Isaiah Chapters 40-41/Commentary

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Isaiah Chapters 40-41 Chapter 39 had concluded the first part of the book that emphasized judgment, and this portion of Isaiah will stress comfort, restoration, and deliverance. “Chapter 39 of Isaiah’s great book had ominously concluded with a prophecy of the coming Babylonian Captivity. In this section, the design of God’s prophet is to prepare Judah for this punishment, and to assure them of ultimate deliverance from that captivity. This would be accomplished due to the fact that Jehovah would keep His covenant promises regarding the Hebrew nation and because, being deity, He is able to accomplish what He purposes” (Jackson p. 77). “When Isaiah wrote these prophecies of restoration Judah still had over 100 years of difficulty ahead of her before she fell to Babylon, and then she faced 70 years of captivity. Anticipating the future Captivity and God’s restoration, Isaiah wrote to encourage the Judahites to live righteously in the present, despite forthcoming difficult circumstances” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 1091). “The first major section of Part Two (chapters 41-48) is devoted to God’s claim to power, which rests on His sole deity and Godhood. As proof of His power and sole deity, He points to His ability to foretell events and then bring them to pass. Of all evidence for the inspiration of the Bible there is none more convincing than the declaration of events to come and their fulfillment as foretold. This also affords grounds for faith in every crisis; God is a promise-keeping God” (Hailey p. 327). 40:1 “Comfort, O comfort My people”: “In former times the prophetic voice had been primarily one of doom, but now it is one of comfort” (Hailey p. 331). This verse is not directed towards the unrepentant, but towards the remnant, the faithful that would survive the coming Captivity. 40:2 “Speak kindly to Jerusalem”: Literally, “to the heart”, that is with gentle and encouraging words. “Her warfare has ended”: Or, her hard service and “time of enlistment”. The coming captivity will be like unto the hardships of war. “That her iniquity as been removed”: “This expression of divine grace presupposes repentance; for there can be no pardon, either then or now, apart from the sinner’s repentance” (Hailey pp. 331-332). Thus Isaiah is not teaching that hardship in and of itself forgives our sins. The conditions of forgiveness that centuries before Moses had set forth (Deuteronomy 30:2-3, 8-10), had been fulfilled. “Double for all her sins”: The idea is not that God had punished them 1

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