Begin the Evolution
Welcome to a wonderful new future: one where you spearhead the evolution of Me2everyone into the next generation destination on the web. There will be fun, new friends and a refreshingly simple way to create a new business. Welcome to the ESM Network... Page 1
Welcome the ESM Network
This presentation launches a quest to find thousands of Me2everyone members who are actively keen on developing a breakthrough business income. The ESM Network comprises four interconnected businesses designed to achieve 240m active users by 2016. We look at the whole network from Me2everyone Finder to Evolution Development Director, as well as exploring Member Rewards, the new Metoo Generations concept and the range of new features coming to cast a spell on prospective advertisers. The ESM Network is an exciting development bringing together many elements and, if you want a real chance to change your destiny, prepare yourself for this wonderful new experience...
Q: What is an ESM? A: Evolution Sales Member
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The Future Looks of 3.0 In November 2011 a new Me2everyone will begin to emerge. Imagine your profile in widescreen, a wonder wall for your ideas, a media wall for your images and videos, innovative ways to discover new friends, interactive business pages, fresh ways to communicate, exclusive new games and a place where every member generates multiple streams of income.
Become a Member It’s Free Forever...
Discover Personal Membership:
Recommended by Member ID 998991 Joshua Jackson
Concept direction courtesy of Me2everyone Virtual Worlds Limited ©2011
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Re‐send Activation Link
We like to share good news with our guests. Click here for more info...
Some quick facts ands statistics about Me2everyone
Terms of Use – Reporting problems. Contact M2E.
A sneak‐peak at some of the new features coming to our members.
Enter your email here and we will send your activation link again.
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Elements of Me2everyone
Before we explore the ESM Network there are some features you need to understand. The new Member Rewards should be familiar to you, but Metoo Generations is something new – launched today in this presentation. We also explore the basics of business membership from the Space™ to interactive advertising. This will become the core income generating aspect of the ESM Network.
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Member Rewards1 Member Rewards
All members have access to Member Rewards ‐ the cool way we say “thank you” to the people who help make successful. When you become a member, recommend to a few friends, Member Rewards pays you up to 10% commission2 on any purchases they make. Members also receive Metoos whenever they recruit members or perform in‐world roles. The Metoo structure is being improved soon with Metoo Generations: a networked effect which rewards interaction and involvement (see page 6). Metoos have a wide range of uses from making purchases within Me2everyone to creating a new source of real‐world income from the Metoo Pool. They can also transform members into shareholders to benefit from our future profit. From an ESM Network perspective this creates potentially hundreds, if not thousands of prospective wealth pumps for your business. By helping and nurturing the members of your personal network3 and communicating with them often they will become an integral part of your business success ‐ because with Me2everyone, everyone wins.
Open to Everyone Up to 10% Commission No selling required Metoo Pool Income Stream Become a Shareholder Metoo Generations
NOTES 1 Members receive up to 10% commission plus Metoos for being involved. In the near future Metoo Generations will launch: a cool new incentive connected to the network effect of the Me2everyone ecosystem. Metoo Generations will give members much deeper rewards from across their Personal Network. 2 Products such as advertising sales and most business memberships will attract the maximum commissions. Commissions vary on other merchandise. 3 Personal Network is the block of members who are assigned to you. If you have recruited 30 members who in turn recommend Me2everyone to their friends these new members begin to form your Personal Network.
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Metoo Generations Metoo Generations is a new incentive which aims to give members much deeper rewards from their personal network. It replaces the current system of giving members 3000 Metoos across whenever they share Me2everyone with their friends and family with something far more sustainable. Metoo Generations also fosters a sense of complete member support and interaction. Integrating Members into the Me2everyone Ecosystem We are beginning to use the word “ecosystem” more and more as we move towards a more organic and member‐shaped environment for Me2everyone. When members complete their profiles, set advertising preferences, select an ESM, subscribe to newsfeeds and share Me2everyone with their friends, Metoo Generations becomes available. In the near future personal level members will give you 200 Metoos and as you become more involved you can gain access to an additional two generations of Metoos, giving you 200 Metoos from every member in your personal network. Improvements for ESM Network th generation, receiving many more Metoos in Me2everyone Finders open up a potentially lucrative 4 addition to the 2% sales commission they gain across their whole personal network. ESMs and EDDs go much deeper, earning Metoos from EVERYONE in their personal network: potentially generating millions of Metoos...
