Galatians Chapter 2/Commentary

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Galatians Chapter 2

Outline: I.

Paul's Visit to Jerusalem: 2:1-10


Peter's Visit to Antioch: 2:11-21

“The theme of the preceding chapter is continued in chapter 2, a defense of the gospel by defending Paul's authority as an apostle. The independency of Paul's apostleship is confirmed by two additional evidences: 1. The authentication of Paul's message as confirmed by the ‘right hand of fellowship’ given him by the Jerusalem apostles (2:1-10). 2. The authentication of his apostleship and message as seen by his public rebuke of Peter (2:11-24)” (Willis p. 46). “Paul, having shown that his gospel was independent of the powers at Jerusalem, proceeds to prove that it was fully endorsed by them” (McGarvey p. 256). “The bane of Paul's life and ministry was the insidious activity of false teachers. Wherever he went, they dogged his footsteps. This matter is of importance for us because Paul's detractors have plenty of successors in the Christian church today. They tell us that we do not need to pay too much attention to his writings. They forget or deny that he was an apostle of Jesus Christ, uniquely, called, commissioned, authorized and inspired to teach in His name. They ignore Paul's own claim (1:11,12)” (Stott pp. 39-40). Those in some liberal churches today who are advocating that the teaching in the gospels takes precedence and priority over Paul's epistles find themselves being the modern day equivalent of the false teachers that Paul faced. Because they too place Paul's gospel in a "second-rate, pick what you like from it and discard the rest" type of message. “One of the ways in which some false teachers of Paul's day tried to undermine his 1

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