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Infinite Thought Return to Spirit

Copyright Š 2016 by Mark Benecke Adventures All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1 Man’s Uniqueness 2 Man Is a Triune Being 3 The Universal Truth 4 The Two Kinds of Knowledge 5 How This Works 6 Man’s Inner Transformer 7 Limiting Beliefs 8 Unbridled Thinking 9 The Carnal Mind of the

Preface The human body is an incredible machine. Part of what makes it so impressive (apart from the concept of consciousness and self-awareness) is its ability to regenerate itself. Your outer layer of skin, the epidermis (apart from the thicker dermis beneath), replaces itself every 35 days. You are given a new liver every six weeks (a human liver can regenerate itself completely even if as little as 25% remains of it). Your stomach lining replaces itself every 4 days, and the stomach cells that come into contact with digesting food are replaced every 5 minutes. Our entire skeletal structures are regenerated every 3 months. Your entire brain replaces itself every two months. And the entire human body, right down to the last atom, is replaced every 5-7 years By Feel guide. November 13, 2010.

If this be true, that our entire bodies regenerate and are renewed every 5 to 7 years, then our bodies don’t have to be the product of our physical upbringing, neither do they have to be the product of our environment. We don’t have to accept the medical conclusion of genetic disorders and inherited Genetic Condition as our lot in life. Every cell in the human body is regenerated and renewed every 5 to 7 years without us ever being aware of it taking place, we go about our daily business totally oblivious and unaware of the fact that we are being renewed day by day. So then this begs the question, if I have an entirely new body every 5 to 7 years. How come I am still carrying around in my body these physical problems and ailments that plague me every day. Why do I never see an improvement in my physical condition, if this renewal is happening throughout my body? How come the medical profession is oblivious of how to get this renewal system to benefit the human race? Carnal five sense thinking, limited and restricted I believe that the spirit of man has unbridled potential, but it is hindered and restrained by the carnal thinking of the world system and the five senses All things are possible to him that believeth. The impossible will and can be manifested in the man’s reality if he starts

to think in line with the spirit and purposes to understand the universal Truth.

Chapter 1 Man’s Uniqueness

Every human being on the earth today was created an individual with their own unique spirit, soul and body, we were endowed with the God given privilege and right to make choices. The right to choose what we think. The right to choose what we say The right to choose where we go The right to choose what clothes we wear The right to choose what food to eat The right to choose who we will marry The right to choose what type of life we will live This unique ability of choice has be shaped and influenced largely by the society we were born into as well as in our formative years the family and their beliefs that we were constantly surrounded by. As a baby we were exposed to the dictates of our parents and family who unaware instilled in us their beliefs, hopes and fears on a daily basis. Dad’s confidence or lack of confidence, his hopes of a better tomorrow and his constant striving to create a better future for his family and his fears of never doing enough. Moms

love and tenderness, her compassion towards others and her empathy with the suffering of others, her fear of inadequacy and her lack of self-worth, all these emotions good or bad are focused into energy that impresses the spirit - sub conscience of an innocent impressionable child. It is not long after is that we become of school going age and we are sent off into a cold hostile and uncompassionate schooling system, set up by the beliefs and intentions of the society of the day. Up until this time we were protected through the belief filters of our parents, now vulnerable and exposed we face this new world as fledglings being pushed out of the nest. Subtly and masterfully we are impressed with the thoughts and beliefs of the secular educational system. Influencing and trains our five senses. We are encouraged to judge our surroundings by what we see and feel. The material physical world become the benchmark. Those that educate us are the products of the material physical word and its science. The spirit of man is totally neglected All aspects that pertain to the development of the spirit of man is neglected Our imagination and intuition Our incredible ability to day dream

All these vitally important bridges between the conscience and the sub conscience are discouraged and rejected How many times have you been snapped out of the most vivid day dream just to be told “Stop day dreaming” and “pay attention, we don’t live in a dream world this is reality, so pay attention?” It is through these influences that as children we start to learn how to make choices that affect our lives. It is through these influences in our lives that we abandon the practice of day dreaming and listening to our spirit. These are the influences that cloud and at times cripple the thought proses of the average person.

