure as well as attracting new costumers and new routes. Among the more spectacular ones are the ro-ro route to Zeebr端uge, and the newly opened lo/lo route to Bremerhaven and Hamburg. Both of these have demonstrated an ability to compete with road transports on parallel sailing routes and on relatively short distance routes, opening up new perspectives for combining sea and road in intermodal transport chains. The Port of Esbjerg is today the largest port in Denmark within the Ro/Ro and project cargo segments, handling more than 250.000 units per year and large project shipment every day.


The Port of Esbjerg

Ever since the beginning of the oil- & gas exploration in the Danish Northsea the Port of Esbjerg has been an important corner stone in the development of this industy in Denmark. Today the port is the main hub for all oil- & gas activities in the Danish Northsea. Denmark is the leading country within manufaction of windturbines and we are pround to say that more than 50% of all windturbines via seatransport is handled via the Port of Esbjerg.

FORCE Technology Transforms highly specialised engineering knowledge into practical and value-creating solutions for a broad spectrum of sectors and industries.

FORCE Technology has now more than 1,200 employees and expects to pass a turnover of one billion Dkk in 2009. FORCE Technology operates in the following areas: Optimisation and automation of production and processes Material use, protection and analyses Inspection, testing, calibration, verification and certification Maritime technology Integrity Management Utilization and development of sensor technologies Optimisation and development of management systems Energy and environment. The maritime services (in Lyngby) are provided on the basis of advanced training tools (simulators), in-house developed course material, model investigations and advanced numerical methods. We possess a range of modern facilities such as: 9 multiship marine simulators with unique hydrodynamic software and visual systems 240 x 12 x 5.5 m towing tank with powerful wave maker, PMM apparatus, etc. 4 wind tunnels; including a 14 m wide tunnel, a high speed, a boundary layer and a climatic tunnel.

FORCE Technology provide: Maritime education and training; which includes development of advanced training courses including Human Factors, Crisis and Emergency, Accident investigation, etc. Simulation of marine operations; which includes determination of optimal harbour configuration, tug evaluation, evaluation of strategies for ship manoeuvring and offshore operations, navigation analysis, and development of real-time simulation software. Naval architecture; which includes propulsion, resistance, manoeuvring and seakeeping of ships. Ocean engineering; which includes determination of motions and forces on offshore installations, anchoring systems, risers, towed vehicles, etc. Wind engineering; which includes investigations regarding wind energy, -load, -flow and -climate in connection with buildings, bridges, ships, vehicles and offshore constructions. Information technology; which includes on-board decision support systems including voyage planning. For further information go to www.forcetechnology.com or e-mail: info@forcetechnology.com

Our core competences are: Hydro and aerodynamics Simulation technology and mathematical modelling Training and port layout Human Factors

FORCE Technology: Park Allé 345, 2605 Brøndby Telefon: +45 43 26 70 00 Fax: +45 43 26 70 11

Force Technologies


Association for promotion of Danish Shipping The Association, which was founded in 1844 and has been active for more than 160 years, is currently a dynamic and active cornerstone of the Blue Denmark. The purpose of the Association is to ‘promote anything that serves the good of shipping’. The Association disseminates knowledge and garners interest in Danish shipping and its related industries.

Foreningen, stiftet i 1844 med over 160 års virke, fremstår i dag som en dynamisk og aktiv hjørnesten i det Blå Danmark. Foreningens formål er ”Fremme alt , der tjener til søfartens bedste”. Foreningen spreder kendskab til og vækker interesse for dansk søfart og de til erhvervet knyttede virksomheders arbejde. Og hvad gør foreningen så for at opfylde sit formål:

What does the Association do to fulfil its purpose? In 2008, the Association’s lecturers ‘The Blue Denmark’s Ambassadors’ held 264 lectures (about shipping and its training options) at schools, continuation schools and free schools. 32 fairs, functions and training days were organised in 2008 where the opportunities for young people in The Blue Denmark and shipping were advertised. The Association’s ‘Blue Denmark’s Ambassadors’ are voluntary professional officers, marine engineers, captains, chief engineers, harbour masters, pilots, teachers and students. They deserve a big thank you for a job well done and have earned great respect in their profession for their voluntary work. The Association’s many partners in its work to promote shipping include: the Danish Shipowners’ Association, the Danish Maritime Authority, maritime educational establishments, the training ships Georg Stage and Danmark. The Association publishes the magazine ‘Søfart’ which with a circulation of 6000 is the largest shipping news publication in Denmark. The Association’s activities are completely independent of subsidy from any shipping funds, organisations and companies. They therefore also deserve a big thank you.

I 2008 har foreningens foredragsholdere ” Det Blå Danmarks Ambassadører” gennemført 264 foredrag (om erhvervet og uddannelsesmuligheder) på skoler, efterskoler og friskoler. 32 messer, arrangementer og uddannelsesdage blev gennemført i 2008 hvor der blev reklameret for Det Blå Danmark og Søfartens muligheder for de unge. Foreningens ”Det Blå Danmarks Ambassadører” er frivillige professionelle styrmænd, maskinmestre, kaptajner, maskinchefer, havnekaptajner, lodser, undervisere og studerende. De fortjener et stort tak for et ”well done” job og har opnået stor respekt i erhvervet for deres frivillige arbejde. Foreningens mange samarbejdspartnere for at fremme søfart kan nævnes: Danmarks Rederiforening, Søfartsstyrelsen, de maritime uddannelsesinstitutioner, Skoleskibene Georg Stage og Danmark rederierne, skibsmæglerne og havne. Foreningen udgiver bladet ”Søfart” der med sit samlede oplag på 6000 eksemplarer er den største danske samlede nyhedsformidler om søfartserhvervet. Aktiviteterne i foreningen er helt afhængige af tilskud fra søfartserhvervets fonde, organisationer og virksomheder. Derfor skal de også have en stor tak.

Hjemmesiden WWW.SOEFART-FREM.DK / WWW.MARDAN.DK The association for promotion of danish shipping


The Association for the Advancement of Shipping

FURUNO DANMARK A/S is a subsidiary of FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., Japan FURUNO DANMARK A/S (FDK) is providing the maritime industry with advanced electronic systems and products for navigation, communication and professional fish-finding. FDK is responsible for the markets in Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Island, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Poland, Israel and the Baltic Countries. FURUNO SVERIGE AB (Gothenburg, Sweden), FURUNO EURUS LLC (St. Petersburg, Russia) and FURUNO POLSKA Sp. z o.o. (Gdansk, Poland) are subsidiary companies of FURUNO DANMARK A/S. FURUNO International Navigation Training Centre (INSTC) in Copenhagen is a centre for the extensive FURUNO educational program. Customers and FURUNO staff from all over Europe attend seminars to receive the latest updates on technical and commercial matters. The International Navigation Training Centre (INSTC) has advanced training facilities including the FURUNO Voyager Bridge Simulator, where students can enjoy the FURUNO products in a very realistic scenario. INSTC has an efficient team of highly qualified instructors. FDK’s large service- and project management division works closely together with FDK’s sales & marketing departments to ensure that any delivery of either turn key solutions or single products comply with rules & regulations and customer demands. FURUNO DANMARK A/S is certified according to ISO 9001:2000. FURUNO DANMARK A/S located in Hvidovre (Copenhagen), Denmark, has branch offices in Esbjerg and Skagen for servicing customers in the western and northern part of Denmark. FURUNO DANMARK A/S’ objective is to be the preferred supplier of maritime electronics in the territory, providing customers with solutions that improve safety and operational cost and efficiency within commercial shipping and fishing. FDK helps the leisure yachtsman to be able to enjoy life at sea. Above anything, FDK has one fundamental motive: Travelling at sea must be still more safe. In addition to the portfolio of operations critical equipment on board, Furuno has created an outstanding Distribution Network supporting the professional Shipping market world wide. The FURUNO brand has a well established name within Navigation, Integrated Bridge Systems and Communications.

Furuno Danmark


The Maritime Industry’s Helping Hand For nearly a century the law firm of Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard has offered its services to the maritime industry during the industry’s ups and downs.

Always at your service. This has been the message for nearly a century of the law firm of Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard. The law firm has assisted the shipping industry – shipowners, ship yards, insurance companies and business organisations etc. – in word and deed both in good times as well as in bad times. The expertise is at hand The law firm has chosen the strategy that the firm’s transportation group basically handles all assignments from the industry submitted to the firm. Accordingly the clients are certain to be provided with the required knowledge of the industry, which has evolved through many years, whether the problems concern traditional maritime law, financial law, tax law, competition law or the like. Should specific expertise within a special legal field be required, the group will coordinate with the other specialist groups within the firm. The transportation group numbers approximately 15 lawyers including the partners Alex Laudrup, Peter Appel, Jens V. Mathiasen and Morten Lundqvist Jakobsen. Matters of interest In 2008 Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard’s maritime lawyers have been busier than ever. The first six months were dominated by assistance to Danish shipowners in several fleet- and company acquisitions. Also significant assistance with newbuildings was


Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard

provided. The second half of the year offered a significant change to the legal work such as providing assistance emerging from the drastic decline in the bulk market. Our lawyers have been involved in several bankruptcy cases and have provided extensive advice on counter party risks. In 2008 a significant field of action for the lawyers has been assistance within maritime competition law. The EU competition laws are now fully applicable to the shipping business, and Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard’s lawyers have completed so-called “compliance programmes” with several Danish shipowners. Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard also hosted a conference with more than 100 participants on maritime competition law in Copenhagen in October 2008. The firm’s work in litigation continues to be at a high level and in 2008 it involved assistance in the so-called “salmon roe case” where the Supreme Court decided on significant fundamental issues on delineation between road and air transport. In 2008 our transportation group has also had a high activity within international arbitration with cases pending in London, Stockholm and Copenhagen. Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard still has a prominent role in the international sphere of maritime law. One of our partners, Peter Appel, has just been appointed chairman of the world’s largest association of maritime lawyers, the Maritime and Transport Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA).

