Daniel Chapter 4/Commentary

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Daniel Chapter 4

4:1-2 Nebuchadnezzar reigned for 43 years (605-562 B.C.). It appears that this event takes place later in his reign, after he has completed a number of building projects (4:30). Many Biblical critics deny the historicity of this chapter claiming that there is no record of this event among heathen writers of antiquity. Actually a couple of ancient writers confirm the events of this chapter. Berosus and priest in the temple of Belus during the days of Alexander the Great noted that Nebuchadnezzar, after he had built various projects, fell sick. Abydenus (268 B.C.), a pupil of Berosus, notes that after Nebuchadnezzar’s conquests that he ascended his palace and he was seized by some god (See Bible Study Textbook, Butler pp. 142-143). Chapter 4 is a proclamation that was sent throughout the Babylonian Empire by Nebuchadnezzar that praises the true God. Daniel was led by the Holy Spirit to include this official proclamation. Be impressed that everyone in the Babylonian Empire during the days of Daniel learned about the true God! “The king of all the peoples”: The Assyrian and Babylonian kings regarded themselves as kings of all the earth, and in their inscriptions were accustomed thus to speak of themselves. “His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom”: Whereas earlier Nebuchadnezzar believed it was his own power and wisdom that had consolidated the kingdom under his authority, he learned that it is God who rules according to His will and uses those He chooses as His instruments. “One thing the king had to admit, no human king thus far was so mighty that he could prolong his own reign if Daniel’s God will it otherwise” (Butler p. 145). One should not be confused that Nebuchadnezzar is speaking so Biblically, for he had clearly interacted with God and Daniel. We need to be impressed that Nebuchadnezzar was a pagan and worldly dictator, and yet he wants to declare to the world what was a very humbling experience for him, when he says “It has seemed good to me” (4:2). The best stories that need telling are those that exalt God and humble ourselves. 4:4 The king was at rest, feeling secure and completely free from apprehension. His wars were over; his kingdom firmly established and prosperous beyond his fondest dreams. “He had built a magnificent city, gathered about him the wealth and luxuries of the world, and now he was preparing to while away the remainder of his life enjoying it all” (Butler p. 145). 4:5 The term “fearful” means petrified with fear. “How easily is the mightiest of mortals made afraid. For all his mighty armies, he could not keep dreams from successfully invading his bedroom” (McGuiggan p. 73).


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