Isaiah Chapters 58-59 58:1 Isaiah is commanded to cry out and expose the sins of the people. This sort of preaching has never been popular, but it is needed (2 Timothy 4:2-4). “He is to cry without restraint and withhold nothing as he exposes the sins of the people” (Hailey p. 472). 58:2 In light of verse 1 is it clear that the seeking God in verse 2 was an insincere seeking. “The people showed outward evidence of wanting to do God’s will, probably by consulting priests and prophets” (Gaebelein p. 322). The truth is that the nation was pretending to be seeking God each day, and they were acting like they were a righteous group. 58:3 “Why have we fasted and You do not see?” The people complained that while they were doing their part (supposedly obeying), God had failed to do His part, that is bless and protect them. “Apparently they thought that by going through the ‘motions’ of religion (without any inward reality of faith) they would be blessed” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 1113). 58:3 “Behold, on the day of your fast you find your desire, and drive hard all your workers”: Their fasting had not improved their poor relationships with others. They were ignoring the needs of their fellow man and were exploiting their employees (Deuteronomy 24:14-15; James 5:1-6). “Apparently they made the fast easier by idleness and made up for lost time by getting their laborers to work all the harder. Fasting undertaken as a duty can produce an edgy, irritable community” (Gaebelein p. 323). 58:4 In addition, during all this fasting they were quarrelling and fighting with others, thus their prayers were not heard on high (1 Peter 3:7). “Their fast days had even become an occasion for feuding and fighting; in view of such conduct, did they actually expect the Lord to hear them?” (Jackson p. 117). “God does not accept such fasts nor does He hear contentious voices raised in sham praise and prayer” (Hailey p. 473). 58:5 The only fast that God had commanded in the Law was upon the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:29-31). “Formally bowing the head like a rush or spreading sackcloth and ashes without the spirit of remorse, humility, and sincere petition to Jehovah, is hypocrisy” (Hailey p. 474). Yet there have always been many people who would prefer to perform some outward act than truly repent and change. 58:6 In contrast to such hypocrisy, God would have really appreciated it if the people would have a fast against sin, where they would start to treat each other properly. 58:7 Compare with verse with what Jesus taught in Matthew 25:31-46.
“The Israelites were to consider themselves members of one family who at one time had been slaves in Egypt. Therefore they were not to neglect each other” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 1113). 58:8 Blessings will only come when the people change and start to love their neighbor as themselves (Matthew 7:12). Clearly concern for others is not to be an isolated event, but an entire lifestyle (Galatians 6:1-2,10). 58:9 “The pointing of the finger”: Notice the “if”. This verse deals with stopping oppression, which includes stopping the practice of character assassination. “They must desist from pointing the finger of accusation and scorn at others, for such action cuts deeply; they must cease from speaking wickedly of their fellows” (Hailey p. 475). 58:10 These verses are not merely speaking of a return of earthly blessings, but spiritual renewal as well, note especially verse 11. One will shine like the sun at noon. 58:11 “The righteous one will be as productive as a well-watered garden; he will be an unfailing spring” (Hailey p. 476). Compare with Psalm 1:1-4. Even in difficult circumstances, the faithful will be content and strong (Philippians 4:1013). The bones signifies the whole person (Psalm 6:2), and thus faithfulness brings healing and strength to the entire person, mind, body and spirit. 58:12 “You will be called the repairer of the breach”: This may refer to the physical rebuilding of the temple after the captivity, or it may refer to the fact that the faithful in every generation are called upon to repair the breaches caused by sin. This is another way of saying that the faithful restore the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16). 58:13 “The Jews of old, like many moderns, selected the commands of God they wanted to obey. While they fasted rigorously, they neglected the Sabbath” (Jackson p. 118). “If”: The people have a choice. “From doing your own pleasure on My holy day”: The people had been neglecting the Sabbath and were doing what they wanted to do. “Call the Sabbath a delight”: The people should have been rejoicing in this day of rest that God had given them. “They should have observed it as a day of ‘exquisite delight’, holy and honorable because Jehovah had sanctified it for their good” (Hailey p. 477). Do we view God’s commandments as a delight? Are we appreciative of the opportunity to hear His word, sing His praises, and remember His Son? “Honor it, desisting from your own ways”: We honor God and His commands by doing His will instead of selfishly living for ourselves. “And speaking your own word”: Sadly, many people are more impressed with their own opinions than with God’s truth. “Engaging in trivial conversation or even empty words during worship (Ecclesiastes 5:2-7). When one learns the lesson, the Sabbath will be a delight, for it will be a day of withdrawal from the secular and a day filled with spiritual enrichment” (Hailey p. 477).
