The Book of Acts Chapter 19:1-20
Outline: I.
Paul in Ephesus: 19:1-41 A.
Those baptized under John's baptism: 19:1-7
Preaching in the Synagogue: 19:8
Teaching in the School of Tyrannus: 19:9-10
True miracles and pretenders: 19:11-20
Paul's future plans: 19:21-22
The riot in Ephesus: 19:23-41
Paul had actually started his Third Missionary Journey in Acts 18:23, and Luke temporarily put this journey on hold as he told us about Apollos (18:24-28). In this chapter he returns to the Third Journey. In coming to Ephesus, Paul is also permitted to preach in a region that he had been prevented from entering on the second journey (Acts 16:6), and came back to a city in which he had only briefly evangelized (18:19-21). 1