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He has spent seven 12+ in Microsoft in different areas- Consumer business and Marketing Communications. After completing his post-graduation from the Indian Institute of Planning and Management, he began his career as a Marketing Manager at Tata Teleservices Limited. He then moved on to Microsoft India and led the goto-market execution and consumer launch for Xbox in India. As a Category Lead, he drove all category relationships with Marketing, sales, operations, finance, and critical partners like Amazon, Flipkart, and Redington for Xbox. He then moved on to his role as the Head of Marketing at HP, India, after becoming Microsoft's Director of Marketing.


What about the 2022 marketing trends you did not see coming? Which is that one campaign or strategy that has stayed with you from the year 2022?

One thing is sure: many marketing fads have withered out And what I've enjoyed seeing is a lot more purpose-driven marketing and authentic storytelling by brands Take, for example, Virgin Atlantic's dyslexia ad, which has stayed with me. Through social media, Dove has also focused on positive messages and making people feel good about themselves. Overall, brands displayed exceptional advertising inextricably linked to their vision and mission That is proper marketing in which you connect with your customers. From a perspective of what I didn't see coming, some things were good, while some were a bummer. Good things include how experiential marketing has gained attention and importance in the eyes of brands, customers, and marketers And it's admirable how individuals collaborate on the confluence of experiential marketing, digital, content, and everything else. Brands have witnessed phenomenal growth in the year 2022.

Even in these challenging economic times, brands are not scaling back their marketing efforts. They've only stepped up their digital game. What do you think about it?

“Media budgets slashed in a downturn”. Just for your understanding, it sounds good as a headline from a real-world perspective, but let me break it down for you guys in reality. Ideally, we should not drop our marketing budgets when there is a slowdown, in-fact we should consistently invest in making our brand presence felt out there because it's like a workout; you can't build that muscle in one day. So, you must be consistent in what you stand for and how you engage with your customers. The truth is that effective marketing necessitates a continuous flow of funds I believe a positive share of voice eventually leads to a larger market share Look, it's an expense, a cost center that is recorded in the P&L statement of a business. So, is it correct to say that businesses are investing more? Most likely not in its entirety, but companies who are investing more are doing so because a CMO engages with the CFO or CEO and provides them with a complete marketing attribution model, which promises a good ROI and enables growth. It could be seasonal, or it could simply be that companies are launching new products or tapping new markets. Isn't that reason enough why we need to keep our marketing going? While it is difficult to sustain the same level of expenditure on the entire funnel, there might be some cost optimization. However, digital spending has increased, which indicates that the share of digital spending has increased in practically every category. And this is largely due to the media convergence that has happened across content, whether it be influencers, blogs, short videos, or anything else Overall, the market has gained confidence due to how easy it is linked to last-mile trade. Because marketers can use digital not only to target more successfully but also to track and measure what is happening. As a result, spending more money on this becomes a natural choice for them

Brands have become a little more experimental. Many firms have employed AI, gamification, and metaverse in their marketing strategies. How do you think AI is affecting the marketing landscape for Gen Z?

AI is currently the hottest topic on the marketing block. Everyone is talking about how Chat GPT, DALL.E, and a few other tools are evolving and how the world is going head over heels about it, right? Some predict it will replace the entire marketing department, content team, or advertising agencies, while others say it won't It's only as good as what you feed it, after all And I believe that now is the time to use AI in marketing. It all comes down to what you want to do, which should be very clear, and that is where marketing departments and or marketers like you will be involved. AI will provide you with predictive models, better targeting, higherquality content, and faster content But you are the only one who understands what you really want. Why do you require it? How do you intend to communicate? Finally, it's up to you. It's about connecting to your brand's and business's purpose, and then leveraging the appropriate tools over time.

Why is the Apple logo so appealing and memorable to us? It’s not what just meets the eye! The Golden Ratio is a mathematical ratio that has been used for ages in nature, art, building, music, and design. It is proven to capture a viewer’s attention with a lasting impression In a year like 2022, when digital marketing communications have eclipsed all other means of promotions and metaverse is the future, techniques like the golden ratio are particularly useful for both website designs and social media impressions. Skoda Auto, one of Europe's most extensive vehicle manufacturers, had a logo change in 2022. Substantial changes have been made to the branding and the new graphic style The winged arrow emblem has also been changed, and the overall design is now much simpler, cleaner, and well-proportioned, with unmistakable usage of the golden ratio.

It was in the news recently about BuzzFeed using Chat GPT to create content as well. Do you think this is setting up some precedent?

It's not just BuzzFeed that uses it; many other companies do as well. I recently saw ChatGPT author an article for Economic Times as part of a broader conversation. People will consume it as long as it is used correctly and you realize that it adds value to your offering And if you offer value to that person, it doesn't matter if it was done by ChatGPT or by someone writing it. We look at things that help us in our daily lives. And what matters to businesses is how they solve these problems for us. So, why not if Buzzfeed solves a specific problem by using Chat GPT effectively?

What is it that you find striking about the Indian market? How would you compare it to the global markets? Is there anything that Marketers can learn from the west?

You may observe that there are distinct human insights That is why, if someone says India is unique, I absolutely agree In India, for example, some people clean their teeth twice daily. There is no precedent for this happening. Some people are certainly wary about that, but that's much different, right? Everything is different depending on how we grew up or lived with our parents. So the main difference I notice between the two locations is that many new ideas originate from the West Still, it's interesting to see how India adapts things over time and sometimes skips stages. The entire UPI bit that we now have is an example. I can target folks in a specific city, show them my samples, and charge them using any UPI apps. So it's just how India adjusts and places itself in its everyday challenges

In terms of what we can learn from the West, there are obviously trends that can provide many insights. But it's more about how you adopt them in India. How do you think you could engage them effectively over time? That is extremely crucial. Like there are two very different approaches, open marketing vs Tier 2/3 marketing; because India has its own linguistic barriers, diverse people and their distinct lifestyles pose a significant challenge. So it's blending through time, but people have their own unique ways of tackling those difficulties.

What are some of your non-negotiable mantras for building a successful marketing or product management career?

Throughout my career, I have worked on numerous facets of marketing. I've witnessed the retail boom, the dot-com boom, and the social media boom. Now that I'm watching the AI boom, I believe it's simply a tremendous opportunity to go through all these phases and learn Still, if you're out there honestly trying to simplify things, understanding the fundamentals, and then creating the foundation, chances are you'll be noticed over time. Be a smart individual, a gentleman, and a hard worker. Be the smartest, be a gentleman, and be the most hardworking person Give your 110% in the beginning At this point, don't be afraid to learn, whether from your own mistakes or from the experiences of others. At this point in time, don't be afraid to learn, whether from your own mistakes or from the experiences of others. Another crucial thing that has helped me over time is gathering the courage to ask for help if necessary “Never be scared to ask questions ” The response could be "No," but that is the worst thing. So, as young marketers, my advice will be "Learn the rules and break them", "Break them, remake them". What you're learning today is essential because it will help you break the rules wisely Be fundamental with the rules here so you can break them correctly and create something altogether unique


While we loved to see Emily attempt to take Paris by storm with her innovative ideas that elicited emotions, told a story, and went off the beaten track from what is generally expected from a marketing campaign several brands brought these concepts to life to hit the mark in the real world in 2022.

Innovation shone out!

During rising inflation, consumer anxiety, and media storms, brands turned it up a notch with initiatives that successfully cut through the noise, boosting sales or bolstering loyalty. Here's a look back at some of those campaigns from 2022..

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