Ephesians Chapter 3:14-21 Outline: I.
Paul's prayer for the Ephesians: 3:14-21 A.
Prayer for inner strength: 3:16
Prayer for stability in love: 3:17
Prayer to comprehend Christ's love: 3:18-19
Praise to God: 3:20-21
Paul now resumes the prayer that was started in 3:1. Considering how far these Gentiles had come, from being absolutely hopeless and godless (2:12), to being fellow members, fellow heirs and fellow partakers of God's promise (3:6), Paul now prays that these Christians would make full use of all the privileges and blessings that are found in a relationship with Jesus Christ (1:3). Ephesians 3:14 “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father”. “For this cause”: “With this in mind” (Knox). (1:15; 3:1). Here Paul is resuming his train of thought where he had left. What is it that moves him to pray? Surely it is both the reconciling work of Christ and his own understanding of it by special revelation? These are the convictions that undergird his prayer. This being so, an important principle of prayer emerges. The basis of Paul's prayer was his knowledge of God's purpose...the indispensable prelude to all petition is the revelation of God's will. We have no authority to pray for anything that God 1