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Business Memberships: A new era of online advertising Ask any business on the global stage and many would secretly love to have a half‐ page display advert in TIME magazine or a prime‐time TV advert. However when it comes to the web their choices are severely limited. Pre‐roll 20 second slots on video news or tiny box PPC adverts are replacing banner adverts, while page sponsorships remain the league of the big boys and girls... v3.0 changes all that, giving our business members a free, widescreen interactive Space™ to showcase their brand and products with images, words, videos and interactivity. Like all members they can have an unlimited number of connections (friends, fans and customers). They can use our pre‐package tools to create their Space™ or create something completely unique. Customers can share the Space™ with their friends, give the company feedback, or use the member approval rating which adds an extra dimension, giving the company a chance to understand what makes their customers happy, and what’s driving them away... Beyond the Space™ we give our members complete freedom to control the types of advertising they see – ensuring that business members only reach out to prospective members who have a genuine interest in their products. We are not looking into invasive behavioural advertising models, seeking instead for an open and honest relationship between our members and business members.
Advertising follows the same widescreen concept we give to the Space™ enabling business members to become quite creative and really showcase their company. Whenever members interact with an advertisement they generate a few Metoos and we also encourage business members to create an exclusive benefit for our members. In exchange we will work hard to showcase their brand. Business members can develop, test and refine any advertisement within their Space™ with the help of their members. When they are happy they can test a single campaign with a one‐day free pass with 500 Me2everyone members. ESMs will approve adverts before they open on our network to ensure our members are not being misled. An advert can be changed an unlimited number of times during a campaign: creating a fresh look every time. In some cases demographics can also be updated. We stream a wide range of real‐time updates on the advert. Business membership will become a feature‐rich experience where advertisers are able to showcase an interactive experience which not only involves our members, but also rewards them.
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The ESM Network Explored
When the me2everyone concept was born our members were put at the heart of our thinking. From becoming shareholders to generating an income from the new Members Rewards system, we believe that our members are not only central to our success, but an integral factor which makes us different from other social and business networks. Me2everyone Finder Page 10 Evolution Sales Member (ESM) Page 11 ESM Advantage Page 18 Evolution Development Director Page 21
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M2E Evolution Limited
Evolution Development Directors
Evolution Sales Counsel Evolution Mentor
Optional: Internal Corporate Sales Team One World Language Team
ESM Advantage
Evolution Sales Member
Me2everyone Finder
The ESM Network In 2011 Complete Earth Organisation created a network of companies to oversee the Me2everyone project. M2E Evolution became the home of the ESM Network: a quest to find and then empower 72,000 ESMs to create an unrivalled support network. By December 2012 we plan to open 360 independent Evolution Development Director offices which will oversee corporate sales, public relations, marketing, ESM seminars, language management and member events. We begin this journey now with a brief look into the world of the Me2everyone Finder...
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Me2everyone Finder More an enhanced membership than a business, Me2everyone Finders support ESMs without being too involved in answering members’ questions or selling TreeHa memberships. As they recruit new members they help them navigate the website (communication tools are heading our way) and then help generate income streams for them by recommending a few friends. Me2everyone Finders receive a new, fully customisable landing page with a unique URL ( where a personal message can be left for visitors in their chosen language. We also share the latest marketing ideas and give them tools to create marketing documents with the QR barcode, which (once scanned by a smartphone) will link directly to the new landing page. The Benefits As a Me2everyone Finder, when anyone within your personal network purchases merchandise, a business membership or anything else from Me2everyone we give you a bonus commission worth up to 2%. This will be in addition to any personal level sales. When we have all our main features in place it will be relatively easy to convert this micro‐business into something which produces GBP £300 bonus income every year, for doing nothing more than encouraging people to share Me2eveveryone Finders spearhead the quest for new free members and business members...