Strength in ship design on a globalised market Grontmij | Carl Bro Marine Division has success in being the liaison between North European ship owners and Chinese shipyards. They are the best at designing the ships that are to be built.

When a new ship is to be built or an older vessel is to be renovated, the Chinese shipyards are difficult to sidestep. Today, the Chinese shipyards have a significant part of the world market because they can deliver the goods at relatively low prices. But what Denmark no longer has within ship building, we have, however, within ship design. Here, Grontmij | Carl Bro Marine Division (GMCB) is one of the strongest players on the market with offices in Copenhagen, Odense and Shanghai.

Når et nyt skib skal bygges eller et ældre fartøj ombygges, er kinesiske værfter vanskelige at komme udenom. I dag sidder de kinesiske værfter på en betydelig del af verdensmarkedet, fordi de kan levere varen til en relativt billig penge. Men hvad Danmark ikke længere har indenfor skibsbyggeri, har vi til gengæld indenfor skibsdesign. Her er Grontmij | Carl Bro Marine Division (GMCB) en af de stærkeste spillere på markedet, med kontorer i København, Odense og Shanghai.

“We have extensive experience in being the liaison between Northern European ship owners and Asian shipyards. It can be difficult for a ship owner to explain to the Chinese shipyard what he’s looking for. Therefore, we often come onto the scene at an early stage where we discuss the project, make the specifications and outline designs, which the ship owners and shipyards can then use as a basis for a ship building contract. Following this, GMCB is often responsible for the preparation of design documentation and subsequent class and authority approvals on behalf of the Chinese shipyards,” explains Michael Schmidt, senior project manager at Grontmij | Carl Bro Marine Division. Even though the Chinese are becoming better at being responsible for the design phase, there will still be ship owners who need GMCB. Grontmij | Carl Bro Marine Division specialises in bulk carriers, gas carriers and multipurpose ships where they make the complete designs. Currently, the division employs 20 persons in the head office in Copenhagen and three and eight persons in Odense and Shanghai, respectively where GMCB has developed a good network among the Chinese design companies. On the home front, the division carries out a number of projects within renovations, for example, the offshore sector and also a broad range of ship-technical tasks for Danish ship owners.

- Vi har gode erfaringer med at være link mellem nordeuropæiske redere og asiatiske værfter. Det kan være vanskeligt for en reder at forklare det kinesiske værft, hvad han er ude efter. Derfor kommer vi ofte ind i billedet på et tidligt tidspunkt, hvor vi drøfter projektet, laver specifikationerne og outline-designs, som redere og værfter kan lægge til grund for en skibsbygningskontrakt. Derefter står GMCB ofte for udarbejdelse af designdokumentation og efterfølgende klasse- og myndigheds-godkendelse på vegne af de kinesiske værfter, forklarer Michael Schmidt, senior projektleder hos Grontmij | Carl Bro Marine Division. Selv om kineserne bliver bedre til selv at stå for designfasen, vil der til stadighed være redere, der har behov for GMCB. Grontmij | Carl Bro Marine Division specialiserer sig indenfor bulk carriers, gas carriers og multi purpose skibe, hvor de laver fulde designs. Divisionen beskæftiger i dag 20 personer i hovedkvarteret i København, og henholdsvis tre og otte personer i Odense og Shanghai, hvor GMCB har opbygget et godt netværk blandt kinesiske design firmaer. På den hjemlige front laver divisionen en del projekter indenfor ombygninger, blandt andet til offshore sektoren og tilmed en bred vifte af skibstekniske opgaver for danske redere.

Grontmij | Carl Bro Marine Division


Lauritzen Kosan in forefront with innovation Lloyd’s List Ship of the Year “Isabella Kosan” - a clear example of how innovation and consideration for the environment can be a competitive advantage in modern shipping.

Consideration for the environment is much more than just sweet words and good intentions for Lauritzen Kosan. There is probably no better evidence of a shipowners’ endeavours than the “Isabella Kosan” - a completely new concept for ethylene carriers, where innovation has been the constant key word in the development of the vessel. Throughout the design and construction phase special emphasis has been put into minimizing the vessels impact on the environment. Several new features have been implemented on the vessel to improve safety, cargo operations and working environment onboard. This achievement impressed the shipping newspaper “Lloyd’s List” to the degree that they chose to honour the “Isabella Kosan” with the “Ship of the Year” award. “It is a great acknowledgement to receive such a prestigious award. It is our firm belief that innovation and consideration for the environment will be essential for the shipping industry in the future. Our customers also have increasing focus on environmental matters in their choice of transport providers”, says Peter Justesen, Vice President of Lauritzen Kosan. The “Isabella Kosan” is the first in a series of ten 8,000 cbm ethylene carriers built at SeKwang Heavy Industries, Korea. Lauritzen Kosan is a subsidiary of J. Lauritzen - JL operates a diversified fleet of bulk carriers, gas carries, product tankers and specialized units for the off-shore industry.


Lauritzen Kosan

Årets Skib hos Loyd’s List - Isabella Kosan - er et godt eksempel på, at innovation og omtanke for miljøet betaler sig i moderne rederidrift Omtanke for miljøet er andet og mere end pæne ord og gode hensigter hos Lauritzen Kosan. Og der findes næppe noget bedre bevis på rederiets indsats end Isabella Kosan - en helt ny type ethylentanker, hvor innovation har været med hele vejen igennem tilblivelsen. Igennem hele design- og byggefasen er stor vægt lagt på at holde skibets miljøpåvirkning nede på et absolut minimum. Samtidig indeholder Isabella Kosan en lang række nyskabelser når det gælder sikkerhed, effektiv operation og godt arbejdsmiljø for besætningen. Indsatsen imponerede den anerkendte shippingavis - Loyd’s List

- i sådan en grad, at den valgte at tildele den prestigefyldte pris Ship of the Year til Lauritzen Kosan. - Det er en stor anerkendelse at modtage prisen, fordi vi tror på, at innovation og omtanke for miljøet er essentielle faktorer inden for fremtidens rederidrift. Det er samtidig noget, som vores kunder i stigende grad ser efter, når de skal vælge transportløsninger, siger Peter Justesen, Teknisk Chef hos Lauritzen Kosan, gasdivisionen i Rederiet J. Lauritzen. Isabella Kosan er det første af i alt 12 ethylenskibe hver med en kapacitet på 8.000 kubikmeter. Skibene bliver bygget af det koreanske værft Sekwang Heavy Industries, og er blandt andet udstyret med dual-fuel hjælpemotorer, hvor rester fra lasten kan anvendes som brændstof. Desuden er skibene udrustet med container-dæktanke og såkaldte container-baserede nitrogenanlæg, der skal være med til at øge skibenes fleksibilitet.


A lighthouse for the environment

LITEHAUZ ApS is specialised in environment from berth to beach

Requirements for safe transport at sea always become stricter, but while focus 20 years ago was directed towards safety at the workplace, today the environmental demands weigh in heavily - and this regards both the onboard environment of the ships and the environment around them. It can be somewhat of a jungle to keep up with the legislation on environmental issues, but help is at hand. It is available in LITEHAUZ ApS in Lyngby, which Frank Stuer-Lauridsen established in 2008, an environmental lighthouse to show the way for seafarers. The company’s owner does just that. For many years he has provided environmental consulting on maritime fields in COWI and DHI (Danish Hydraulics Institute), and especially within ships’ life cycle from design to ship breaking. ”The shipping sector's need for environmental management increases because more and more environmental regulations must be complied with”, says Frank Stuer-Lauridsen. Currently, emissions to air, climate issues, ballast water and the new green passports are key issues to the shipping trade. “With the new green passport, you have an ongoing overview and can save time and money by taking precautions with repair work and eventually with the ship breaking,” he says. Today, business is also about showing responsibility for humans and the environment and about operating sustainable businesses with less waste, energy savings and use of fewer resources – both when you provide services to a new customer and when you take in new suppliers.



LITEHAUZ ApS er specialister i miljø fra vugge til grav Kravene til sikker søfart skærpes altid, men hvor fokus for 20 år siden mest var rettet mod sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen, så er det i dag miljømæssige krav, der vejer tungt – både de der gælder ombord og i miljøet omkring skibene. Det kan være lidt af en jungle at følge med i lovgivningen på miljøområdet, men der er hjælp at hente. Den fås hos LITEHAUZ ApS i Lyngby, hvor Frank Stuer-Lauridsen for et år siden startede virksomheden, der, som et fyrtårn, viser vej for søens folk. Det gør firmaets ejer også. Han har i mange år ydet miljørådgivning på maritime felter i COWI og DHI (Dansk Hydraulisk Institut, og specielt inden for skibenes livscyklus fra design til ophugning. - Den maritime sektors behov for miljøledelse stiger, for stadig flere miljøregler skal overholdes, siger Frank Stuer-Lauridsen. I øjeblikket er udledninger til luft, klimaområdet, ballastvand og de nye grønne pas i fokus i skibsfarten. - Med de bye grønne pas får man løbende et overblik og kan spare tid og penge ved at tage sine forholdsregler ved reparationsarbejder og senere ved ophugning, siger han. I disse år handler forretning også om at vise ansvarlighed over for mennesker og miljø og om at drive bæredygtig forretning med mindre affald, energibesparelser og brug af færre ressourcer – både når der leveres til nye kunder og hentes nye leverandører ind i butikken.



www.lr.org/marine Horse-eye jacks following leading fish. One suggested benefit of shoaling is increased hydrodynamic efficiency. Services are provided by members of the Lloyd’s Register Group. Lloyd’s Register is an exempt charity under the UK Charities Act 1993.

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The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group

The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is a worldwide organisation with about 117,000 employees and offices in around 130 countries – with global headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. In addition to owning one of the world’s largest shipping companies, we are also involved in a wide range of activities within the energy, shipbuilding, retail and manufacturing industries.

A.P. Møller - Mærsk Gruppen er en verdensomspændende organisation med cirka 117.000 medarbejdere, kontorer i omkring 130 lande og globalt hovedkontor i København. Ud over at være ejere af et af verdens største rederier er vi involveret i en lang række aktiviteter inden for energi-, skibsbygnings-, detail- og produktionsindustrierne.