Chapter 2 Man Is a Triune Being Man is a triune being, He is a spirit, who lives in a body, and possesses a soul. The spirit of the triune being, or as the scientific world would label it, the sub conscience, is the real you that part of you that is one and in direct contact with the source of live. It is through the spirit that we receive the unction’s and the leading’s of God/Source. The body is the earth suit or vehicle by which we experience the material physical world around us, it contains the five senses Sight, Hearing Taste, Smell, Touch and through these 5 senses we interpret the world around us. The soul of man is the thought and emotional center the seat of learning of this incredible triune being called Man. Spirit and soul has to be understood, they are two sides of the same coin so to speak. They have to be separated in the mind of man and accepted as two individual parts. The Spirit the real you, the life force that is in direct contact with God / Source and the universe, is the part that knows all things and is one with God / Source. When the universe wants to instruct, guide or lead you it impresses the spirit, and in turn the spirit impresses the soul by way of an unction, a prompting, a feeling, a small voice, a mental picture and dreams.

This is where our soul, that part of us that uses reasoning, and learning, comes in and plays such an important part. Depending on our education, beliefs, fears and superstitions, this is what will be used to interpret the leading of the spirit which in turn with manifest itself in and through the body positively or negatively. That’s why it is so important to heed to what the scriptures says in Romans 12 vs 2 Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. The average person today has no idea that there is a different way to think, they are bound by the dogma of thought and thinking of the carnal world. That which I can perceive and have been instructed to be the truth though the 5 senses is what rules their thinking and attitudes in life. That’s why when the doctor gives an average person a life threatening negative report they lose all hope and fall into the arms of despair. Their 5 senses have been the master over their thinking and reasoning for so long that they are held captive in this prison of negative thought.

Being a slave to the senses stops one from ever entertaining the thought that anything outside of the material world could be real. The world is geared to keeping us in the sense realm, that which can be seen, touched and smelt is the only thing real and it conforms to the teachings of the corporeal world system. Right through our lives we have been slaves to this limited debilitating habitual pattern of thought. Everything has to have a beginning and an end, a foot is 12 inches and mile is a thousand yards, the human being is born then he dies, the sun rises and the sun sets, there is the truth and there is a lie, if there is light there must be darkness, if there is health there must be sickness, and if there is life there must be death. This is what the world system has taught us for millennia, the scholars of the day had no spiritual insight to the grander workings of the universe, all they had was their thoughts and their reasoning, and we all know what that produced, it was thought that the earth was flat, the sun revolved around the earth and the earth was balancing on the back of a turtle. Mankind was held in the prison of carnal thought and became slaves to its wants and dictates. The human race first started to catch a glimpse of the truth when brave, adventurous spirit sensitive men like Galileo, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the

like started to see and recognize that there was more to this life than what meets the eye. It was through men like these who had the courage and strength and fortitude to act on the unction from the spirit and change the future of Mankind forever. Men and women, and like the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison and Marie Curie who were willing to step out of the confines on the carnal dictates of everyday thought plunged headlong into the unknown, realm of the unseen. It is through men and women like Martin Luther, St Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa who gave up their social lives to live out the unction of the spirit. Looking back over history we can see that the world was shaped and led into successful change and development by the illumination and revelation of the truth, revealed to and acted upon by people like you and me.

Chapter 3 The Universal Truth

John 8 v 32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free” There is only one truth and it upholds, sustains and directs the universe and all that is within it. This truth is an unseen source of energy flowing in and through everything and every human being. The search for this truth has driven men and women on, epic quests all around the world, they have given up their secular lives and taken on extreme hardships in search of this truth. We will not go into the nature of the Truth in this book but we will look at that part of it that pertains to that which we are discussing here. It is now, time to turn the spot light on you and specifically on that which you hold to be the truth. Only you know the full story, your background, upbringing and your scholastic endeavors and achievements. It’s our beliefs that course us to think and react the way we do when facing situations and circumstances in life. Our beliefs are what makes us who we are. Our beliefs make us do the things we do

Our beliefs to a large extent help influence the choices and the decisions we make. Our beliefs create the life we live and the death we will die. If you were like me I had no real choice as a small child but to be exposed to the beliefs, thoughts and opinions of my parents. My power of choice was shaped to that which served my parents and family. Growing up with a set of beliefs that I accepted as the truth and never question its integrity. The world has a set of beliefs based on cultural and ethnic persuasion that everyone in that society just sheepishly followed obediently without questioning. The education of our soul- mental faculties as previously stated was left up to the social and government education system of the day, they only knew how to educate the 5 senses, instilling in us universal facts and beliefs pertaining to social life. It is now, that which you have been exposed to all your life that which you have chosen to accept and believe as the truth. On that premise is how you will live your life. You base most, if not all of the decisions and choices you make in life on your beliefs, weather what you believe, is the Truth or just the worlds desperate attempt to formulate something that sounds reasonable to the carnal mind of man hoping that people will accept and adopt it as the truth and make it a belief and live by it.

