Exodus 11, 12, 13 Commentary by Mark Dunagan

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The Book Of Exodus Chapters 11-13 I. Chapter 11: 11:1 Up to this time it doesn’t appear that Moses knew how many plagues would be brought upon Egypt, now God informs him that only one more will be needed. The word plague here means “to strike”, different Hebrew words are used in 9:14 and 12:13. This would be the final blow upon Egypt. Point To Note: In looking at Exodus 11:8, it appears that the speech given in 11:4-8 took place in the presence of Pharaoh and it took place before Moses had left the Egyptian court, as is recorded in 10:28-29. “The conversation of 10:28-29 is continued in 11:4-8. 11:1-3 is an interruption in the narrative, inserted to explain how Moses knew about the last plague, and could therefore tell Pharaoh about it” (Fields p. 224). In view of the Egyptian reaction to the last plague, Israel needs to be prepared to leave on a moment’s notice (11:1). 11:2 In light of their soon-coming deliverance the Israelites were to request articles of silver and gold from their Egyptian neighbors. The Egyptian people were apparently more kindly disposed to them then Pharaoh. It is well known that both Egyptian men and women wore jewelry. Point To Note: There isn’t anything unethical about this asking, for the Egyptians knew that they would never see such articles again. In addition, such was small compensation for 400 years of bondage (Exodus 3:22; 12:35). Since everything belongs to God anyway (Psalm 24:1), He could of have the people ask for much more. I am amazed at the hypocrisy of various Biblical critics, who on the one hand try to prove that something God commanded was unethical, but on the other hand when it comes to their own lives, try to use the Bible to prove that the Bible endorses situation ethics, and hence approves of their own unethical behavior. 11:3 This verse explains why the Egyptians honored the requests of a slave people. Why they were so willing to hand over some of their valuables to slaves? The influence of Moses was probably due to the plagues that were


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