Galatians/Chapter 1:1-10/Commentary

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Galatians Chapter 1:1-10

Outline: I.

The Salutation: 1:1-5


The Rebuke: 1:6-10


The Source of the Gospel Paul Preached: 1:11-24 A.

Independent of Human Teaching: 1:11-12


Independent of Judaism: 1:13-14


Independent of Apostolic Influence: 1:15-19


Independent of the Judean churches: 1:20-24

“Since his visit to these Galatian cities the churches which he had founded had been troubled by false teachers. These men had mounted a powerful attack on Paul's authority and gospel. They contradicted his gospel insisting that for salvation more than faith in Christ was needed. You had to be circumcised as well, they said, and keep all the law of Moses (see Acts 15:1, 5). Having undermined Paul's gospel, they proceeded to undermine his authority also. ‘Who is this fellow Paul, anyway?’ they asked scornfully. ‘He certainly wasn't one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. Nor, so far as we know, has he received any authorization from anybody. He is just a selfappointed impostor.’ Paul sees clearly the dangers of this two-pronged attack, and so he plunges, right at the beginning of the Epistle, into a statement of his apostolic authority and of his gospel” (Stott p. 12). “This charge had been made in Corinth and called forth the keenest irony of Paul (2 Corinthains 10-12)” (Robertson p. 275). 1

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