Colossians Chapter 2:16-23/Commentary

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Colossians Chapter 2:16-23

Outline: I.

Warning against regressing: 2:16-23 A.

Regressing back to the Law of Moses: 2:16-17


Regressing back to the worship of angels: 2:18-19


Regressing back to asceticism: 2:20-23

Great spiritual truths always have very practical benefits and applications (Romans 12:1ff). Paul has already stated that Christ released us from the demands of the Law of Moses (2:14). Now he gives some practical applications for God does not always leave the reader to simply draw his own conclusions. Just in case these Christians (and we) fail to draw the right conclusions and logical ramifications from 2:14, God draws the proper applications for us. Here we also learn that bad theology leads to bad practices. “The false notions about the person and work of Christ, which are corrected in the positive affirmations of chapter 2:8-15, gave their inevitable corollary in these unusual aberrations on the practical side� (O'Brien p. 137).


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