So our beliefs are extremely important to what we allow to happen in our lives, if we don’t believe it we don’t entertain it. This is the reason so many people succeed and others with the same and many time superior abilities fail at the same task or never attempt it. What you accept as the truth about yourself you will believe. Mark 9 vs 23 KJ “Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth”. Matt 8 vs 13 GWT “Jesus told the officer, "Go! What you believed will be done for you." And at that moment the servant was healed”. What Jesus was saying here is this, whatever you choose to believe, right or wrong, truth or lie, positive or negative, possible or impossible. If you believe it, it is impossible and it will be done for you. This profound statement from the lips of Jesus should bring you to a cross roads in your thinking, is what I deem as the Truth, that which I believe, think and act upon in my everyday life, is it serving me or is it limiting me, to that which is carnal. If you are leaning towards the latter then it is time to examine the two kinds of knowledge, one based on the carnal mind and the other based on the spirit.

Chapter 4

The Two Kinds of Knowledge

The knowledge based on the carnal mind as we have discussed, is the limited knowledge of the 5 senses filtered through the reasoning mind, the reasoning mind of man is that part of the mind that deals with logic and facts, the reasoning mind is not adventurous, it does not take risks, and always strives to keep you safe, it bases its deductive reasoning, upon that which it can see and feel, the realm of the physical, material, space and time. It always leans toward caution and preservation. It is that part of your mind that keeps you in the sense realm, the arena of intellectualism. Let us strive for a moment to put our reasoning mind aside and open our minds to a higher unseen and largely unknown realm, the realm of the spirit. Most people tend to classify the spirit realm and the dealings of the unseen as nonsensical and mythical Hocis Pocis. The closest that any one has been to the workings of the unseen is the cheap pallor tricks of a magician. The feedback I get on bring up the spirit realm is, you honestly want me be believe in something I cannot see. You honestly want me to put my trust in and rely on something that to me does not exist. Every living thing on the face of the earth has with in it the spark of life, that unexplainable energy that makes the body function, that unseen energy that is totally unexplainable and mystical. No one can deny that at some

time during their lives that they have contemplated the meaning of this unseen, powerful energy called life. This energy that flows through our bodies keeping us alive, flows through every living thing on the earth. Whether we like it or not whether we want to accept it or not we all have that spark of the unseen in us. The second kind of knowledge is the knowledge of the Spirit. The life giving power and energy that holds the earth on its axis as it revolves around the sun, the unseen power and energy that sustains gravity and keeps the integrity of the earth’s atmosphere. The power and energy that creates worlds and upholds the universe is the very same power and energy that keep us alive and is at our disposal every day of our lives. If you can come to the realization that you are a spirit that you live in a body, and you possess a soul that you are one with the source of life that flows in and through you. It is through this revelation that you will transcend the 5 senses and the confines of the carnal, natural mind. It is through this revelation that you will be able to start seeing the world through the eyes of the spirit, coming to a deeper and fuller understanding of what and who you really are. You will no longer see yourself a mere mortal man, limited to the dictates and confines of this earthly realm and its thinking. As a spirit being, we have full access to the infinite wisdom and leading of the source of all wisdom and knowledge, not only do we have access to this infinite wisdom and

leading but we are using is to live our natural lives every single day. The majority of people on the earth today have no concept that the lives they live, they live first in the spirit and what we see and experience in the material world is what we then call reality, this reality is just a mirroring or the reflection of that which we have put in place in the spirit by and through our intentions. With that said, the life we now live in this material world be it emotionally, physically or socially is the product of how we have filtered what we believe to be the truth though our reasoning mind which is given power and energy by the spirit, to create the reality we experience as LIFE every day. The life that we live and experience every day is not the product of random chance, but it is a well-organized, efficient creative system that produces whatever you desire by taking its instruction from our intentions, that which we believe, think and speak. This creative power is not discerning in that it does not judge what is right or wrong, good or bad, it is like the dirt of the earth it will grow any seed you put in it. I have never heard a farmer complain that his ground will not grow potatoes this year, it will only grow corn. The soil will grow and produce just what you put into it. Our thoughts are like seeds that are planted in the fertile soil of the spirit – subconscious mind, which without hesitation will start to produce for us. We chose the thoughts we think and the words speak bases on what we believe is right for us. But what if we were to think and speak words/seeds that are destructive to our

lives, what option would the spirit/soil have, but to produce those intentions in your life.

