Romans Chapter 7:1-12
Outline of Chapter Seven: I.
Change of relationship from the Law to Christ illustrated: 7:1-6
The dawn of conscience: 7:7-13
The defense of the Law: 7:14-25
“The sense of bondage which comes through the relationship of the law prepares the soul to seek deliverance through relationship to Christ” 1 “Paul is still defending the doctrine of justification by faith against the supposed objection that it allows sin. The supposition is that if a man be declared just without the works of the law (flawless law-keeping), then he is free to break the law. Paul declares, on the contrary, that justification by faith issues in a life of holiness....He has in the preceding chapter drawn an illustration from the institution of slavery, and has shown that one who is united to Christ has been delivered from the bondage of sin and has been made a servant of righteousness. In this paragraph he is using the illustration of marriage...thus he shows that the life of faith is a life of freedom from sin (habitual) and the law (flawlessness), yet it is a life of purity and holiness” 2 “This chapter begins with Paul taking up again the thought he expressed in 6:14. It is freedom from Law that keeps sin from having dominion over people who have sinned. He will make the claim in 7:1-6 that the only way for sinners to acceptably serve their new Master is to get out from under the Law that demands flawlessness. As long as sinners are bound under the iron rule of Law they are required to offer flawlessness. If they offer less than, that sin becomes their master” 3 “In 6:14,15, Paul has made the statement that a Christian is ‘not under law but under grace’. This was a very hard thing for Jews to accept. In verses 1-6, Paul shows how it is true that the Law of Moses is no longer binding, and how this is in reality a blessing!” (Reese p. 289). In addition, note the parallels between this 1 2 3
McGarvey p. 352 Charles R. Erdman pp. 83-84 McGuiggan p. 206 1