Our Group is founded on strong values. For more than 100 years, values have determined the way we interact with employees, customers and society in general.

Gruppen er baseret på stærke værdier. I mere end 100 år har værdier dannet grundlaget for den måde, vi forholder os på til vores medarbejdere, kunder og samfundet som helhed.

In the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group we believe in sustainability. In line with our values we are committed to developing environmentally friendly solutions to the challenge on environment and climate change. Not only does this offer a competitive edge to our business, equally important are the benefits it brings to the environment and climate.

I A.P. Møller - Mærsk Gruppen tror vi på bæredygtighed. I tråd med vores værdier søger vi at udvikle miljøvenlige løsninger på de udfordringer, der knytter sig til miljø- og klimaforandringer. Dette gavner ikke blot miljøet og klimaet, men giver også vores forretning et konkurrencemæssigt forspring.

Our tradition of being innovative is essential when it comes to environmental initiatives and developments. This effort has earned us the position as an industry leader in several business areas. Being a group of our size we feel particularly committed to contributing with sustainable solutions in the industries where we are active. To mention a few examples, we do that by: • Installing Waste Heat Recovery Systems on our vessels with up to 8-10% reductions in CO2 emissions. • Seeking ways to lower SOx as in our rewarded California Fuel Switch Initiative. • Offering customers a SupplyChain CarbonCheck to reduce company’s CO2 emissions and also lower logistics costs by up to 10%.

Vores innovative tradition er afgørende, når det gælder initiativer og udvikling på miljøområdet. Som følge af denne indsats er vi nu førende i branchen på en række forretningsområder. Gruppens størrelse gør også, at vi føler os særligt forpligtet til at bidrage med bæredygtige løsninger i de brancher, hvor vi er aktive. For at nævne et par eksempler: • Vi genindvinder overskudsvarme på vores skibe, hvilket kan reducere CO2-udledningen med 8-10%. • Vi søger måder at mindske udledningen af SOx som i vores præmierede miljøtiltag ”California Fuel Switch”. • Vi tilbyder vores kunder et såkaldt SupplyChain CarbonCheck, der kan mindske CO2-udledningen og også logistikomkostningen med op til 10%.

A.P. Møller - Mærsk Gruppen


MARTEC – a mixed maritime bag A wide range of courses is a side benefit to the school’s basic maritime training programmes.



A brand new course aimed at the offshore industry is the latest addition at the MARTEC Maritime Training and Education Centre in Frederikshavn. Preliminary approval came in December, so the centre is in the process of introducing DK Basic Safety, as it is called, to the industry. “Without exception, anyone who is going to work offshore will take the course,” explains director Erik Møller. The course is an extension of the extensive course activity that takes place alongside the maritime training courses at MARTEC. The activities are an invaluable side benefit, as they allow trainees to make best possible use of the vast pool of maritime knowledge available at the centre. The courses are wide-ranging in their content. Country cooks become ship’s cooks and training is given in first aid, safety at sea, welding, hydraulics, etc. A wealth of opportunities. “We are constantly looking at ways of extending the course options according to the requirements of the maritime industry, and compromise is not part of our vocabulary. We do not therefore launch any courses before we are sure of success,” says Erik Møller. Our facilities are in order. The centre has its own training pool, and in addition to various lifeboats and life rafts, we also have Denmark’s only free fall boat for training exercises. The centre has a seamanship school, an engineering school and workshops. In addition to the maritime training courses and course activity, the centre has another string to its bow in the form of the training ship “Danmark”, which it operates for the state. It is used for basic maritime training, providing young people with teambuilding skills, practical skills and life experiences. By Karen Sloth

En mangfoldighed af kurser er en sidegevinst til skolens basale søfartsuddannelser. Et splinternyt kursus til offshorebranchen er nyeste skud på stammen hos uddannelsescentret MARTEC i Frederikshavn. Den foreløbige godkendelse kom i december, så centret er i gang med introduktionen til branchen af DK Basic Safety, som kurset hedder. - Alle uden undtagelse skal havekurset, hvis de skal arbejde offshore, oplyser direktør Erik Møller. Kurset er en udvidelse af den omfattende kursusaktivitet, der foregår sideløbende med søfartsuddannelserne på MARTEC. Aktiviteterne er en givtig sidegevinst, idet man på den måde bedst muligt udnytter den store, maritime viden, der er samlet på centret. Kurserne er vidt forskellige. Her gøres landkokke til skibskokke, her undervises i førstehjælp, her undervises i sikkerhed til søs, svejsning, hydraulik osv. En mangfoldighed af muligheder. - Vi arbejder hele tiden på at udvide kursusmulighederne efter den maritime branches behov, og vi går ikke på kompromis. Vi søsætter derfor ingen kurser, før vi er sikre på succes, siger Erik Møller. Faciliteterne er i orden. Centret har sit eget øvelsesbassin, og ud over diverse redningsbåde og -flåder, disponerer man også over Danmarks eneste frit falds-båd til øvelsesbrug. Centretrummerbådesøfarts-,maskinmester-ogværkstedsskoler. Udover søfartsuddannelserne og kursusvirksomheden hviler centret på endnu et ben, idet man driver skoleskibet ”Danmark” for staten. Det bruges til den grundlæggende søfartsuddannelse, der giver unge teambuilding, praktiske færdigheder og oplevelser for livet. Af Karen Sloth



Engineers looking to the future “We must continue to profile the skills of marine and technical engineers,” says chairman Per Jørgensen.

Marine and technical engineers are not only to be found at sea; on land, too, there are plenty of jobs for them. “As an association, it is one of our tasks to be future-oriented and to profile our members’ skills both on land and at sea. They possess a multitude of skills that can benefit ¹Det Blå Danmark (The Danish Maritime Cluster – Blue Denmark),” says Per Jørgensen, chairman of the Danish Engineers’ Association, an organisation which has approx. 9000 members. But his vision is not just to look after the professional interests of the members. The Danish Engineers’ Association aims to do more than that, where the future is concerned. “We will continue to be an innovative, professional organisation, which works actively with organisations such as EMUC (Maritime Development Center of Europe), Skibsteknisk Selskab and Green Ship of the Future, as well as various research and development projects. The development of the shipping business is in the interests of all marine and technical engineers, even though a great many of them do not work offshore. Many are employed in onshore maritime-related industries and in other industrial activities,” he points out. Of the association’s active members, 80% are employed in onshore positions and 20% offshore. 14% of the members are retired mechanical and technical engineers, and 10% are trainees. The association participates continuously in the development of the marine and technical engineering training programme, to ensure that it meets the current requirements of the business community. It is also behind activities such as the annual business conference AJOUR, project days, seminars and member meetings. The 135-year-old association is also a natural, collegial gathering point for members, who are naturally also able to obtain help with professional issues.


Marine and technical engineers

- Vi skal fortsat profilere maskinmestrenes kompetencer, siger formanden Per Jørgensen. Maskinmestrene er ikke kun synlige i den maritime verden, for også på land er der rigeligt med job til dem. - Som forening er det en af vores opgaver at være fremtidsorienterede og profilere medlemmernes kompetencer både til lands og til søs. De kan en masse, der kan gavne Det Blå Danmark, siger formanden for Maskinmestrenes Forening, Per Jørgensen, der har ca. 9000 medlemmer i organisationen. Men hans vision er ikke kun at varetage medlemmernes faglige interesser. Maskinmestrenes Forening vil mere end det, når det gælder fremtiden. - Vi skal fortsat være en innovativ, faglig organisation, som spiller aktivt med i organisationer som f.eks. EMUC, Skibsteknisk Selskab og Green Ship of the Future samt diverse forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter. Udviklingen af søfarten er i maskinmestrenes interesse, selv om det langt fra er alle, der er på havet. Mange er beskæftiget i både de maritime følgeindustrier på land og i andre industrivirksomheder, påpeger han. Af foreningens aktive medlemmer er 80 % ansat i stillinger i land og 20 % til søs. 14 % af medlemmerne er seniorer - pensionerede maskinmestre - og 10 % er under uddannelse. Foreningen deltager løbende i udviklingen af maskinmesteruddannelsen, så den hele tiden står mål med tidens krav i erhvervslivet. Desuden står den bag aktiviteter som den årlige erhvervskonference AJOUR, temadage, seminarer og medlemsmøder. Endvidere er den 135-årige forening et naturligt, kollegialt samlingssted for medlemmerne, der naturligvis også her kan hente hjælp i faglige spørgsmål.


Nexus with focus on shipping Awarded Best Government Web Page 2008

If anyone can illustrate the shipping industry and make it visible it is Nexus Kommunikation A/S in Hvidovre, Denmark. For several years this company has been leaders in shipping campaigns promoting shipping and have, for example, produced a DVD on the training ship ”Georg Stage”. This was sent to all Danish schools for career guidance purposes and helps inform about the possibilities for a career in shipping. Nexus Kommunikation have also produced a film about safety at sea and has in the last couple of years had quite a few maritime projects on the go. - It is an exciting field to focus upon. The shipping industry is in many ways invisible from the shore, but there are so many job possibilities, MD Ebbe Kyrø states. Apart from the within the shipping industry, Nexus Kommunikation also undertakes projects with a cultural aspect as well as commercial and can within web and media production deliver everything from concept to the end product. - We produce documentaries for TV, promotional films, training films, multi media, journalistic, photography, copy writing, communication and media advice as well as web-production with Typo3 CMS. We continually produce TV-programmes for Danish Broadcasting Corporation, as well as provide large Danish companies and stake holders with journalistic and graphical solutions he continues. One of the many web pages Nexus has produced was awarded best government web page 2008 for ”Bedst på nettet” [Best on the Net]. Nexus Kommunikation is situated in Infirmeriet (The Infirmary) in Avedørelejren in Copenhagen and is part of the Filmby’s creative environment. By Karen Sloth