Chapter 5

How This Works

Okay let's recap Man is a triune being he is a spirit, possesses a soul, and lives in a body and as a spirit he is in direct contact with the source of all things. Being one with the source he has direct access to the power, knowledge and leading of source. As a spirit he is limited to how much the spirit can influence his natural life, as his soul the seat of learning and reasoning is ruled by what he has been taught to believe as the truth. So everything in his life that he is exposed to be it physically, emotionally and materially is all filtered through his soul, filtered through his beliefs and reasoning faculties. It is through this process that he decides and makes, choices to think, speak and act. The thoughts of man are energized with power by his beliefs. Like seeds planted in the ground they will process. The thoughts spoken out expresses the beliefs and intentions of He who speaks them, And these words that are filled with producing ability, will create, produce or destroy anything it is focused upon, physical, emotional or material. So with this knowledge, we can see the awesome power that we have at our disposal and it is unleashed through what we believe, then think, speak and act upon. The majority of the human race have no knowledge of this awesome ability and responsibility that every human being possesses. So the question is why we live in such a messed up world and why our lives are the way they are. It is almost impossible for the average man on the street to accept the truth (spiritual), the clichĂŠ of the day and the mantra of the carnal mind is, “if I can't see it, I can't

believe it”, seeing is believing, they cannot see the truth until they themselves take off the rose colored glasses of the carnal five senses mind, for it to be revealed to them. I am not implying that we abandon the carnal mind, the five senses. On the country we should use the five senses to gauge the truth, whether what the five senses are telling us is the truth or a symptom of a problem to be solved and not fact to be accepted. We have being so well schooled in the natural, that anything to the contrary of what we can see and feel is totally rejected. For example Tim has been experiencing abdominal pain over a period of time, mentioning his symptoms to many of his work colleagues, he is constantly and in phatic being told by his colleagues that his symptoms are signs of cancer, just the sound of the word cancer, causes a shiver to run down his spine, so he dismisses the thought and goes about his life trying not to think about the word cancer, every time he experiences the pain. Days and weeks go by with the pain coming and going, he's work colleagues take every opportunity they can to ask him about how he’s doing and how’s the pain, relating stories of friends and family who experience exactly the same symptoms and were diagnosed with colon cancer and were put through months of chemo therapy to no avail. This poor guy has had he's mind bombarded with natural physical cancer facts that he unwillingly starts to believe that his symptoms could be cancer. When he's asked about the pain, he begins to start saying, “You Know, I believe it could be cancer “, those that he is saying this too start agreeing with him and add their own story which reinforces the belief in him that he has cancer, now with what we have looked at so far in this book, it is clear

what is taking place in the unseen realm of the spirit. The notion of cancer, picked up by Tim’s mind through constant focused thought starts to build in him a confidence that, overtime becomes the truth that he has cancer, this truth believed by the carnal mind and spoken out voicing his new formulated and accepted dominant thought, “I have cancer�. With this thought Tim decides to make an appointment to see the doctor and is diagnosed cancer free, Tim is relieved that the doctor said he found no trace of cancer, But Tim dominant though has convinced him that all the symptoms he is experiencing is too similar not to be cancer. So he continues that same thought paten, based on his fear and now believes that his symptoms or cancerous. Day after today Tim verbalizes his belief of having cancer, until he becomes total obsessed with the thinking of having cancer. Tim now believes and is convinced he has colon cancer. Through this illustration we can see how important it is to be aware of the things we allow ourselves to be exposed to in our thought life. We need to guard our eyes and ears to what we allow ourselves to be exposed to, though books, magazines, radio and Television and especially the people we hang out with and the conversations we participate in. Thoughts repeatedly meditated upon, and or worried over, constantly rehearsed in the minds, become the dominant thoughts, that start to control the way we live our lives. The words of well-meaning friends, and family have tremendous influence on our thinking, and shape what we believe, and the way be approach life.

Thoughts and beliefs, which are continually focused upon, transmit tremendous energy, which is given out into the unseen realm of the universe. This energy the Law of Vibration is picked up by the Law of Attraction, and it, the Law of Attraction, immediately starts working behind the scenes, to bring that dominant thought to fruition. The more we focus and entertain the thought, good, or bad, and energize it with emotion, feelings, that thought will become the dominant thought, and the Law of Attraction will start to move heaven and earth to alien whatever it has to, to manifest that though in your realty.