Me2everyone Finder Cost: GBP £20.00 / USD $32.00 Enhanced Member 7 hours per week (or less) Customisable Micro‐site Business Profile Finder Icon Metoo Generations Level 4 2% commission bonus
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ESM: A New Friend for Me2everyone Members In the future of members are assigned to an ESM: a central fountain of knowledge and someone who is keen to develop fresh conversations, helping our new members to discover everything possible from their membership. ESM is a complete business dedicated to integrating our members into the Me2everyone ecosystem, a source of news and ideas and a place where advertising campaigns are created. With new communication tools, ESMs will actively strive to create a personal network spanning 9,600 members. From this network your aim is to secure business memberships or merchandise sales from 640 members: enough to create a personal income of GBP £20,000+ Your first decision is whether you want to completely own your ESM business, or you prefer to enter via our ESM Advantage programme where someone else pays 90% of your licence fee...
How do ESMs make money? Our first ESMs will be actively seeking new members of the ESM Network. This will evolve into advertising and sponsorship sales and then into merchandise such as TreeHa where we aim to plant one billion trees. In th exchange members access the lucrative 4 Generation of Metoos.
Evolution Sales Member Cost: GBP £395.00 / USD $620.00 Complete Business 7 hours per week (or more) Customisable Micro‐site Business Profile ESM Icon Metoo Generations Complete 16% commission bonus Achievement Pool Business Stream Bonus Reduced Fee on Sponsorship GBP £39.50 / USD $62.00 Mentor Upgrade commission 4% ESC Upgrade commission 1%
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ESM: Business Options There are two ways to become an ESM: 1. The first is to purchase the complete business package for GBP £395 (USD $620.00) and receive every ESM benefit described on these ESM pages. These include the benefits of Business Streams and the Achievement Pool which provide the prospects for an additional GBP £3,800 (USD $6,000) beyond the scope of your commissions. 2. The second is to become a sponsored ESM where you are linked to an ESM Advantage member. You pay one tenth the business licence fee, GBP £39.50 (USD $62.00), and the balance is paid by your assigned ESM Advantage member. Their investment into you unlocks a potential GBP £7,300 (USD $11,600) income for them.
As a sponsored ESM you don’t receive the Business Stream and any income you receive from the Achievement Pool is shared with your ESM Advantage Member: a potential loss of GBP £2,300 in bonuses compared to the ESM Complete.
Evolution Sales Member Cost: GBP £395.00 / USD $620.00 Complete Business 7 hours per week (or more) Customisable Micro‐site Business Profile ESM Icon Metoo Generations Complete 16% commission bonus Achievement Pool Business Stream Bonus Reduced Fee on Sponsorship GBP £39.50 / USD $62.00 Mentor Upgrade commission 4% ESC Upgrade commission 1%
Whichever ESM package you decide upon you will be welcomed with open arms into the Me2everyone family. All ESMs receive the same commission and the same chances to upgrade to Evolution Mentor. The only differences are in the Business Streams and Achievement Pool.
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Business Streams and the Achievement Pool Your choice between owning your ESM business and seeking to become sponsored by an ESM Advantage member comes down to whether you want complete access to the Business Streams and Achievement Pool. Business Streams are blocks of pre‐paid advertising offered with deep discounts (80%) and designed to kickstart advertising within the Me2everyone ecosystem. The first 3000 qualifying ESMs or Advantage members will each be given an £800 Business Stream membership which may be sold to generate profits. If you completely own your ESM business this effectively gives you a profit. Alternatively this £800 Business Stream will belong to your Advantage member. The Achievement Pool is an incentive where we place up to 3% of our global income (dependent upon type of product sold). Every time your business generates £100 (USD $160) in sales we give you one achievement point, worth approximately £2.30 each. Generate £40,000 in sales and you gain 400 achievement points. When you are upgraded to Evolution Mentor we give you another 100 achievement points with 10 more for every additional ESM you find. Become an Evolution Sales Counsel Member and we will also give you 90 achievement points for every ESM in your global network. Please remember that if you have been sponsored by a member of ESM Advantage your income from the Achievement Pool is halved.