Nexus Kommunikation

Vandt pris for bedste statslige hjemmeside i 2008. Hvis der er nogen, der kan illustrere søfarten og gøre den synlig, så er det Nexus Kommunikation A/S i Hvidovre. Virksomheden har i flere år været en spydspids for kampagner til søfartens fremme og bl.a. produceret en dvd om skoleskibet ”Georg Stage”. Den er sendt til alle landets skoler som led i erhvervsvejledningen og er med til at åbne øjnene for mulighederne i en maritim karriere. Nexus Kommunikation har desuden produceret en film om sikkerhed til søs, og de seneste år har budt på mange maritime opgaver. - Det er et spændende felt at være med til at sætte fokus på. Ikke mindst søfarten er på mange områder lidt usynlig set fra land, men rummer mange jobmuligheder, siger direktør Ebbe Kyrø. Ud over søfarten udfører Nexus Kommunikation også opgaver af både kulturelt og erhvervsmæssigt tilsnit, og kan inden for web og medieproduktion levere alt fra idé til færdigt produkt. - Vi producerer bl.a. dokumentarfilm til tv, promotionfilm, instruktionsfilm, multimedie, journalistik, fotografi, tekstforfatterarbejde, kommunikationsrådgivning samtwebproduktion med Typo3 CMS. Vi producerer løbende tv-programmer til DR, ligesom vi leverer journalistiske og grafiske løsninger til store, danske virksomheder og interesseorganisationer, oplyser han. En af de mange hjemmesider, som Nexus har produceret blev i 2008 kåret som årets bedste statslige hjemmeside af ”Bedst på nettet”. Nexus Kommunikation har til huse i Infirmeriet i Avedørelejren og er en del af Filmbyens kreative miljø. Af Karen Sloth

Et ocean af muligheder... At kunne tage de rette beslutninger, når man udfordres af forandring, hviler som regel på både information og erfaring. Vi besidder begge dele. Dette gør os i stand til at indfri vores kunders ønsker. For os betyder FLEKSIBILITET at kunne imødekomme kundernes behov med hensyn til timing, sted og varetagelse – 24 timer i døgnet 365 dage om året.

Vores stærke kerneværdier – Pålidelighed, Fleksibilitet, Empati og Ambition – har gjort NORDEN til en af verdens ledende operatører inden for tørlast, og vores mål er at opnå den samme position inden for flydende laster gennem Norient Product Pool. Vi opererer med en moderne flåde på omkring 150 skibe med omtrent 90 skibe til levering.

Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S Telefon 3315 0451 Besøg www.ds-norden.com for mere information samt kontaktdetaljer på vores kontorer i Danmark, Singapore, Kina, Indien, USA og Brasilien.

How to get people for maritime jobs Nordic Offshore in Faaborg works all over the world.

It is important to have knowledgeable people working when a remotely operated vehicle (ROV – unmanned submarine) is sent to inspect near the seabed. Nordic Offshore finds these people.

A new large database will soon be ready; this will enable finding a qualified workforce for many jobs at sea. Behind the database is Nordic Offshore ApS from Faaborg who began their business in 2002. This database will make it easier to match the correct people with the right job. - Whether we arrange to employ seamen for permanent jobs onboard ships, or as is our speciality arranging for temporary staff to shipping companies who have an acute, temporary need for people with seafaring knowledge. - We find the people with the special education and knowledge or sailors with experience matching a specific project – often a requirement for time limited projects off shore, co-owner Carl Erik Olsen states. Until now the sea cabling industry has been their main service area and Alacatel-Lucent one of their most important customers. The windmill industry is growing, however, with projects coming from DONG, Vestas Offshore and Aarsleff. Nordic Offshore has Client representatives who take care of the customer interests when constructing windmills and related installations or at other project related functions. They can also offer assistance of a technical kind, for example, as project managers, supervisors or yard inspectors during shipbuilding, repair or mobilisation for special projects. The 80-100 staff does not only work in Danish waters. Nordic Offshore works around the world and have two employees based near London dealing with projects in the British sector, where especially near Aberdeen many are employed in the oil and gas industry.


Nordic Offshore

Nordic Offshore i Faaborg har hele verden som arbejdsplads. En ny, stor database er snart klar til at skaffe kvalificeret arbejdskraft til et hav af opgaver til søs. Faaborg-virksomheden Nordic Offshore ApS. fra 2002 står bag databasen, som gør det nemmere at skaffe de rigtige folk til de rigtige job. - Både når vi skaffer almindelige søfolk til fast bemanding på skibe, men også når det gælder Nordic Offshores specialitet som vikarbureau for rederier med et akut, midlertidigt behov for søkyndige folk. - Vi finder folk med specielle uddannelser og færdigheder eller søfolk med erfaring, der matcher en specifik opgave – ofte et behov ved tidsbegrænsede projekter i offshorebranchen, siger Carl Erik Olsen, der ejer firmaet sammen med Søren Mikkelsen. Hidtil er søkabelindustrien serviceret med Alcatel-Lucent som primær kunde. Vindmølleindustrien er dog på vej i form af opgaver for DONG, Vestas Offshore og Aarsleff. Nordic Offshore kan stille med Client representatives, som varetager kundens interesser ved opstilling af møller og tilknyttede installationer eller andre projektrelaterede funktioner. De kan også medvirke ved delprojekter af teknisk art som f.eks. projektledere, tilsynsførende eller inspektører på værfter, når skibe bygges, repareres eller mobiliseres til specielle opgaver. Aktiviteterne foregår ikke kun i danske farvande for de 80-100 medarbejdere. Nordic Offshore arbejder globalt og har to medarbejdere, som med base nær London bl.a. tager sig af opgaver i britisk sektor, hvor der specielt ved Aberdeen er mange job i olieog gasindustrien.

Pon Power in Scandinavia is going green

We want to be recognised as the best in the business when it comes to the environment. That is the no-nonsense goal of Pon Power which negotiates and services Caterpillar and Mak motors and generators in Scandinavia. Sales are largely to the maritime sector.

Vi vil være anerkendt som de bedste i branchen når det gælder omtanke for miljøet. Så kontant er målsætningen hos virksomheden Pon Power i Skandinavien, der forhandler og servicerer Caterpillar og Mak motorer og generatorer i Skandinavien. Afsætningen sker for en stor dels vedkommende til den maritime sektor. Det grønne fokus betyder, at Pon Power i Skandinavien arbejder målrettet sammen med en række kunder for at reducere CO2udledningen i overensstemmelse med markedskrav. Samtidig satser virksomheden på at udvikle nye og miljøvenlige teknolo-gier og løsninger. Virksomheden har egen Research & Development afdeling, hvor der blandt andet arbejdes med udvikling af en løsning, der recirkulerer udstødningsgas. Den miljøvenlige profil genkendes også på det faktum, at Pon Power i Skandinavien er miljøcertificeret efter ISO14001 standarden. Pon Power i Skandinavien har øget sin samlede markedsdækning efter at søsterselskaberne i Norge og Danmark i 2006 blev lagt sammen til én enhed. Det har givet øget markeds- og kundefokus og bedre udnyttelse af ressourcerne. Når det gælder Caterpillar, bliver produkterne afsat i Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland. Derudover kommer salg af Mak i Finland, Island og Baltikum. Ud over den maritime sektor, er energisektoren, olie og gas samt industri fortsat vigtige områder for Pon Power i Skandinavien. Virksomheden har p.t. omkring 340 ansatte.

Pon Power’s green focus means that the company in Scandinavia works in a targeted way together with a number of customers to reduce CO2 emissions from engines and generators in accordance with market requirements. The company is also developing innovative and environmentally friendly technologies and solutions. The company has reaped the rewards of having its own R&D department where work is carried out on a solution to recirculate exhaust fumes. The company’s green profile is recognised by the fact that Pon Power in Scandinavia is environmentally certified to the ISO14001 standard. Pon Power in Scandinavia has increased its total market coverage after its sister companies in Norway and Denmark were merged in 2006. This has increased market and customer focus and has improved resource use. Caterpillar sells to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Mak is also sold in Finland, Iceland and the Baltics. In addition to the maritime industry, the energy sector, oil and gas and industry continue to be important areas for Pon Power in Scandinavia. The company currently has approximately 340 employees.

Pon Power


Measuring up on the seas Scansurvey ApS takes care of hydrographic surveying tasks in Denmark and around the world.

Scansurvey ApS. klarer søopmålingsopgaver i Danmark og resten af verden.

You can hardly call it mixed overland trade because the tasks are executed at sea. On the other hand, the comparison is not incorrect when you look at the versatile range that you will find on the shelves of Scansurvey, the entrepreneurial company based in Ishøj. Here, the three employees can offer a little of everything. ”We are a hydrographic surveying company, but in addition to this we offer support consulting and sales to companies that have hydrographic surveying tasks and other tasks in the maritime industry,” says director, Jesper Højdal, who is also the owner of the four-year old company. Even he has a background as a naval officer specialising in navigation and he has an international certified hydrography education from a previous job. ”With this background, we are the only private company in Denmark that can offer such services,” he says. Scansurvey surveys primarily harbours and state-owned companies – not just in Denmark but also other places in the world. For example, this may be for the owners of underwater cables such as telephone connections between the continents or between regions, just like there may be surveys of oil and gas pipelines. “In addition, we sell hydrographic survey equipment and software, navigation equipment as well as nautical charts. We have agreements with distributors of electronic nautical charts around the world and we are also an authorised distributor. We also still sell paper charts,” says Jesper Højdal. He is also the consultant on hydrographic projects and construction tasks at sea and has a consulting function as expert representative if a dispute goes to court. Moreover, he teaches hydrographic surveying techniques and navigation.

The tasks for Scansurvey’s staff range widely from hydrographic survey tasks to consulting and teaching plus the sale of electronic nautical charts. From the left are Aya Højdal, Jesper Højdal and Miki Højdal.