Chapter 6

Man’s Inner Transformer

As our bodies are made up of molecules, and atoms, vibrating at a different frequencies, it is safe to say, that we are beings, of energy. As beings of energy every cell, every organ, every muscle, every fiber, every vain, every blood corpuscle right down to the very strands of our DNA is controlled by this energy. The life energy that flows from the source to us, is filtered and translated through our soul, mind, beliefs and thoughts. Our sub conscious mind is like a transformer that is continually receiving electricity from the power station, the transformer has to convert and distribute the electricity as required. The sub conscious mind is man’s transformer for this life energy, it is the converter, translator and distributor of this energy, it is programed to convert and distribute this energy by and through the thoughts we continually focus upon, it accepts those thoughts to be our beliefs and our desires, and to that end it works ceaselessly in harmony with the Law of Attraction in channeling that creative energy moving heaven and earth to manifestation the intention of thought. The energy that flows to us from source in neutral, it does not discern weather the intentions on man is good or bad, positive or negative. This energy has only one purpose and that is to create and give life.

Man’s sub conscious is impartial and accept the focused thoughts of man as what he really believes and desires in this life. The sub conscious mind has thousands of blue prints that have been embedded into it of thoughts and beliefs, the longer we hold on to the blue print of thought and belief that money is only obtained through hard work and that money is hard to come by, that’s what the energy will manifest as our reality. The sub conscious takes the creative energy that is constantly flowing through it, and filters it though the beliefs and thoughts system embedded in it as the truth, it then converts that energy into a frequency a vibration that will produce, change or maintain the blue print of our thoughts. As long as we continue to think the same way and maintain those thoughts as beliefs and opinions, our lives will never change. This is a sobering though and a very dangerous game to play. The frequency of energy that is produced through the sub conscience converter, sends a message to every cell in our body, the message that, those cells receive will change or maintain the cells homeostasis and integrity. A converted fileted energy vibration (a continuance focused thought) with a frequency of cancer will saturate the body’s cells and start to recode the DNA of the body to conform to the intention of the thoughts and beliefs of the person thinking them.

The cells of the human body cannot function independently they receive information from their nucleus that allows them to reproduce or change and make more of those changed cells. The information that the nucleus receives is directly from the sub conscious that directs the flow of life giving energy to it. So now we can see that what we think, believe, speak and act out, has not only an effect on our everyday life but it has a direct effect on our bodies down to our very core. For far too long, we have dismissed the significates of the words we speak, making light of things that can, and have been ruling, and running our lives, what we thought as innocent gestures, such as, my feet are killing me, or you’ll be the death of me, I am sick and tired, I laughed to death, I am dying to see to see you, and so on and on, as the seasons change, and winter approaches, we a lined up as sheep for the seasonal flu shot, we are programed to think, “when we get a cold, “or “when we get sick”, “not if. But when”. As if we have no say in the matter, and this is the way life is supposed to be. I have met very few people, if any that had any idea, that they could control their lives, besides setting up a time management program. Virtually every one that you meet, will spew out the same old programed, negative garbage, one person told me, you must play the hand you were dealt, and fate may smile on you, and luck could come your way, superstitions, like don’t walk under a ladder, and don’t open an umbrella in doors, that will bring you bad luck, others believe in, the Doris Day Doctrine, the words of her song

When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, "What will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?" Here's what she said to me "Que sera, sera whatever will be, will be the future's not ours to see Que sera, sera what will be, will be" When I grew up and fell in love I asked my sweetheart, "What lies ahead? Will we have rainbows day after day?" Here's what my sweetheart said "Que sera, sera whatever will be, will be the future's not ours to see Que sera, sera what will be, will be" Now I have children of my own they ask their mother, "What will I be?" Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?" I tell them tenderly "Que sera, sera whatever will be, will be the future's not ours to see Que sera, sera what will be, will be Que Sera, Sera!"