Evolution Sales Member Prices and incomes are expressed as GBP (£) and occasionally in USD ($). For the purpose of this document the exchange rate used is £1.00 = $1.60
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ESM: Growing a Personal Network from One Member The next step on your ESM journey alongside your training begins with one member and some simple interaction and encouragement. As confidence levels soar and chain reaction begins which generates new members for your personal network. Below we forecast how quickly this growth to your target membership of 9,600 people can be. Across the last 30 months 14.6% of our members have recruited an average seven free members each. Based on those figures your business would struggle to achieve one thousand members within two years. However, if you can increase the recruitment rate to just 16.8% then your target of 9600 members is achievable. Increase the figure to 20% and you can achieve success within 14 months. Please note that these forecasts are based on you personally recruiting 30 personal level members within the first month of your ESM business. Month 1 2 3 4 5 6
New Members 35 41 49 57 67 79
Month 7 8 9 10 11 12
New Members 93 110 129 152 178 210
Month 13 14 15 16 17 18
New Members 247 290 341 401 472 555
Month 19 20 21 22 23 24
New Members 653 768 903 1062 1249 1469
Evolution Sales Member Cost: GBP £395.00 / USD $620.00 Complete Business 7 hours per week (or more) Customisable Micro‐site Business Profile ESM Icon Metoo Generations Complete 16% commission bonus Achievement Pool Business Stream Bonus Reduced Fee on Sponsorship GBP £39.50 / USD $62.00 Mentor Upgrade commission 4% ESC Upgrade commission 1%
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Generating Sales Central to the ESM network will be sales: business memberships, advertising, sponsorship, upgrades, merchandise, games, special events and special features... Most products give you a commission worth 16% from within your personal network and on personal level sales you still receive your Member Rewards bonuses. Left alone many members won’t know about the new ways to become more involved in the Me2everyone ecosystem, which is where the ESM network becomes very different from other social and business networks. ESMs directly engage the minds and reactions of members in their personal network, transforming them into mini‐wealth pumps, each able to find and profit from prospective business members. Eventually this will happen without your direct involvement. For example you could be in a restaurant and a member of your personal network decides to purchase a Me2everyone T‐shirt. You still make the commission and this appears in real‐time on your statement. When we get really clever, we will send an alert to your smartphone... This active and integrated experience leads to the prospect of increased sales and involvement generating an estimated £125,000 worth of sales from your Personal Network of 9,600 members. This gives you a minimum personal income of £20,000 (USD $32,000). Now, if you really want to make some money you need to upgrade to Evolution Mentor and that’s achieved when you find your first ESM in your personal network...
Evolution Sales Member Cost: GBP £395.00 / USD $620.00 Complete Business 7 hours per week (or more) Customisable Micro‐site Business Profile ESM Icon Metoo Generations Complete 16% commission bonus Achievement Pool Business Stream Bonus Reduced Fee on Sponsorship GBP £39.50 / USD $62.00 Mentor Upgrade commission 4% ESC Upgrade commission 1%
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Beyond ESM: Evolution Mentor When you interact with your personal network there will be people who are intrigued by your role and in version 3.0 of we will showcase the ESM, aiming to create ripples of excitement. It’s inevitable that someone in your personal network will want to become an ESM too and begin their own journey into destiny. At that moment you become an Evolution Mentor and a fresh aspect to your business begins... Any automated messages you send out will be instantly updated with your new title. We also send an update to every member of your personal network with the good news. Your business profile is updated and your own Evolution Mentor is informed too as they now take another step closer to the coveted Evolution Sales Counsel. Alongside your ESM business you must also give guidance and support to your new ESM. In exchange you earn a bonus of 4% on any sales they generate within their own personal network. Potentially, this adds £5,000 (USD $8,000) to your commission for every ESM you mentor. With 9 ESMs your combined business now has the potential to generate £1.2m in sales and when this happens you will be asked to join the Evolution Sales Counsel and help develop new marketing strategies and member events. There and then we award you 200,000 Metoos and a bonus of 1% commission on all sales across both your personal network and the networks of your ESMs and any Evolution Mentors in your team. It’s enough to power your income into the realms of six figures...