Scansurvey ApS

En blandet landhandel kan man næsten ikke kalde det, for opgaverne er henlagt til havet. Til gengæld fejler sammenligningen ikke noget, når man ser på det alsidige sortiment, som Scansurvey har på hylderne i iværksættervirksomheden med base i Ishøj. Her kan de tre medarbejdere tilbyde lidt af hvert. - Vi er et søopmålingsfirma, men derudover tilbyder vi støtterådgivning og salg til firmaer, der har søopmålingsopgaver og andre i den maritime branche, siger direktør Jesper Højdal, der også er indehaver af det fire år gamle firma. Selv har han en baggrund som søofficer med speciale i navigation, og fra et tidligere job har han en internationalt certificeret hydrografiuddannelse. - Så den baggrund er vi den eneste, private virksomhed i Danmark, der kan tilbyde, siger han. Scansurvey måler primært op for havne og statslige virksomheder – ikke kun i Danmark, men også andre steder i verden. Det kan f.eks. være for ejere af søkabler såsom telefonforbindelser mellem kontinenterne eller mellem landsdele, ligesom det kan være opmåling ved olie- og gasledninger. - Desuden sælger vi søopmålingsudstyr og -software, navigationsudstyr samt søkort. Vi har aftaler med distributører af elektroniske søkort i hele verden og er selv autoriseret distributør. Papirkort sælger vi også stadig, siger Jesper Højdal. Han er også rådgiver på hydrografiske projekter og konstruktionsopgaver til søs, og har rådgiverfunktion som sagkyndig bisidder, hvis en tvist ender i retten. Desuden underviser han i søopmålingsteknik og navigation.

Skagen Skipperskole is the last remaining Skagen Skipperskole is the last remaining Skippers school in Denmark, with a satellite school in Thyborøn

Skagen Skipperskole er Danmarks eneste tilbageværende skipperskole. Skolen har tillige en afdeling i Thyborøn.

We are an independent institution under The Danish Maritime Authorities with 100 % state subsidy. We educate Skippers of 1st and 3rd class for the fishing fleet, as well as Home Trade and Restricted Masters for the merchant navy.

Vi er en selvejende institution under Søfartsstyrelsen med 100% statsstøtte og uddanner såvel Fiskeskipper af 1. og 3. grad som Kyst- og Sætteskipper.

The average age of our students is in the late thirties. We have a slogan which says: “Are you determined then we have a solution”, something nice to remember if you consider to start learning again. We take individual consideration in each student in respect to his/hers educational level. We work hard to create team spirit, we stick together and so we succeed in making the impossible possible. The school also offers a great many courses such as GMDSS, SSO (ISPS) and ARPA. In the beginning of 2010 we expect that the education will take place at our new location. Skagen Skipperskole is planning a brand new school, situated on the western part of the harbour. This school will offer the newest technology in the education, and we will also be able to offer our students the latest software in Bridge Simultation, which brings the education as close to the real world as possible. Our location cannot be much better. Despite our students must study hard, they are close to an environment they know - a busy fishing harbour. The school administrates the rent out of Skagen Kollegium. That makes it possible for us to find a suitable place for our students to stay while they are attending school. Please visit the homepage www.skagenkollegium.dk for more information. If you are interested do not hesitate to call us +45 98443344, or

Vore studerendes gennemsnitsalder svinger rundt sidst i trediverne. Vi har et slogan, der hedder ”har du viljen, kender vi vejen”, noget der er godt at huske, hvis man står for at skulle ”dykke ned i lærebøger” for en stund. Vi tager udgangspunkt i den studerende og dennes skoleniveau. Vi arbejder målrettet på at skabe en holdånd, der giver et godt sammenhold og gør det umulige, muligt. Skolen udbyder også en hel del kursus aktivitet. Bl.a GMDSS Radiokurser, SSO (ISPS) kurser samt ARPA kurser. Primo 2010 forventer vi, at undervisningen kommer til at foregå fra Skagen Skipperskole`s nye skole, idet vi er i gang med at etablere en helt ny og moderne skole på det netop udbyggede havneområde på Skagen Vest havn. Skolen anvender den nyeste teknologi i undervisningen – ligesom skolen kan tilbyde de studerende undervisning ved en af markedets nyeste bro simulator, det gør undervisningen så tæt på virkeligheden som mulig. Vores placering kan ikke være bedre - tæt på Skagens travle fiskerihavn. Vores studerende er på skolebænken, men har erhvervet meget tæt på skolen. Skolen administrerer udlejningen af Skagen Kollegium, hvilket gør det muligt at finde et godt bosted til vore studerende under deres skoleophold i Skagen se mulighederne på www.skagenkollegium.dk Ønskes yderligere information om skolen og vore uddannelser ring på 98443344 eller se på skolens hjemmeside: www.skipperskolen.dk

visit our homepage www.skipperskolen.dk for further details.



Universities in maritime partnership Northern Maritime University offers courses and training to meet industry requirements

Northern Maritime University tilbyder uddannelse og træning efter branchens behov.

Eight universities in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Scotland have set up a partnership called Northern Maritime University (NMU) to develop targeted training and further education for the maritime industry. NMU has a budget of EUR 3.2 million – approx. DKK 24 million – granted by the EU. – The money is to be used for the development of maritime training – both for young people just starting out, but also for further education of people already in the industry, says Maria Anne Wagtmann, Senior Lecturer at the University of Southern Denmark. A research capacity will also be built up. Training will include both full-time and part-time courses in e.g. maritime supply chain management, logistics and finance. Customers for the part-time courses will be found in harbour and shipping companies and NMU and the Department of Maritime Research and Innovation (University of Southern Denmark) are in discussion with large companies and maritime industry organisations about what they need so that the courses can be tailored to industry requirements. Danish companies are able to express their requirements by answering a questionnaire at www.survey.nm-uni.eu – We don’t want to lose out to maritime knowledge centres such as Rotterdam and Antwerp. The more skilled we are, the better we will be at doing things and that will make things cheaper for the end user – the industry itself or the consumer, says Maria Anne Wagtmann. The project will run until 2011 and will then be self-sustaining. The project is targeted globally, i.e. despite the fact that the project is anchored in Northern Europe, world-wide maritime trends and developments are included in the courses which are also available on a remote learning basis. Find out more at www.nsr.nm-uni.eu


University of Southern Denmark

Otte universiteter fra Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Tyskland og Skotland har etableret et samarbejde, der med navnet Northern Maritime University (NMU) skal udvikle målrettede uddannelsesog efteruddannelsestilbud til de maritime erhverv. Det sker inden for et budget på 3,2 mio. euro – ca. 24 mio. danske kr. – fra EU. - Pengene bruges til udvikling af maritime uddannelser – både til unge, der skal i gang, men også til efteruddannelse, siger lektor Maria Anne Wagtmann, Syddansk Universitet. Desuden skal der opbygges fælles forskningskapacitet. Der er tale om hel- og deltidsuddannelser med fokus på f.eks. maritim supply chain management, logistik og finans. Kunder til deltidskurserne findes i havne- og shippingrelaterede firmaer, og NMU og Institut for Maritim Forskning og Innvoation (SDU) er i dialog med store virksomheder og maritime brancheorganisationer om, hvad de har behov for, så man kan skræddersy uddannelsestilbuddene. Danske virksomheder kan udtrykke deres behov via et spørgeskema på www.survey.nm-uni.eu - Vi skal ikke tabe til maritime videncentre som Rotterdam og Antwerpen. Jo dygtigere vi er, jo bedre kan vi gøre tingene, og det bliver billigere for slutbrugeren – industrien eller den almindelige forbruger, siger Maria Anne Wagtmann. Projektet varer til 2011 og skal derpå være selvbærende. Det sigter globalt, dvs. på trods af den nordeuropæisk forankring undervises der i maritime trends og udviklinger fra hele verden – det sker til dels som fjernundervisning. Se mere på www.nsr.nm-uni.eu

The University of Southern Denmark goes into maritime research The industry is global – and we need to be too, says Director Kristen Nedergaard

Only three years ago, the University of Southern Denmark set up the Department of Maritime Research and Innovation in the wake of a maritime education reform. The aim was to deliver useful knowledge and training to the maritime industry in the areas of maritime finance and management. Although the department is both small and very young, it has already been appointed as the host of a large, international conference – the International Association of Maritime Economists 2009 – which will see 300 participants from all over the world gathering in Copenhagen in June. – We are just a little bit proud of that, admits Director Kristen Nedergaard. The department already has a broad interface with the maritime world and works with companies, authorities and educational establishments to ensure that it caters to the interests of the industry. – We are a small department in a global industry. We work with the best maritime universities in countries where Danish business has the largest interests: China, Japan and India, says Nedergaard. The university gains significantly from collaboration with other countries. Three PhD students are coming from Dalian Maritime University, China’s largest maritime university, to the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg and researchers are being exchanged with Tokai University in Japan. Two Danish researchers will go to Japan in May while the Japanese are sending a professor to the University of Southern Denmark in June. In addition to the Department of Maritime Research and Innovation, the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg also includes the Centre for Maritime Health and Safety and the Centre for Maritime and Regional Studies. The University of Southern Denmark also offers a Masters degree in Transport and Maritime Management as well as a research fellowship in Marine Archaeology. By Karen Sloth

- Branchen er global – det skal vi også være, siger direktør Kristen Nedergaard. For kun tre år siden, at Syddansk Universitet satte Institut for Maritim Forskning og Innovation (MFI) i verden i kølvandet på en reform af de maritime uddannelser. Målet var at levere nyttig viden og uddannelser til den maritime branche inden for maritim økonomi og ledelse. Selv om instituttet altså både er ungt og lille, er det allerede udnævnt til at stå for værtskabet for en stor, international konference – International Association of Maritime Economists 2009 – der samler 300 deltagere fra hele verden i København i juni. - Det er vi lidt stolte af, erkender direktør Kristen Nedergaard. MFI har en bred kontaktflade til den maritime verden og samarbejder med virksomheder, myndigheder og uddannelsesinstitutioner, så man er sikker på at ramme branchens interesser. - Vi er et lille institut i en global branche. Vi samarbejder med de bedste maritime universiteter i lande, hvor også dansk industri har de største interesser: Kina, Japan og Indien, siger han. Samarbejdet har universitetet stor glæde af. Bl.a. kommer tre Ph.d-studerende fra Kinas største Maritime Universitet, Dalian Maritime University, til SDU i Esbjerg, og der udveksles forskere med Tokai University i Japan. To danske forskere tager til Japan i maj, mens japanerne sender en professor til SDU i juni. Udover MFI huser SDU i Esbjerg også Center for Maritim Sundhed og Sikkerhed og Center for Maritime of Regionale Studier. Af maritime uddannelser tilbyder SDU en master i transport og maritim management samt en kandidatuddannelse i marinarkæologi. Af Karen Sloth