What will be will be, is the down fall of many, ignorant, person who has become the victim, of the negative worlds system, that trains and influences, the sub conscious minds of man, until the accepts, what they say is the truth

Chapter 7

Limiting Beliefs Let us look at limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs or those beliefs that do not serve you. Limiting beliefs are those beliefs that hold you back. Limiting beliefs are the beliefs that stop you from completing that task, that project or that book you have all ways wanted to write and never did because you always thought you were never good enough. All the time and study that you have put in towards that degree but never completed, because you never felt that you were intelligent enough and then dropped out. Those limiting beliefs that keep telling you that cancer and leukemia is incurable and if you lost a lime that it could never regenerate. We have looked at the carnal minds limiting beliefs earlier in this book. We have come to realize that the carnal mind is trained through and by the five senses, and the five senses is the culprit for placing limiting beliefs on the throne of our reasoning mind. These limiting beliefs have created a kingdom in which we are its subjects and demands our obedience. Limiting beliefs are so powerful that they have shaped the way we live or lives, they have emotional crippled us and kept us in the wheelchair of the carnal mind, pushing us back and forth by every new idea that becomes popular. Let us look at how we can dismantle limiting beliefs. How we can dethrone a limiting belief.

First and foremost one has to recognize that it as a limiting belief. Once you single out a thought and recognize it as a limiting belief, we have to see how powerful and deeply rooted that limiting belief is, and what influence it has in and over your life. This is not an easy task, because limiting beliefs to a large extent make us who we are they form the life we live and can be deeply rooted in our sub conscience mind. Earlier in this book we discovered the two kinds of knowledge. Spiritual Knowledge the Truth Carnal Knowledge the Deception. To be able to assess whether the thoughts that you are thinking are bases in Spiritual or Carnal, weather are empowering or limiting you would have to look at the impact they are having in and on your life. With this knowledge you will be able to test every thought, in the light of the truth. Does it serve me or does a limit me. If the thought is in any way negative, it is not serving you, and is bringing you down. 2 Corinthians 10 vs 5 King James Version “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;� The Bible says that we are to take every thought captive that does not line up with the Word of God, which is Jesus, the Truth, this means we have to purposely confine that thought, stop it immediately from continuing its destructive work, we have to brake its hold and power over

us, and remove it from ones thinking replacing it with a empowering thought. This responsibility is given to on one else that ourselves, You and I, we are the ones who have to take every thought that we think captive, and hold it like the accused that it is, and interrogate it, we do that by filtering that thought through the filter of the knowledge of the Truth, does this thought empower me or dose it limit me. If you find that that thought is a negative thought, and it seems like that thought could be holding you back then it is time to pull down that thought and replace it with an empowered, positive, life-giving thought. I know. I know. I can hear you asking how do I pull down and replace a negative thought with an empowering thought. This is easier than you think we do it every day. Every single day we hear people offering us their opinions, new ideas and thoughts from many different sources and we make the decision whether we are going to take that thought or that opinion and let it be a part of our thinking. Many times the thoughts and opinions of others are totally opposite to what we believe, then it is our choice whether we pull down the thoughts we believe as true and replace them with the new thoughts or opinions. This process is done by taking the thought or opinion and judging it in the light of who said it, and from where it comes. If the thought or opinion comes from a rather reliable source, then it is easier for us to accept it as a truth, we then take this new thought and meditate on it by turning it over and over and over in our minds. We speak to friends and family about it, we speak to ourselves about it, then over a

period of time we slowly replace the thought that is in our minds with this new though and empower the new thought with emotion and persuasion. By continually doing this type of thinking, by mulling over and meditating on this new thought we slowly replace the old thought with the new thought, through repetitive thinking on the new thought, and then by speaking to others about it every day we slowly convince the subconscious mind that this new thought is what we hold as The Truth. Constantly thinking about the new thought, is the process that we use to impress our conscious mind as well as our subconscious mind. As we have mentioned earlier in this book our minds as well as our subconscious minds are like the soil, it does not question what we plant in it as thought seed, once that thought is planted and we continue talking about it to ourselves and to others, that is like water to the seed and it will germinate and start growing and take root in the subconscious and that seed thought will do whatever it needs to do through the law of attraction and through source energy to produce itself in your reality. So we need to become proficient in recognizing limiting thought and beliefs, then consciously make the effort to replace them with an empowering thought, every time that thought comes up you need to stop and say to yourself, “stop, I don’t want to think that,” and start replacing those limiting thoughts with the new empowering thoughts. It is going to take time, as in the natural seeds takes time to germinate and grow to their full potential, so is replacing a thought and having it burned into your subconscious as the truth will take time and effort. It may take months of daily conscious repetition on the new thought to replace the

