#1 Conscious impulses can travel at speeds of up to 140 miles per hour. Unconscious impulses travel at around 100,000 miles per hour.
#2 Your subconscious mind comprises 17% of your brain mass but only controls between 24% of your perceptions and behaviour. #3 The conscious mind looks for patterns and objects that are familiar and rejects those that aren’t. #4 Your brain has enough ‘space’ to store 1,000 terrabytes of information. #5 There are 400 miles of blood vessels in your brain. #6 The conscious mind is under your control and no person or circumstance can force you to think thoughts or ideas that you don’t specifically choose.
#7 The thoughts you impress from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind will determine your future. #8 The subconscious mind controls 96-98% of your perceptions and bahaviors. #9 The subconscious mind averages 400 billion operations per second. #10 The subconscious mind sees in pictures and symbols and will accept as completely true any image you send it.
#11 The subconscious mind doesn’t know fact from fiction. It cannot distinguish between reality and imagination.
#12 You have 1,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000 Possible neurological connections inside of you. #13 There are 3 parts of the brain. The primative brain, the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex. #14 The primitive brain is a region about the size of an apricot. It controls basic functions like blood circulation and controls the ‘fight or flight’ responses. The primitive brain takes over when we experience stressful situations whilst the other parts shut down. This explains why we find it difficult to think clearly whilst under stress. #15 The cerebellum is the part of the brain known as the mammalian brain. It processes your emotions and long term memories. #16 The cerebral cortex occupies about 80% of your brain area. It determines language, reasoning and thoughts. #17 In the 1960’s a scientist by the name of Roger Sperry discovered that different activities
were associated with different sides of the brain. This became termed left brain and right brain thinking.
#18 The left brain is the logical thinking side and the right brain is the creative thinking side. #19 The brain is the only organ in our bodies that has no nerves. #20 Your brain represents only 2% of your body weight. #21 60% of the brain is comprised of fat.
#22 The energy consumed by the brain is approximately 25 watts, enough to illuminate a light bulb.
#23 The brain uses 20% of oxygen that we breathe. A loss of oxygen for ten minutes can result in significant neural damage. #24 Men’s brains are 10% bigger than women’s but women’s brains have more nerve cells and work more efficiently than men’s. #25 Your brain continues to develop into your late 40’s. #26 The human brain has the same consistency as tofu.
#27 The aroma of chocolate produces an increase in theta brain waves, this in turn helps you to relax.
#28 During orgasm, the brain releases such high levels of dopamine that a brain scan resembles that of someone high on heroin. #29 ‘Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia’ is the correct scientific name for the sensation of brain freeze.
#30 A sand granule sized piece of brain tissue contains a staggering 100,000 neurons and a billion synapses that all communicate with each other. #31 Your brain information moves faster than a Formula 1 car at an impressive speed of 260mph compared to the 240mph which a F1 car can reach. #32 On average you will experience approximately 50,000 thoughts a day, of which 70% will be negative. #33 Over the past 10-20,000 years the average size of the human brain has shrunk by the size of a tennis ball. #34 Your eyeballs are direct physical extension of your brain. #35 It is estimated that during your lifetime your brain may retain as much as one quadrillion bits of information.