University of Southern Denmark


Reap the benefits of different means of transportation Research project at the University of Southern Denmark calculates transportation costs for free

Every penny counts – not least when you are transporting goods in Europe. Establishing which is the most competitive means of transportation is vital. This can now be done by using a free model – a geographical information system (GIS) – which visualises the most cost-effective means of transportation. The model was developed by Jacob Kronbak, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Maritime Research and Innovation at the University of Southern Denmark in partnership with Esbjerg Harbour – an excellent example of how industry can benefit from working with the universities. – The model shows the competitive relationship between overland transportation and combined overland and sea transportation – in this case between Billund and Zeebrügge in Belgium which has a roll-on/roll-off connection with Esbjerg, explains Jacob Kronbak about his model, CostMap. The model was recently used as a basis for the application that landed the harbours in Esbjerg and Zeebrügge approx. DKK 40 million from the EU, money that is to be used partly in Esbjerg and partly in Zeebrügge. – Here we illustrated the competitive relationship between the two means of transportation and the model shows that a combination of transportation by land and sea is advantageous, but in principle the GIS system can also be used for comparisons with rail and air, says Kronbak. Transportation by sea is often quoted at a fixed price, while overland transportation is more complex as costs depend on time, distance, bridge tolls and traffic duties such as the German MAUT tax. By Karen Sloth


University of Southern Denmark

Forskningsprojekt på Syddansk Universitet gør det gratis at beregne transportomkostninger. Hver en krone tæller, og det gør den ikke mindst, når det gælder transport af varer i Europa. Derfor er det vigtigt at finde ud af, hvilken transportform der er mest konkurrencedygtig. Det kan man til gengæld nu finde ud af ganske gratis via en model – et geografisk informationssystem (GIS) – der visualiserer, hvad der bedst kan betale sig. Modellen er udviklet af lektor på Syddansk Universitets (SDU) Institut for Maritim Forskning og Innovation, Jacob Kronbak, i øvrigt i samarbejde med Esbjerg Havn – et godt eksempel på, hvordan erhvervslivet med fordel kan trække på universiteterne. - Modellen viser konkurrenceforholdet mellem landtransport og kombineret land- og søtransport. I dette tilfælde mellem Billund

og Zeebrügge i Belgien, som har en ro-ro-forbindelse med Esbjerg, forklarer Jacob Kronbak om modellen, der hedder CostMap. Den er bl.a. brugt som basis for den ansøgning, der for nylig indbragte havnene i Esbjerg og Zeebrügge ca. 40 mio. EU-kroner, der skal bruges dels i Esbjerg dels i Zeebrügge. - I dette tilfælde har vi belyst konkurrenceforholdet mellem de to ovennævnte transportformer, og det viser, at man med fordel kan bruge kombinationen af land- og søtransport, men i princippet kan GIS-systemet også bruges ved sammenligninger med jernbane- og lufttransport, siger han. Søtransport opgives som oftest til en fast pris, mens beregningerne for landtransport er mere komplekse, da omkostningerne afhænger af både tid, afstand, broafgifter og kørselsafgifter som f.eks. den tyske maut-afgift. Af Karen Sloth DEPARTMENT OF MARIME RESEARCH AND INNOVATION

Differenskort, der viser det relative fald i transportomkostninger som følge af introduktionen af Esbjerg - Zeebrugge ro-ro ruten

Relativt Differenskort Reduktion i transportomk. (%)

The map shows the relative reduction in transport costs following the introduction of the Esbjerg-Zeebrügge route. In short – the bluer the area, the more cost-effective it is to use a combination of sea and overland transportation.

University of Southern Denmark


The direction is set for future quality shipping The Danish Maritime Authority strives to maintain and develop Denmark as Europe’s leading shipping nation.

Søfartsstyrelsen arbejder med at fastholde og udvikle Danmark som Europas førende søfartsnation.

We take the lead with an offensive maritime policy at a time when globalisation, climate change and the environment make more demands on us. Our responsibilities cover a wide area. We are 220 employees who work with Danish and foreign ships, seafarers, fishermen, the maritime education and training institutions and shipping policy. It is exciting, demanding and challenging to be employed by the Danish Maritime Authority. Our workplace is characterized by a high level of professionalism and an international environment. We work energetically, focusing on results, and we have fun while we are at it. We are part of The Blue Denmark – the most globalised industry in Denmark. And with 10 per cent of world trade on Danish hands, Denmark is an influential shipping nation. Safety and health For several years, we have succeeded in focusing on themes such as safety, health, job satisfaction and the environment of the shipping industry. But, we do not rest on our laurels. The aim is to make Danish ships some of the best workplaces at sea. Climate and the environment Shipping is the most climate-friendly means of transport for the carriage of goods. But, there is a need for enhanced efforts, and the Danish Maritime Authority plays an active part. We aim for improved international legislation and take part in co-projects with Danish companies, authorities, and research institutions. Please find more information about the Danish Maritime Authority, our focal areas and vacancies on the webpage www.sofart.dk.


The Danish Maritime Authority

Vi går foran med en offensiv maritim politik i en tid, hvor globalisering, klima og miljø stiller øgede krav. Vores opgaver spænder vidt. Vi er 220 medarbejdere, som arbejder med danske og udenlandske skibe, søfolk, fiskere, de maritime uddannelsessteder og skibsfartspolitik. At arbejde i Søfartsstyrelsen er spændende, krævende og udfordrende. Vores arbejdsplads er præget af høj faglighed og et internationalt miljø. Vi arbejder energisk og resultatorienteret, og vi har det sjovt undervejs. Vi er en del af Det Blå Danmark - vores lands mest globaliserede erhverv. Og med 10 % af transporten af verdenshandlen på danske hænder, så er Danmark en søfartsnation med gennemslagskraft. Sikkerhed og sundhed Vi har gennem mange år haft succes med at sætte fokus på temaer som sikkerhed, sundhed, trivsel og miljø inden for søfartserhvervet. Men vi hviler ikke på laurbærerne. Danske skibe skal være nogle af verdens bedste arbejdspladser til søs. Klima og miljø Skibsfart er den mest klimavenlige transportform, når varer skal fragtes. Men der er behov for en forstærket indsats, og her er Søfartsstyrelsen med. Vi arbejder for en bedre international lovgivning og i projekter med danske virksomheder, myndigheder og forskningsinstitutioner. Du kan læse mere om Søfartsstyrelsen, vores fokusområder og ledige stillinger på hjemmesiden - www.sofart.dk.

Tetraplan thinks in chains Sea carriage will be crucial in the transport picture of the future, says Senior Consultant, Michael Henriques.

There is congestion on the highways, so sea carriage will have wind in their sales and become crucial to the transport of goods in the future – not only internationally, but also nationally between the Danish harbours. This is Senior Consultant, Michael Henriques’ evaluation who, in his job at Tetraplan A/S in Copenhagen, is participating in finding new models for goods transportation. “Our strength is that we can present whole solutions to the client. We think in transport chains and include the entire connection according to the door-to-door principle. We can find the optimal solutions as to how we best can transport goods to the quayside and onboard – and later from a new quayside and onwards to the client. We don’t get involved in how this is handled on the ships. When the container is hanging from the crane and is on its way onboard, others take over,” points out Michael Henriques. Tetraplan is a good at transport centres and terminals, at consulting about whether one should choose road or rail transport and about the organisation of sea carriage and the collaboration between sea and land transport. Tetraplan also has a close cooperation with the University of Southern Denmark, which has a great deal of competences around environmentally-correct sustainability in relation to transport. A good example of this is when Esbjerg Harbour and the harbour in the Belgian city Zeebrügge were recently allocated approx. DKK 40 M from the EU Commission’s Motorways of the Sea Project (MOS), which will invest partly in the last length of highway to Esbjerg Harbour and partly Tetraplan is also involved in a project that will provide a new ferry route to Hanstholm Harbour, just as analyses of terminals and other infrastructures in the hinterland have been prepared.

- Søtransport bliver afgørende i fremtidens transportbillede, siger chefrådgiver Michael Henriques. Der er trængsel på landevejene, så søtransporten får vind i sejlene og bliver afgørende for fremtidens godstransport – ikke kun internationalt, men også nationalt mellem de danske havne. Det vurderer chefrådgiver Michael Henriques, der i sit job hos Tetraplan A/S i København er med til at finde nye modeller til godstransport. - Vores styrke er, at vi kan præsentere kunden for hele løsninger. Vi tænker i transportkæder og har hele sammenhængen med efter dør til dør-princippet. Vi kan finde de optimale løsninger på, hvordan man bedst bringer gods til kajkanten og om bord – og senere fra en ny kajkant videre ud til kunden. Hvordan det håndteres på skibene, blander vi os ikke i. Når først containeren hænger i kranen og er på vej om bord, tager andre over, påpeger Michael Henriques. Tetraplan er god på transportcentre og terminaler, til rådgivning om man skal vælge landevejs- eller jernbanetransport og om søtransportens organisation og samspillet mellem sø- og landtransport. Tetraplan har desuden et nært samarbejde med Syddansk Universitet (SDU), som kan en hel masse omkring miljørigtig bæredygtighed i forholdet til transport. Et godt eksempel herpå er, at Esbjerg Havn og havnen i den belgiske by Zeebrügge for nylig fik tildelt ca. 40 mio. danske kroner fra EU-Kommissionens Motorways of the Sea-projekt (MOS), der Tetraplan er desuden involveret i et projekt, der skal skaffe en ny færgerute til Hanstholm Havn, ligesom man har udarbejdet analyser af terminaler og anden infrastruktur i baglandet.