limiting thought, every time the old habitual thought comes up, replace it with a mantra of the new thought, do it over and over again. Repetition is the formula for success in replacing old limiting thoughts with empowering new thoughts, repetition will help burn those new empowering thoughts into your subconscious, as a truth. This truth will then become a habitual way of thinking which in turn will become part of your character which in turn will become part of your reality and your everyday thinking, good or bad. We have to become very serious about this, if we are to make any significant change to the way our lives are going, and to change the state of our minds, as well as the state of affairs in our bodies. It all comes down to how strong your will is to want to change your life. By changing your thoughts through repetitive thinking and speaking, you will embed and burn the new thought as a belief into your subconscious mind, and it will be through that new belief that everything you do will be filtered and through this filtering every part of your life will be affected by and though this new belief. So, how does this affect my body from being renewed every single day? I am sure that by now you are aware that many of your thoughts that have become beliefs in your subconscious mind do not serve you. The majority of those thoughts have been embedded in your subconscious mind from a child.

Chapter 8

Unbridled Thinking

My aim in writing this book is to take you from limited thinking to an unlimited way of thinking. From limited possibilities to infinite unlimited impossibilities. No restrictions to your thinking, that your new affirmation is all things are possible. I can only achieve this monumental task by getting you to see and accept that you are a triune being, that you are a spirit that you live in a body and you possess a soul. It is only through the revelation and recognition of the triune being, that man can see the impossible can be the possible. As a spirit we are limitless. We are one with the father, and he is one with us, and only as a spirit man can we look at the words of Jesus, when he said, John 14 vs 12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.� The things that I have done on this earth you will do and greater things will you do. Does that mean we could also speak to the wind and waves? Does that mean that we could also walk on water? Does that mean that sight could be restored to the blind? Does that mean that we could like Jesus when he appeared to his disciples in the upper room That he appeared through the wall, Does that mean that we too, when the

people wanted to through Jesus off the cliff, the scripture says he turned and walked through them. Does that mean that we can have what we say? Does that mean that thoughts can become things? Does that mean that we could move mountains by faith? Does that mean that if we believe all things are possible? Does that mean that we too can say as Jesus did when he spoke to the Roman centurion go home your servant is healed? Does that mean we too can speak to the wind and the waves and calm the sea? Does that mean that we too can speak health to our bodies? Does that me we too can have our bodies cleaned and restored as the lepers did. Does that mean that we can replace negative thoughts, those thoughts that have become the truth in our minds that do not serve us, with thoughts that are energized through our healthy intentions that will serve us? Those health energized thoughts that will renew our bodies cells and stabiles the gene regulatory network system in the human body, that will slow down and eventually stop the aging process, those health energized thoughts will begin to reprogram our DNA. Those thoughts will filter the pure source energy through our newly established beliefs, beliefs that say we are healed and whole, beliefs that say that our bodies can regenerate and perfectly renew itself, and that our bodies function to the perfection to which they were created.

I believe it means just that, all things are possible That everything Jesus said that he did while he was on the earth we could do on this is Earth and even greater things. John 14 vs 12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” That is the reason I wrote this book, I believe all things are possible to him that believeth. Whether all things are possible to him that believes, ever becomes a part of you thinking is up to you. You have to make that decision, you will have to willingly come to the acknowledgement that you are a triune being, and as a triune being, Body, soul and spirit, you have directly access to the source of all things. You have direct access to the power that creates worlds, you have direct access to the God that formed the universe with his hand, that source of energy is flowing to your spirit every day of your life. You are the one that has to decide whether you will take what is flowing to you by God and use it to live the life that Jesus spoke about, John 10 vs 10 KJV “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

He said I have come to give your life, but not only life but life more abundantly. To me that means that no one has to ever be sick or have any physical ailments. Once you have the knowledge of the truth, you know that you can change the way you think, and by changing the way you think, you can change the way your subconscious mind filters the energy, the life source which is directed to every molecule, every cell and every atom in your body. I know that the life source, filtered through the intention of your thoughts can reprogram and recode your DNA, that every cell in your body can and will be renewed to its original state before the fall and the fault was spoken and believed as the truth. Thoughts, beliefs and truth get passed down from generation to generation. Every new generation is being programmed and reprogrammed with the thoughts, beliefs and the faults of their parents and societies that they have believed for years and years, they passed these thoughts and beliefs down to their children which pass them down to the next generation and to the next generation, forging these thoughts and beliefs into their subconscious minds, holding them captive, that this is the only way things are going to be. They do not entertain any other thought that does not uphold that which has been taught by the five senses. So mankind stays captive to his five senses. And his knowledge of truth, will never rise above the level of the five senses. So man stays in he's fallen state of limited thinking. Until he comes to the realization that there are two kinds of knowledge, and that he is a spirit, living in a body and possesses a soul, until that time man will never reach his potential

because he will never move out of the carnal minds thinking.