58:14 Do we delight in the Lord? “I will make you ride on the heights of the earth”: “Faithful Israel shall soar above the purely mundane and find delight in God and His ways. Further, Jehovah will feed him with the true heritage of Jacob, the full wealth of the Promised Land” (Hailey pp. 477-478). Please note how God wants us to rise above the trivial and the mundane, God wants us to soar above the trials of life and have our sights set on more important things (Matthew 6:33). The reason that God wants us to put Him first, is not so our lives can become further burdened, but rather so we can be released from all the silly things that plague and shackle the unbeliever. God wants us to live lives of meaning and purpose. Chapter 59 59:1 The reason that the people have not realized God’s blessings and salvation is not because of any lack of power or desire on God’s part. Neither is He deaf, that is ignorant of their needs. Indeed, He has both revealed His omnipotence and omniscience and His desire to bless them. 59:2 God could save them from any circumstances, the problem is that these people who are wanting God’s intervention are rebels against God and His Law. Sin does cut off the communication between man and God (Proverbs 28:9). Sin does prevent prayer from being answered (Psalm 66:18). “The prophet who could speak words of great comfort and encouragement could also confront his hearers with their sins and make them face unpleasant spiritual and moral facts” (Gaebelein p. 325). How often do people, even some Christians, blame God for not answering their prayers, when the real problem does not reside in any lack of ability on God’s part, but rather with our refusal to depart from our sins! 59:3 Here specific sins are revealed. God never makes false accusations. Their hands were stained with blood, that is they were guilty of all sorts of injustices (Isaiah 1:15,21), and they spoke lies and plotted future sins. 59:4 No one was standing up for God’s truth. “They initiated lawsuits, but not with integrity. None pled the cause of truth” (Jackson p. 118). Here is a great description of moral apathy among a people. “They trust in confusion”: Sinners like moral confusion, they want everything to be a gray area and the more they can muddy the moral water they better (John 3:19ff). The unrepentant sinner is very comfortable with the idea of no absolute truth and situation ethics, for in such a climate he can remain free from human condemnation. “They conceive mischief”: They actually plan to sin, compare with Micah 2:1-3. 59:5 “They hatch adders’ eggs”: “Sin multiplies as if they were breeding it. The conduct of the people is equivalent to hatching poisonous snake-eggs; those who eat such will die” (Jackson p. 118). “Lies and lack of moral integrity and of righteousness are bound to poison a society and ultimately bring it to death” (Hailey p. 479).
59:5 “Weave the spider’s web….” 59:6 “Their webs will not become clothing, nor will they cover themselves with their works”: This may refer to the practice of trying to ensnare and entrap the innocent. Their best laid plans for evil will fail. It could also mean that such webs are woven in order to conceal their sin, but God sees everything. “The metaphors seem to imply that what these evil people produce seems at first wholesome and constructive, only to be revealed for what it really is later. Evil is ultimately counterproductive, not only for its victims, but for its perpetrators. Sin is self-destructive” (Gaebelein p. 326). In like manner, the person who digs a ditch will fall into it himself, ill-gotten gains do not profit, and the deceiver ends up deceiving himself. They thought their evil plans (webs) would produce material gain and protection. 59:7 “Their feet run to evil and they hasten”: Here is an eagerness and rush to sin and sin often. “Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity”: Compare with Genesis 6:5. As a result, only devastation and destruction awaits them. They destroy others and they will be destroyed in the end. “The wicked do not enter leisurely into evil” (Hailey p. 480). 59:8 “They do not know the way of peace”: As a result “peace” alludes them. “There is no justice or sense of right in their life; they themselves have made their paths crooked. Those who enter such a life shall find not peace but its opposite---discord, turmoil, and strife” (Hailey p. 480). Carefully note that these people were not born this way, rather they have made their paths crooked. Even though people resist the following truth, it remains truth, real peace cannot be found apart from God. See Isaiah 57:21. 