Evolution Sales Member Cost: GBP £395.00 / USD $620.00 Complete Business 7 hours per week (or more) Customisable Micro‐site Business Profile ESM Icon Metoo Generations Complete 16% commission bonus Achievement Pool Business Stream Bonus Reduced Fee on Sponsorship GBP £39.50 / USD $62.00 Mentor Upgrade commission 4% ESC Upgrade commission 1%
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This morning the sun streams through your window, the birds are singing and you had breakfast early today. After checking the morning’s news you log into Me2everyone and head for the Evolution Business Centre. You missed last night’s online training event but it’s waiting for you now: all recorded to watch time and time again... OK first things first... Your personal network has grown by 37 members and you have also secured four new business members. Personalised welcome messages have been sent to them and a few have written back. You check your statement... Thanks to the Metoo Generations system that’s another 4,100 Metoos for your collection and £160.00 commission. Since last night you’ve also sold 80 TreeHa memberships, giving you another £640.00! There’s a message from your Mentor: me2everyone has launched a new product and you can already think of several members who would love that concept. You prepare your update and publish it eagerly. Next, check your alerts – 3 members have birthdays today (thankfully your automated birthday greeting has already been sent). Hey! One of your members won the Me2everyone lottery today! Must remember to send your congratulations... You have 18 more messages today. Most can be answered quickly, but a couple are a little more complex. You search the Knowledgebank and find one answer, but the final answer eludes you. Your Mentor is online so you quickly ask them. The answer comes back within a few minutes. Great! One of your members has also recommended a prospective Business Member who is asking a lot of questions. You answer everything you can, but for this one you need to contact your Evolution Development Director, knowing that even if they complete the sale, you will still make a handsome commission. Three hours later, you’re done.
Evolution Sales Member Cost: GBP £395.00 / USD $620.00 Complete Business 7 hours per week (or more) Customisable Micro‐site Business Profile ESM Icon Metoo Generations Complete 16% commission bonus Achievement Pool Business Stream Bonus Reduced Fee on Sponsorship GBP £39.50 / USD $62.00 Mentor Upgrade commission 4% ESC Upgrade commission 1%
So what else can you do today?
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Artwork by Netoo 2011
ESM Advantage Where people help people to help people... Page 18
Welcome to ESM Advantage Me2everyone’s plan holds the prospects of placing 72,000 people into a wonderful and rewarding business within the next three years. And yet, for many different reasons, some people will struggle to pay the full GBP £395 (USD $620) business licence fee. We created ESM Advantage: a new business based upon an old idea of helping others. You sponsor one or more ESMs by paying 90% of their license fee (they pay the balance) and you generate an income whenever your ESMs make a sale of business memberships, merchandise or anything else offered to our members. Essentially this is a passive business although we actively encourage ESM Advantage members to talk to the people they are helping, at least once per week, as this will help develop new ideas and bond the alliance even more strongly. You may sponsor as many ESMs as you wish and receive a range of benefits explored on the next page. This is an exciting and innovative development within Me2everyone and one where ESM Advantage members can spearhead a transformation in the way we interact with and support our members.
ESM Advantage Cost: GBP £355.50 / USD $558.00 Part‐time or Passive Business 2 hours per week (or less) Customisable Micro‐site ESM Advantage Icon Metoo Generations Complete 4% commission bonus Advantage Pool ESM Achievement Pool Business Stream Bonus
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ESM Advantage Income Streams ESM Advantage members are essentially passive partners in the development of new and potentially lucrative business ventures across the planet. There are four key income areas to look forwards to: Dedicated ESM Advantage Commission Share of ESM Achievement Pool Business Stream Membership Advantage Pool Whenever anyone from your ESM’s personal network makes a purchase from Me2everyone you receive up to 4% in commission which, based on your ESM achieving sales targets could deliver you upwards of £5000 (USD $8000) within two years. You also gain half of your ESM’s incentive from the Achievement Pool, together with a Business Stream4 worth £800. Up to 3% of our global income will also be paid into the Advantage Pool, where for every ESM you sponsor you gain one point. This gives you a fair share of an additional income stream which could double your income from ESM Advantage within three years. 4. Business Streams You receive an £800 Business Stream for each ESM you sponsor. If you have your
ESM Advantage Cost: GBP £355.50 / USD $558.00 Part‐time or Passive Business 2 hours per week (or less) Customisable Micro‐site ESM Advantage Icon Metoo Generations Complete 4% commission bonus Advantage Pool ESM Achievement Pool Business Stream Bonus
own business and wish to advertise on Me2everyone then this essentially represents free advertising for you. However you may also decide to sell your Business Stream to business members (perhaps at discount). If sold via your ESMs, this will still return you a profit on your Advantage membership.