Chapter 9

The Carnal Mind of the Medical Profession

Multitudes of men and women every year enter high places of learning to study the human body. The medical profession has stated that lost limbs and digits, weather through a birth deformity, an accident or through an amputation, will never regenerate like a lizard’s tail, in is impossible because our bodies are not designed that way. The medical profession has limited itself as well as everyone on the planet with their ignorance and rejection of the triune nature of man. Doctors have no knowledge of the spiritual nature of the human body, they are trained to be very practical and physically hands on. The healing of the body is a mystery and we have no control or influence over it, medicine can only aid the body healing itself. The removal or the repair of sick or damaged organs in the body is not done to heal the organ but to help the body to function as best as possible while it heals. As a patient, we put our full trust in the medical profession and in our family doctor, his diagnosis is all we have, and many times we don’t like what we hear so we seek a second opinion. This action of seeking a second opinion sheds some light on man’s fight to not want to accept a bad report. The fight for life is strong in the human being.

The spirit of man knows that there is something more to life than what the natural world can offer. The diagnosis from the doctor is by the world’s standards the final authority and is accepted as such. The acceptance of the doctor’s diagnosis starts to define the nature of the person that accepts it, depression, sadness and stooped countenance is observed. The light of hope has to be shed on the dark acceptance of what the world deems as a fact. Man was created with a perfect glorified body, a body that had no death in it, and a body that was clothed with light, with energy exuded from his spirit. Man was created a spirit, and he as a spirit was breathed into an earthly body that gave it life, he was given a soul to assimilate with his surroundings. Man’s body was created perfect. It was through the fall from perfection that the spirit of man was now exposed to the fallen carnal soul of the five senses. Man’s spirit was now for the first time a blank slate. Man’s soul was separated, cut off from the companionship and wisdom of his creator and as a child his soul was eager and ready to establish new thoughts and believes in his spirit. Immortality took on mortality and over time it started to take its toll on the body. Man no longer clothed by light and sustained by the knowledge of the Truth, had to start finding ways to express himself and his feelings.

The deceiver took full advantage of his newly acquired position as the god of this worlds system and the only access to knowledge that man had. Deception was spoon fed to man by the deceiver and through this disinformation man starts to set up his thoughts and beliefs. Thoughts and beliefs of negativity and destruction. Death rains supreme, not only in and on the earth but in man’s soul and body starts to succumb to death that resides in him. Man had lost his awareness of the knowledge of Truth. Man was the slave to his carnal mind and the dictates of his flesh. His body and soul cried out every day for redemption. This redemption came with the sacrificial redemptive work of Christ on the cross. The words “It is finished “uttered by Christ on the cross, signified that man was no longer the separated outcast, subject to the oppression of the deceiver. Man was now redeemed and forgiven from the original sin.

Man was reinstated back to the place that he was when he had access to the Knowledge of the truth. Man received access to that glorified body that he had when he was first created. We as the redeemed have the fullness of what man had when he first walk the earth clothed in glory and in communion with the source of all knowledge. Theologians will for lack of revelation, keep us as sinners saved by grace. Granted we were once sinners, but we are now the righteousness of God in Christ no more sinners. Theologians and the religious world don’t understand the nature of the new creation. They keep man as a sinner saved by Grace. Man is no longer a sinner but the righteousness of God in Christ. Man is a unique creature on the earth. Man is still in a mortal body but has access to the divine knowledge of the Truth. He can live his life on earth with divine intention

You and I as part of the human race, seek the Truth, and once discovered appropriate it in every arena of your life. You receive a complete new body every 5 – 7 years Why not intend to live in a complete perfect and whole body Nothing Broken Nothing Missing God Bless You on Your Path to the Truth and complete Wholeness

Conclusion You have read it. You have felt the thrill of a new way of thinking tugging strongly at your hearts door. Now, what are you going to do? Are you going to let it end with just a thrill, or are you going to begin now to take control of your thoughts and start to reprogram you spirit/subconscious for life. You have been enlightened. You have been challenged. Now go to work.

In every thought you’ll find it vibrating In every word you’ll find it hiding In every action you’ll find it revealed The life you’ve chosen to live

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