59:9 “Therefore”: Because the people are not seeking God, here are the consequences they were experiencing. “Justice is far from us”: “Sin has left its dire effects. There is no justice, no righting of the existing state of affairs” (Hailey p. 480). The justice under consideration would include God’s saving justice, that is, God’s deliverance of them from their enemies. Notice that life is not better and neither does utopian happiness arrive when God’s law is ignored, rather life becomes miserable in a culture. “We hope for light, but behold darkness”: Compare with Deuteronomy 28:15,29. Sin brings misery, unhappiness, frustration, confusion, chaos, and gloom. 59:10 This is a very realistic picture of a culture apart from God, with each person groping for an answer. When God is ignored people are left to grope in the dark, for man is blind apart from God. 59:11 Here is frustration, anger, and malcontent. 59:12 They stubble and moan because they are suffering the consequences of rebelling against God. “Their transgressions are not hid; they are plainly evident, known to God and man: we know them. Thus, the people are without excuse for not correcting their errors” (Hailey p. 481). Compare with Romans 1:32. 59:13 The following is a list of their sins, they denied the Lord, were oppressing the innocent, were guilty of revolting against God, and in their hearts they were conceiving more evil (Matthew 7:20-23). Notice how the sinner is haunted by his or her past.
59:14-15 Things have become so bad that anyone who might stand for what is right is in danger of losing their life. “Like a soldier felled in battle, so truth is fallen in the street, cast down by those who should have upheld it” (Hailey p. 482). One of the warning signs in a culture is when godly people are harassed for their rejection of evil. Remember, “hatred of the consequences of sin and its destructive effects on one’s own life are not necessarily evidence of true repentance” (Gaebelein p. 326). Notice the reaping in this section. The people had rejected justice, so justice eludes them in reference to those oppressing them. “As a result of such corruption, those who attempted to live right became victims of the ungodly in society” (Jackson p. 119). 59:16 There was no man who could intercede for the nation, Israel was completely unable to save herself. “Who would arise to right the wrongs being visited upon the afflicted? Who would be an intercessor? There was no one to do it” (Jackson p. 119). Yet God would bring salvation and deliverance by His own power. 59:17-18 Here is a description of the armor of God prior to Ephesians 6:10-18. God will come as both a Savior and as a Judge. He will save His own and deal zealously with those who remain His enemies. God will even deal with individuals who have opposed Him in distant places (“coastlands”). “In this battle there will be a fair and just judgment for all. They will receive according to their attitude toward God and the deeds which follow therefrom” (Hailey p. 483). 59:19 “God’s great acts of judgment upon evil will cause men from around the world to reverence Him. His wrath will come against His enemies like a rushing, overflowing stream” (Jackson pp. 119-120). 59:20 Yet some will repent, a Redeemer will come to Zion. Paul quotes this passage in Romans 11:26-27. Notice that the Lord is a redeemer to those who turn from their transgressions, to others He is a Judge that will condemn. Isaiah notes that the Redeemer will come to Zion, which Jesus did, and Paul notes that the Redeemer will come from Zion, which He also did when the Jews rejected the gospel and the message was then sent to the Gentiles. 59:21 The covenant under consideration is the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:3134), the covenant that offers forgiveness of sins (20). This covenant will be accompanied by the coming of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-30; Acts 2:17ff). 59:21 “Nor from the mouth of your offspring’s offspring..from now on and forever”: This verse reveals that the word of God in its purity will always exist (1 Peter 1:23-25) and that in every generation there will be the faithful remnant of believers (Romans 11:1ff; Daniel 2:44; Hebrews 12:28). “Spiritual Israel, the church, will be for ever proclaiming the words which God has made known through His Holy Spirit” (Jackson p. 120). “There will always be a seed (remnant) holding faithfully to His word, passing it on from one generation to the next” (Hailey p. 485).
At times people worry about where the church was in the dark ages or if the church will exist in future generations, yet we forget that in the Old Testament period there was a tremendous amount of apostasy and unfaithfulness, yet God always had His faithful remnant (Romans 11:3-4), even when it looked like (from a human perspective) that such a remnant did not exist. Just because we may not be able to find, at times, a historical record mentioning the existence of a faithful remnant in a particular period of history, does not mean that no faithful people existed!