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Evolution Development Director
In 2009, from a small office in a town no one has ever heard of, an evolution was born: a wild idea to transform the way people connected on the web. Everyone would share in any business income created and everyone would have the chance to become owners of the company for free and help shape its destiny. The same concept is now preparing to re‐launch and, this time, we’re not doing it from just one little office!
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Welcome to the Evolution Development Director (EDD) The world has been broken down into 360 zones spanning approximately 6m internet users. By December 2012 those zones will be headed by EDDs. EDDs will ensure is properly represented in both their language and culture. They will oversee local membership expansion, ESM training, media PR, member events, seminars and handle the larger corporate sponsorship, advertising and affinity accounts. They will seek to acquire and manage 200 ESMs and based on projected sales an EDD will generate revenue streams in the realms of GBP £1.7m (USD $2.7m). These are exciting times for Me2everyone and across the next 6 pages you will discover more of what it means to be an Evolution Development Director...
EDD Cost: GBP £895 / month USD $1400 / month Corporate Directorship Full ESC Status Full ESM Benefits 2% dedicated commission 5% marketing commission Dedicated Area Metoo Incentives Customisable Web Site EDD Icon Pre‐launch Offer: £895 for 3 months
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EDD: Day 1 A zone will be agreed with you and an agreement entered into. You will incorporate a new local business using the Me2everyone name and give us a 5% shareholding in the venture. This way your members will know that we fully endorse you: it makes you authentic. You also need to acquire a pre‐approved domain name or, you may licence one of ours for free. This will enable you to run your own marketing website: beyond the scope of the micro‐sites which the ESMs and Me2everyone Finders receive. You become responsible for all local communications with the members in your territory, using both the forthcoming News Channel feature and the direct email communications links in your local languages. You may add localised offers for any member in your territory, so long as these are approved by us first. Oh, and if you want to meet one of our directors this can also be arranged, but if we have to travel you need to pay our reasonable travel expenses. Alternatively arrange to come and meet us. We even pay for dinner :)
EDD Cost: GBP £895 / month USD $1400 / month Corporate Directorship Full ESC Status Full ESM Benefits 2% dedicated commission 5% marketing commission Dedicated Area Metoo Incentives Customisable Web Site EDD Icon Pre‐launch Offer: £895 for 3 months
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EDD Revenue Streams The world has been broken down into 360 EDD zones although in some areas of the world it may make more sense to combine zones with a single company incorporation where EDDs become directors of various states. A prime example for this lies in the concentration of advertising agencies in the New York area, which may prove to be a disadvantage to someone in North Dakota. However as ESMs are able to market everywhere we developed a simple “partnership” solution. So, whenever an ESM secures an advertising sale in a zone owned by another EDD, the EDD‐level commission is split 50/50. EDDs acquire and then manage 200 ESMs and 1800 Me2everyone Finders. Whenever anyone within the network generates a sale the EDD receives 2% commission for their own overheads and profits and a further 5% to direct into marketing, public relations and various member‐themed events (including seminars for ESMs). The numbers involved are potentially immense. For example, if after the first year your ESMs had an average of 1200 members within their personal networks and they were generating the sales targets we agree, then your business and marketing commissions combined reach GBP £220,000 (USD $350,000). In the second year many ESMs are forecast to reach their recommended targets of 9600 members, giving you the makings for an incredible business. However this may take longer in some ESM networks. We aim to direct all the profits from establishing the ESM network into the new website. Potentially that’s £7m and with added teams, Unity 3D and HTML 5 in the pipeline, we believe that we can excel your expectations and deliver you a wonderful web experience which the estimated 1.9m members in your zone are going to love.