Marine safety equipment is our core business VIKING is a global market leader in maritime and fire safety, providing essential safety equipment for passenger and cargo vessels, offshore installations, defence and firefighting sectors, and yachting and fishing vessels.

We offer a choice of product packages and systems that are standard or tailor made, and certified to the latest requirements. Product portfolio includes: marine evacuation systems, offshore evacuation systems, liferafts, boats, life-saving appliances, and personal protective equipment such as immersion suits, work suits, transportation suits, pilot suits, fire-fighting suits and lifejackets. Direct access to the world’s largest maritime safety servicing network VIKING is a private company headquartered in Denmark, with over 1,250 employees worldwide. Products are manufactured in four locations in Denmark, Norway and Thailand. Our unique network of subsidiaries, agents and 270 authorized servicing stations makes us a truly global provider. “VIKING’s competitive advantage is the close relationship with our customers. Global customers increasingly prefer total solutions and hence they choose VIKING,” says Kjeld Amann, CEO. “Not only do we offer a wide range of safety equipment, accessories and knowledge, we also offer efficient management of marine safety equipment servicing with predictable costs and direct access to a specialist organisation…no matter where our customers need us.”



Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af produkter og systemer, der alle er certificerede i henhold til seneste krav. Produktporteføljen omfatter: maritime evakueringssystemer, offshore evakueringssystemer, redningsflåder, både, redningsudstyr- og tilbehør samt beskyttelsesbeklædning, som for eksempel redningsdragter, arbejdsdragter, transportdragter, pilotdragter, branddragter og redningsveste. Direkte adgang til verdens største maritime service netværk VIKING er en privatejet virksomhed med hovedkontor i Danmark og mere end 1250 medarbejdere verden over. Vores produkter fremstilles på fire fabrikker i Danmark, Norge og Thailand, og vi har et unikt globalt netværk af datterselskaber, agenter og 270 autoriserede servicestationer. ”VIKINGs styrke i forhold til konkurrenterne er vores nærhed til kunden, som i stigende grad foretrækker integrerede totalløsninger og derfor vælger VIKING,” siger adm. direktør, Kjeld Amann. ”Ikke alene tilbyder vi en bred vifte af redningsudstyr, tilbehør og viden, vi leverer også en effektiv håndtering af global servicering inkl. forudsigelige omkostninger og direkte adgang til en organisation af specialister…uanset hvor i verden vores kunder har brug for os.”

VIKING LIFE-SAVING EQUIPMENT A/S Saedding Ringvej 13 DK - 6710 Esbjerg V

Tel.: +45 76 11 81 00 - Fax: +45 76 11 81 01 www.VIKING-life.com www.VIKINGsafetyshop.com

Wärtsilä in Denmark offers the whole spectrum of services The company from Hirtshals offers complete programmes to dockyards and shipping companies. One first notices the versatility and total solutions when studying the services offered by Wärtsilä Danmark A/S from Hirtshals Here a complete programme of propeller and auxiliary engines for Danish dockyards and shipping companies can be delivered. The programme can deliver all types of new constructions and engine replacements including gears, axles and propeller equipment. In our covered and environmentally correct floating dry dock we also offer a total service and repair service for all types of ships and in our modern workshop we can carry out all kinds of maintenance and repair work on engines, axles, propellers, gears, pumps, navigation systems, el-installations, hydraulic systems and deck equipment. In Wärtsilä’s service department we also carry our all renovation and repair work. This is for all engine types and the work is either carried out in our Danish workshops or worldwide wherever the customer is. We also carry out surveys of propeller axles with patented Gyro Laser Technology, which detects all deviations. In 2008, Wärtsilä furthermore expanded their services, as International Combusting Engineering A/S (ICE) became part of Wärtsilä. From here the company offers all types of service and repair work of marine boilers. By Karen Sloth

Virksomheden i Hirtshals tilbyder komplette programmer til værfter og rederier. Alsidighed og totalløsninger er det, der springer først i øjnene, når man ser på de ydelser, der tilbydes af Wärtsilä Danmark A/S i Hirtshals. Her kan man levere et komplet program af fremdrivnings- og hjælpemotorer til danske værfter og rederier. Programmet kan leveres til alle typer nybygninger og motorudskiftninger inklusiv gear, aksler og propellerudstyr. I vores overdækkede og miljørigtige flydedok tilbyder vi desuden total service og reparation af alle skibstyper, og i vores moderne værksted kan vi udføre alle former for vedligeholdelses- og reparationsarbejder på både motorer, aksler, propeller, gear, pumper, styresystemer, elinstallationer, hydrauliske systemer og dæksudrustning. I Wärtsiläs serviceafdeling udføres endvidere alle former for overhalinger og reparationer. Det gælder alle typer motorer, og arbejdet foretages enten på virksomhedens værksteder i Danmark eller globalt, hvor kunden så end befinder sig. Vi kan desuden udføre kontrol af propelleraksler med en patenteret Gyro Laser teknologi, som vil afsløre enhver rethedsafvigelse. I 2008 udvidede Wärtsilä i øvrigt sin service, idet International Combusting Engineering A/S (ICE) nu er en del af Wärtsilä. Herfra tilbyder virksomheden alle typer service og reparation af marine kedler.



Digital data for shipping companies Electronic data have meant strong growth for Iver C. Weilbach & Co. A/S

Danish shipping companies are at the cutting edge of digitalisation at sea – far ahead of colleagues abroad. This is particularly felt at Iver C. Weilbach & Co. A/S in Toldbodgade in Copenhagen which has seen an overall growth of more than 50% in the last two years – not least due to data digitalisation. Through the years, the company has seen all the developments in maritime supplies since it was set up in 1755 when company shelves were stocked with compasses, sails and flags. The company has always been among the largest in its field and 120 years ago its first publication saw the light of day. This was the Fisheries Yearbook and it was followed by countless others – Weilbach has published more than 650 of its own titles. Particularly during the 1970s and 1980s, many new books were published and currently Weilbach acts as both publisher and distributor for most public authorities, organisations and schools with maritime affiliations. – At the same time, we have been appointed as agents for books and charts by foreign publishers which means that we currently represent about 260 publishers, says Managing Director Torben Frerks. A couple of years ago Weilbach separated its production and workshop into a subsidiary called Nautisk Service. This company now handles compasses, direction finders, Seaview windows, etc. – These days we primarily supply nautical data on paper or in a digital format – charts, sailing guides, statute books, etc., says Frerks. Two years ago Weilbach chose to invest heavily in the digital side of its business and the company is digitalising its own products under the product name Wendis. – We have also become the world’s largest distributor of digitalised IMO data, explains Torben Frerks. By Karen Sloth



Elektroniske data har betydet kraftig vækst hos Iver C. Weilbach & Co. A/S. Danske rederier er fremme i skoene, når det gælder digitaliseringen til søs – langt foran udenlandske kolleger, og det mærkes hos Iver C. Weilbach & Co. A/S i Toldbodgade, København, hvor man har haft en samlet vækst på over 50 % inden for de seneste to år – ikke mindst på grund af digitaliseringen af data. Virksomheden har gjort hele udviklingen med siden starten i 1755, hvor der mest var kompasser, sejl og flag på hylderne. Den har altid været med fremme blandt de største på sit felt, og for 120 år siden så den første tryksag dagens lys. Det var Fiskeriårbogen, og den er fulgt af utallige andre – Weilbach har udgivet over 650 egne titler. Ikke mindst op gennem 1970’erne og 1980’erne kom der mange nye bøger, og i dag er Weilbach både forlag og distributør for de fleste offentlige myndigheder, organisationer og skoler med maritim tilknytning. - Sideløbende har vi fået agenturer for bøger og søkort fra udenlandske forlag, så vi i dag har godt 260 agenturer, siger adm. direktør Torben Frerks. For et par år siden skilte Weilbach produktion og værksted ud i datterselskabet Nautisk Service. Det var bl.a. kompasser, pejlediopter, klarsigtsruder (Seaview) m.v. - Nu leverer vi primært nautiske data på papir eller i digital form – søkort, sejladsvejledninger, lovsamlinger osv., siger han. For to år siden valgte Weilbach at satse massivt på det digitale, og egne produkter digitaliseres under produktnavnet Wendis. - Desuden er vi bl.a. også verdens største distributør af digitaliserede IMO-data, påpeger Torben Frerks. Af Karen Sloth

Full steam ahead with Aalborg Industries Aalborg Industries is the market leading supplier of marine boilers and inert gas systems. We deliver our marine concepts world-wide to all types of commercial vessels including Floating Production Systems.

The product portfolio includes steam and hot-water boilers, thermal fluid heating systems, exhaust gas economizers after diesel engines, waste heat recovery units after gas turbines, inert gas systems, heat exchangers, burners and control systems. Aalborg Industries focuses on developing environmentally friendly products of which the latest additions are new Turbo Clean intelligent steam boilers in the MISSION™ TCi series, a further development of our large capacity waste heat recovery units, and a scrubber system for cleaning diesel engine flue gases. Our environmentally safe products are user-friendly and have a long life cycle making them the best investment alternative. Our products’ long service life is supported by our Global After Sales organization right from commissioning and training of operators through service and any necessary conversions or repairs to OEM spare parts and component supply. As one of the most professional boiler service companies offering world-wide service, Aalborg Industries carries out service and upgrades of all equipment delivered by our Group. The Aalborg Industries Group has its headquarters in Denmark and companies in 14 countries carrying out engineering, sales, production, and service. The Group’s ISO 9001 certified factories are located in China, Denmark, Vietnam and Brazil.

