How I Took The LEAP Kay Seulaki Operations Officer, PNG Ports Corporation Limited (Papua New Guinea) It was a phenomenal feeling of excitement to be selected from the island nation of Papua New Guinea in the southwestern Pacific Ocean to join 29 other women from various countries. We were all eager to meet onboard for our maiden voyage navigated by LEAP. Prior to joining LEAP, I was caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea since I lacked the necessary skills to move forward in my career. I believe other women encountered similar experiences in their respective roles, and LEAP was the light to pave the pathway for me and my friends. All women had hope and courage that the stormy seas we faced would soon pass in the 8-week journey destined for us to disembark from LEAP’s successful journey to transform us uniquely as Future Female Leaders. Starting a career in the Operations Division with my company since leaving school and now completing 11 years with PNG Ports Corporation Limited has been a blessing for me. As a woman enthusiastic to learn new ideas and skills starting a career with the support of the company is a great privilege. I appreciate the company for seeing the potential in me to help me with the materials needed to attend the program to enhance my career as a female leader in the maritime sector.
I was recently appointed as Operations Officer. It is a challenging field as it was and is still a highly recommended maledominated role that requires physical work as a port operator. Regardless of the tough work, I believe women can accomplish everything we set our minds to and can also take pride in our roles as mothers in our families. The world is changing and I totally agree with, the aim of LEAP
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