Acts Chapter 15/Commentary

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The Book of Acts Chapter 15 Outline 1. The point at issue (15:1-4) 2. The debate in Jerusalem (15:5-21) a. Peter (15:7-11) b. Paul and Barnabas (15:12) c. James (15:13-21) 3. The conclusion and letter: (15:22-29) 4. Antioch receives the letter (15:30-35) 5. Churches in Syria and Cilica receive the letter (15:36-41) For some years now Gentiles were becoming Christians, but what had started out as a trickle in Acts 10 and 11 is now becoming a torrent of conversions, especially following Paul’s first journey (14:27). Yet some professed Christians of a Jewish background had a problem with Gentiles becoming Christians without first converting to Judaism and being circumcised (15:1ff). In addition, we have false brethren (Galatians 2:4), who are trying to force Christians into believing that keeping the Law of Moses is essential for salvation (Acts 15:1). 15:1 “Some men came down from Judea and began teaching the brethren”: That is, they came down to Antioch and tried teaching the following among the Christians there. Paul will later write that what


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