Aalborg Industries er verdens største leverandør af skibskedler og inertgasanlæg. Vi levere vore maritime løsninger til alle skibstyper inkl. offshoretyper som FPSOer. Produktprogrammet dækker damp- og varmtvandskedler, hedtolieanlæg, udstødsgaskedler efter dieselmotorer, varmegenvindingskedler efter gasturbiner, inertgasanlæg, varmevekslere, brændere og kontrolsystemer. Aalborg Industries udvikler miljøvenlige produkter, hvor de nyeste er dampkedler i MISSION™ TCi-serien (TCi = Turbo Clean intelligent), en videreudvikling af vore store varmegenvindingskedler og et skrubbersystem til rensning af udstødsgas fra dieselmotorer. Vore miljøvenlige produkter er designet til at være brugervenlige og have en lang levetid, der gør dem til en foretrukken investering. Vore produkters lange levetid understøttes også af vores Global After Sales organisation lige fra opstart og undervisning af operatører, til service og eventuelle ombygninger eller reparation, til levering af originale reservedele og komponenter. Aalborg Industries er et af verdens mest professionelle kedelserviceselskaber og leverer service og optimering af al udstyr leveret af vores Koncern. Aalborg Industries har hovedkontor i Danmark og selskaber i 14 lande, som udfører design, salg, produktion og service. Koncernens ISO 9001-certificerede fabrikker ligger i Kina, Danmark, Vietnam og Brasilien.

Aalborg Industries


Nemmere at være maritim iværksætter Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter (EMUC) søsatte i 2007 initiativer, der gør det nemmere at starte og overleve som ny iværksætter i Det Blå Danmark. Den maritime sektor beskæftiger 100.000 mennesker i Danmark og søfart er Danmarks næststørste eksporterhverv. Initiativet er et led i regeringens handlingsplan for udvikling af Det Blå Danmark og arbejdet er derfor støttet af Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen.

formationer til iværksættere. Der er udviklet en skabelon for forretningsplaner til nye iværksættere. Artikler og erfaringer. Siden starten i 2007 har Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter i samarbejde med f.eks. Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen udsendt en række artikler og case-stories om iværksætteri i det maritime Danmark.

Nemmere at være iværksætter på det maritime område Netværk og rådgivning. Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter (EMUC) har i dag et netværk af erfarne rådgivere på det maritime område. Netværket betyder, at nye iværksættere og vækstvirksomheder nemmere kan få adgang til råd. Information. Der findes en folder som er udsendt til erhvervschefer, væksthuse, skoler, myndigheder og organisationer i Danmark om, hvor maritime iværksættere kan få den første, gratis rådgivning. Folderen hedder ”Ohøj du blå iværksætter”. Forretningsplaner. Fra i dag støtter www.mardan.dk op med in-


Maritime iværksætter

Initiativerne er udviklet af Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter i samarbejde med Søfartsstyrelsen, Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen og Teknologisk Institut. Vil du vide mere så kontakt direktør Steen Sabinsky, Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter - kan hjælpe med kontakt til maritime iværksættere og rådgivere på email : info@maritimecenter.dk eller tlf.: 3333 7488

The blue highway is the greenest The environment is the big winner every time a container is sailed to a Baltic country via Port of Aarhus. The winnings are so significant that despite the current state of the market, Aarhus Harbour is pursuing their plans of developing the harbour into “The hub” of the Baltic Sea area. Calculations made by the University of Southern Denmark show that the CO2 emission can be reduced by up to 48% when traditional transport chains are replaced by sea transport and a combination of large ocean-going ships and small feeder ships. The comparison is about either utilising the traditional transport chain where a container arrives from the Far East to e.g. Hamburg and is transported further by truck to a destination in Eastern Europe; or the far more environmental-friendly solution – sailing the container to Aarhus and from there with a small ship to a harbour in Eastern Europe and then by truck to the final destination. The calculations show that the CO2 saving for the transportation of goods to Tallinn is 48%, to Riga or Vilnius 38% and to Moscow 26%. Port Director Bjarne Mathiesen believes that the increased focus on the environment and climate will create more sea transport when it is so apparent that it will mean less CO2 emission. “There is general agreement that Aarhus Harbour is of national importance. This commits us to be ready with the necessary capacity when the need arises. Therefore, we will pursue our plans of expanding Aarhus Harbour with yet another container terminal and invest further in container cranes,” says Bjarne Mathiesen.

Miljøet er den store vinder, hver gang der sejles en container til et Østersøland via Århus havn. Gevinsten er så markant, at Århus Havn på trods af de aktuelle konjunkturer forfølger planerne om at udvikle havnen til ”The hub” i Østersøområdet. Beregninger foretaget af Syddansk Universitet viser, at udledningen af CO2 kan reduceres med op til 48 pct., når traditionelle transportkæder erstattes af søtransport og en kombination af store oceangående skibe og mindre feederskibe. Sammenligningen går på enten at benytte den traditionelle transportkæde, hvor en container ankommer fra Fjernøsten til fx Hamburg og køres videre med lastbil til en destination i Østeuropa. Eller den langt mere miljøvenlige løsning - at sejle containeren til Århus og herfra videre med et mindre skib til en havn i Østeuropa og med lastbil det sidste stykke ud til kunden. Beregningerne viser, at CO2-besparelsen for gods til Tallinn er på 48 pct., til Riga eller Vilnius på 38 pct. og til Moskva på 26 pct. Havnedirektør Bjarne Mathiesen mener, at det stigende fokus på miljø og klima vil skabe mere transport ad søvejen, når det så tydeligt fremgår, at det betyder mindre CO2-udledning. ”Der er bred enighed om, at Århus Havn har national betydning. Det forpligter os til at være klar med den nødvendige kapacitet, når behovet opstår. Derfor fastholder vi vores planer om at udbygge Århus havn med endnu en containerterminal og investere yderligere i containerkraner,” siger Bjarne Mathiesen.

Skt. Petersborg











Port of Aarhus


EN INTERNATIONAL KARRIERE? EN SPÆNDENDE HVERDAG? I Det Blå Danmark giver vi dig et hav af muligheder. Kig ind på w w w.worldcareers.dk og se, hvordan du kan få hele verden som din arbejdsplads.

Paula Larrain rrain Kampagneleder, neleder, Det Blå Danmark

Kalender 2009 Hvad sker der i 2009 for medlemmer af Danmarks Førende maritime Netværksforeningen og repræsentant for den Danske Maritime Klynge. Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter (EMUC).

Dato/måned Hvor EMNE Hvem 14 jan København 10 års jubilæum EMUC 15 jan København Forum for Shipping Økonomi & Strategi CBS 28 jan København præsentation af maritim bog Weilbach 29 jan Århus Arbejdsmiljø OSK-Shiptech 29 jan København Nordlog Projekt EMUC 03 feb Svendborg Miljø Netværk SIMAC 19 feb København Forum for Shipping Økonomi & Strategi CBS 26 feb Århus Nærskibsfart Århus Havn Marts København Maritim Finans, Kapital & Forsikring konference EMUC 18 mar Hirtshals HR/Crew netværk Rederiet Fjord Line 19 mar Fredericia Nærskibsfart Fredericia Havn 24 mar København Miljø netværk Rederiet TORM 26 mar Egersund Arbejdsmiljø Netværk Rederiet Corral Line 23 Apr København Nærskibsfart CMP havn 27 maj København Generalforsamling EMUC 28 Maj København Arbejdsmiljø Netværk Drâger Safety 10 jun København Maritim Jura (EU) Lise Skovby 24-26 Jun København IAME international konference Norge, Sverige, Danmark Juli Sverige EU Shortsea Netværk EMUC/Shortsea Promotion DK 27/28 Aug Nyborg MSSM 2009 konference SAMR, Søfartsstyrelsen, EMUC 01 sept København HR/Crew netværk Rederiet Eitzen 08 sept Esbjerg Miljø netværk Blue Water Shipping 16 sept København Maritim Jura (EU) Lise Skovby 22 sept Grenå Nærskibsfart Grenå Havn 24 Sept Århus Arbejdsmiljø Netværk Rederiet Peter Madsen 30 Sept Åbenrå HR/Crew netværk Åbenrå havn 27 okt København Miljø netværk Thrane & Thrane 28 Okt København Den Blå HR/Crew konference EMUC 04 nov Esbjerg Nærskibsfart Esbjerg Havn 26 nov København Arbejdsmiljø netværk Codan 30 Nov Ålborg HR/Crew netværk O.W. Bunkers/EMUC 2/3 dec Svendborg Den Blå Forskning & Innovation konference SIMAC, SDU/MFI & EMUC For Yderligere oplysninger se mere på www.emuc.dk eller www.mardan.dk eller kontakt EMUCs sekretriat på tlf. 3333 7488

Maritime projekter i 2009 hvor medlemmer kan deltage i: 1 ) NORDLOG - Nordeuropas Handels-, Logistik- og Transportklynge" i Region Hovedstaden. EMUC driver et netværk/workshop i dette projekt, sammen med Lise Skovby, hvor EMUCs medlemmer i hovedstaden inviteres til deltagelse. 2) PDA teknologi projekt for brug i det maritime vedr. uddannelse, dokumentation, safety, security, etc. Flere af EMUC’s medlemmer vil deltage i projekt og styregruppen. 3) Partner til udvikling af Det Maritime Partenariat 2010 i Skagen. EMUCs medlemmer indbydes til at deltage i dette projekt. 4) Udvikling af regional maritim klynge i Nordjylland i 2009 som en del af EMUC. EMUCs medlemmer i Nordjylland indbydes til at deltage i dette p projekt.

5) Partner i EU projekt ”Press4Transport” Virtual Press Office to improve EU sustainable Surface Transport research media visibility on a national and regional level”. Flere af EMUCs medlemmer vil deltage i arbejdsgruppen med opstart i maj/ juni 2009. 6) Udvikling, opstart og drift af Transportens Innovations Netværk i samarbejde med TØF, Force Technology, Teknologisk Institut, SDU/MFI, DTU samt flere af EMUC’s andre medlemmer. 7) Udvikling af et projekt ”Det Blå Grønland” i samarbejde med Nordjyske og grønlandske medlemmer. 8) Fortsat udvikling af ”Det skal være lettere at være maritim iværksætter” samt Mentor Netværk.

Se mere på www.mardan.dk og bliv medlem af et Innovativt og dynamisk maritimt netværk.

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