EDD Cost: GBP £895 / month USD $1400 / month Corporate Directorship Full ESC Status Full ESM Benefits 2% dedicated commission 5% marketing commission Dedicated Area Metoo Incentives Customisable Web Site EDD Icon Pre‐launch Offer: £895 for 3 months
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EDDs and the Circle of Growth... Even as improves an EDD business is an empty shell until life is breathed into it. Your licence is based upon creating a membership of 240,000 within the first 12 months leading to 1.9m within three years. Alone these may seem daunting figures until you consider the circle of growth... Your EDD license calls upon you to acquires and manage 200 ESMs and 1800 Me2everyone Finders – 2000 prospective wealth pumps who are interlinked with a single thought process: success. With Member Rewards playing an active role in the development of your business everything is in place for you to achieve your targets. The more success you achieve with your infrastructure, the more resources we will have to improve the website, giving your free members more reasons to become involved and then recommend their friends, family and any business owners they know. We call this, the circle of growth.
EDD Cost: GBP £895 / month USD $1400 / month Corporate Directorship Full ESC Status Full ESM Benefits 2% dedicated commission 5% marketing commission Dedicated Area Metoo Incentives Customisable Web Site EDD Icon Pre‐launch Offer: £895 for 3 months
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More Numbers EDD is a business which spans the world thanks to your ESMs. When you sign an agreement you are assigned to one of 360 zones – let’s say “New Zealand & Pacific Islands”. It becomes your role to fully develop that area, finding and managing 200 ESMs. This zone is smaller than others and so the licence fee would be amended to reflect this. Market penetration in the first year will be less than 4% of internet users within the zone. Delays come from building up your ESM network and, from them, developing their personal networks. However as new features arrive within we expect the membership levels to explode exponentially. Your target market is 31.6% of internet users. We prefer your ESMs to find members within your zone, but, from time to time they will find members in zones controlled by other EDDs. This is fine, because if any of those members make a purchase the ESM still gains their commission and you simply share the 7% EDD commission with the EDD who controls that zone. If no EDD exists there, you get the whole commission. Any personal level sales (such as when you secure a new ESM or a larger sponsorship account) earn you a commission of 38% which comprises four elements: Member Rewards, personal ESM (ESC‐level), EDD personal and EDD marketing commissions. This will enable you to break even quickly. Finally Metoo Generations gives you a bonus of 20,000 Metoos for every active ESM registered in your zone: enough for 4m Metoos. We also give you another 3m Metoos for local membership incentives.
EDD Cost: GBP £895 / month USD $1400 / month Corporate Directorship Full ESC Status Full ESM Benefits 2% dedicated commission 5% marketing commission Dedicated Area Metoo Incentives Customisable Web Site EDD Icon Pre‐launch Offer: £895 for 3 months
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End Words The ESM Network represents the final phase in the development of the Me2everyone membership quest. Now it’s time to work together to fully develop the network and inject our combined efforts into the development of the website and supporting features. We have an incredible chance here to create something spellbinding: a legacy for the coming generation. We want to connect people in better ways and improve their lives, shaping commerce across the planet and integrating our members into the global profit centres we can all achieve. No one has achieved this so far, so let’s believe in ourselves, develop an incredible website with a range of features that no one has seen before and make a real difference for everyone. If you have any questions please contact us at and we will answer you. This is considered a fresh beginning for Me2everyone and if you become involved you are a pioneer working in uncharted territory. We have an incredible task ahead, but together we can achieve anything.
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Begin the Evolution
M2E Evolution Limited Registration Number: 07510652 Registered at Albion House 163‐167 King Street, Dukinfield Cheshire, SK16 4LF, England
Email: Web:
© M2E Evolution Limited 2011 – All rights reserved
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